State and Local Policy Database

Transportation System Efficiency

Sound land use planning is vital to support alternatives to driving in the United States. Energy-efficient transportation is inherently tied to the integration of transportation and land use policies, and for a state to reduce vehicle miles travelled, it must have an approach to planning that successfully addresses land use and transportation considerations simultaneously.

No policy in place or proposed

Last Updated: July 2017

Puerto Rico's Act No. 276 of 29 passed in 2012 (Law No. 276-2012), known as the “Smart Growth of Infrastructure Act”, establishes official guidelines to promote smart growth development on the Island and outlines criteria that all infrastructure agencies must follow when approving or financing new or existing projects. Additionally, Act No. 212-2002, known as the Law for the Revitalization of Urban Centers provides incentives for the redevelopment of urban centers in P.R. The law focuses on the concept of a walkable and habitable city.     

FAST Freight Plans and Goals: No freight plan or goals in place. 

Last Updated: July 2017

No policy in place or proposed

Last Updated: July 2017