Public Building Requirements
State governments operate numerous facilities, including office buildings, public schools, colleges, and universities, the energy costs of which can account for as much as 10% of a typical government’s annual operating budget. To reduce energy use and lower energy bills, states may set mandatory energy savings targets for new and existing state government facilities. These energy savings requirements encourage investment in efficient buildings and retrofit projects. State governments can benchmark energy use through tailored or widely available tools such as EPA’s ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. Benchmarking ensures a comprehensive set of energy-use data that can drive cost-effective energy efficiency investments.
The Alabama Division of Construction Management (DCM) has adopted the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) with companion codes, effective July 2022, applicable to all state-funded buildings, as well as any construction on state-owned property, all public and private schools including kindergarten through twelfth grades and post-secondary education, hotels/motels and movie theaters.
For more information on the adopted Alabama Division of Construction Management (DCM) code, visit State Building Code
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Passed in 2010, Senate Bill 220 mandates the following of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to perform an energy audit of each public building at least once every seven years. The energy audit must include recommendations for corrective measures to improve energy efficiency and minimize the life-cycle cost of the public building surveyed. SB 220 also requires 15% energy efficiency improvement retrofits by 2020 of 25% of the state's public buildings that are 10,000 square feet or larger not including legislative or court buildings. Senate Bill 220 also included a provision mandating ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 compliance on all retrofits or deferred maintenance of public facilities performed under the 25% improvement section of the bill.
In addition to the retrofit goal of reducing energy use by 15% in 25% of the public facilities by 2020, any new facilities managed or owned by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 10,000 square feet or greater that are not legislative or court buildings, must be constructed to the latest version of ASHRAE/IESNA standard. The Department of Education also requires that new facilities constructed with FY14 funds must be constructed to the same ASHRAE standards.
Senate Bill 220 also directed the Office of Management and Budget to work with state agencies to develop a standardized methodology to collect and store energy consumption and expense data. The state has benchmarked over 1,700 public facilities (as of June 2013). Data is compiled in the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS) database. A voluntary effort is underway to benchmark publicly owned buildings not owned by the state of Alaska.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
In 2003, the Arizona legislature passed House Bill 2324, which modified ARS 34-451. The 2003 law requires state agencies and universities to achieve a 10% reduction in energy use per unit of floor area by 2008 and a 15% reduction by 2011; newly constructed state buildings must be consistent with the ASHRAE 90.1-2004 (equivalent to IECC 2006).
Executive Order 2005-05, signed in February 2005, requires that all state-funded buildings constructed after the date of the Executive Order meet at least the LEED Silver standard. As of June 2013, Arizona’s three state universities have 42 LEED rated buildings.
Executive Order 2008-29 required all state executive agencies to conduct an analysis of energy usage by January 2009 and identify what actions are required to meet their energy goals. It is unclear if Arizona currently has benchmarking requirements in place for public facilities.
Last Reviewed: September 2020
The Sustainable Energy-Efficient Buildings Program, enacted in 2009 with the passage of HB 1663, directed the Arkansas Energy Office to develop a plan for reducing energy use in all existing state owned major facilities by 20 percent from 2008 levels by 2014 and 30 percent by 2017. Major facilities are defined as construction projects larger than 20,000 gross square feet of occupied or conditioned space. For new construction, the criteria specify that public buildings must be certified to be at least 10% more efficient than ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007, as it existed on January 1, 2009. The law directed the Arkansas Energy Office to develop a program to manage energy, water, and other public agency utility uses to reduce total energy consumption as long as the savings can be justified by a life cycle cost analysis. The Arkansas Energy Office must update this program annually. HB 1663 also directed the Arkansas Energy Office to complete an energy audit of every public agency within five years.
In May 2009, Governor Mike Beebe issued Executive Order 09-07, directing all executive-branch agencies to submit strategic energy plans describing energy-savings measures that can be implemented by the agencies. The plans should include provisions for collecting and monitoring energy use data. Other state agencies are encouraged to develop strategic energy plans as well.
Arkansas Act 1494 of 2009 requires all state agencies paying utility bills required to submit usage reports through Energy Star Portfolio Manager. Other agencies and institutions of higher learning encouraged to do so on a voluntary basis. The state currently benchmarks over 25 million square feet of public building space. The Arkansas Energy Office (AEO) is currently working with the US Green Building Council (USGBC) to collect and compile individual building reports.
Last Reviewed: September 2020
CA Executive Order (EO) B-18-12, signed in April of 2012, established targets for energy and water efficiency, as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for state agencies. Energy and water use was reduced further in 2019 from baselines. Energy savings targets included reductions in grid-based energy purchases by 20% by 2018 using 2003 as a baseline. State buildings have already reduced energy use by 21% through 2019 since 2003, while its total building area has grown 18% reducing its overall energy use intensity by 33%. California has already doubled the 2020 water energy savings target reduction. EO B-18-12 established targets for 50% of newly constructed state buildings and major renovations started after 2020 to be zero net energy, and 100% by 2025, as well as 50% of existing square footage shall include measures achieving zero net energy by 2025. However, in October 2017, a new policy went in to effect in the SAM section 1815.31, moving up the start date for 100% of new state buildings, major renovations, and build-to-suit leases beginning design after October 23, 2017, to be designed, constructed, and verified to be zero net energy (ZNE). This effectively moved up the start date for these ZNE new buildings by eight years. 50% of existing square footage shall include measures achieving zero net energy by 2025. Over 5 million square feet of existing state buildings are already ZNE, and another 3.3 million square feet are in design or construction that will achieve ZNE. A ZNE webpage includes policies, energy efficiency targets, tools (including a ZNE calculator), and resources to help state buildings achieve ZNE. The state facility website can now search individual facility data under each state department.
In 2016, former Governor Brown approved a definition for ZNE for existing and newly constructed state buildings, which closely aligns with the definition DOE published in 2015. In October 2017, state policy for meeting the Governor's Executive Order was published and outlines requirements, strategies, and resources to help state facilities achieve ZNE. It also established all state buildings, including new, major renovations, and build-to-suit leases, beginning design after October 23, 2017, are to be ZNE. Additionally, energy efficiency targets were established for 50% of existing state buildings required to achieve ZNE by 2025 (see this document). These targets were established by 27 building types and occupancies prevalent in state use, and translated into 16 California climate zones. They reflect top quartile (25%) efficiency levels for each building/occupancy type, based on historical state building energy benchmarking. A ZNE calculator was developed to assist state agencies with calculating compliance and estimating renewable energy generation requirements.
Newly constructed state buildings or major renovations smaller than 10,000 square feet must comply with the California Green Building Standards Tier I (15% more efficient than the California Building Energy Efficiency Standards) and incorporate building commissioning. New or major renovation of state buildings larger than 10,000 square feet must comply with the California Building Energy Efficiency Standards, earn the "Silver" level of LEED certification, incorporate on-site renewable energy (if economically feasible), and new and existing state buildings are required to incorporate building commissioning. State agencies have installed over 43 MW of onsite renewable power generation at state facilities and more is planned or under construction. The University of California has installed an additional 36 MW of onsite renewable power and has more projects planned or under construction. Executive Branch facilities have many other installations underway and are well on track to reach 100MW goal by 2020. State facility energy, water, and GHG data are publicly displayed on website:
The Green Building Action Plan for EO B-18-12 further requires existing State buildings over 50,000 square feet to complete LEED-EB certification by December 31, 2015, to the extent it’s cost effective. Already, 231 new, existing, and leased executive branch state buildings (over 22 million square feet) have achieved LEED certification. Additionally, the University of California has more than 250 LEED certifications for its buildings, covering over 25 million square feet. State facilities were ordered to reduce water use by 10% by 2015, and 20% by 2020, from a 2010 baseline. State agencies have already reduced water use by 7.6 billion gallons annually, or 40% since 2010. Both energy and water use for all state facilities are benchmarked annually into the Energy Star Portfolio Manager. State agency energy use, water use, and GHG emissions are posted on the Governor’s public Green Building Website, and beginning in 2016 included individual facility data that is updated weekly. The Department of General Services working with State agencies has developed policies and guidelines for the sustainable operations and practices of State buildings to achieve operating efficiency improvements and water and resource conservation.
These new polices continue to be developed, updated, and incorporated into the State Administrative Manual (SAM). State agencies were also ordered to plan for and expand their electric vehicle charging infrastructure at state facilities, and DGS developed a guidance document for state facilities for planning and installation of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).
Last Reviewed: June 2022
Executive Order D 005-05, signed in July 2005, requires all state government agencies and departments to adopt the LEED rating system for existing and new buildings to ensure reductions in energy use to the extent practical and cost effective. The executive order also requires an energy management program within state agencies to monitor and manage utility use and costs. Executive Order D2010-006 expanded this requirement, calling for all state buildings to track energy use, with the exception of higher-educational buildings due to their unique relationship with the state. Under this directive, agencies must provide details from tracking energy and water consumption to paper usage and reduction. K-12 schools are now subject to very high efficiency standards after the passage of SB 13-279 in 2013. The goal of this school efficiency bill is to create resource-efficient schools, which use 33% less energy and 32% less water that their conventional counterparts.
Clean Energy Economy for the Region (CLEER) supports the tracking of energy use in public buildings through its Active Energy Management Program. The program has helped schools and public buildings save 10-30% of their energy use without retrofits. CLEER has assisted over 80 public buildings in western Colorado to track and manage their energy use.
The State of Colorado is in the process of setting one and five year goals in numerous areas including energy and water efficiency, petroleum reduction, environmentally preferable purchasing, and greenhouse gas emission reduction. The State is also developing directives for agencies and departments that ensure successful achievement of the goals. These include the requirement that all agencies prepare annual energy and water management plans and that energy performance contracting feasibility studies be performed for all state-owned buildings.
Colorado's High Performance Certification Program (HPCP) requires that buildings funded with state moneys or with moneys guaranteed or insured by the state where such moneys constitute at least 25 percent of the project cost achieve the highest performance certification attainable as certified by an independent third party pursuant to the high performance standard certification program. Colorado's Office of State Architect has approved the use of three different programs under this policy: U.S. Green Building Council, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design New Construction (USGBC LEED-NC) guideline with "Gold" as the targeted certification level; the Green Building Initiative (GBI), Green Globes guideline with "Three Globes" as the targeted certification level; and for the Colorado Department of Education, K-12 construction, the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (US-CHPS) is an optional guideline with "Verified Leader" as the targeted certification level.
While State buildings are exempt from local ordinances, the State of Colorado buildings are voluntarily participating in Denver's recently passed ordinance on benchmarking and transparency. Starting in June 2018, all State buildings over 50,000 square feet in the City and County of Denver will voluntarily benchmark utility data using Portfolio Manager and make this information available to the public. In June 2018, the State will do the same for buildings over 25,000 square feet.
Executive Order D 2019 016, signed December 2019, amends and replaces Executive Order D 2018 026 concerning the Greening of State Government. This EO builds on the State's prior greening govenrment efforts, and establishes new goals and directives that will save taxpayers money and reduce the impact of State operations on the environment and public health, including:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 10% below 2014-15 levels by the end of fiscal year 2022-2023.
- Reduce energy consumption per square foot by at least 15% by the end of fiscal year 2022-23.
- Increase the percentage of renewable electricity by 5% by the end of 2022-23. That would come from state-owned renewable energy systems; renewable energy purchased through a power purchase agreement, or through a solar garden subscription; utility renewable energy purchase programs; and/or leased rooftop solar or other renewable energy installation.
Executive Order D2022 016 amends and replaces Executive Order D 2019 016 to establish new goals to reflect the State's continued commitment to efficient and sustainable government operations and to meet and surpass the State's goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving indoor air quality and reducing local pollution across Colorado. The new goals include:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from State operations by at least 26% by the end of FY2024-25 over the FY 2014-15 baseline.
- Reduce energy use per square foot in State facilities by at least 15% by the end of FY 2024-25 over the FY 2014-15 baseline.
- Ensure that at least 7% of total electricity consumed by State facilities is renewable by the end of FY2024-25.
- Reduce potable water consumption by at least 2% by the end of FY 2024-25 over the FY 2014-15 baseline.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Connecticut has several requirements to help reduce building energy consumption and help decrease utility costs, emissions, and the operating costs of state government facilities. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) implements the successful Lead by Example (LBE) program (CGS §16a-37u). In April 2019, Governor Ned Lamont expanded the LBE program per Executive Order 1 (EO 1) and established related sub-targets for state agencies to meet the goals of Executive Order 21-3, released in December 2021. EO 1 and EO 21-3 consist of 11 total state goals such as a 45% decrease in greenhouse (GHG) emissions below 2001 levels by 2030 and a requirement to reduce Executive Branch buildings’ GHG emissions by at least 1% annually.
To support state building energy efficiency projects, Connecticut has deployed a variety of fiscal resources including bond funding and Energize CT programs. Since 2012, Connecticut has used bond funding under the LBE program to approve 117 projects that cumulatively save $10.3 million in annual utility costs and 2.3 million MMbtus of energy.
With funding supported by a charge on customer energy bills, Energize Connecticut offers several energy efficiency programs that offer state agencies the opportunity to save energy and money. This portfolio of programs includes the Small Business Energy Advantage (SBEA) program, which offers a financial platform that combines incentives for relevant energy efficiency measures with a zero percent financing option to cover the balance of the project costs. Since 2014, the state has implemented 191 SBEA projects that result in $2.3 million in annual savings and the reduction of 13 million kilowatt-hours (kWhs) and 15,087 ccf (one hundred cubic feet of gas) natural gas. In 2020, the maximum project cost was increased from $100,000 to $1 million, allowing agencies to take advantage of more comprehensive energy-saving solutions.
High-Performance State Buildings: In 2006, High-Performance State Buildings were mandated through General Statutes Section 16a-38k-1 to 16a-38k-7, creating an above code building standard for all State-funded construction projects. In 2007, Governor M. Jodi Rell signed HB 7432, which broadened and increased the state's green buildings requirement. The bill also extended energy efficiency requirements to school renovations and construction where at least $2 million is provided in state funding. All of these facilities must exceed the current building code energy efficiency standards by at least 21%. In 2019, Connecticut expanded its High Performance Building Performance Standard to establish state building construction standards by January 1, 2022, that incorporate a nationally recognized model for sustainable construction codes of high-performance green buildings. Sustainable construction codes that promotes constructing high-performance green buildings that, among other things, (1) have reduced emissions; (2) are designed to conserve water resources and promote sustainable and regenerative materials cycles; and (3) provide enhanced resilience to natural, technological, and human caused hazards.
Benchmarking: In 2014, DEEP was required to benchmark energy and water consumption of state owned and operated non-residential/residential buildings with a gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or greater using the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®. DEEP must make this data public (CGS §16a-37t). In addition, the electric and natural gas utilities are required to configure the most recent 36 months of nonresidential energy consumption data for uploading into EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (CSG §16-245ii).
In 2017 Connecticut purchased EnergyCAP, a web-based platform, to enable more precise and up-to-date benchmarking data. Energy and water data is collected in EnergyCAP, which tracks energy use by state agencies. Each agency is responsible for scanning and uploading their energy invoices into EnergyCAP on a regular basis, with the exception of the electric and natural gas invoices (which are sent automatically into EnergyCAP via Electronic Data Inflow). This building-level utility use data helps guide agencies when developing strategic plans for energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy projects. In 2021, EnergyCAP data was shared with the EPA’s Portfolio Manager to continue the State’s benchmarking efforts. To date, the data regarding 549 state buildings over 4,000 square feet has been shared with Portfolio Manager.
The ENERGY STAR program requires third-party verification by a professional engineer or registered architect prior to awarding ENERGY STAR building certification. Recently, as part of Connecticut’s 2022-2024 Conservation & Load Management Plan, the electric and natural gas utilities are working with the Institute of Sustainable Energy to support towns to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification. The electric and natural gas utilities provide funding support to municipalities to hire professional engineers and registered architects to verify applications.The electric and natural gas utilities provide technical assistance and financial resources to help the State and municipalities benchmark their facilities and certify.
The Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE) has recently formalized benchmarking assistance protocol with the formation of a “Benchmarking Help Desk,” which gives towns, state agencies and schools a resource for questions related to energy benchmarking and the use of ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. ISE provides one-on-one or group training on the use of Portfolio Manager for those interested in the upkeep of their portfolios, with personalized instruction based on the needs of the interested party. ISE has benchmarked over 900 buildings in Connecticut and has provided technical assistance to DEEP, the Technical High School System (CTHSS), the Board of Regents, St. Joseph's Residence - Enfield, the Alzheimer's Resource Center, Middlesex Community College, several towns, GT Green Leaf Schools, and over 100 municipal and state building managers enrolled in the GPRO courses. As a result of the benchmarking and engagement from ISE, CTHSS implemented LED lighting upgrades through the utility-run Small Business Energy Advantage Program and received a 2016 CT Green-Circle Sustainability Award for its energy saving successes.
In addition, through the State's Demand Reduction Program, Connecticut has worked with Eversource to develop a pilot to reduce electric demand and costs in state and other buildings. Enersource and Artisenergy have conducted preliminary energy audits to determine which buildings would be the best candidates for this project.
As a result of these efforts, the EPA recognized Energize Connecticut Partners as the 2022 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence and Energy Efficiency Program Delivery. Energize Connecticut developed a pilot to convert customers using oil or propane heat to air-support heat pumps and maximized home performance measures with little to no cost for low-income homeowners. Key 2021 accomplishments include:
- Increasing rebates for insulation—the most impactful efficiency recommendation in Home Performance with ENERGY STAR—to maximize energy savings.
- Offering efficiency improvements during the initial energy assessment, including direct-install measures, health and safety testing, air sealing, duct sealing, and water-saving measures.
- Providing incentives for more than 500 ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments.
- Promoting ENERGY STAR certified heating, cooling, and water heating with independent and big box retailers, manufacturers, equipment distributors, and contractors.
- Offering enhanced incentives for heat pumps to provide pandemic relief, resulting in the installation of 12,800 air-source heat pumps.
- Adding incentives for ENERGY STAR certified lab grade refrigerators and freezers and ultra-low temperature freezers to aid Connecticut’s more than 200 healthcare research institutions in vaccine distribution and storage efforts.
Executive Order 21-3 formally adopts electrification in the state. The EO 21-3 requires a move towards electrification-which will require changes to the state code. By 2023, DEEP and DAS shall develop a plan to retrofit existing fossil fuel-based heating and cooling systems at state buildings to systems capable of being operated without carbon emitting fuels. By 2023, DEEP and DAS shall develop a plan and a budget to achieve zero-GHG emissions for all new construction and major renovations funded by the state or in facilities owned/operated by the Executive Branch, targeting construction beginning in fiscal year 2024 and after. The state shall deploy an average of 10,000 kWDC of new solar capacity annually for the next 10 years, primarily sited new projects sited on state buildings or property.To implement this requirement will require above state code modifications to support EO 21-3.
Public Act 22-25- on or after January 1, 2023, requires new construction of a state facility-to install level 2 chargers in 20 percent of parking spaces. The act also requires municipalities to require new construction of commerical/multi unit residential building with 30 or more spaces to require at least level two charges in at least 10 percent of parking spaces.
During the 2022-2024 term, the utilities will focus on promoting high-efficiency, low-carbon space and water heating technologies, such as heat pumps and heat pump water heaters. Additional decarbonization strategies will include a renewed push for Zero Net Energy, Zero Net Energy Ready, and Passive House certifications for commercial and residential new construction projects. The utilities will introduce packaged energy efficiency program offerings for all-electric new construction projects through the C&I Portfolio's programs. The utilities will also begin to align the C&I new construction program, Energy Conscious Blueprint, with the US Department of Energy’s Grid Interactive Efficient Building initiative. The utilities will also offer increased technical and financial support for low-carbon technologies in retrofit applications and will significantly increase their efforts to weatherize residential and C&I buildings.
The CT high performance building construction standards apply to statewide school, university, municipal and state building projects that meet criteria. CT is updating these requirements to incorporate the 2021 International Green Construction Code, which provides for EV ready parking-and installation of charger.
Last Reviewed: August 2022
In February 2010, Governor Markell issued Executive Order 18, which set a variety of energy conservation goals and requirements intended to make the state a leader by example in clean energy and sustainability.
Under Executive Order No. 18 (EO 18), executive branch State agencies and departments in State-owned or State-leased buildings were directed to achieve an overall collective reduction of 30%, subject to funding opportunities and constraints, by the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 when compared to FY 2008. The order further prescribed a series of energy conservation practices for state employees to follow, such as turning off lights when they are not in use, eliminating the use of portable appliances, following green computing practices, and maintaining appropriate thermostat settings. The order also directed new construction and major renovation projects to be designed to meet or exceed the USGBC LEED Silver rating standards, and certification must be pursued for such projects if it can be accomplished at a reasonable cost. EO 18 also directs executive agencies and departments to procure at least 30% of their electricity load from clean, renewable sources.
As an extension of the State's efforts to track energy use in public buildings, Delaware joined the Better Buildings Challenge (BBC) in 2012. The BBC is a voluntary program administered by the U.S. Department of Energy, setting long range energy reduction goals for building portfolios and requiring partners to track and report detailed energy use annually. The BBC also requires partners to submit at least one showcase project to demonstrate best practices in energy efficiency and energy conservation, as well as develop and follow an implementation model that serves as a playbook to achieve energy use goals, identify barriers, and implement replicable solutions. The State currently tracks executive branch State buildings over 1,500 square feet using EPA's Portfolio Manager tracking database, or over 8 million square feet of state owned public building space. This achievement marked the State's successful completion of all BBC requirements, and as a result, Delaware was recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy as a BBC goal achiever. The State continues to participate in the BBC, and is being recognized for energy reporting for the 7th year in a row. To date, Delaware has exceeded its energy goal to reduce energy intensity by 20 percent relative to baseline levels and reported a cumulative energy usage reduction of 28 percent.
Last Reviewed: August 2022
The District of Columbia is a partner with the Better Buildings Challenge and has set a goal of reducing energy use by 20% across the portfolio by the end of 2020, as formalized in Mayors Order 2013-209. The entire District government portfolio has committed to the US DOE Better Buildings Challenge to reduce energy use by 20% by 2020. The Sustainable DC Plan sets a goal of reducing energy use in DC government buildings (and citywide) by 50% by 2032. Numerous pilot initiatives, assessments, and retrofits have already been executed to reduce energy use. Many of these projects have showed a 15% improvement in electricity consumption and some have reached 25% savings. Sustainable DC 2.0 calls on District Government to “retrofit and maintain all buildings owned by District Government to reduce energy use by 50% and maximize the installation of renewable energy technology.” Action EB.9 in the Clean Energy DC plan (released August 2018 and beginning implementation in 2019) calls on District government to lead in an aggressive deep energy retrofit program, followed by a net-zero retrofit program. Based on those recommendations, the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act requires the District’s Department of General Services to complete the strategic energy management plan for reducing both energy & water use across their portfolio of government buildings by 2020, and codifies the 9% and 2.5% targets recommended by the Clean Energy DC Plan.
In July 2008, the District of Columbia passed Clean and Affordable Energy Act of 2008, which requires D.C. government buildings and large private commercial buildings to be benchmarked annually using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, and requires the disclosure of benchmarking results. Approximately 64% of public building square footage is benchmarked through Portfolio Manager. The District Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE) and the Department of General Services (DGS) also voluntarily disclose benchmarking results for all DGS-managed properties and detailed 15-minute interval power consumption data for select properties on The Clean Energy DC Act requires benchmarked buildings to obtain 3rd party verification once every three years for their benchmarking report, beginning in 2021. In addition, the D.C. government is a partner on the U.S. Department of Energy's (U.S. DOE) Better Buildings Challenge, with a goal to reduce energy usage in DGS properties by 20% by 2020 (baseline of 2012). DGS buildings are currently on track to meet this goal, with an average annual reduction of 2.8%.
The Green Building Act of 2006 requires new city building designs to earn an ENERGY STAR target finder score of at least 75 and that new city buildings be ENERGY STAR benchmarked annually. In addition, all DC Public Schools that are built or substantially improved must achieve the LEED for Schools certification at the Gold level or higher. With the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018, DC buildings will be required to meet the local median ENERGY STAR score (or equivalent metric) for each property type, starting in 2021.
The District Government has benchmarked nearly 99% of government-owned floor area. The Government of the District of Columbia (and its instrumentalities) owns over 37.9 million square feet of building floor area; of this, an area of 37.4 million square feet is benchmarked in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
The 2006 Florida Energy Plan calls for all new state government buildings to meet LEED standards and for a reduction of energy consumption in state facilities by 25% from 2002 levels by 2007. It is unclear if a post-2007 energy savings target is in place for new and existing state buildings. Green building requirements have been expanded several times since then. Executive Order 07-126 directs the Florida Department of Management Services to set Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building standards for the state's new and existing state-owned buildings. In 2008, Florida Governor Charlie Crist approved House Bill 7135, which requires newly constructed or renovated buildings financed by the state to be designed and built to meet a nationally recognized sustainable building rating or national model green building code. Eligible rating systems include those established by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system, the International Green Construction Code (IGCC), the Green Building Initiative’s Green Globes rating system, the Florida Green Building Coalition standards, or a nationally recognized, high-performance green building rating system as approved by the department. State agencies also must lease ENERGY STAR-rated buildings and employ energy saving performance contracts to upgrade existing facilities.
In 2008, the Florida Legislature passed the Florida Energy Conservation and Sustainable Buildings Act, directing state agencies to incorporate sustainable building practices into the design, construction, and renovation of state buildings. Through this act, the Florida Department of Management Services (FDMS) developed the Florida Life-Cycle Cost Analysis Program (Chapter 60D-4, Florida Administrative Code), which pertains to the evaluation of life-cycle energy performance for alternative building designs. Additionally, FDMS developed the State Energy Management Plan (SEMP), which is a comprehensive plan to help state agencies reduce energy consumption and costs. The SEMP includes the following: data-gathering requirements, building energy audit procedures, uniform data analysis procedures, employee education program measures, energy consumption reduction techniques, training for agency energy management coordinators, guidelines for building managers, and measures to reduce energy consumption in the area of transportation.
§ 255.257 F.S., requires each state agency to collect data on energy consumption and cost for all state-owned facilities and metered state-leased facilities. Additionally, § 255.257 F.S., requires each state agency use a sustainable building rating system or a national model green building code for each new building and renovation to an existing building.
Last Updated: November 2024
In April 2008, Governor Sonny Perdue signed an executive order requiring state government agencies and departments to reduce energy use. This executive order created the Governor's Energy Challenge 2020 as part of "Conserve Georgia." State agencies and departments must reduce energy consumption 15% by 2020, using 2007 energy use as a baseline. Reductions in energy use must come from energy efficiency measures and can also come from renewable energy development. State agencies regularly track their own energy consumption at the account level and report that energy consumption annually to GEFA. No further goals have been put into place since then.
Also in 2008, Senate Bill 130 called for building commissioning for new state buildings and requires new state buildings to exceed ASHRAE 90.1.2004 energy efficiency standards by 30%. This act also requires state buildings over 10,000 square feet to be designed, constructed, and commissioned or modeled to achieve a 15 percent reduction in water use when compared to water use based on plumbing fixture selection in accordance with the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Last Reviewed: August 2022
Hawaii Revised Statutes 196-9 requires newly constructed or substantially renovated state-owned facilities to be built to LEED Silver standards, but it is unclear if the policy specifically emphasizes energy efficiency points. Administrative Directive 06-01 (January 2006) states that newly constructed and renovated state buildings must adhere to LEED standards.
Hawaii Revised Statutes 196-30 addresses energy efficiency requirements for existing public buildings. By the end of 2010, state agencies were ordered to evaluate the energy efficiency of all existing public buildings that are larger than 5,000 square feet or use more than 8,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity or energy annually. Opportunities for increased energy efficiency must be identified by setting benchmarks for these buildings using Energy Star Portfolio Management or another similar tool. Buildings must be retro-commissioned every five years.
Hawaii completed a successful public benchmarking project with the support of DOE’s State Energy Program. Between 2014 and 2016, the state benchmarked 416 public facilities, including more than 2,600 buildings (some facilities like universities encompass multiple buildings) covering more than 29 million square feet. The benchmarking project found potential for all state agencies to save more than 56 million kilowatt hours annually—the equivalent to saving more than $25 million using current electricity rates.
Act 239, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, requires and establishes deadlines for state facilities, except facilities under 10,000 sf, to implement cost‐effective energy efficiency measures. The Act also directs the Hawaii State Energy Office to collect utility bill and energy usage data for state‐owned buildings and to make the data publicly available. And beginning 7/1/2023, where feasible and cost‐effective, requires the design of all new state building construction to maximize energy and water efficiency, maximize energy generation potential, and use building materials that reduce the carbon footprint of the project.
Last Reviewed November 2024
Idaho statute mandates that all facilities owned, constructed or financed by any state agency must adhere to the building codes adopted by the state. The state has not set any energy savings targets.
Under the Government Leading by Example program, run by Idaho Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (OEMR), applicants are encouraged to use ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager program to demonstrate energy use in the buildings OEMR will audit. However, this is not a mandatory activity for the program.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
In 2007 the Illinois legislature enacted Public Act 095-0559, which specifically addresses energy efficiency in state government. The law directs all executive branch state agencies to set a goal of reducing energy use by 10% within 10 years. Targets were expanded in April 2009, when Governor Quinn signed Executive Order 7 to better coordinate energy savings activities in State government. Executive Order No. 7 sets a goal of a 20% energy reduction by 2020 for state facilities.
Specifically, EO 7 directed the Department of Central Management Services to implement a program to increase energy efficiency, track and reduce energy usage, and improve energy procurement for all State-owned and State-leased facilities. To facilitate these actions, the executive order creates an "Energy Efficiency Committee" consisting of several agency heads from various departments (Dept. of Central Management Services, Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, and Capital Development Board). The committee oversees state building energy audits, the implementation of subsequent recommendations, and the procurement of equipment/services designed to decrease energy consumption at State-owned and State-leased facilities.
Public Act 96-0896 required the state to conduct a pilot study to benchmark and label selected state buildings for energy efficiency. Eleven individual buildings and six campuses representing a range of building types were included in the study, which was completed February 2013. The State intends to benchmark all significant Executive Agency buildings, although it would be a small percentage of all public buildings. Flagship buildings (James R. Thompson Center, Michael A. Bilandic Building) and some template buildings (e.g. ISP district offices) have done benchmarking thus far.
Illinois' Green Buildings Act (20 ILCS 3130) requires that all new state-funded construction or major renovation of buildings are to seek LEED, Green Globes, or similar green building certification. New buildings and renovation less than 10,000 square feet must follow the guidelines for the highest level of LEED (or equivalent standard) that is practical, though they do not have to actually seek certification. Buildings or renovations larger than 10,000 square feet must be LEED Silver (or two Green Globes) certified and must receive all of the LEED credits that have been deemed mandatory by the Capital Development Board. LEED Silver is required when the project is valued at 40% the replacement cost of the state government building.
Last Reviewed: September 2020
Executive Order 08-14 (June 2008) established a new building construction standard for all state agencies and departments. The Department of Administration was directed to develop these standards to achieve the highest cost-effective energy efficiency, based on nationally recognized standards, including: ENERGY STAR, LEED, Green Globes, or an equivalent efficiency rating system accredited by the American National Standards Institute. In addition, repair or renovation of existing buildings must achieve the maximum cost-effective energy efficiency possible, based on life-cycle cost analysis (historic, aesthetic, and local source materials are to be afforded value in the analysis).
State buildings are not required to comply with different energy codes or requirements. In accordance with EO 08-14, State buildings are designed and operated to achieve maximum efficiency when possible. These considerations are unique to each facility.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
All public buildings are required to comply with the 2012 IECC code.
Iowa Code requires an LCCA review of the energy equipment installed in a public building in the following cases: The Code of Iowa requires “… a public agency responsible for the construction or renovation of a facility shall… include as a design criterion the requirement that a life cycle cost analysis be conducted for the facility.” The LCCA requirements promote energy efficiency in public buildings by accounting for reduced operational costs for energy efficient systems. The guidelines for the analytical procedures that comprise the review were updated in 2018.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Kansas requires all state-owned buildings to undergo an energy audit at least every 5 years to identify excessive energy usage; for leased buildings, an energy audit is required before State agencies may approve new leases or renew existing leases.
Kansas also prescribes energy-efficiency performance standards for new construction (see KAR-1-67-2) and renovations, wherever feasible (see KAR 1-67-3) to ensure the buildings meet energy efficiency levels of IECC 2006 or the equivalent ASHRAE standard.
In addition, the Facility Conservation Improvement Program (FCIP) at the Kansas Corporation Commission Energy Division is directed to (1) implement cost-effective conservation and efficiency measures in all state-owned buildings; (2) accelerate efforts to market FCIP to school districts and local governments; and (3) review all state construction projects, both new and remodeling, that exceed $100,000 for possible inclusion in FCIP, including Regents facilities.
Last Reviewed: September 2020
House Bill 2, signed by Governor Beshear in 2008 requires that all construction or renovation of public buildings for which 50% or more of the total capital cost is paid by the state must be renovated or designed to meet high-performance building standards. All building leases entered into by the Commonwealth or any of its agencies on and after July 1, 2018 shall also meet the new standards.
House Bill 299 (2006) requires a life-cycle cost comparison of at least two types of energy-efficient HVAC equipment, including geothermal equipment when feasible, for every bid for new construction or for existing facility upgrade.
The High Performance Buildings Advisory Committee assisted the Finance and Administration Cabinet in establishing the regulations that set out the standards and benchmarks by which to evaluate buildings. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification is required for new buildings. The level of LEED certification depends on the project budge, and, in general, the higher the budget and bigger project, the higher level LEED certification required. The regulations also provide for exemptions from the requirements if compliance is shown to cause the agency an "extraordinary undue burden."
The Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet received $3.65 million over a two-year period to develop and pilot a software program to benchmark, track, control, and diagnose energy use in state government buildings. The software, CEMCS or Commonwealth Energy Management and Control System, won a 2012 national innovation award from the National Association of State Facilities Administrators. This facility presently accounts for 324 (and increase of 95% over last year) buildings and 10.8 million square feet and 23,663 occupants of state buildings, and is budgeted to add more buildings in the current biennium. Because of the positive budgetary impacts, it was one of few programs in state government granted a budget increase in the current biennium so that more buildings could be added to CEMCS. Current state policy is to publicly disclose building performance for all buildings in the CEMCS as they are added to the system, and as the budget allows over time.
Currently, 0% of buildings are benchmarked in Portfolio Manager. However, 801 buildings, representing over 16 million square feet (circa 5/13/19 at, of facilities are tracked, benchmarked, and managed/controlled through the state Commonwealth Energy Management and Control System (CEMCS), with more added each year.
Last Reviewed: September 2020
Senate Bill 240, signed on July 6, 2007, requires construction or renovation of major state-funded facilities to be designed and built to exceed state energy codes by at least 30%, subject to a life-cycle cost analysis.
Last Reviewed: September 2020
Maine requires that construction or renovation of state buildings must incorporate green building standards that would achieve "significant" energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, provided that the costs of doing so are cost-effective over the life of the building.
Maine Statutes Title 5, Section 1764-A also requires all planning and design for the construction of new or substantially renovated buildings owned or leased by the state include: (1) the consideration of energy efficiency, (2) an energy-use target that exceeds standards for commercial and institutional buildings by at least 20%, and (3) a life-cycle cost analysis over a minimum of 30 years that explicitly addresses the costs and benefits of efficiency improvements.
Pursuant to a Legislative Resolve (Resolve 2009, Chapter 372), the State of Maine was charged with creating a task force to Advance Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Independence at State Facilities. The final report was issued in January 2010. The report concluded that energy efficiency, conservation and independence at the executive branch facilities of State Government should be improved by a number of means: continuing to attack and reduce consumption; conducting important and too-easily overlooked energy audits; diversifying the energy sources used at these facilities; reducing reliance on imported heating oil; and increasing the use of alternative and cost-effective renewable energy sources when possible.
In November 2019, Governor Mills signed Executive Order #13: An Order for State Agencies to Lead by Example Through Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Sustainability Measures. It called for the creation of a Sustainbility Leadership Committee to develop a baseline of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from state operations by February 1, 2021. Every two years thereafter, the state shall report annual energy use, sources, greenhouse gas emissions, and progress on the plan to the Governor, the Legislature, and post the report for the public.
The state's first Lead By Example report was published earlier last year, in accordance with EO-13. It outlines strategies to curb state agencies’ greenhouse gas emissions, transition state electricity use to 100 percent clean power by 2024, and purchase 100 percent electric vehicles for the state fleet by 2030. As part of the Lead by Example effort, EMT is coordinating with the Bureau of General Services and State facilities managers to create an initiative to promote the increased installation and use of clean, cost-effective energy measures at State properties. Per a December 29, 2020, Memorandum of Understanding between the Trust and the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Maine, the Trust received approximately $3.7 million in Volkswagen settlement funds to develop projects through this initiative.
The Maine Lead By Example Team (i.e., EMT, GOPIF, GEO, BGS, etc.) has been working with external entities to create a comprehensive database and baseline of all state owned and leased buildings. This will serve multiple purposes, including (1) enrolling the buildings in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, (2) creating a triaged list of future projects for beneficial electrification and decarbonization, and more. To this effort, the State of Maine has enrolled in the Better Climate Challenge in addition to several other federal initiatives that support this work. The second Lead By Example report was released in early 2024 and was accompanied by Executive Order 5 (See 5d). The report includes detailed information on emissions, energy use, energy efficiency, clean transportation, onsite renewables, and more.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
House Bill 662, enacted in the 2020 session of the MD General Assembly set new energy savings goals for State-owned buildings calling for 10% savings by 2029 over a fiscal year 2018 baseline. Additionally, in May 2023 Governor Moore issued Executive Order which established a goal of reducing energy consumption in state buildings by 20% by 2031.
As part of its High Performance Green Building Program, since 2008 Maryland has required new fully State funded building projects, plus partially State funded K-12 schools and Community College buildings exceeding 7,500 gross square feet to either achieve LEED Silver requirements, the current International Green Construction Code (IGCC), or Two Globes of the Green Building Institute’s Green Globes program. There are a few exceptions for facilities like warehouses and pumping stations. - Maryland currently benchmarks buildings (with individual meters) with its EnergyCAP database, which integrates with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. The EnergyCAP database compiles data on all state-owned buildings and allows for comparison of the building stocks of different agencies. It includes all utility bills from over 50 state agencies, including the University System of Maryland. The database allows energy benchmarking and cost savings analysis.
Maryland passed a Building Energy Performance Standard for buildings over 35,000 square feet (with some exceptions possible for historic buildings, public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools, manufacturing buildings, agricultural buildings, and federal buildings. The Maryland Department of Environment predicts that about 124 public buildings (excluding federal facilities) across the state will be covered by the building energy performance standard.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Massachusetts has several high-performance building requirements to help increase the energy efficiency of state government facilities and reduce and eliminate the use of fossil fuels for building thermal demand.
Building on the success of a preceding order, Leading by Example Executive Order 594 (EO 594), signed in April 2021, sets goals and requirements to continue improving energy performance, help to demonstrate new technologies and strategies necessary to meet the Commonwealth’s energy goals, and quicken the shift to electric heating in state buildings. The result has been a significant shift toward a holistic approach to both new construction and existing buildings that prioritizes efficiency, fuel decarbonization, and expansion of on-site renewables.
EO 594 set targets to reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) from on-site fossil fuels used at state facilities by 20% by fiscal year 2025, 35% by 2030, 60% by 2040 and 95% by 2050, from a fiscal year 2004 baseline. To achieve these targets, EO 594 established a series of specific requirements that include:
- A reduction in energy use intensity (energy consumption per square foot) of state buildings by 20% in fiscal year 2025 and 25% in 2030 (based on a fiscal year 2004 baseline)
- A reduction in fuel oil consumption at state facilities by 90% by fiscal year 2025 and 95% by 2030 from a 2004 baseline
- A prioritization of fossil fuel free heating solutions as part of energy projects or building retrofits, wherever possible
- Requirement to deploy all electric heating systems for all new construction projects
To facilitate the transition to decarbonized fuels, the Commonwealth has supported the development of “decarbonization roadmaps” at more than 20 facilities in order to research, analyze, and detail the long-term technical and timing strategies toward fully electrified buildings and campuses. At varying degrees of completion, some of these roadmaps were funded by DOER, some by agencies themselves, and many by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) (see below).
The result of these ongoing efforts is more than 2 million square feet of larger state facilities conditioned primarily through heat pumps (primarily through more than 700 ground source wells completed or in construction) with several dozen smaller facilities installing mostly air source heat pumps to replace oil and natural gas boilers and furnaces. Efforts to expand and accelerate these programs continue, with a new DOER grant program for existing building decarbonization available now and a future DOER grant program to support larger decarbonization projects under development.
In early 2023, the Healy-Driscoll administration demonstrated their commitment to emissions reductions by creating the position of Climate Chief, a new cabinet-level position responsible for driving climate policy across every agency and ensuring that climate change is considered in all relevant decision-making. This first in the nation cabinet level climate position has established a climate cabinet that meets regularly to ensure that policies and programs implemented by each agency are aligned with statewide climate policies, directed all state agencies to utilize a newly developed capital planning tool that documents climate impacts of different funding decisions, and a tool to infuse climate considerations into the grantmaking and review processes.
Since 2013, the DCAMM has overseen the completion of 103 energy projects in almost 39 million square feet of state buildings, almost half the state building portfolio. These completed projects represent an investment of $349 million, saving the Commonwealth approximately $24million and 926,000 MMBtu annually. The 103 energy projects consisted of 51 large Comprehensive Design-Build or Existing Building Commissioning projects and 52 bundles of small energy projects, completed at 399 sites. Collectively, these projects reduce GHG emissions by about 79,000 metric tons annually. Efficiency measures include LED lighting retrofits and lighting controls, insulation and weatherization, window replacements, conversions to heat pumps, boiler replacements, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and mechanical upgrades, and more. Many of these projects include the installation of EV chargers and renewable heating and cooling technologies, including biomass, air and ground source heat pumps, and solar thermal. DCAMM is focused on fossil fuel free approaches to heating and cooling in all new or substantially renovated facilities. These projects are using geo-exchange systems, air to water heat pumps, air to air heat pumps, and heat pump domestic hot water heating. Additionally, DCAMM is setting EUI targets and tracking EUI for all major projects.
At the center of the Commonwealth’s data-driven approach to reducing carbon emissions, is the award-winning Energy Intelligence program. The innovative Commonwealth Energy Intelligence (CEI) program, managed by DCAMM, is at the core of the Commonwealth’s decarbonization and consumption reduction planning. This energy and water information tracking system provides the Commonwealth with unparalleled access to real-time building information and utility bills in an easily accessible platform, formulating the basis for accurate consumption reduction projections and meaningful projects. The Commonwealth and its vendor Veolia (SourceOne), continue to expand the program, adding water metering as well as more buildings to the portfolio. The expanding system provides facilities and agencies with a better understanding of whole building consumption and operations; allowing benchmarking, EUI tracking, COVID operation trend tracking, equipment right-sizing, and identification of future projects to meet the Commonwealth’s emissions reduction goals. The Commonwealth is committed to continuing its investment in this beneficial program for the foreseeable future with a goal of including all buildings over 20,000 square feet.
DOER’s Green Communities Division has also developed and implements MassEnergyInsight (MEI), a free, web-based tool that helps cities and towns make informed, targeted decisions about energy efficiency investments. MEI provides communities and state facilities with customized electricity, natural gas, and oil usage information to allow local officials to understand where their departments and buildings are wasting energy and act to reduce that waste.
Municipalities will be able to use MEI for their building decarbonization efforts. MEI will include tools and reports to help communities plan for emissions reduction projects in their building portfolios.
The Green Communities Division will launch the Climate Leader Communities program for municipalities in 2024. The Climate Leader Communities program will help municipalities reduce emissions by electrifying non-electric energy uses and maximizing the efficiency of buildings and transportation.
Becoming certified as a Climate Leader Community provides access to grant funding to a municipality to support all or a portion of the cost of: studying, designing, constructing and implementing energy efficiency activities including, but not limited to, energy efficiency measures and projects; procuring energy management services; adopting energy efficiency policies; and, siting activities related to and construction of renewable energy generating facilities on municipally owned property.
DOER’s Leading by Example (LBE) program utilizes three databases for the benchmarking and tracking of state facilities. Firstly, the LBE database tracks 100% of the roughly 80 million square feet of state-owned facilities across the Commonwealth. Data are retrieved from a variety of sources, including statewide fuel contracts, utility accounts, and an annual energy tracking form distributed to campuses and agencies to facilitate self-reporting. MEI functions as the second database used for tracking and benchmarking of state facilities, providing monthly, site-level utility account data for over 80% of square footage at state facilities. The CEI system functions as the tertiary database, providing multi-commodity interval data for close to 400 buildings across dozens of state sites.
Starting in 2023, to increase the transparency of these data, the LBE program launched a public Progress Dashboard on the LBE website to be updated annually which provides comprehensive analysis of the state portfolio data for a variety of metrics, including: progress to the Executive Order 594 targets, onsite fossil fuel emissions, fuel consumption, energy use intensity, EV adoption in the state fleet, EV charging deployment at state sites, LEED certified buildings, renewable energy installations at state facilities, sustainable landscaping, LBE grants awarded to support state entities, and equity and environmental justice impacts.
Massachusetts is also a partner in the DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge (BBC), a voluntary program which sets long range energy reduction targets for a select portfolio of buildings, requires the state to track and report detailed energy use at its facilities annually, and develop and document one or more showcase projects that demonstrate best practices and far-reaching energy strategies. As of FY22, the participating LBE facilities have reduced overall source EUI by 23%, achieving the BBC goal of a 20% EUI reduction by 2022 from a 2009 baseline.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Public Act 295 renewed and revised the state's commitment to energy efficiency in public buildings. In the area of state government energy efficiency, P.A. 295 sets a goal of reducing state government grid-based energy purchases 25% by 2015, from a 2002 baseline. The law directs the Department of Management and Budget (DMB), in consultation with the state Energy Office, to perform and oversee a number of tasks related to achieving this goal, including the establishment of an energy analysis program to evaluate each building owned or leased by the state at least every five years, as well as an assessment of the costs and benefits of using the LEED standard when constructing or renovating state buildings.
DTMB met the goals of P.A. 295 by achieving a 26% grid-based energy reduction in 2012 based on a 2002 baseline. Aside from P.A. 295, state-owned facilities are to utilize 100% renewable energy by 2025. The state is working with the three major utility companies (DTE, Consumers, and LBWL) to meet this goal.
The MI Healthy Climate Plan lays out goals of state-owned buildings, including carbon neutrality by 2040, reduce energy usage by 40% by 2040, and establish a Green Revolving Fund for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects at state facilities. Also included is a plan for siting solar across state-owned properties, use of water efficiency techniques, and a committment to electrify the state vehicle fleet.
Executive Directive 2007-22 requires that all state buildings occupied by state employees be benchmarked using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool. The Governor has tasked the state energy office, Michigan Public Service Commission, and Department of Technology, Management & Budget to develop a plan to benchmark state-owned buildings. The State Energy Office also offers low-cost services to public building owners and others to determine energy savings opportunities. Services include energy audits, Energy Star Portfolio Manager account setup, and a project planning meeting to discuss project financing and implementation.
Last Reviewed: August 2022
Executive Order 05-16 (2005) required state-owned buildings to reduce energy usage by 10% in 2006 and mandated the use of specific energy conservation measures to help the state meet its target. It also required the incorporation of Minnesota Sustainable Guidelines for new construction and the adoption of "prudent energy" procurement strategies.
In May 2008, Minnesota adopted "Sustainable Building 2030" standards designed to achieve energy consumption reductions of 60% in 2010 (2003 baseline), increasing 10% every five years towards an ultimate target of net zero buildings by 2030. Beginning on July 1, 2010, all Minnesota State bonded projects — new and substantially renovated — that had not already started the Schematic Design Phase on August 1, 2009, were required to meet the Minnesota SB 2030 energy standards.
On April 4, 2019, Governor Walz signed Executive Order 19-27, rescinding Executive Orders 18-01 and 17-12. In state-owned buildings, agencies must adopt cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy strategies to achieve no less than an aggregate 30% reduction in energy use per square foot by 2027 from a 2017 adjusted baseline, and by pursuing renewable energy strategies that ensure state agencies collectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2025 from a 2005 calculated baseline.
Currently, the MN B3 Benchmarking program contains over 10,900 public buildings with over 370 million square feet in its database representing 31 State agencies, 682 cities, 69 counties, 58 higher education campuses, and 279 school districts. The B3 Benchmarking system has identified over $66 million in potential energy savings in over 1,400 identified MN public buildings.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
In 2013, the Mississippi legislature passed ASHRAE 90.1-2010 as the new mandatory statewide building energy code standard for commercial and State-owned buildings and facilities. The new energy building code became effective July 1, 2014.
The Mississippi Sustainability and Development Act of 2013 requires all State agencies, state institutions of higher learning, and community and junior colleges to work with the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) Energy and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) to develop comprehensive five-year energy management plans. It also requires State agencies to report monthly energy consumption and cost totals or face penalties. MDA-ENRD provides State agencies with access to the Siemens Navigator system to track their energy cost and consumption on an ongoing basis, and reports this information to the Governor and Legislature on an annual basis. With 95% of all covered agencies reporting annual utility data, the state benchmarks about 70 million square feet. Other public facilities are also encouraged to actively manage energy consumption by using online reporting systems such as Energy Star Portfolio Manager.
The Act also calls for a State Energy Management Advisory Board comprised of selected agencies and led by the ENRD to meet at least once a year in order to review implementation of the State Energy Management Plan.
Mississippi Senate Bill 3007 requires benchmarking and monitoring for any state-funded new construction over 5,000 square feet and state-funded renovation projects that involve more than 50% of the replacement value of the facility. Institutions of Higher Learning have instituted a policy for new construction to exceed adopted state codes by 30%.
Last Reviewed: July 2020
In 1993, Missouri enacted legislation requiring life-cycle cost analysis for all new construction of state buildings and substantial renovations of existing state buildings when major energy systems are involved. Substantial renovations involve projects that either affect at least 50 percent of the building's square footage or cost at least 50 percent of its market value.
Signed in 2008, Senate Bill 1181 required that by July 1, 2009, all design for state buildings over 5,000 square feet involving new construction or substantial renovation and any building over 5,000 square feet considered for purchase or lease by a state agency will comply with the minimum energy efficiency standard. The act also set the minimum energy efficiency standard so that it is at least as stringent as the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (2006 IECC) or the latest version of the code rather than the current standard of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 90.
Governor Nixon signed Executive Order 09-18 in 2009, which mandated that all state agencies whose building management falls under the direction of the Office of Administration (OA) adopt policies designed to reduce energy consumption by 2 percent each year for the following 10 years. Additionally, the order required that all new construction projects by agencies whose buildings are managed by OA must be at least as stringent as the most recent International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). In response to the order, OA and the Division of Facilities Management, Design and Construction (FMDC) developed and adopted a State Building Energy Efficiency Design Standard (BEEDS), which the state is in the process of updating.
As of July 1, 2018, state-owned commercial buildings must comply with the 2018 IECC, pursuant to Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo) Section 8.812 requirement: "Such standard shall be at least as stringent as the 2006 IECC or the latest version thereof."
A State Energy Program competitive grant entitled “Reinvigorating Missouri’s State Facilities Energy Conservation Program,” which was completed between 2012 and 2016, focused on supporting the goals of EO 09-18. The scope of the grant included employee outreach, benchmarking, energy auditing, combined heat and power feasibility study, district energy thermal energy metering study, review of energy savings performance contracting status, and energy-focused training for facilities management staff members. OA-FMDC utilized the Missouri State Energy Portal and Utility Dashboard to benchmark energy consumption across OA’s building stock using the 2008 calendar year as the baseline year. The portal tracks energy reduction and cost savings on a monthly basis. Sixty-five Missouri state government facilities with a cumulative square footage of approximately 11 million square feet were benchmarked in Portfolio Manager by the Missouri Division of Energy in partnership with OA-FMDC, which represents approximately 50 percent of square footage managed by OA and the Department of Corrections.
All Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) financed low-income housing developments, receiving federal or state low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC), an MHDC loan or grant, must comply with the construction code used by the local government where the development is located or in the absence of such codes, the IBC 2012, and/or the IRC 2012. If new construction, sustainable building techniques and materials must meet current standards of a green building rating system.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
In April 2009, the legislature passed S.B. 49, creating energy efficiency standards for state-owned buildings. Energy-efficient building standards apply to new construction and major renovation projects for state-owned buildings and new construction projects for state-leased buildings. The buildings must exceed the Energy Conservation Code adopted by the state by 20%, to the extent that it is cost-effective over the life of the building or renovation.
The State Building Energy Conservation Program (SBECP) uses an internal database to track energy performance of state-owned facilities. 100% of eligible buildings with square footage greater than 20,000 sq ft have been benchmarked; information is available on the Energy Office website. The SBECP also provides free online energy tracking services to local government and K-12 schools. State building energy usage is available for public viewing.
In April 2014, Governor Steve Bullock directed state agencies to begin monitoring energy use in state buildings and to begin publicly disclosing these energy numbers online. This directive by the Governor is part of a larger commitment to smart energy use and consumption, the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation in Montana, as well as a more transparent state government.
The 2015 legislature approved High Performance Building Standards to be required of all new state buildings. Based on Section 17-7-201 MCA, and adopted under 17-7-213 MCA, the Department of Administration (through its Architecture & Engineering Division) established High-Performance Building Standards for the construction, renovation, and maintenance of public buildings in this state as well as all new state-leased buildings. These standards have been developed to improve the capacity of the state to design, build, and operate high-performance and resilient buildings. An integrated design process is used to optimize all major high-performance attributes including energy performance, flexibility, durability, life-cycle performance, enhanced indoor environmental quality and conservation of natural resources. Local governments and schools are encouraged to comply.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
All new construction paid for with state funds (and remodeling projects that cost more than 50 percent of the replacement cost of the building), must comply with the Nebraska Energy Code, the 2018 IECC. Staff members from the Energy Office review the plans for compliance, or the designer/contractor may also follow the regulations established by the Nebraska Board of Architects and Engineers certification, which replaces actual plan submission. Regardless, the project is still reviewed for code compliance.
The state’s Administrative Services’ Building Division now benchmarks all existing state facilities using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. The Dept. of Administrative Services has been collecting utility data from the state agencies in a database since calendar year 2014. However, the database does not reflect any requirement, voluntary measures for the benchmarking of energy use in public buildings. The State University System has been tracking the energy use in its buildings on several of its campuses.
Last Reviewed: July 2020
Nevada Revised Statutes 701.215 directed the Director of the Office of Energy to develop a state energy reduction plan requiring state agencies to reduce grid-based energy purchases for state-owned buildings by 20% by 2015. The state achieved a 28% reduction in 2018. NRS 341.145 requires the State of Nevada Public Works Division to apply for any available utility rebates when constructing public buildings. All buildings are subject to the newly adopted 2018 IECC building standards that took effect on July 1, 2018.
Nevada Revised Statute 701.218 requires the Director of the Governor’s Office of Energy (GOE) to track use of energy in buildings owned by the State or occupies by a state agency. GOE currently obtains utility bills for each building for every month and preserves these records indefinitely. GOE also collects data and tracks building performance to allow for the comparison of utility bills for a building from month to month and year to year, as well as between similar buildings or types of buildings. GOE collects data that allows for the projection of costs for energy for state-owned buildings.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
In 2010, SB73 mandated that all agencies enter energy, water, and sewer data into a statewide tracking database in order to assess progress and properly benchmark success. The bill also requires each department to submit data and recommendations regarding its compliance with this reduction goal. Based on these agency reports, the State Energy Manager develops an Annual Energy Conservation Plan that includes a list of potential energy management projects that will enable towards achieving towards this energy reduction goal. This Conservation Plan complements the Annual Energy Report in which the State Energy Manager documents progress towards achieving the State's energy targets in state buildings and the state fleet.
New Hampshire law (RSA 155-A:13) requires that any state owned building that is newly constructed, reconstructed, altered or renovated such that it constitutes a major project, must meet a high performance design standard. The incremental costs related to any energy efficiency and sustainable design features may be recouped over a 10-year period.
On May 6, 2016, Executive Order 2016-03 (superseding EO 2011-01) was signed, setting new, aggressive goals for state government on energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy. This Executive Order recognizes the significant energy efficiency efforts and results thus far have already reduced fossil fuel energy use by 21% per square foot in State Buildings and sets new savings targets for State Vehicle Fleet and State Building energy use. Further, it sets updated goals of reducing fossil fuel use at state-owned facilities by 30 percent by 2020, 40 percent by 2025 and 50 percent by 2030, compared to a 2005 baseline; reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the state passenger vehicle fleet by 30 percent on a metric-ton basis by 2030, as compared to a 2010 baseline; enhancing construction and renovation standards; and increasing management and tracking of energy consumption.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
The 2019 New Jersey Energy Master Plan's Goal 3.3.5 calls for state buildings to improve energy efficiency and retrofit to high performance standards where applicable; the EMP also calls for all state buildings to undergo an ASHRAE Level 3 energy audit and establish plans to implement energy efficiency projects. New Jersey's Clean Energy Program (NJCEP) now offers free benchmarking for specific commercial and industrial sectors, including hospitals and healthcare, municipalities, industries, hospitality, multifamily, higher education, K-12 public schools, retail, and others. Beginning in FY20, the cap on energy audits on hospitals increased from $100,000 to $300,000, which was designed to increase program participation and energy savings among potential participants that tend to have large, complex facilities. Since 2008, NJCEP has performed 4,549 audits and benchmarks across all sectors.
New Jersey leads by example with an initiative to increase the energy efficiency of state owned or operated facilities and buildings. In 2023 the State began benchmarking all state owned buildings over 25,000 sq ft in EPA's Portfolio Manager. Energy Savings Improvement Program (ESIP) funds will be used for energy efficiency and energy conservation improvements, renewable energy, upgrades, and the expansion of other green-oriented programs, particularly demand response and combined heat and power. The FY25 proposed budget includes total funding for State Facilities of over $60 million to go to various energy efficiency programs.
Through the NJBPU, the State Facilities Initiative identifies and implements energy efficiency projects in State-owned facilities with the objective of producing energy and cost savings. The Energy Capital Committee (ECC), consisting of members from Treasury and the NJBPU Division of State Energy Services, coordinates and recommends approval of these projects based on evaluation of capital costs and anticipated energy savings.
The list of planned projects includes those identified through energy audits completed, in progress or proposed for various State facilities, as well as projects requested by State agencies on an annual basis and in support of policy goals identified in the EMP. Over $65 million has been committed since 2017. Additionally, state agencies are encouraged to utilize NJCEP’s Local Government Energy Audit program which provides, 100% of the costs of audits to local and state facilities.
The NJBPU established the Division of State Energy Services/State Energy Office in order to advance energy efficiency and renewable energy in state facilities. This office has access to the suite of energy efficiency and renewable energy incentives in NJCEP. Through this program, the State offers free energy audits and benchmarking for public facilities, including state, county, and local government facilities. Benchmarking reports for these facilities are posted online.
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and the Rutgers Center for Green Building have developed a green building manual for owners and builders interested in designing, constructing, and operating their buildings above code. In addition, Rutgers has developed a Municipal Guidance for Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector, which describes policies and local planning/zoning tools available for local governments. Municipalities and schools can use this manual to achieve certification under the Sustainable Jersey program.
In January 2008, New Jersey enacted legislation mandating the use of high-performance green building standards in new state construction. The standard requires that new buildings larger than 15,000 square feet constructed for the sole use of State entities achieve US Green Building Council LEED* Silver certification, a two-globe rating on the Green Building Initiative Green Globe rating system, or a comparable numeric rating from another accredited sustainable building certification program. In addition, the Energy Master Plan's Goal 3.3.4 states that all State-funded buildings and projects should be built to the highest attainable, above-code building performance standard.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
New Mexico first set energy standards for public buildings in 2006. Executive Order 2006-001 called for adoption of LEED-Silver standards in new public buildings in excess of 15,000 square feet and/or using over 50kW peak electrical demand, and that such buildings achieve a minimum delivered energy performance standard of 50% of the average consumption for that building type. New construction and renovation of existing buildings between 5,000 and 15,000 square feet must achieve a minimum delivered energy performance standard of 50% of the average consumption for that building type. Renovations of existing buildings in excess of 15,000 square feet and/or using over 50 kW peak electric demand must meet LEED-Silver standards and achieve a minimum delivered energy performance standard of 50% of the U.S. energy consumption for that building type. Under Executive Order 2006-01 and Senate Bill 200 (below), the state reviews over $186 million of renovation projects in all institutions of higher learning that must meet these criteria.
New Mexico continues to implement Executive Order 2007-053, which launched a statewide energy efficiency initiative that calls for state agencies to reduce energy usage by 20% below 2005 levels by 2015. The 2012 DOE SEP competitive award has a goal to realize 20% energy savings by the year 2020 in the General Services Department building inventory through the WISE (Whole-building Investments for Sustainable Efficiency) program.
SB 200 of 2010 established a wider building requirement for certain building projects throughout the state that receive state funding. New buildings and building additions of 3,000 square feet or more, and buildings undergoing certain system renovations must be designed and constructed to attain Energy Star certification. These buildings must meet an Energy Star rating of 75 or better. The Energy Conservation and Management Division (EMCD) encourages public entities to conduct energy audits then provides technical assistance to enable these entities to implement and fund identified measures. In addition, ECMD state tracks energy use in public buildings using Portfolio Manager. This data will be used to develop and inform a sustainable whole building energy retrofit program for public facilities. To date, the state has benchmarked approximately 20% of public buildings.
The state of New Mexico and the staff of the Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECMD) and State Energy Office (SEO) are committed in meeting the EPACT Goal of improving energy efficiency by 25%, the Advanced Energy Initiative (AEI) and the 20in20 initiative. Many steps have been taken to promote energy efficiency in New Mexico, including the implementation of many clean energy Executive Orders. The State Energy Office will also be reviewing and evaluating New Mexico's energy usage data to measure compliance with these goals. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued executive order 2019-03 in January of 2019 requiring state agencies to develop a NM Climate Strategy to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and adoption of new building codes.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
A main component of New York State’s policy for State assets to lead by example on energy issues is the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), which was enacted in July 2019. Section 7.1 of the CLCPA states that “all state agencies shall assess and implement strategies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions,” setting forth the directive for agencies to comprehensively reduce emissions across all their building and vehicle operations. As part of the strategy for achieving these reductions, State agencies and authorities are required to meet an 11 TBtu site-based energy efficiency savings goal by 2025. Furthermore, Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of the CLCPA direct State agencies and authorities to incorporate emissions reduction goals into decisions on permits, licenses, grants, loans, and contracts
Building on the foundation set by the CLCPA, in September 2022, Executive Order No. 22 (E.O. #22) established an ambitious energy efficiency goal to reduce energy use at state facilities by 11 trillion BTU by 2025 from a 2015 baseline. Known as BuildSmart 2025, this collective energy saving effort represents approximately one third of all energy consumed at state facilities. NYPA, through its longstanding BuildSmart program, supports state agencies and authorities as they plan for, act on, and track progress toward the BuildSmart 2025 goal. NYPA’s BuildSmart program allocates a portion of the collective 11 trillion BTU goal to each E.O. #22 “Affected Entity,” creating individual energy savings targets for each agency and authority. It also establishes intermediary deliverables and creates supporting resources to set New York State on a path to success.
E.O. #22 established NYPA’s NY Energy Manager (NYEM) as the system of record for energy data. All E.O. #22 Affected Entities are required to ensure their energy data is entered completely and accurately. Energy saving project data entered into NYEM is used to demonstrate individual and collective progress toward BuildSmart 2025 goals. BuildSmart 2025 progress is reported as part of the GreenNY Annual Report. As of December 2023, and with committed projects underway, New York State agencies and authorities are on track to decrease overall energy consumption at state facilities by 8.02 TBTU, putting the State at 72.9% of its E.O. #22 energy efficiency goal. This includes 937 completed projects and 957 committed projects at state facilities.
In 2012 NYPA initiated the Five Cities Energy Plans for the cities of Albany, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Yonkers, aiming to reduce overall energy costs and consumption, strengthen the reliability of each city's energy infrastructure, create jobs in local clean energy industries, and contribute to a cleaner environment. With NYPA funding and technical assistance, the Five Cities implemented a variety of energy efficiency projects that enabled them to reduce municipal energy consumption. These projects were facilitated with the support of NYPA-funded staff and a total of $4 million in grants was provided by NYPA to the Five Cities. Energy efficiency measures such as lighting, HVAC upgrades, and building controls, were installed in over 200 municipal-based locations across the Five Cities.
As part of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV), NYSERDA launched a Clean Energy Communities program in August 2016. This program is a coordinated State-level effort to engage and standardize local and municipal efforts in ways that drive energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at scale. The program created a list of 10 high impact initiatives that each municipality can implement to earn a Clean Energy Community designation. One of the primary policy goals the program advocates for is the implementation of Benchmarking laws, requiring public disclosure of building energy consumption. As of June 2024, there were 557 designated Clean Energy Communities, and 4,709 high-impact actions were collectively completed by participating communities.
- Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (The Climate Act), , adopted measures to put the state on a path to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2050. Included in The Climate Act was a requirement that the New York State Climate Action Council develop a scoping plan to achieve 185 TBtu of energy savings by 2025. (Chapter 106 of the laws of 2019)
- Executive Order 88 (2012), resulted in the original BuildSmart NY program, which is transitioning to the BuildSmart 2025 program.
- Executive Order 166 (2017), mandated all affected state entities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030, and 80% by 2050. EO 166 also directed the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to develop an approach to emissions reduction and accounting for affected state Entities.
- New Efficiency: New York, issued by NYSERDA in April 2018, recommended a mix of strategies to meet a target of 185 TBtu savings by 2025, which included a target of 11 TBtu of building site energy savings for state entities and directed the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”) to create a mechanism to collect project-level energy savings to track towards the target.
- The Climate Act (2019), adopted measures to put the state on a path to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2050. Included in The Climate Act was a requirement that the New York State Climate Action Council develop a scoping plan to achieve 185 TBtu of energy savings by 2025. (Chapter 106 of the laws of 2019).
- Executive Order No. 22 (2022), supersedes EO88 and EO166. It directs NYS agencies and authorities to achieve 11 trillion BTUs of energy savings at their facilities by 2025 as outlined in the BuildSmart 2025 program and encourages electrification and decarbonization measures. EO22 is a comprehensive policy that touches on many other important aspects of climate, energy, and sustainability beyond BuildSmart goals.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Senate Bill 668 and Senate Bill 1946 require state-owned buildings to be designed, constructed and certified to exceed the energy efficiency requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2004 by 30% for new buildings, and 20% for major renovations. The energy consumption per gross square foot for all state buildings in total must also be reduced by 20% by 2010, and 30% by 2015 based on consumption during the 2003-2004 fiscal year. The North Carolina State Energy Office collects annual consumption and cost data per statute below for state agencies, UNC and community colleges.
The Utility Savings Initiative (USI) is the state’s overarching program for public building energy efficiency. § 143 64.12 requires the State agencies and State institutions of higher learning to develop a management plan that is consistent with the State’s comprehensive program to manage energy, water, and other utility use. Each state agency and state institution of higher learning shall update its management plan annually and include strategies for supporting the energy consumption reduction requirements under this subsection. Each community college shall submit to the State Energy Office an annual written report of utility consumption and costs. In 2017, the North Carolina General Assembly scaled back funding for the USI as well as other Department of Environmental Quality programs.
North Carolina participates in the US Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge. The entire existing building stock, which included all agency and UNC buildings, was committed to the challenge, which sets a goal of reducing energy consumption by 20% by 2020 from a 2008-09 baseline.
In October 2018, Governor Cooper signed Executive Order 80, requiring all state agencies to reduce BTUs/Sqft by 40% by 2025. It also requires state agencies to designate an energy manager, a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from a 2005 level by 2025, and purchase of 80,000 electric vehicles by 2025. As part of EO 80, a North Carolina Clean Energy Plan has been developed. It recommends actions to be taken by various public/private entities over then next 1-5 years in the areas of carbon reduction policies, energy efficiency, beneficial electrification, utility regualtory incentives, grid modernization and resilience, and clean transportation.
Last Reviewed: July 2020
Though North Dakota has no requirements for state buildings, it does have programs in place for public building efficiency. The legislature approved a continuing appropriation to assist North Dakota political subdivisions that are making energy efficiency improvements to public buildings. Applicants can receive up to $100,000 on qualifying projects. This program will receive $1.2 million per biennium.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
Executive Order 2007 - 02S (2007) directed each state agency, board, and commission to conduct a statewide energy audit of its respective facilities, both owned and leased, and to achieve an overall reduction of 5% in building energy use for its facilities within a year and 15% by the end of four fiscal years. The order required the use of EPA's Portfolio Manager as a benchmarking tool for state-owned facilities.
H.B. 251, also enacted in 2007, requires an energy consumption analysis for state leases of buildings over 20,000 square feet. The bill also calls for institutions of higher education to reduce energy consumption by at least 20 percent by 2014 from a 2004 baseline.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
In 2008, the Governor approved House Bill (HB) 3394, the “Conserving Oklahoma Act.” HB 3394 requires all new state-owned buildings or major renovations of state-owned buildings to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED standards. LEED includes a minimum energy performance level as a component but does not necessarily require buildings to optimize energy performance.
In 2011, the Governor adopted the Oklahoma First Energy Plan, which calls for a range of energy efficiency initiatives, most notably in state government facilities. The Plan calls for the state to establish savings targets between 0.5 to 2% per year.
In 2012, the state established the State Facilities Energy Conservation Program through SB 1096, directing all state agencies and higher education institutions to benchmark energy use in all state facilities using the ENERGYSTAR Portfolio Manager tool; achieve an energy efficiency and conservation improvement target of at least 20 percent by the year 2020 (20% x 2020); and seek to obtain an ENERGY STAR rating for all eligible facilities. The 20 x 2020 program is managed by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
The Oklahoma State Fire Marshal enforces State minimum builiding codes that are implemented by the OUBCC. Whether, for example, a state, county, or munipality has more stringent energy codes, the Fire Marshal enforces the state minumum codes and only those.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
The mandated State Energy Efficiency Design Program (SEED) requires that all state facilities constructed on or after June 30, 2001, exceed the energy conservation provisions of the Oregon State Building Code by at least 20 percent. New state construction and major renovations undergo a comprehensive energy analysis and review process, administered by the Oregon Department of Energy, to evaluate performance compared to this target.
A 2017 Executive Order implemented new requirements for carbon neutral operation for new state buildings, statewide plug load strategy, energy efficiency equipment procurement requirement, and life cycle cost analysis. All existing state-owned buildings must undergo retrofits and remodels to meet high performance energy use targets based on ASHRAE Standard 100. In addition, state-owned buildings permitted after January 1, 2022, and used primarily as office or other commercial work space must operate as carbon-neutral buildings following ASHRAE standard 189.1. DAS and ODOE developed and implemented a statewide plug-load management strategy to encourage occupant behavior changes to reduce energy uses not regulated by codes and standards. Oregon’s Department of Administrative Services and Department of Energy developed agency procurement guidelines incorporating equipment energy and water use requirements to drive purchase of the most efficient equipment. ODOE developed a life cycle analysis tool to analyze state building costs, including lifecycle energy and water use costs or savings, when considering energy and water measure upgrades for state buildings.
Progress and specifics on EO requirements can be found here. These include:
- High Performance Energy Targets for Existing State Buildings: State agencies are working toward that goal now via benchmarking and comparison to targets in ASHRAE Standard 100 or custom building targets, where no external benchmark targets are available. State-owned facilities over 5,000 square feet and greater than 10 kBtu/ft2/yr are required to report into Portfolio Manager.
- Carbon Neutral Operations for New State Buildings: New state-owned buildings permitted after January 1, 2022, and used primarily for office and other commercial workspace are required to be designed to be able to operate as carbon-neutral buildings that are inclusive of onsite and offsite renewable energy.
- Statewide Plug Load Strategy: strategy and policy.
- Energy Efficient Equipment for State Buildings
- Lifecycle Cost Analysis, Tools to Inform High Performance Energy Use Targets and Carbon Neutral Requirements
Many agencies are participating in Strategic Energy Management initiatives, with an emphasis on building-level data to effectively prioritize retrofits. 21 state agencies are currently using EPA's Energy Star Portfolio Manager to report energy use data. Oregon Administrative Rule 330-130-0080 requires state agencies to report their energy use to the Oregon Department of Energy. ODOE uses this data to benchmark facilities, identify potential energy efficiency investments, and create annual reports to agencies about their energy use in comparison to target performance. Oregon Department of Energy conducts outreach, training, and resources to local jurisdictions interested in commercial building benchmarking policies and ordinances. Based on ODOE's ongoing data gathering and Portfolio Manager reporting of state buildings, the state has benchmarked 312 buildings, or over 17.5 million square feet.
ODOE pulls reports from the Portfolio Manager database to prepare a biennial State Energy Efficient Design report to the State Legislature as required by ORS 276.915(9). SEED was originally established in 1991 as a result of Oregon State law, ORS 276.900-915. This law directs state agencies to work with the Oregon Department of Energy to ensure cost-effective energy conservation measures are included in new and renovated public buildings.
Oregon’s Green Energy Technology mandate requires all new construction or major renovations of public buildings invest 1.5 percent of project cost in green energy technologies such as energy efficiency or renewable energy systems.
ORS 276.900 requires state facilities that will be constructed or purchased by authorized state agencies be designed, constructed, renovated, and operated so as to minimize the use of nonrenewable energy resources and to serve as models of energy efficiency. University system policy requires that new construction in the higher education system meet at minimum LEED silver standards.
Schools in Portland General Electric and Pacific Power territory are eligible for the Public Purpose Charge Program (2002). As part of the Public Purpose Charge Program, school districts receive funds to conduct energy audits of their educational facilities and to implement those audits. These school districts report their energy usage data for their educational facilities into a secure online Schools Interactive Database. School districts hire energy audit firms to analyze potential energy conservation measures at their educational facilities. ODOE reviews the energy audit reports for consistency and accuracy to provide the school districts with their energy efficiency opportunities. ODOE facilitates the administration of the program and provides assistance to school districts to help them make informed energy efficiency investments.
Last Reviewed: August 2022
Pennsylvania passed an Executive Order (EO 2019-01) in January 2019 that is still in effect and requires state-owned and occupied facilities to reduce energy consumption by 3% per year, as well as 21% by 2025 from 2017 levels. EO 2019-01 also requires benchmarking for public buildings over 20k square feet. We are currently maintaining a 12%+ energy reduction with a drop of 1.7% for FY 2022-2023. This overall energy reduction has been maintained even through the returning of employees to our facilities following the COVID shutdowns.
Since July 1, 2023, the Commonwealth has been developing a lead-by-example Building Performance Standard (BPS) policy, which will establish GHG and/or energy reduction targets for Commonwealth owned & leased buildings. We have contracted with Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute to assist us in developing the policy and are also receiving free technical assistance from the national BPS technical assistance network, which includes EPA, DOE, and their national labs. Our tentative goal is to implement the BPS in 2025. A BPS naturally incentivizes the electrification of existing building portfolios.
The City of Philadelphia has required as of July 2023, all newly built or renovated municipal buildings must earn a LEED Gold certification.
EO 2019-01 requires any new building construction project, build-to-suit leased building, or renovation project by a Commonwealth agency that costs more than 50 percent of the replacement cost of the building, where the design of the project commences after the effective date of the EO, shall be designed and constructed as a high-performance building achieving a 10 percent reduction in energy consumption over ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1.2016. Furthermore, the EO states that agencies "may seek US Green Building Council LEED certification, Green Building Initiative Green Globe rating, or a comparable numeric rating from another accredited sustainable building certification program where appropriate." We currently have 52 facility construction projects that include the high-performance standard (10 percent reduction in energy consumption over ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 2016) within their design since beginning in 2019. Additionally, from October 2022 - April 2024, the Commonwealth contracted with Penn State University to develop eleven sustainable building training modules to educate state agencies, as well as the AEC firms that bid on our capital projects. Now that the educational foundation has been built, the next step, which will begin in summer/fall 2024, is to work with Penn State to develop sustainable building guidelines for Commonwealth capital projects.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
In December 2015, Governor Gina Raimondo signed Executive Order 15-17, establishing a Lead by Example program within the state's Office of Energy Resources (OER) to oversee and coordinate efforts at state agencies to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In May 2023, Governor Daniel McKee expanded the LBE program with Executive Order 23-06 to cover state government, municipalities, school districts, and public colleges and universities. The Lead by Example Initiative achieved its initial 10% reduction in energy consumption in state agencies by 2019, and EO 23-06 sets new targets in alignment with the 2021 Act on Climate legislation for the State to meet through its Lead by Example Program. These targets include significant reductions from a 2014 baseline in emissions from fossil fuel use in vehicles and buildings; 25% of light-suty State fleet vehicles will be zero-emission vehicles by 2030; increasing reductions in energy use intensity (EUI) from the same 2014 baseline through 2050; expansion of the State electric vehicle charging network to 200 stations by 2030; and procurement of 100% of State electricity supply from renewable sources. OER has also begun using web-based centralized utility billing for state agencies for both electricity and natural gas, which has streamlined payment, reporting, and tracking capabilities for the State.
The state has several other energy benchmarking efforts underway, requiring governmental borrowers from the Efficient Buildings Fund to track energy for at least five years. State and Municipal entities are encouraged to do energy benchmarking using Portfolio Manager. To support that work, RI Energy developed a tool for automation and integration of utility usage with Portfolio Manager has now been completed and is being promoted to customers as a convenient and efficient way to track and manage building energy usage. Additionally, Rhode Island State Government, as part of the Lead by Example initiative, is using EnergyCAP to automate billing and to track and share state energy usage data for all of its buildings.
In January 2013, the State of Rhode Island signed onto the Better Buildings Challenge, which committed the State to reducing energy consumption in state facilities by 20% by 2020 below 2010 levels. In partnership with the University of Rhode Island, RI Office of Energy Resources (OER) developed an energy data inventory that includes of electricity and natural gas consumption for 100% of state building square footage.
The state previously established the Rhode Island Public Energy Partnership (RIPEP), which was a 3-year (2012-2015), U.S. Department of Energy-funded collaborative effort to achieve deep energy savings in state and municipal facilities and build a sustained, effective infrastructure for ongoing savings. Led by the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, RIPEP brought together the Office of Energy Resources, National Grid, URI Outreach Center, Narragansett Bay Commission, Energy Efficiency and Management Council, and other key public and private sector representatives. The project completed in 2015 and achieved the following results:
- Established energy data baseline inventories for all public facilities, including 546 municipal, 331 school and approximately 900 state facilities, for a total of about 1,777 facilities.
- Performed 39 energy audits covering over 1.8 million square feet.
- Implemented 123 energy efficiency projects for total energy savings of 28.6% or 4,748 MMBTU.
- Utilized over $5 million in rebates and on-bill repayment funds, including $2.5 million in RGGI funds, to support project implementation.
- Identified barriers to implementing energy efficiency in the public sector then addressed these barriers through master price agreements, expanded and enhancing financing and incentive options, and extensive technical assistance.
In addition to recent programs, the Green Buildings Act (November 9, 2010; updated June 2022) requires that all major facility projects of public agencies be designed and constructed to at least the LEED certified or an equivalent high performance green building standard. Under the Green Buildings Act, the Department of Administration is responsible for monitoring and documenting ongoing operating savings that result from this Act and annually publish a public report of findings and recommended changes in policy. Additionally, the Act required the Department of Administration to create a green buildings advisory committee composed of representatives from the design, construction, lumber and building materials industries involved in public works contracting, personnel from affected public agencies and school boards that oversee public works projects and others at the department's discretion to provide advice on implementing this section. The advisory committee makes recommendations regarding an education and training process and an ongoing evaluation or feedback process to help the department implement this section. The 2022 update to the stretch codes will be done in consultation with the Green Buildings Advisory Committee.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
The South Carolina Energy Efficiency Act addresses state government energy conservation. The statute (South Carolina Codes Title 48-52-420) directs the State Energy Office to “ensure that state government agencies establish comprehensive energy efficiency plans and become models for energy efficiency in South Carolina…” and develop energy efficient codes/standards for state-owned and leased buildings, including public school buildings, and requires state agencies and school districts to adhere to these codes. The Energy Office has collected benchmarking data from public agencies, K-12 schools and colleges and universities for over a decade. This data allows individual organizations to compare their energy use with others of a similar type and adjust behavior accordingly.
In June 2008, the state enacted additional legislation, H.B. 4766, requiring state agencies and public school districts to reduce energy use by 20% by 2020, from 2000. Training sessions were conducted around the state to assist agencies in developing new or revised energy plans in support of that goal. In addition, the SC Energy Office developed a template that could be used by state agencies and local governments to develop their plans. Benchmarking data collection now also includes qualitative information regarding achievement of the goal, impediments, etc. The state continues to collect benchmarking data for public buildings under the 20% reduction mandate at SC Code SECTION 48-52-610 on an annual basis. This section requires that state agencies submit their energy use data to the State Energy Office every year. State-leased buildings, as well as other facilities that petition the Energy Office, are excluded from these energy reduction and benchmarking requirements.
Newly constructed state buildings must meet either the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Rating "Silver" standard or have two globes according to the Green Globes Rating System for construction.
Last Reviewed: September 2020
New construction shall, in good faith, be designed with the intention of meeting or exceeding the high-performance green building standard that was in effect when the construction was registered with the rating system. Before construction begins, the Office of the State Engineer, architect, and building owner shall identify, in good faith, all components of the new construction.
There is no specific energy efficiency requirement in the building standard. The state standard applies to all new state-funded construction projects costing more than $1,000,000 or occupying more than 10,000 square feet of space.
The State of South Dakota Energy Conservation Loan Fund uses over $8 million dollars of funds to provide no-interest loans to State Government of South Dakota projects. The loan repayment is based on energy costs savings.
South Dakota tracks and benchmarks building energy use with Energy Cap.
South Dakota no longer requires a specific level of LEED or Green Globes rating, although LEED Silver or a Green Globes - 2 Globe rating are still the goal. The Office of the State Engineer reviews and approves projects to strive to meet these goals, without adding significant cost to chase ineffiecent points. This only applies to state government buildings.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
To maximize utility savings opportunities for State facilities, the State building energy management statutory responsibilities for State-owned and managed properties (Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 4-3-1012 and 4-3-1017-1019) were transferred from the Department of General Services (DGS) to TDEC OEP via Executive Order No. 63 on January 1, 2017. A new section, State Facility Utility Management (SFUM), was formed under OEP. SFUM strives to provide actionable utility insights to State facilities, enabling them to make informed decisions that optimize their facility energy consumption as well as their associated utility savings. To support this goal, SFUM administers several utility savings and building energy management initiatives, including the following:
- Development and maintenance of an online Utility Data Management (UDM) platform for approximately 8,000 State-owned and managed facilities.
- Oversight of energy efficiency projects under the EmPower TN initiative, designed to reduce energy consumption and utility costs for participating State facilities through the implementation of energy efficient technologies and/or energy management systems.
- Provision of no-cost technical assistance to State agencies and public higher education facilities to promote the implementation of energy management, energy efficiency, and/or renewable energy projects that meet the needs, budgets, and priorities of participating entities.
The UDM platform is a uniform repository for utility costs and usage for approximately 8,800 State-owned and managed facilities (~109 million square feet) with integrated bill payment, utility tracking, and benchmarking capabilities. The platform provides a means for end-users—such as fiscal personnel, SFUM team members, State facility and utility managers, sustainability professionals, and technical assistance providers—to gain actionable insights into utility data. In early CY 2019, the SFUM team completed the three-year UDM project development, configuration, and implementation phase for all 78 General Government agencies and Higher Education campuses. Historical data was uploaded, and ongoing data feeds established for all known and active State utility accounts (~8,900) and meters (~10,700). 890 end-users across General Government and Higher Education have been granted access to the UDM platform.
Since that time, the SFUM team has tracked utility cost and consumption at State-owned and managed facilities through the UDM system. Additionally, all EmPower TN energy efficiency project savings are measured and verified. For certain projects, the SFUM team is working with TVA and one of TVA’s contractors to determine energy usage baselines and create detailed energy surveys (DES). Each DES is specific to the individual project and energy conservation measure. Baseline physical conditions (energy consumption, control strategies, equipment inventory and conditions, occupancy, nameplate data, etc.) are identified through inspections, short-term metering activities, spot measurements, and surveys. The baseline conditions will be used to determine estimated savings by comparing the baseline energy use to the post-installation energy use.
Currently, the State of Tennessee is able to benchmark 100% of its approximately 109 million square feet of State-owned and managed facilities by primary use type, square footage, postal code, utility provider, commodity, and location.
High Performance Building Requirements (HPBr)
The Tennessee High Performance Building Requirements (HPBr), developed by the Office of the State Architect and DGS, reflect a system of design and construction requirements that intend to reduce total cost of ownership, improve project value, and increase the performance and sustainability of Tennessee’s portfolio of State buildings. The HPBr provides a consistent approach to new construction and renovation that reflects industry best practices. The HPBr includes review of an energy model as well as system commissioning through design and construction to ensure that energy systems function optimally as designed. In addition to the energy modeling, HPBr asserts that construction and renovation efforts must utilize sustainable materials and actively recycle on each job site.
The HPBr necessitate compliance with ASHRAE 90.1-2010 for all State facilities and higher education campuses. They also contain a checklist to encourage energy performance above ASHRAE 90.1-2010, including total building performance, lighting power levels, daylight harvesting, vacancy sensors, and high efficiency HVAC. In accordance with TCA §12-3-905, the HPBr mandate the purchase and installation of ENERGY STAR equipment for all ENERGY STAR eligible equipment types. Finally, the HPBr dictate that data centers with cooling systems be sub-metered downstream of the Uninterruptible Power Supply, a requirement for achieving an ENERGY STAR rating.
The State's HPBr only apply to State owned- and managed facilities, including higher education campuses. However, municipal and county governments have implemented requirements and programs for their own public buildings, including the following:
- Chattanooga: As a U.S. DOE Better Buildings Challenge partner, the City of Chattanooga has improved its cumulative municipal buildings’ energy performance by 40% from a 2013 baseline, far exceeding its goal of 20% improvement by 2025 (based on a commitment of 2 million square feet of its municipal building portfolio). This was achieved through a variety of building energy policies and upgrades, including building retro-commissioning, the adoption of ENERGY STAR appliances and utilities, participation in the local power company’s demand response program, an upgrade to LEDs, and more.
- Knoxville: As a U.S. DOE Better Buildings Challenge Partner, the City of Knoxville has improved its cumulative municipal buildings’ energy performance by 26% from a 2010 baseline, successfully achieving and exceeding its goal of 20% improvement by 2022 (based on a commitment of 2.06 million square feet of its municipal building portfolio).
- Nashville: On June 5th, 2019, the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County approved new legislation requiring buildings owned by Metro Government to meet new green building standards. This included the development of a strategic energy management plan, to include timelines and cost estimates for implementing an energy retrofit program across at least 9% of Metro Government-owned buildings by square footage between 2021 and 2024, prioritizing buildings that have core systems and equipment nearing the end of their useful lives, with a goal of achieving at least 20% reductions in average energy and greenhouse gas emissions; and A LEED® Zero retrofit program across at least 12.5% of Metro Government-owned buildings by square footage between 2026 and 2032. Renewable energy certificates (“RECs”) may be used as part of this retrofit program. Twelve Metro Nashville General Services buildings have rooftop solar panels. This adds up to 2,062 solar panels generating approx. 870,000 kWh annually. The lifetime solar generation for all General Services PV installations from 2010-Feb 2021 is 2,325,732 kWh. Additionally, Metro Nashville has an ordinance in place that requires all new and renovated Metro buildings over 5,000 square feet to achieve LEED® Silver or a greater level of LEED certification. As part of that requirement, facilities are designed to reduce annual energy cost compared to a code minimum standard by at least 10%.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
The Texas Health and Safety Code §388.005(c) requires political subdivisions in 41 non-attainment or affected counties to establish a goal to reduce electric consumption by at least five percent each state fiscal year. In 2019, the 86th Legislature passed Senate Bill 241, extending the timeline for this requirement seven years beginning September 1, 2019. Each political subdivision must submit a report annually to SECO regarding the entity's progress and efforts to meet the five percent annual reduction goal.
In 2007, Governor Perry signed HB 3693—an omnibus energy efficiency bill, which established efficiency provisions applicable to school districts and to certain institutions of higher education and executive branch state agencies, requiring them to establish a goal of reducing their annual electricity consumption by 5% for six consecutive years beginning September 1, 2007. Executive Order RP 49 in 2005 was updated by SB 700 in 2013 and requires uniform reporting of self-determined energy saving goals by state agencies and institutions of higher education. In September 2014, the state began to use Energy Star Portfolio Manager as the tracking tool for SB 700 reporting. School Energy Reporting Education Code §44.902: Each ISD shall establish a long-range energy plan with the goal of reducing the district's annual electricity consumption by 5 percent beginning with 2008 state fiscal year. Plan must include strategies for energy savings and cost effectiveness. Energy Savings Performance Contracts and Pay For Success Programs are encouraged (Education Code §44.901 and §44.904) Plans may be voluntarily submitted to SECO, as SECO can help to identify funding or incentives, which may be available to the district.
As published in April 2016, the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) established ASHRAE 90.1-2013 as the standard for state-funded new construction or major renovation projects, except low-rise residential buildings, which must comply with the 2015 IECC. This code went into effect on June 1, 2016. As published in May 2020, SECO published a rule for comments to update the standard for state funded new construction or major innovation from 90.1-2013 to 90.1-2018. State Statute (19 TX Administrative Code 34.1.C) requires that before beginning construction of a new state building or a major renovation project, a state agency or an institution of higher education establishes that the project complies with minimum energy efficiency design requirements. The 81st Legislature also passed HB 1831 and HB 4409, both of which require critical government buildings to obtain a combined heat and power (CHP) feasibility study prior to construction or major renovation.
Per the Long-range Utility Services Plan: 34 Tex. Admin. Code Rule §19.16, each shall develop a comprehensive plan that outlines percentage goals for reducing electric, water, transportation fuel, and natural gas consumption. SECO aids in developing an EWMP. Reporting includes a record of monthly electric, water and natural gas consumption data in the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool. Each shall prepare a long-range plan for the delivery of reliable, cost-effective utility services to the agency or institution, and shall update every 5 years and post plan on a public website.
As published in April 2016, the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) established ASHRAE 90.1-2013 as the standard for state-funded new construction or major renovation projects, except low-rise residential buildings, which must comply with the 2015 IECC. This code went into effect on June 1, 2016.
State agencies track energy data on EnergyStar Portfolio Manager.
Last Reviewed: July 2020
Passed in 2006, HB 80 required the creation and implementation of a state building energy efficiency program, which shall develop guidelines/procedures and goals for energy efficiency for state buildings. The program must also analyze and benchmark state agencies' energy consumption. In the past 12 months, DFCM has gotten the first round of data entered into a state-wide (all state agencies buildings) data base, Building OS, in order to start bench-marking state buildings. The intention now is to bench-mark state buildings against the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) data set. The other goal for the Building OS platform is confirm that buildings are performing in accordance with their design intent, and thereby confirm and inform the effectiveness of the State's High Performance Building Standard. Data continues to be added to the Building OS platform, and part of the bench-marking data available is on another platform that many higher education institutions have chosen called Vitality. These two data sets are being used to created state specific EUI design targets for certain types of buildings. The comparison to CBECS will also continue as another way of assessing energy performance. Currently, 75% of DFCM managed buildings are being bench-marked in Building OS. This does not include higher education or other public buildings. The City of Salt Lake has its own bench-marking program underway.
In Spring 2015, the Utah Governor's Office of Energy Development, CFSM, Division of Administrative Services, and Salt Lake City Public Schools began very early discussions to develop a statewide benchmarking, challenge and recognition program. S.B. 217 (2015) requires all state buildings to report their utility expenditures and energy and water consumption annually at the building level and report to the Governor and Legislature annually. Each state agency must designate a staff member that is responsible for coordinating energy efficiency efforts within the agency; provide energy consumption and costs information to the division; develop strategies for improving energy efficiency and reducing energy costs; and provide the division with information regarding the agency's energy efficiency and reduction strategies. As part of this initiative, the Division of Facilities Construction and Management are identifying structures that require building-level meters and are working to meter those buildings in order to fulfill the reporting requirements. The Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management estimates that 15 percent of state government building square footage is benchmarked. A standard of quality and a method of centralized reporting are being established in FY 2017. The Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management released an RFP for a vendor to meter buildings and develop an online benchmarking platform. The vendor has been selected and the scope of work is being executed and the contract is still active through state contract until 2024.
The State of Utah's High Performance Building Standard (HPBS) for new construction requires standard building types be built to an EUI target. This requirement exceeds current energy codes. If it is a non-standard building, our buildings are required to exceed current energy code by 16%. The standard also meets or exceeds requirements equivalent to a LEED Silver building in other areas of sustainability in the built environment, including building system and building envelope commissioning requirements.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
The 2021 State Agency Energy Plan, part of the Comprehensive 2022 State Energy Plan, establishes the following goals: 1) reducing total energy consumption by 40% by 2025, and by 50% by 2035; 2) meeting 35% of the remaining energy need from renewable sources by 2025, and 45% by 2035; and 3) achieving 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels by 2030. The plan also encourages all Vermont State Agencies to track and benchmark state-owned and operated buildings' energy use using the Energy Star Portfolio Manager. To meet the SAEP's goals for reductions in total energy consumption, state agencies must improve electric and heating efficiency within state buildings (especially those that are state-owned, but also those that are leased), in addition to conserving more energy through changes in practices. In total, these gains in efficiency and conservation should reduce fuel usage by 15% by 2030, to support progress in meeting the state's overall energy use reduction goal. Funding is available for energy retrofits through the State Energy Management Program (SEMP). VT Buildings and General Services currently considers meeting the energy standards necessary to secure the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design certification, on all new construction projects.
BGS is statutorily required to utilize lifecycle cost analysis when considering the use of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and thermal energy conservation in any new building construction or major renovation project in excess of $250,000.
The State shall consider buildings with LEED Certification, Energy Star Certification or Efficiency Vermont’s High Performance Building designation when entering into a new lease space that is greater than 5,000 square feet and the total term of the lease is five or more years. The leasing agent must consider these criteria unless there is no space available that will meet these criteria and the program needs of the agency including, emergency relocation and geographical requirements. If the needs of the tenant require a space that does not meet these energy standards, the lease agreement will include an arrangement between the landlord and BGS to create an implementation plan for energy efficiency and energy conservation measures and consider renewable energy usage and generation to improve the overall efficiency of the building.
When entering into a new lease agreement or amending an existing lease agreement in which BGS will not be responsible for paying the utility bills, the lease agreement will reflect the landlord’s responsibility to make all energy usage data available to BGS for the term of the lease. BGS will reserve the right to sub-meter in multi-tenant spaces to obtain State only energy usage data if it is beneficial to the State.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
In the past, Virginia has set several short-term targets for energy savings in state buildings. Executive Order 48, signed on April 5, 2007, directed state agencies to reduce the annual cost of non-renewable energy purchases by at least 20% of fiscal year 2006 expenditures by fiscal year 2010. Executive Order 19, signed by Governor Bob McDonnell on July 1, 2010, directed each state agency to develop and employ efficiency tools with the goal of reducing its annual energy use by at least 5 percent for fiscal year 2012 (compared to fiscal year 2010). Executive Order 31 and the 2014 Virginia Energy Plan directs the State Energy Office to reduce electricity consumption by 15% in state buildings by 2017, from 2010, and work with the Governor's Executive Committee on Energy Efficiency to establish a comprehensive system to measure, verify and track energy consumption in state facilities.
The state has developed prototypes for an energy data registry/dashboard that will be used to collect energy consumption data from state agencies. As part of EO 31, the Governor created a Chief Energy Efficiency Officer within the Administration to oversee aggressive implementation of EE measures in state agencies, and instructed executive agencies to engage/re-engage in the Energy Performance Contracting process. The 2014 Virginia Energy Plan includes a recommendation to "create a central state facility energy data registry and dashboard to track energy consumption at all state agencies. The Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy created a pilot version of this data warehouse in early 2016 and started in late 2016 a two-year process to develop a full scale benchmarking program for all state buildings. A small percentage, around 5 percent, of the largest energy consumers in the state building fleet, had been benchmarked by the end of 2016 in the pilot referenced above.
EO 19 also directs that new or renovated state buildings should conform to LEED silver or Green Globes two-globe standards. In addition, the order instructs the Commonwealth to encourage private sector adoption of energy-efficient building standards by giving preference when leasing buildings for state use to facilities meeting the above standards.
Executive Directive 2, signed by Governor McDonnell in 2011, directs three state agencies to create a plan to centralize energy management across state facilities to seek out economies of scale and greater energy efficiencies. This plan shall also encourage communications among agencies on energy best practices and educate state employees about how their actions affect state energy use and costs.
In 2020, Virginia Code §2.2-604.2 (2020 SB963) tasks state agencies to designate an employee as an energy manager who will work with the Department of Energy on incorporating state facility utility data into an energy management tool to track facility energy consumption. The energy manager is responsible for implementing improvements to state buildings to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency and climate change resiliency. The energy manager shall:
- Maintain a list of the facilities owned and leased by his agency, including buildings and interior spaces. Such list shall indicate energy usage and any prior energy audit or energy saving performance contract.
- Enter energy and water consumption and building-related information into the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager account for any building or facility over 5,000 square feet, beginning with the largest facilities not yet accounted for, as follows:
- By January 1, 2021, 5 percent of agency facilities;
- By January 1, 2022, 20 percent of agency facilities;
- By January 1, 2023, 45 percent of agency facilities;
- By January 1, 2024, 70 percent of agency facilities; and
- By January 1, 2025, 100 percent of agency facilities.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
WA Statute RCW 39.35D.030 (January 2005) requires that all major facility projects of public agencies receiving any funding in a state capital budget – including state government projects, public schools, and Housing Trust-funded low-income housing – must be designed, constructed, and certified to at least the LEED Silver standard and must include building commissioning as a component of the design process. LEED has been adopted by state colleges and universities as well as state agencies. All public schools must meet a LEED equivalent standard approved by State the Superintendent of Public instruction.
Washington Senate Bill 5854, passed in 2009, set benchmarking requirements for public facilities as well, requiring utilities to maintain utility data and transfer the data to facility managers using EPA Portfolio Manager. To date, the state has benchmarked about 99% of state agencies representing over 45 million square feet. Of all state-owned and leased buildings, including universities and community colleges, the state has benchmarked about 74%. Washington State Supports local government benchmarking through a fund to the Smart Building Center. Local governments may take advantage of the technical and data management support available for implementing municipal or mandatory benchmarking and disclosure policies for the general population.
Washington State Executive Order 20-01 requires state agencies to lead by example and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The order also requires some state agencies to meet zero energy or zero energy capable standards for new construction. The EO requires investments in energy efficiency, and includes a zero energy building standard for new construction. To assure agency action, the EO established the State Efficiency and Environmental Performance (SEEP) Office and a Governing Council (Council) of executives from the states most energy intensive agencies. State agencies are also required to meet emissions limits established in RCW 70A.45.050 and to develop long-term strategies to meet these emissions limits.
Washington House Bill 1257, passed in 2019, requires the Washington State Department of Commerce to develop and implement an energy performance standard for existing buildings over 50,000 square feet and to provide incentives to encourage efficiency improvements. In 2022, these standards were extended to Tier 2 buildings over 20,000 SF. Reporting requirements for Tier 2 buildings will become effective in 2027, with an incentive program starting in 2025. The WA standard, based on ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 100-2018, includes energy use intensity targets by building type and methods of conditional compliance that include an energy management plan, operations and maintenance program, energy efficiency audits, and investment in energy efficiency measures designed to meet the targets. Publicly owned buildings are subject to the requirements of the law.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
In March 2012, West Virginia enacted the Green Buildings Act, which applies to all new construction of public buildings, building receiving state grant funds, and buildings receiving state appropriations. For those buildings that have not entered the designed phase prior to July 1, 2012, buildings must be designed and constructed to comply with the ICC International Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE 90.1-2007. If a building is also receiving federal funds, the ICC and ASHRAE standards only apply if they are consistent with federal standards.
Benchmarking of state-owned facilities is now required as part of HB 2667. Additionally, the West Virginia Office of Energy (WVDOE) promotes benchmarking in all West Virginia public facilities through several programs. The WVOE received a USDOE Competitive SEP Award to benchmark energy performance of state owned buildings, beginning with K-12 schools. To date, 80% of school buildings have been benchmarked, and 35 schools have been Energy Star certified.
In February 2020, the WV State Legislature passed a study resolution to quantify utility costs to the state and to determine how state agencies can better manage the amount of state taxpayer dollars spent on utilities and to document deferred maintenance needs.
In April 2021, the WV State Legislature passed HB 2667 setting the state's first energy reduction goal of 25% below 2018 levels by 2030. This legislation also mandated annual auditing of all state-owned building utility accounts and tracking in Energy Star Portfolio Manager.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Per Executive Order 63, signed in March 2012, all new state facilities are required to be designed to achieve a level of energy efficiency that meets or exceeds the commercial code requirement in effect on the date of the issuance of this Order by at least 10%, so long as such measures are cost-effective on a life-cycle basis. No further goals have been put into place since then.
While there is no explicit requirement for benchmarking or tracking of energy use in public buildings, agencies are required to submit energy plans that include estimated energy savings. To do so, many agencies choose to benchmark buildings.
The Division of Facilities Development published Sustainability Guidelines for Capital Projects. These guidelines are based on the American Institute of Architect’s (AIA) Framework for Design Excellence and adapted for use on DFD projects to align with Governor Evers' Executive Order #38 to “Develop energy efficiency, sustainability and renewable energy guidelines for all new and existing state facilities, office buildings, and complexes.” The intent of these guidelines is to provide a holistic approach to sustainability by evaluating multiple measures for applicability to capital projects as they are relevant to our customer’s varying project needs and missions. These guidelines are part of a larger effort towards a more sustainable environment today and for future generations.
The Governor issued Wisconsin's Clean Energy Plan with strategies for state government Lead-by-Example work. State agencies leadership aim to:
- Contribute to the fulfillment of carbon reduction goals of the new U.S. nationally determined contribution (NDC) as part of the Paris Agreement (50-52 percent economy-wide net GHG emissions reductions below 2005 levels by 2030);
- Develop energy efficiency, sustainability, and renewable energy standards for all new and existing state facilities, office buildings, and complexes;
- Accelerate new and existing policies to reduce carbon pollution and promote clean energy deployment at the state level; and
- Focus on priority areas and practices, such as environmental justice, energy consumption reduction, sustainable procurement, transitioning the fleet to clean fuels and zero-emission vehicles, reducing solid waste, and reducing water consumption.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
No policy is in place or proposed. However, the Wyoming State Energy Office has an energy savings program that targets public facilities. The intent of this program is to retrofit existing buildings to maximize energy savings and create a sustainable reduction in energy usage. The program pays for both an energy audit and the cost of energy efficiency improvements on a cost share basis.
State-owned buildings are required to submit plans to the Wyoming State Building Commission, and the plan is required to consider each building’s utility costs and whether the contemplated projects might save utility costs through increased efficiency.
Last Reviewed: June 2022