State and Local Policy Database

New York

State Scorecard Rank


New York

39.0Scored out of 50Updated 12/2022
State Government
Score: 9 out of 9
State Government Summary List All

New York’s state government leads in its commitment to energy efficiency. The state offers several financial incentives for energy efficiency, including PACE financing. The New York state government leads by example by requiring energy-efficient public buildings and fleets, and by encouraging energy savings performance contracting. New York was the first state to pass a residential energy use disclosure requirement and has several major research programs devoted to energy efficiency research, including programs run through NYSERDA. 

Financial Incentives List All

The state of New York offers the following financial incentives to encourage energy efficiency improvements:

  • EmPower+: Beginning in 2023, the EmPower New York program and Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR (R) (“AHP”) were combined and streamlined into a single LMI program called EmPower+ serving both low- and moderate- income households with energy efficiency and clean energy services.
  • Green Jobs Green NY: The Green Jobs - Green New York (GJGNY) Program provides residential, small businesses, not-for-profits, and multi-family building owners with access to energy assessments, installation services, low-cost financing (currently for residential customers only), and “green jobs” workforce training. For residential customers, NYSERDA's Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program offers loans offer up to $13,000 per household, up to $25,000 if the project meets higher cost-effectiveness standards and have repayment periods of 5, 10, or 15 years. Programs for small businesses, not-for-profits and multifamily building owners (coming soon) can finance energy efficiency upgrades with low interest payments conveniently built into one energy bill and offset the payment with the savings earned over the year.
  • Low-Rise Residential New Construction Program
  • Clean Energy Communities: Local governments in New York State can use the Clean Energy Communities program to implement clean energy actions, save energy costs, create jobs, and improve the environment. In addition to providing tools, resources, and technical assistance, the program recognizes and rewards leadership for the completion of clean energy projects.
  • REV Campus Challenge: The REV Campus Challenge promotes clean energy efforts by recognizing and supporting colleges and universities in New York State that implement clean energy projects and principles on campus, in the classroom, and in surrounding communities. The REV Campus Challenge recognizes colleges and universities that strive to meet their financial, environmental, academic, and community goals through clean energy solutions. REV Campus Challenge members are invited to participate in the Roadmaps Technical Assistance program, which supports colleges and universities in kick-starting their clean energy efforts. Launched in December 2016, the Roadmaps program provides funding for REV Campus Challenge members to work with energy consultants to better understand and pursue clean energy opportunities on their campuses and develop action plans for the future.
  • Drive Clean Rebates
  • DEC Municipal Zero-Emission (ZEV) & ZEV Infrastructure Rebate Program
  • Energy Conservation Improvements Property Tax Exemption
  • New York Green Bank: The $1 billion NY Green Bank (NYGB) acts as a supplement to other ratepayer-funded programs by leveraging private investment for energy efficiency and clean energy. NYGB alleviates barriers and gaps in clean energy financing by providing products that make it possible for lenders to close greater numbers of credit-worthy deals, and it fosters scalable, replicable clean energy projects and financial solutions by promoting standardizations of contracts, installation and servicing practices, and credit underwriting methods. NYGB's current active energy efficiency portfolio includes numerous proposed transactions in various clean energy sectors. For example, the NYGB has recently retrofitted Northpoint School District, installed a CHP system at Hebrew Home for the Aged (Riverdale, NY), retrofitted numerous NYC Housing Authority developments, and funded an energy software company called Sealed, Inc. that finances residential efficiency improvements. In June 2017 Governor Cuomo announced that NYGB had turned a $2.7 million profit.
  • Charge Ready NY 2.0: Relaunched in 2023, the program still focused on Level 2 charging stations but is now targeting workplace and MUD charging, as well as public charging in DACs.
  • New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program: NYTVIP has added funding for certain categories of vehicles in the last two years, and no longer funds electric school buses because NYSBIP now covers that
  • New York State Bus Incentive Program (NYSBIP): NYSBIP is a statewide voucher incentive program for zero-emission school buses (electric and hydrogen fuel cell) and associated charging and fueling infrastructure.
  • MF Low Carbon Programs: Provides additional funding to Low Carbon Pathways (construction incentives) and Low Carbon Capital Planning (cost share for energy studies) projects that don’t pay into SBC.  
  • New York City Housing Authority Building Decarbonization
  • Public Housing Authority Support: Supports initiatives/challenges with the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) such as the Induction Stovetop challenge
  • Affordable Housing Decarbonization Support: Supports NYS Homes and Community Renewal through the direction injection program. This can be used for projects that do not pay SBC, can go towards technical assistance and other initiatives.

Further financial incentive information can be found in the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE New York). In addition to these state-funded incentives, New York has enabled commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing and has two active programs. For additional information on PACE, visit PACENation.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Equity Metrics and Workforce DevelopmentList All

Carbon Pricing Policies

New York State participates in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cooperative, market-based effort among several northeast and mid-Atlantic states to cap and reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector. At least 35% of auction proceeds allocated to New York State are programmed in a way for disadvantaged or otherwise underserved communities benefit from RGGI investments. More information on the New York State RGGI Operating Plan can be found here.


Through the Energy Affordability Policy, the NYS Public Service Commission set a target for the energy burden for low-income customers to be no more than 6%.  To meet this objective, the PSC established a program to provide necessary bill payment assistance and sets an expectation for utilities to coordinate bill payment assistance with energy efficiency and weatherization programs to reduce energy consumption.

Community Engagement

New York State has advanced several approaches for improving engagement with underserved or marginalized communities through the investment of $52 million to establish Regional Clean Energy Hubs across the state to build capacity at the local level for engagement, outreach, creating access to programs and resources, and ultimately positioning underserved communities to participate in and benefit from the clean energy transition.

Compensation for Community Expertise: The NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) recognizes that community stakeholders need to be compensated for their valuable time and contributions when informing NYSERDA’s policies and programs. In 2022, NYSERDA through its Energy & Climate Equity Team established two mechanisms to provide compensation to community-based organizations serving or representing disadvantaged communities to be paid for time dedicated to informing NYSERDA initiatives.  The Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) Stakeholder Services Pool (RFQL 4922) established a pool of qualified consultants available to work with NYSERDA staff through a variety of paid services for long-term work. The Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) Stakeholder Reimbursement offers reimbursements to CBOs, via a simple on-line submission process, with standard Meeting Reimbursement Rate payments, based on length of meeting, (up to 2.5 hours = $300, 3-5 hours = $600, 5.5+ hours = $800) when invited by NYSERDA to participate in meetings or other immediate, short-term, or ad hoc needs and services.   The purpose of The DAC Stakeholder Services Pool is designed to enhance and better inform NYSERDA programs & policies with broader reach, more buy in and higher impact.                                                                                                                    

The Energy Equity Collaborative:  NYSERDA launched the Energy Equity Collaborative to provide a forum for collaboration between those that serve and represent historically marginalized communities and New York State. The purpose of The Energy Equity Collaborative is to elevate energy & climate equity issues, build relationships between NYSERDA and community organizations representing disadvantaged communities and align on equitable program and policy development opportunities at NYSERDA. The Energy Equity Collaborative serves in advisory role to NYSERDA.  In 2023, The Energy Equity Collaborative established a Founding Steering Committee comprised of community-based organizations and stakeholders that are representative or principally serve Disadvantaged Communities. The Energy Equity Collaborative is anticipated to expand its community-based organization membership through four key topical working groups in 2024.  Member organizations of the The Energy Equity Collaborative are compensated for their time and expertise.     

Workforce Development
NYSERDA is investing over $108 million to train over 40,000 workers and to build on its long history of working in partnership with education and training systems to deliver the workforce skills employers need. With many of the state’s most skilled employees approaching retirement age, an insufficient pipeline of skilled workers to fill the gap, and technologies that are evolving rapidly, New York needs a readily available workforce that is skilled and adaptable. Many initiatives will target incumbent workers but, whenever possible, efforts will seek to identify and support future workforce needs and increase economic opportunity for unemployed, underemployed, and disadvantaged workers by developing and promoting middle‐skill jobs. Disadvantaged workers include but are not limited to those residing in low and moderate-income communities, underrepresented populations including women and people of color, and disconnected youth.
NYSERDA utilized an industry partnership (i.e., an ongoing dialogue among industry leaders on common workforce issues and opportunities) to identify the workforce training needs associated with building operations and maintenance. Building operations and maintenance partnerships is an industry partnership model intended to: help identify worker skill needs; inform investments in skills and talent development; support career pathways; and develop the training infrastructure needed to better link supply and demand in the labor market.

NYSERDA is also investing in developing a clean energy talent pipeline, a proactive approach to defining, attracting and developing the right mix of critical talent that is responsive to industry needs and market demand. Through increasing training capacity, incenting businesses to train new hires through on-the-job training, and supporting an internship program, the initiative will ensure that New York has the skilled workers necessary to meet clean energy and energy efficiency business needs.

The talent pipeline initiative is designed to support NY Clean Heat or building electrification and energy efficiency market enablement strategies. A total of $38 million will be targeted at training needs to support NY Clean Heat including targeted training to address critical needs related to NY Clean Heat incentive programs, a new career pathway training program for new workers from priority populations, new building electrification training programs and increased training capacity for designers, installers, technical sales staff and associated professional service workers and, increased incentives for companies hiring new heat pump workers. Working in partnership with businesses, training providers, and communities, this investment will provide training support for over 14,000 building industry professionals – helping New York State meet the labor needs associated with NY Clean Heat goals and supporting New York’s vocational and training institutions for the long-term transformation needed to fundamentally change the way we heat and cool buildings.

Funding for workforce development and training for individuals from priority populations and disadvantaged communities is awarded through the several Program Opportunity Notices (PONs), including career pathways, on the job training, climate justice fellowships, and internship programs.                                                        

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Carbon Pricing PoliciesList All

New York is a member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program for reducing GHG emissions in North America that began its compliance period in 2009. Capping CO2 emissions from the power sector, the program aims to reduce emissions by 45% below 2005 levels by 2020 and additionally by 30% by 2030.

Per state legislation S6599/A8429, New York does have a statewide emissions reduction goal in place, specifically to reduce emissions 100% by 2050 (baseline year 1990).

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Building Energy Disclosure List All
  • Building type(s) affected: residential

The Truth in Heating law requires the release of utility data of residential buildings at the time of sale or rental.

New York requires state-owned facilities over 25,000 ft2 that are able to receive a score from the EPA Portfolio Manager to annually benchmark and disclose those Portfolio Manager scores.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Public Building Requirements List All

A main component of New York State’s policy for State assets to lead by example on energy issues is the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), which was enacted in July 2019. Section 7.1 of the CLCPA states that “all state agencies shall assess and implement strategies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions,” setting forth the directive for agencies to comprehensively reduce emissions across all their building and vehicle operations. As part of the strategy for achieving these reductions, State agencies and authorities are required to meet an 11 TBtu site-based energy efficiency savings goal by 2025. Furthermore, Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of the CLCPA direct State agencies and authorities to incorporate emissions reduction goals into decisions on permits, licenses, grants, loans, and contracts

Building on the foundation set by the CLCPA, in September 2022, Executive Order No. 22 (E.O. #22) established an ambitious energy efficiency goal to reduce energy use at state facilities by 11 trillion BTU by 2025 from a 2015 baseline. Known as BuildSmart 2025, this collective energy saving effort represents approximately one third of all energy consumed at state facilities. NYPA, through its longstanding BuildSmart program, supports state agencies and authorities as they plan for, act on, and track progress toward the BuildSmart 2025 goal. NYPA’s BuildSmart program allocates a portion of the collective 11 trillion BTU goal to each E.O. #22 “Affected Entity,” creating individual energy savings targets for each agency and authority. It also establishes intermediary deliverables and creates supporting resources to set New York State on a path to success. 

E.O. #22 established NYPA’s NY Energy Manager (NYEM) as the system of record for energy data. All E.O. #22 Affected Entities are required to ensure their energy data is entered completely and accurately. Energy saving project data entered into NYEM is used to demonstrate individual and collective progress toward BuildSmart 2025 goals. BuildSmart 2025 progress is reported as part of the GreenNY Annual Report. As of December 2023, and with committed projects underway, New York State agencies and authorities are on track to decrease overall energy consumption at state facilities by 8.02 TBTU, putting the State at 72.9% of its E.O. #22 energy efficiency goal. This includes 937 completed projects and 957 committed projects at state facilities.

In 2012 NYPA initiated the Five Cities Energy Plans for the cities of Albany, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Yonkers, aiming to reduce overall energy costs and consumption, strengthen the reliability of each city's energy infrastructure, create jobs in local clean energy industries, and contribute to a cleaner environment. With NYPA funding and technical assistance, the Five Cities implemented a variety of energy efficiency projects that enabled them to reduce municipal energy consumption. These projects were facilitated with the support of NYPA-funded staff and a total of $4 million in grants was provided by NYPA to the Five Cities. Energy efficiency measures such as lighting, HVAC upgrades, and building controls, were installed in over 200 municipal-based locations across the Five Cities.

As part of New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV), NYSERDA launched a Clean Energy Communities program in August 2016. This program is a coordinated State-level effort to engage and standardize local and municipal efforts in ways that drive energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at scale. The program created a list of 10 high impact initiatives that each municipality can implement to earn a Clean Energy Community designation. One of the primary policy goals the program advocates for is the implementation of Benchmarking laws, requiring public disclosure of building energy consumption. As of June 2024, there were 557 designated Clean Energy Communities, and 4,709 high-impact actions were collectively completed by participating communities.

BuildSmart 2025 is an energy efficiency program for New York State entities to help pursue the policy target of 11 trillion British thermal units (TBtu) of building site energy savings by December 31, 2025 with a base year of SFY 2014-2015. 
BuildSmart 2025 has been established as a tool to assist state entities meet requirements established by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (The Climate Act). Specifically, Section 7.1 of The Climate Act requires that “all state agencies shall assess and implement strategies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.”
While BuildSmart 2025 is focused on meeting statutory requirements established by The Climate Act, it has also been developed based on the targets, goals, and requirements of several state issued orders and requirements:
  • Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (The Climate Act), , adopted measures to put the state on a path to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2050. Included in The Climate Act was a requirement that the New York State Climate Action Council develop a scoping plan to achieve 185 TBtu of energy savings by 2025.  (Chapter 106 of the laws of 2019)
  • Executive Order 88 (2012), resulted in the original BuildSmart NY program, which is transitioning to the BuildSmart 2025 program.   
  • Executive Order 166 (2017), mandated all affected state entities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030, and 80% by 2050. EO 166 also directed the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to develop an approach to emissions reduction and accounting for affected state Entities.  
  • New Efficiency: New York, issued by NYSERDA in April 2018, recommended a mix of strategies to meet a target of 185 TBtu savings by 2025, which included  a target of 11 TBtu of building site energy savings for state entities and directed the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”) to create a mechanism to collect project-level energy savings to track towards the target. 
  • The Climate Act (2019), adopted measures to put the state on a path to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2050. Included in The Climate Act was a requirement that the New York State Climate Action Council develop a scoping plan to achieve 185 TBtu of energy savings by 2025.  (Chapter 106 of the laws of 2019).
  • Executive Order No. 22 (2022), supersedes EO88 and EO166. It directs NYS agencies and authorities to achieve 11 trillion BTUs of energy savings at their facilities by 2025 as outlined in the BuildSmart 2025 program and encourages electrification and decarbonization measures. EO22 is a comprehensive policy that touches on many other important aspects of climate, energy, and sustainability beyond BuildSmart goals.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Fleets List All

As part of the enacted FY2022 New York State Budget, schools are required to start purchasing or leasing zero emissions buses as of July 1, 2027, and operate a fully zero-emissions fleet by July 1, 2035. This requirement includes contracted transportation services and authorizes school districts to finance zero-emission buses for up to 12 years, more than double the previous 5 year limit for diesel buses. In addition, as part of the Budget, the Office of General Services was awarded $17 million to convert state fleets to electric vehicles.

New York does not have an overall fleet efficiency standard or target; however, the state is partnering with municipalities to expand state and local ownership of electric vehicles. Additionally, NYSERDA and the NYPA are working with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to reduce its energy consumption. In 2018, the MTA set a goal of ramping up electric bus purchases over the next 10 years so that starting in 2029 it will only buy all-electric buses and have a 100% electric bus fleet by 2040. In January 2020, the State set a goal for five other major transit operators to convert 25% of their fleets to all-electric buses by 2025 and 100% of their fleets to all-electric buses by 2035. The State also promotes energy efficiency for state fleets through the GreenNY website, which focuses on “right-sizing,” limiting miles traveled, advanced fleet management tools, and electric vehicles, among other guidance on best practices.

State agencies are currently required to purchase or lease passenger vehicles, which have a fuel economy in the top 30% of their vehicle class as listed under EPA size class on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maintained website, as per Executive Order No. 4 (2008), which was continued by Governor Hochul in Executive Order No. 6 (2021). A replacement draft Passenger Vehicle Green Purchasing Specifications is going through a public comment period. Once approved, agencies and authorities affected by Executive Order No. are required to rely upon the Green Purchasing Specifications in their procurements. In addition, the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Office of General Services conduct annual aggregate purchases for Zero Emission Vehicles from which state agencies can benefit.

New York is signatory to State Zero-Emission Vehicle Programs Memorandum of Understanding intended to increase purchases of new plug-in vehicles. From this, New York requires that 25% of light-duty non-emergency vehicle purchases be ZEVs by 2025, and government agencies install supporting charging stations. 

A new law passed in 2021 will ban the sale of fossil fuel passenger cars and require that they be electric by 2035, which will facilitate a transition of the State’s vehicle fleet toward being fully electric. The law also contains a phase-in for other vehicle types, where feasible. Chapter 423 of the Laws of 2021.  

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Energy Savings Performance Contracting List All

The New York Power Authority (NYPA) has been offering its Energy Services Program for 32 years. Between 1987 and 2019, NYPA has financed and invested over $3.1 billion across 6,953 facilities within New York State. Under this Energy Services Program, NYPA provides services that include developing feasibility studies, engineering design, life-cycle cost analyses, procuring equipment, contractor labor, hazardous waste disposal, managing projects/construction and financing projects. Measures include, but are not limited to: lighting retrofits, building envelop-related improvements, HVAC modernization, including energy-efficient chillers, boilers, and controls, high-efficiency motors, variable-speed drives, energy management systems, process controls, and distributed generation. These installations, and many more, have been performed throughout the NYPA customer base. New York State governmental entities, municipalities, school districts, public housing authorities, wastewater treatment plants, prisons, hospitals, museums, zoos, and public colleges are all continuing participants in the NYPA program. In 2019, NYPA initiated approximately $532 million in energy efficiency projects across over 293 public buildings statewide. The programs are implemented without performance guarantees which are traditionally offered by ESCOs. NYPA has been steadily expanding its program services and is on track to exceed $600M in 2020. DASNY also has the authorizing language to support performance contracting, and many municipalities and K-12 schools issue their own procurements independently to obtain performance contracting services.

Last Reviewed: August 2020

Research & Development List All

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) supports a broad range of technology research, development and commercialization activities, and exists within a deep network of other New York based organizations having similar missions. NYSERDA makes strategically significant investments in scientific research, market analysis, product development, and technology field validation. These investments are used to provide knowledge on the environmental impacts of current and emerging energy options, conduct early-stage market analysis associated with new technologies, advance clean energy innovations towards market readiness, and stimulate an innovation economy in New York.  The support provided by NYSERDA to develop and test new products and technologies have and will improve the energy efficiency and expand the energy options for the buildings, industrial, transportation, power, and environmental sectors of the New York economy. In addition to the investments made to assist with technology development and validation, NYSERDA also helps to build a growing clean energy business ecosystem through investments in multi-use assets and through support for industry consortia; the aim of which is to support the environment or ecosystem within which clean technology companies are more likely to be incepted and nurtured for better growth prospects. Key components of this strategy are Proof of Concept Centers (POCC) and Incubators. 

The Center for Sustainable & Renewable Energy (CSRE) at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry is a clearinghouse for all 64 SUNY campuses’ research and development in the areas of energy efficiency and sustainability.  Its current efficiency focuses are the New York “Green Campus” Energy Efficiency Initiative and a water efficiency feasibility study involving Lake Ontario.

The Building Energy and Environmental Systems Laboratory (BEESL) at Syracuse University is a research lab associated with the Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems, the New York Strategically Targeted Academic Research Center for Environmental Quality Systems, and the New York Indoor Environmental Quality Center. BEESL advances technologies for indoor environmental quality, energy efficient buildings, air conditioning and refrigeration manufacturing, and power generation and distribution. It was established in November 1999 with funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the New York State Assembly, National Grid, Syracuse University, and a $2 million gift from Frances and Fritz Traugott.  It has a staff of nearly 40 and is funded through research grants from a variety of US agencies, New York State agencies, NGOs, and corporations, as well as from Syracuse University.

The Institute for Urban Systems at City University of New York (CIUS) identifies innovative solutions to the problems of aging capital stock, environmental sustainability, and urban economic competitiveness in the management of transportation, energy, water, buildings, and other infrastructure systems.

The Energy and Environmental Technology Application Center (E2TAC) at Albany State University is also at the forefront of energy-related issues such as smart grid energy efficiency, thermoelectric, power electronics, sensors and superconductors, and advanced PVs.

The Clean Energy Fund (CEF), recently approved in NYS provides a consistent funding commitment over a 10-year period (R&D investment is $70 million annually) for strategic investments in clean energy research and development. This long-term support is unique compared with other states and provides a strong signal to entrepreneurs and startup companies that NY is willing to make the sustained commitment necessary to develop and commercialize clean energy technologies that support the economy and the environment.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Important Links List All
Score: 16.5 out of 24
Buildings Summary List All

Residential buildings must comply with the 2018 IECC and commercial buildings must comply with the 2018 IECC or ASHRAE 90.1-2016, although local governments may adopt more stringent building energy codes. NYStretch Energy Code-2020 was published July 2019 for voluntary, local adoption. To date, NYStretch has been adopted by 14 local governments, including New York City. 

Last reviewed: November 2024

Residential Codes List All

On December 6, 2019, the Fire Prevention and Building Code Council voted to adopt major updates to the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code, incorporating the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and ASHRAE 90.1-2016. Effective May 12, 2020, residential buildings must comply with the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State. 

Under New York State Energy Law, Article 11, local energy codes are permitted by law, as long as the local energy code is more stringent than the state energy code. The state developed a stretch energy code with contributions from an advisory group and technical working groups representing state and local government, utilities, design professionals, building trades and advocacy groups.   NYStretch Energy Code-2020 (NYStretch) was published July 2019 for voluntary, local adoption.  The Residential Provisions of NYStretch are approximately 19% more efficient than the 2020 New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code.  To date, NYStretch  has been adopted by 42 local governments, including New York City. The City of Ithaca includes NYStretch as an optional path in their Green Building Code. NYSERDA is promoting and supporting local adoption, and dozens of additional jurisdictions throughout the state and considering local laws to adopt NYStretch-2020.  NYStretch-2020 adoption is incentized until June 30, 2022 through NYSERDA's Clean Energy Communities Program (Link). The City of Ithaca includes NYStretch as an optional path in their Green Building Code. NYSERDA also worked with the State University of New York Construction Fund to pass a directive that all construction on its campuses will meet NYStretch provisions.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Commercial Code List All

On December 6, 2019 the Fire Prevention and Building Code Council voted to adopt major updates to the Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State, incorporating the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) and ASHRAE 90.1-2016. Effective May 12, 2020, commercial buildings must comply with the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State. 

Under New York State Energy Law, Article 11, local energy codes are permitted by law, as long as the local energy code is more stringent than the state energy code. The state developed a stretch energy code with contributions from an advisory group and technical working groups represented by state and local government, utilities, design professionals, building trades and advocacy groups.   NYStretch Energy Code-2020 was published July 2019 for voluntary, local adoption.  The Commercial Provisions of NYStretch are approximately 7% more efficient than the 2020 New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code.  To date, NYStretch  has been adopted by 42 local governments, including New York City. The City of Ithaca includes NYStretch as an optional path in their Green Building Code. NYSERDA is promoting and supporting local adoption, and dozens of additional jurisdictions throughout the state and considering local laws to adopt NYStretch-2020.  NYStretch-2020 adoption is incentized until June 30, 2022 through NYSERDA's Clean Energy Communities Program (Link). The City of Ithaca includes NYStretch as an optional path in their Green Building Code. NYSERDA also worked with the State University of New York Construction Fund to pass a directive that all construction on its campuses will meet NYStretch provisions.

Last Updated: November 2024

Compliance List All
  • Gap Analysis/Strategic Compliance Plan: NYS performed a Gap Analysis and strategic compliance plan, or Action Plan.  The draft report was prepared April 2016, describing both Gap Analysis findings as well as an Action Plan for proposed measures to improve Energy Code compliance and enforcement. Gap Analysis findings included in-depth interviews with approximately 150 design, construction and enforcement professionals, as well as building owners and representatives from state and local government.  Gap Analysis also include a survey of approximately 450 NYS code enforcement officials and review of statewide compliance assessments and market intervention strategies designed to improve compliance and enforcement performed to date.
  • Baseline & Updated Compliance Studies: New York State’s most recent statewide energy code compliance studies took place in 2015/2016 and 2019/2020. New York State conducted its first Delphi Panel in 2015 (report published February 2016) with a group of experts in new and existing residential and commercial sector design, construction and enforcement, to gather information on the frequency and quality of specific building practices employed in the State. Through the iterative process of collecting opinions and building consensus between experts, NYSERDA analyzed building practices and code compliance to estimate a baseline energy code compliance level for the State. A second Delphi Panel was conducted in 3 phases between October 2019 and January 2020, to measure compliance with the 2016 New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code. During that time, a longitudinal study of in-depth interviews with three municipalities (urban, suburban and rural) was also conducted to supplement Delphi Panel findings. An additional Delphi Panel was conducted in 2022, with reported results expected Q3, and another is planned for 2023. Additional longitudinal studies occurred through 2023, to measure progress.
  • Utility Involvement: NYSERDA administers utility rate payer dollars to support building energy code compliance and enforcement. On January 21, 2016, the New York State Public Service Commission issued an order authorizing the Clean Energy Fund Framework. NYSERDA will administer a multi-million dollar investment in supporting building energy code compliance and enforcement through 2025. In 2019, NYSERDA supported and trained over 3,300 professionals at 119 events throughout the state. NYSERDA also published the Performance Path Enforcement Manual for enforcement professionals in October 2018, the New York State Energy Code Manual for Design Professionals in June 2019, and the Energy Code Enforcement Manual for Code Enforcement Officials in June 2019. Resources available here.
  • Stakeholder Advisory Group: NYSERDA staff, DOS, and contractors conduct regular meetings with the code enforcement, design and construction communities to inform policy and program decisions, including training themes and approaches. In 2019, New York State performed a 90-day public comment period as part of the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State rulemaking proceedings, giving New Yorkers an opportunity to contribute to the state’s code adoption process.  Stakeholder working group meetings were performed in 2018 to inform NYStretch Energy Code-2020. Market research was conducted in 2019, into 2020 to inform how the state can better support compliance, including through adoption of supplemental methods of energy code enforcement.  
  • Training/Outreach: NYSERDA supports ongoing classroom and web-based training and resources to support better compliance with and enforcement of the Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State and NYStretch Energy Code. Free and low-cost energy code training is designed for code enforcement officials, design professionals, building trade professionals and others involved in building design, construction and enforcement.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

CHP Summary List All

New York has adopted strong policies and programs to support the deployment of CHP. In June 2017, Executive Order #166 Redoubling New York's Fight Against the Economic and Environmental Threats Posed by Climate Change and Affirming the Goals of the Paris Climate Agreement was signed, explicitly supporting high efficiency combined heat and power projects as part of its portfolio towards meeting policy goals. There were 33 new CHP installations completed in 2018.

Interconnection StandardsList All

Policy: New York State Standardized Interconnection Requirements and Application Process for New Distributed Generators 5 MW or Less Connected in Parallel with Utility Distribution Systems (SIR).

Description: In 1999, New York became the second state in the country to adopt an interconnection standard and they have been periodically revised since. A 2015 REV Order directed the implementation of a process to raise the threshold applicability from 2 MW and the SIR was updated in March 2016 to apply to systems up to 5 MW. The standard is consistent with IEEE’s 1547 interconnection standard and explicitly allows for the interconnection of CHP systems. While the NYSIR interconnection standard applies up to 5 MW, the utilities with service territory covering the majority of the state have procedures that include systems up to 20 MW. The SIR was updated again in 2018 to enhance the interconnection process for distributed generation, such as CHP, paired with energy storage systems.

Last Updated: July 2018

Encouraging CHP as a ResourceList All

CHP in energy efficiency standards: In April 2007, Governor Spitzer set a new policy goal to reduce electricity use in 2015 by 15% (“15 by 15”), relative to projected use in 2015. In June 2008, the New York Public Service Commission issued an Order Establishing Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS) and Approving Programs. As New York looks beyond EEPS and toward more market-based transformation efforts through the Clean Energy Fund, it will pursue both resource acquisition and market transformation strategies.

CHP programs:  The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has some of the most extensive experience implementing statewide programs to encourage CHP. After 2015, the incentive program has been a continuation/modification of NYSERDA's previous CHP Acceleration and Aggregation Program (Program Opportunity Notice 2568) and CHP Performance Program (Program Opportunity Notice 2701). These two separate programs have been merged into a single offering, issued as "The CHP Program" and labeled as Program Opportunity Notice 2568. The market transformation activities will strive to reduce soft costs, reduce cycle times, and increase monetization of values, by simplifying and accelerating customer acquisition, facilitating project replication through standardized model contract terms and conditions, and establishing consensus-based methodologies for calculating/analyzing costs/savings data and for assigning a monetized value to the enhanced resiliency provided by CHP. One significant change to NYSERDA’s CHP program, however, is a reduction in eligible system size to 3MW and a future scaling down of incentive levels. 

In February 2019, NYSERDA announced that they would no longer be accepting new applications for the CHP catalog program, the flagship incentive program, which has a long history of supporting CHP projects, reporting that project developers are able to proceed with their projects without subsidies going forward due to market maturity enabled by long-term investments. Additionally, NYSERDA will no longer fund CHP systems fueled only by natural gas. All units must be accompanied by solar or storage systems to be eligible for future funding.

Production goal: The Clean Energy Fund Investment Plan documents the state’s program budget for acquisition of a defined amount of MWh from CHP resources. The plan includes a three-year budget of approximately $48 million in incentives and services for CHP installations. This level of investment is expected to result in 220,000 MWh in resource acquisition and a reduction of 1,710,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent during the three-year period.

Last Updated: August 2019

Deployment IncentivesList All

Incentives, grants, and financing: NYSERDA's Program Opportunity Notice 2568 makes up to $82 million available for CHP installations through 2018. Specifically, NYSERDA will provide financial incentives for the installation of grid-connected CHP systems at customer sites that pay the Systems Benefit Charge (SBC) on their electric bill, or if new construction, will pay the SBC surcharge on the electric bill once interconnected.

The CHP Program is available to systems 3 MW and smaller, in addition to incentives, it provides consumer protection regarding quality of equipment, and consumer protection regarding project right-sizing. Quality of equipment is addressed through a streamlined approach based on a NYSERDA-developed list of pre-approved standardized packaged CHP modules in sizes 3 MW and smaller, or a case-by-case rigorous review of custom-engineered CHP systems size 1 MW and to 3 MW (in the 1 MW to 3 MW overlap range, applicants can opt for either a pre-engineered approach or a custom-engineered approach and will receive the identical incentive either way). Assurances of right-sizing of projects can proceed through a streamlined approach based on a NYSERDA-developed set of "rules of thumb" sizing guidelines, or a case-by-case rigorous review of custom-sized project designs.

In 2016, Con Edison leveraged the NYSERDA-run program and offered an added incentive to projects that apply to NYSERDA for CHP funding until May 31, 2016 and filed a Notice of Intent to participate in the Brooklyn Queens Demand Management Program by May 31, 2016. The purpose of the partnered program is to minimize the burden of participation in two programs and maximize the incentive for CHP to fast-track deployment of CHP resources in a transmission-constrained, high-demand load pocket of New York state. Con Edison matched NYSERDA's base incentive up to $1,800/kW (or 100% of the project cost, whichever was less). The Public Service Commission subsequently authorized all of the investor-owned utilities to conduct non-wires solutions programs, which were rolled-out in 2017 and include CHP as an eligible measure.

Net metering: New York is transitiong to a Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER) pricing mechanism being phased in for CHP by a working group. Resources that were interconnected prior to March 9, 2017 are grandfathered into the previous net metering mechanism unless they opt for the VDER tariff. The previous net-metering was available to customers of investor-owned utilities for non-residential fuel cells up to 1.5 MW and residential micro-CHP up to 10 kW.

Last Updated: July 2018

Additional Supportive PoliciesList All

There are many additional supportive policies to encourage CHP in New York. Through its Flex Tech program, NYSERDA provides cost share for CHP feasibility studies, including “CHP-plus” configurations such as the pairing of CHP-plus-Storage. Through the first phase of its NY Prize Community Grid Competition, NYSERDA provided funding for 83 microgrid studies, the majority of which included CHP. In 2017, eleven of these projects advanced to the second phase of the NY Prize competition, all of which include CHP. NYSERDA also provides one-on-one coaching with potential CHP candidate sites and recommissioning assistance for CHP sites that have been operating for two years. CHP systems are assessed and a recommissioning report is produced, which includes recommendations to improve system operations or update hardware.

NYSERDA's programs prioritize grid resiliency and generally require systems to have the ability to operate during grid outages. Bonus incentives may be available for CHP projects serving critical infrastructure. Also, New York customers using natural gas for CHP may be eligible for discounted natural gas rates.

The state also has a decade-plus of effort encouraging renewable-fueled CHP systems through its renewable portfolio standard (RPS) adopted by the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) in September 2004, and transitioned in February 2016 to the Clean Energy Fund. This has typically taken the form of anaerobic digester biogas fueling of CHP systems at dairy farms, food production facilities, and water resource recovery plants.

Last Updated: July 2018

Score: 11.5 out of 15
Utilities Summary List All

New York is a leading state on utility-sector energy efficiency programs. New York’s energy efficiency programs are the result of New York Public Service Commission (PSC) cases dating back to 1996. Customers pay a non-bypassable system benefits charge (SBC) on their utility bills, and the SBC is applied to all customer bills whether they receive service from a local utility or from a competitive supplier. The charge supports a comprehensive set of energy efficiency programs for residential, multifamily, low-income, and commercial/industrial customers, as well as research and development efforts in both the Commission’s Technology & Market Development (T&MD) and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS) programs. In addition to the programs authorized by the Commission, two public power authorities not under the Commission’s jurisdiction, the New York Power Authority and the Long Island Power Authority, also offer energy efficiency programs to their customers.

New York set a statewide 2025 target of 185 TBtu of end-use savings across fuels (see New Efficiency, New York report), including a sub-target for annual electricity savings to reach 3% of investor-owned utility electric sales by 2025. The PSC established specific incremental annual energy savings targets for each utility for 2019 and 2020 and adopted an overall increase in the energy savings goal across the investor-owned utilities through 2025, more than doubling utility energy efficiency savings targets over the 2019-2025 period relative to historic levels.  

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Customer Energy Efficiency Programs List All

New York is a leading state on utility-sector energy efficiency programs. New York’s energy efficiency programs are the result of New York Public Service Commission (PSC) cases dating back to 1996. Customers pay a non-bypassable system benefits charge (SBC) on their utility bills, and the SBC is applied to all customer bills whether they receive service from a local utility or from a competitive supplier; in addition, energy efficiency expenditures are eligible for cost recovery through utlity retail rates and funding for energy efficiency programs is allocated from the sale of carbon emission allowances under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). These funds support a comprehensive set of energy efficiency and building electrification programs for residential, multifamily, low-income, and commercial/industrial customers, as well as research and development efforts. Programs are administered both by utilities and through NYSERDA's Clean Energy Fund (which encompasses the Market Development, Innovation and Research, NY-Sun, and NY Green Bank portfolios). In addition to the programs authorized by the Commission, two public power authorities not under the Commission’s jurisdiction, the New York Power Authority and the Long Island Power Authority, also offer energy efficiency programs to their customers.

New York set a statewide 2025 target of 185 TBtu of end-use savings across fuels (see New Efficiency, New York report), including a sub-target for annual electricity savings to reach 3% of investor-owned utility electric sales by 2025 and 1.3% of gas sales in 2025. The PSC established specific incremental annual energy savings targets and budgets for each utility through 2025, more than doubling utility energy efficiency savings targets over the 2019-2025 period relative to historic levels.

The New York State Clean Energy Dashboard is a resource to provide a snapshot of the utilities' and NYSERDA's progress towards meeting the State's clean energy and climate agenda.

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables

Last reviewed: May 2022

Energy Efficiency as a Resource List All

The New York State Energy Planning Board uses the energy savings information from the New York Energy Efficiency program evaluations in the development of periodic "State Energy Plans." These plans contain 20-year forecasts of energy demand and prices and assessments of available energy supplies including energy efficiency, renewable energy, electricity, natural gas, petroleum, and coal. The current State Energy Plan and the State's 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act set a 2025 energy efficiency target of 185 trillion Btus (British thermal units) of end-use energy savings below the 2025 energy-use forecast, across all major fuels (electricity, gas, oil, propane, and district steam). That’s equivalent to saving the energy consumed by 1.8 million New York homes, and electricity savings are projected to reach approximately 3% of annual electric sales in 2025. See the New Efficiency, New York report (April 2018) at:

Last reviewed: May 2022

Energy Efficiency Resource Standards List All

Summary: New York State has established a 2025 target to achieve 185 Tbtu end-use energy savings across all fuels (see April 2018 New Efficiency, New York report), with statewide energy savings targets ramping up to 3% of annual electric sales and 1.3% of annual gas sales in 2025 (January 2020 Order).

In 2008, the New York State Public Service Commission established the New York Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS) proceeding. As part of a statewide program to reduce electricity usage by 15% of the forecast levels by the year 2015 (with comparable results in natural gas conservation), the PSC established interim targets and funding through the year 2011. The PSC required utilities to file energy efficiency programs, and NYSERDA, as well as independent parties, were invited to submit energy efficiency program proposals for Commission approval. In 2011, the Commission reauthorized a majority of the EEPS programs for the 4-year period ending December 31, 2015, with revised targets and budgets where appropriate. NYSERDA was authorized to operate a limited number of programs through December 31, 2018. Additionally, three gas efficiency programs run by National Fuel Gas Corporation pursuant to its rate cases were consolidated into the EEPS program.

In 2014, New York initiated a proceeding, Case 14-M-0101, "Reforming the Energy Vision," to further discuss the state's energy efficiency resource standard, along with other major elements of the state's utility regulatory structure.  In February 2015, the Commission issued an order in Case 14-M-0101 that, among other things, established a new framework for post-2015 electric energy efficiency programs. A similar framework is expected to be established for gas energy efficiency programs—a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was published in the NYS Register on April 15, 2015. A new case, 15-M-0252, was established for the utilities post-2015 energy efficiency programs.

In January 2016, the PSC authorized NYSERDA's Clean Energy Fund (CEF) framework, which outlines a minimum 10-year energy efficiency goal of 10.6 million MWh measured in cumulative first-year savings.  Explicit energy efficiency budgets and targets for 2016 were also established, along with an annual process whereby utilities would propose post-2016 energy efficiency budgets and targets for approval. This included the filing of Energy Efficiency Transition Implementation Plans (ETIPs), to address the energy efficiency efforts specifically associated with proposed budgets and targets. In 2017, NYS utilities began transitioning from energy efficiency programs being funded through a surcharge to a more integrated approach with costs recovered through rates like other ordinary components of the revenue requirement.

In April 2018, DPS and NYSERDA issued a white paper, New Efficiency: New York, which established a statewide all-fuels target of 185 TBtu cumulative annual site energy savings for 2015-2025, relative to forecasted site energy consumption in 2025.  The white paper also provided a number of strategies the state could pursue in order to achieve the goal.

In December 2018, the PSC approved new energy efficiency targets for investor-owned utilities for 2019 and 2020 and adopted an overall increase in the energy savings goal to be achieved across the investor-owned utilities through 2025; this action more than doubled utility energy efficiency savings targets over the 2019-2025 period relative to sustaining historic (2017) targets. The overall goal established in the December 2018 PSC Order was inclusive of a subsidiary target to reach an annual three percent reduction in electricity sales by 2025, and of a minimum 5 TBtu subtarget for savings from the installation of heat pumps. Twenty percent of the additional levels of energy efficiency investment are to be dedicated to low- and moderate-income households. In April 2019, the NY Utilities filed a report with their own proposal for the increased 2021 through 2025 targets for each utility.

In January 2020, the PSC authorized annual incremental utility-specific budgets and savings targets for electric, gas and heat pump portfolios.  These targets ramp to a statewide EE savings as a percentage of sales metric of 3.0% for electric in 2025, and 1.3% for gas in 2025.

Last reviewed: May 2022

Utility Business Model List All

Following an April 2007 order (Cases 03-E-0640 and 06-G-0746), electric and gas utilities must file proposals for true-up-based decoupling mechanisms in ongoing and new rate cases. All six major electric and all 10 major gas companies have revenue decoupling mechanisms in place.

In 2008, the Commission established incentives for electric utility energy efficiency programs under the Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS) proceeding.  Over the 2009-2011 and the 2012-2015 incentive periods, a utility earned incentives for achievement of its energy savings targets, and also for the achievement of statewide goals in the latter period to encourage cooperation with NYSERDA.

In 2014, New York initiated a proceeding, Case 14-M-0101, "Reforming the Energy Vision," to examine the potential for major changes to the utility regulatory structure within the state. The 2014 REV proceeding, in Case 14-M-0101, which led to the filing of Energy Efficiency Transition Implementation Plans (ETIPs) beginning in 2016, did not include EEPS-like incentives.  Rather, energy efficiency earning adjustment mechanisms (EAMs) are developed for each IOU separately during its rate case proceeding.

Beginning with Con Edison in 2016 (Case 16-E-0060), Earning adjustment mechanisms (EAMs) are being designed within a rate case to reward energy efficiency performance, environmentally beneficial electrification of buildings and transportation, and other policy objectives.  These EAMs have been established on a company specific basis as they have been part of the negotiated outcomes of the rate case proceedings.

New York utilities are required to consider and incentivized to pursue Non-Wires Solutions and Non-Pipes Solutions, where utilities procure energy efficiency, distributed energy resources (DERs), and other non-traditional resources to defer or avoid conventional infrastructure investments. In New York, utilities have earned variations on a rate of return for total expenditures on Non-Wires and Non-Pipes Solutions as well "share-of-savings" incentive mechanisms for Non-Wires Solutions projects.

Last reviewed: May 2022

Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification List All
  • Primary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: societal cost test
  • Secondary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: utility cost test, ratepayer impact measure

Both utilities and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) administer program evaluations, statewide evaluations, and evaluations for each utility. A technical reference manual, which provides formulas and input and many input values for savings, is in use (Technical Reference Manual). See the Order Authorizing Utility-Administered Energy Efficiency Portfolio Budgets and Targets for 2019-2020 (Issued and effective March 15, 2018) for updates on TRM use.

The evaluation of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs in New York relies on Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Guidance issued November 1, 2016. According to the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP),  the societal cost test (SCT) is used in New York as the primary test for decision making. The rules for benefit-cost tests are stated in case 14-M-0101, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission in Regard to Reforming the Energy Vision.  The primary assessment level is the portfolio. New York’s SCT test accounts for avoided costs of compliance with emissions regulations and environmental benefits from reduced emissions. NY’s SCT accounts for non-energy costs and benefits associated with water.

To evaluate its Clean Energy Fund, NYSERDA will measure direct impacts (i.e., impacts expected from pilots and projects directly funded by NYSERDA) as well as indirect impacts (i.e., longer-term market effects from follow-on market activity).

Further information on cost-effectiveness screening practices for New York is available in the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), a resource of the National Efficiency Screening Project (NESP). Further information on health and environmental benefits is available in ACEEE’s Overview of State Approaches to Account for Health and Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency.

Last reviewed: June 2019

Guidelines for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Requirements for State and Utility Support of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

The EmPower New York program, administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) under an agreement with the New York Public Service Commission (PSC), offers no-cost energy services for households with incomes at or less than 60% of state median income.

January 2016 PSC Order authorizing the Clean Energy Fund Framework requires that NYSERDA “must invest at least $234.5 million of Market Development funds in Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) initiatives over the initial three year period.” Market Development is one of four distinct portfolios supported by the Clean Energy Fund; the others include Innovation & Research, NY-Sun, and the NY Green Bank.

NYSERDA and the PSC have recommended advancing energy affordability by developing initiatives focused on energy solutions for Low and Moderate Income (LMI) consumers, and the PSC adopted an incremental funding minimum of 20% of additional investments to these sectors beginning in 2019.  Beginning in 2017, KeySpan Gas East Corporation (KEDLI) was required to implement an energy efficiency program for low income customers to replace the EmPower New York program (“EmPower Replacement Program”).  The program is available to customers who qualify for participation in KEDLI’s Residential Reduced Rate Low Income Program.  Consolidated Edison’s Multifamily Program provides its eligible low-income customers packaged measures including energy efficiency products and educational services.  Every customer who applies to the program may be able to qualify for one of two exclusive participation tracks: affordable housing track for buildings that receive designated low-income subsidies or Brooklyn Queens Demand Management (BQDM) Neighborhood track for buildings located within targeted Brooklyn-Queens neighborhoods, for which Con Edison is providing additional demand-side management resources.  PSC-authorized orders in December 2018 and January 2020 established annual utility-specific LMI program budgets and savings targets through 2025.

In December 2018, the PSC ordered the development of a Statewide LMI Portfolio, to include ratepayer funded initiatives administered by NYSERDA and the utilities.  The Order also required that a minimum of 20% of any additional energy efficiency investments through the utilities be directed to the LMI market segment.  In January 2020, the PSC authorized utility specific LMI budgets, totaling a minimum of $289 million through 2025. Combined with the NYSERDA ratepayer funded LMI budget, the LMI Portfolio will include at least $650 million of new investments in LMI energy efficiency through 2025. 

Cost-Effectiveness Rules for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

The New York PSC has generally recognized and considered low-income specific benefits in deciding on funding for utility low-income programs. For example, in a 2010 Order, the commission approved a low-income program with a TRC ratio of 0.91, finding that “…As a general principle, all customers should have reasonable opportunities to participate in and benefit from EEPS programs. It is also important that supplemental funding be provided to address gas efficiency measures in this program.”

In assessing the utility filing or filings, the PSC employs a pragmatic standard of optimal reduction, with the paramount goals of achieving TBtu reduction and minimizing overall program costs. Consistent with current practice, benefit-cost analysis is applied to the portfolio as a whole. However, because of the sizable increase in LMI funding, the LMI portion of a portfolio may be removed from the portfolio BCA and considered separately.

Coordination of Low-Income and WAP Services

New York State Homes and Community Renewal is responsible for administering New York’s Weatherization Assistance Program. HCR works with the New York State Public Service Commission, NYSERDA, and other agencies to help ensure that needs of low-income clients are addressed through coordination of the WAP with other funds and programs where possible and to streamline delivery of all low-income programs available in the state.

NYSERDA also administers several efficiency programs that assist low-income households and provides additional opportunities for subgrantees to leverage WAP funding. The additional services provided through these programs include electric reduction measures such as energy-efficient appliance replacement, lighting replacement and retrofits, electric domestic water heater measures, cooling usage reduction, energy-efficient motor replacement and retrofit, and energy education activities. While changes to these programs are anticipated as a result of the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding, New York is committed to providing additional support to mitigate the impact of changing energy markets on low-income households.

KeySpan Gas East Corporation (KEDLI) collaborates with PSEG Long Island to share referrals for income eligible rate payers.  KEDLI also provides referrals for services to such entities as Suffolk County and Nassau County DSS HEAP, Suffolk County and Nassau County DSS Heating Equipment Clean & Tune, Margert Community Corporation, Long Island Housing Partnership, Inc. Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc., NYSERDA’s EmPower New York, Community Development Corporation of Long Island, Inc., and United Way of Long Island’s Project Warmth as appropriate.

New York State has convened a low-income energy task force, comprised of state agencies responsible for administering key low-income energy programs (NYSERDA, NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, NYS Department of Public Service, NYS Homes and Community Renewal).  The task force is directed to develop solutions for improving alignment and increasing impact of publicly funded low-income energy programs. 

NYSERDA and the DPS also administer the Low-Income Forum on Energy (LIFE), which provides an opportunity for stakeholders and service providers to engage and work to develop solutions for improving the delivery of service to income-eligible New Yorkers. 

Last reviewed: August 2020

Self Direct and Opt-Out Programs List All

In an order issued February 26, 2015 (REV Order), the Commission required Staff to work with the utilities and large industrial customers to develop Self-Direct Program Guidelines to be filed by August 3, 2015. The order also required electric utilities to implement a self-direct program in accordance with the Self-Direct Program Guidelines no later than January 1, 2017.

The Self-Direct Program is available to all individual customers with a 36-month average demand of 2 MW or greater. It is also available to customers with an aggregated 36-month average demand of 4 MW or greater, as long as one or more of the accounts being aggregated by the customer has at least a 36-month average demand of 1 MW. To be eligible to participate in the upcoming three-year cycle, current participants in the Self-Direct Program must have accessed 100% of any funds rolled over from the previous cycle, at least 45% of the funds from their ESA by September 30th of the third year of the current cycle, and have achieved savings at or below the dollar per MWh to which the participant committed at the time of enrollment.

The initial 3-year cycle for the Self-Direct programs ran from 2017 through 2019. Enrollment in the Self-Direct programs was generally minimal and, therefore, in a March 2018 order, the Commission allowed each utility to determine whether to continue to offer its large energy-user customers a Self-Direct Program.

Last reviewed: August 2020

Data AccessList All

Guidelines for Third Party Access

New York does not have guidelines in place that require third party access to customer energy use data.

Requirements for Provision of Energy Data

One utility, Con Edison, has in place a tariff that requires the release of aggregated building level data to commercial and multifamily property owners. In some instances, data must be provided by some utilities to NYSERDA for program evaluation.

Energy Use Data Availability

New York does not have an online standardized system through which access to individual or aggregated energy use data may be requested.

Last Updated: July 2018

Score: 11.5 out of 13
Transportation Summary List All

New York leads the nation with its efficient transportation policies. The state has a comprehensive set of policies to encourage efficient transportation system, and invests billions annually in the transportation system, including a robust transit system. 

Tailpipe Emission Standards List All

New York adopted California's Low-Emission Vehicle Program in 2005, committing to a 30% reduction in average new vehicle greenhouse gases from 2002 levels by 2016. The state has also adopted California’s Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program, which requires increasing sales of plug-in hybrid, battery electric, and fuel-cell vehicles from 2018 to 2025. In December 2022, New York adopted California's Advanced Clean Cars II Rule, which requires manufacturers of light-duty vehicles to continue increasing the share of new vehicles sold that are zero-emission, reaching 100% ZEVs for new light-duty vehicles sold by 2035. In December 2021 New York adopted California's Advanced Clean Truck Rule, which requires manufacturers of trucks and buses to sell an increasing number of ZEVs in New York State, which complements New York's legislation that established a goal for 100 percent of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles sold in the State be zero-emission by 2045, where feasible. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Transportation System Efficiency List All

Transportation and Land Use Integration: The State of New York encourages each municipality to create comprehensive plans for local development according to established procedure. Efforts are also being made to encourage inter-municipal cooperation and cooperation between municipalities and state agricultural districts when planning for future development.

In addition, in August 2010 the Smart Growth Public Infrastructure Policy Act was signed into law and took effect a month later as an amendment to Environmental Conservation Law. The Act is intended to minimize the unnecessary cost of sprawl development and requires State infrastructure agencies and authorities ensure that public infrastructure projects (including transportation, sewer and water treatment, water supply, education, and housing projects) are consistent with the relevant Smart Growth Criteria specified in the Act. In 2014, this Act was modified to add a resiliency criteria.

VMT Targets: In 2008, New York adopted a VMT reduction target of 10% in 10 years as a means of encouraging more energy-efficient transportation usage.

FAST Freight Plans and Goals: New York State Freight Plan was released in August 2019.  The Plan includes performance measures related to energy efficiency including tracking the number of registered clean fueled freight vehicles and equipment. The projects included in the Plan will help make the freight system more efficient, complementing New York State's GHG reduction efforts. A revised freight plan as been submitted to FHWA which if approved, will be IIJA compliant.  Once approved, NYSERDA will forward the revised approved freight plan. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Transit Funding List All

New York State provides nearly $7 billion annually from a variety of sources to support transit systems statewide. In 2010 New York adopted  Assembly Bill 8180, which increases certain registration and renewal fees to fund public transit.  It also created the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) Financial Assistance fund to support New York City area subway, bus and rail.

In April 2019, the New York State Legislature approved a plan to charge vehicles traveling into or within a pre-determined area in the central business district of New York City starting in 2021.  The Congestion Pricing Plan is meant to discourage drivers from entering NYC’s most congested roadways and encourage more transit use.  The goal is to reduce congestion and emissions, but the plan will also raise funds for the MTA to maintain and improve NYC's subway system, bus line and commuter rail.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Incentives for High-Efficiency Vehicles List All

Pursuant to legislation passed in April 2016, NYSERDA developed the Drive Clean Rebate, a rebate program for zero emission vehicles that launched in March 2017. Rebates of up to $2,000 per vehicle are available for battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles. New York also started the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program in 2013. Vouchers of up to $385,000 are available for the purchase of all-electric, and fuel cell class 4-8 trucks and buses (incentive levels vary by vehicle size, fuel type, and incremental cost). In November 2023, New York launched the NY School Bus Incentive Program, which provides incentives for zero-emission school buses and associated charging infrastructure. NYSBIP incentives can cover up to 100% of the incremental cost of the buses and up to 100% of the cost of charging infrastructure. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Equitable Access to TransportationList All

Public transit: 2023: The New York Housing Compact will make available a $250 million Infrastructure Fund and $20 million Planning Fund to support new housing production statewide. Municipalities may submit requests for planning funding to undertake either required Transit-Oriented Development rezonings or Preferred Actions to help them hit their growth targets. These include new property tax exemptions to encourage mixed income housing development near train stations and incentivize affordable housing in commercial buildings that are converted to residential use in New York City 

"The NYS Homes and Community Renewal considers transportation proximity in their distribution of state funds and federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to qualifying property owners.  

EV programs: For many vehicle types, the NY truck voucher is only available for vehicles that are depo-ed in or serve regular routes in disadvantaged communities. NY school bus program provides additional financial incentives for high-need school districts and school districts where at least 40% of the residents live in a designated disadvantaged community. 

NYSERDA's Charge Ready NY program also offered bonuses for $500 per port for workplace and multifamily EV charging stations located in disadvantaged communities and has a requirement that any publicly accessible charging stations must be in designated disadvantaged communities.  

Under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) at least 35% of the benefits of clean energy investments, including EV investments, must benefit designated disadvantaged communities in New York State. 

 Last updated: November 2024 

Appliance Standards
Score: 0.5 out of 3
Appliance Standards Summary List All

Policy: NY LAWS ENG § 16-102, et seq., Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Standards

Description: Having originally adopted its standards in the 1980's, New York was one of the first states to adopt appliance standards after California paved the way in 1974. The duties of establishing standards fall upon the Department of State in consultation with the New York State Energy Research Department Authority (NYSERDA). New York Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Standards legislation was passed in 2005 and 2010, creating standards for nineteen products. Standards for fourteen of those products have been preempted by federal standards. The rulemakings for the standards of the eight remaining products are ongoing, so the standard levels have not yet been set and, consequently, are not being enforced.

2019: NYSERDA completed an extensive research project to validate estimated savings and identify additional cost-effective standards for future consideration.  

In 2022, New York adopted appliance standards for 18 products via A10439.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Score: 6 out of 6
Statewide Strategic Energy Management (I-SEM) Program or Technical Support for Energy Management and/or Audits Within Industrial Facilities List All

NYSERDA’s Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Program initially launched in 2017 provides free energy coaching assistance to guide large industrial customers through the SEM process. Industrial customers learn the plan, do, check, act process with other industrial facilities over a 12-month engagement. In a series of on-site meetings or webinars, the peer to peer exchange allows facilities to incorporate a continuous energy improvement practice into their business. In 2020, NYSERDA expanded the SEM Program providing technical guidance using the 50001 Ready platform for companies willing to undertake SEM in a self-serve format and modified its approach due to the challenges of COVID-19. In 2021 and presently, NYSERDA continues to support SEM with virtual treasure hunts and one on one SEM energy coach via webinars and has expanded to include commercial facilities.

Last updated: November 2024

An Industrial Decarbonization Target or Clean Heat Standard List All

New York's Priority Climate Action Plan includes targeted measures to reduce emissions in the industrial sector. 

Last updated: November 2024

State-Supported Job Training for Industrial Energy Efficiency List All

NYSERDA’s On-the-Job Training Program for Energy Efficiency and Clean Technology (“OJT Program”) I coordination with the NYS Department of Labor, provides up to 75% of the wages for a new hire at a clean energy business for a four to six month “on-the-job training period.” The program offers higher incentives, favorable participation paths, and certain requirements for ensuring a substantial portion of program funding goes toward the hiring of disadvantaged community residents and diverse business enterprises. As of December 2023, 187 businesses have participated in NYSERDA’s OJT Program, having hired 1,685 new workers to date since the program launch in 2018. 

Last updated: November 2024

Utility or State Energy Programs that Support Electrification of the Industrial Sector List All

NYSERDA, National Grid, and other state programs offers a number of industrial and special equipment incentives. An expanded list can be found at 

Last updated: November 2024