State and Local Policy Database

New Hampshire

State Scorecard Rank


New Hampshire

50.0Scored out of 50Updated 12/2022
State Government
Score: 7 out of 9
State Government Summary List All

The state offers several financial incentives for energy efficiency investments, including PACE financing. The state government leads by example by requiring efficient buildings and fleets, benchmarking public buildings, and encouraging energy savings performance contracts. 

Financial Incentives List All

The state of New Hampshire offers the following financial incentives to encourage energy efficiency improvements:

  • New Hampshire Better Buildings Program: Program is currently undergoing a repurposing request with USDOE. Program will be used to create a revolving loan fund/ grant program to conduct energy efficiency retrofits on government buildings and onsite renewable energy projects.
  • NH Business Finance Authority
  • School Energy Efficiency Development Grant
  • NH Community Development Finance Authority

Further financial incentive information can be found in the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE New Hampshire). In addition to these state-funded incentives, New Hampshire has enabled commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing but does not yet have any active programs. For additional information on PACE, visit PACENation.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Equity Metrics and Workforce DevelopmentList All

NH DOE administers the RGGI All Fuels funding proceeds for a moderate income energy efficiency programs. This program, administered by NHSaves, works with households that do not qualify for WAP or HEA programs, up to 300% of federal poverty, but are still in need of financial assistance to meet required cost shares for the utility funded programs. The current program contract ends at the end of 2024.

The Home Energy Assistance (HEA) Program provides energy efficiency improvements specifically for the low-income customers. The program serves single family and multi-family units. Utilities partner with NH’s Community Action Agencies to deliver program services. These agencies also deliver services through the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program so are well positioned to deliver needed energy efficiency services along with health and safety measures which may include heating system and indoor air quality issues. Per Settlement Agreement, the HEA program's budget is 17 percent of the total plan budget. Any unused monies in the HEA program carry forward to the next year. In addition. RSA 374-F:3, VI, signed into law on September 26, 2019, provides "that no less than 20 percent of the portion of the [system benefit charge] funds collected for energy efficiency shall be expended on low-income energy efficiency programs." The 20 percent requirement is specific to the electric utilities.

We were unable to determine if the state has taken specific steps to engage with marginalized groups in the community for the creation or implementation of its energy, sustainability, or climate action plan.

Workforce Development

The state's utilities offer workforce training programs as part of the energy efficiency programs.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Carbon Pricing PoliciesList All

New Hampshire is a member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program for reducing GHG emissions in North America that began its compliance period in 2009. Capping CO2 emissions from the power sector, the program aims to reduce emissions by 45% below 2005 levels by 2020 and additionally by 30% by 2030.

For 2017, 26.6% was spent on EE, and cumulative 2009-2017 45.7% has been spent on EE. The Home Energy Assistance and Municipal programs will save ~87,564 MWh of electricity and 133,407 MMBtu over the expected life of the equipment improvements made in 2017. Associated bill savings over the lifetime of these improvements is estimated to be $16.9 million. The All-Fuels program will save approximately 463 MWh of electricity and 214,500 MMBtu over the expected life of the efficient equipment improvements made in 2017. Associated bill savings over the lifetime of these improvements is estimated to be $4.6 million. The All-Fuels program was launched in 2016. Over a three-year period (2016-2018), the program is estimated to receive $1.2 million of RGGI funding. The All-Fuels program targets energy efficiency measures for retail businesses and large commercial and industrial energy users.

Per EO goal resulting from EO-established Climate Change Policy Task Force report (EO 2007-3), New Hampshire does have a statewide emissions reduction goal in place, specifically to reduce emissions 80% by 2050 (baseline year 1990).

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Building Energy Disclosure List All

There is no disclosure policy in place.

Last Reviewed: July 2017

Public Building Requirements List All

In 2010, SB73 mandated that all agencies enter energy, water, and sewer data into a statewide tracking database in order to assess progress and properly benchmark success. The bill also requires each department to submit data and recommendations regarding its compliance with this reduction goal. Based on these agency reports, the State Energy Manager develops an Annual Energy Conservation Plan that includes a list of potential energy management projects that will enable towards achieving towards this energy reduction goal. This Conservation Plan complements the Annual Energy Report in which the State Energy Manager documents progress towards achieving the State's energy targets in state buildings and the state fleet.

New Hampshire law (RSA 155-A:13) requires that any state owned building that is newly constructed, reconstructed, altered or renovated such that it constitutes a major project, must meet a high performance design standard. The incremental costs related to any energy efficiency and sustainable design features may be recouped over a 10-year period.

On May 6, 2016, Executive Order 2016-03 (superseding EO 2011-01) was signed, setting new, aggressive goals for state government on energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy. This Executive Order recognizes the significant energy efficiency efforts and results thus far have already reduced fossil fuel energy use by 21% per square foot in State Buildings and sets new savings targets for State Vehicle Fleet and State Building energy use. Further, it sets updated goals of reducing fossil fuel use at state-owned facilities by 30 percent by 2020, 40 percent by 2025 and 50 percent by 2030, compared to a 2005 baseline; reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the state passenger vehicle fleet by 30 percent on a metric-ton basis by 2030, as compared to a 2010 baseline; enhancing construction and renovation standards; and increasing management and tracking of energy consumption.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Fleets List All

Executive Order 2016-03 sets updated goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the state passenger vehicle fleet by 30 percent on a metric-ton basis by 2030, as compared to a 2010 baseline. This executive order supersedes Executive Order 2011-01, which required every state agency to comply with the Clean Fleets Program (CFP).

The Clean Fleets policy is encouraging adoption of EVs for qualified state vehicle use.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Energy Savings Performance Contracting List All

Section 21-I:19-d allows state agencies and municipalities to enter into energy performance contracts (EPCs), requires an RFP (Request for Proposals) process, and provides criteria for selecting energy services companies. It also requires state agencies to submit their recommendations to a multi-agency scoring team to review and score proposals.

The state has completed three major ESPC projects. The first project was completed in August 2016 at the state’s largest office campus in Concord, NH. These project improvements included energy efficiency improvements, installation of solar PV, and construction of a biomass boiler heating plant. A second ESPC was completed for the state-run ski area, Cannon Mountain, which included efficiency upgrades to their snowmaking process. The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) completed a third ESPC for 28 buildings in Concord, NH. These project improvements included energy efficiency improvements and installation of two solar PV systems. In the Spring of 2018, the DAS released a fourth RFP for energy efficiency upgrades for five state agencies occupying twenty-seven state-owned buildings in the seacoast region. This project is currently in the construction phase. For the fall of 2020, the DAS plans to release a fifth RFP for energy efficiency upgrades.

The DAS developed and promotes an Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) Champions Toolkit for state agencies to use and are exploring ways to increase their capacity to administer more ESPCs. 

Last Reviewed: July 2020

Research & Development List All

No public research centers have a focus on energy efficiency.

Last Reviewed: July 2017

Important Links List All
Score: 9 out of 24
Buildings Summary List All

Effective July 2022, the NH legislature adopted the 2018 ICC codes with state-specific energy related amendments to the 2018 IRC.  The code is mandatory statewide. The state also conducted a compliance study in 2012, and recently held training sessions on residential and commercial code compliance. 

Residential Codes List All

Effective July 2022, the NH legislature adopted the 2018 ICC codes with state-specific energy related amendments to the 2018 IRC.  The code is mandatory statewide.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Commercial Code List All

Effective July 2022, the NH legislature adopted the 2018 ICC codes with state-specific energy related amendments to the 2018 IRC.  The code is mandatory statewide.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Compliance List All
  • Baseline & Updated Compliance Studies: The state completed an independent study on code compliance in 2012.
  • Utility Involvement: As part of the state's Energy Efficiency Resource Plan, the NH Public Utilities Commission approved a three-year EE plan through which the state's four electric distribution utilities fund code trainings. The funding is derived from the Systems Benefit Charge.  
  • Stakeholder Advisory Group: The NH Building Energy Code Compliance Collaborative was established as part of the NH Energy Code Challenge, which is a stakeholder group of diverse professionals and individuals from a broad range of industries. This group ceased meeting in 2016. The NH Code Collaborative formed to pick up the work of the original Collaborative in 2019 and the NHCC has been meeting quarterly. The NHCC is focused on a three part strategy to: support adoption of new modern energy codes; supporting effective code compliance; and increase market demand.
  • Training/Outreach: NHSaves hosted commercial and residential energy code trainings in 2024. There were some smaller/shorter workshops presented directly to certain contractors and to the southern chapter (largest) of NH Home Builders and Remodelers Association Energy Code presentation at a monthly meeting of the NH Building Officials Association.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

CHP Summary List All

The state includes CHP as an eligible resource within its EERS and renewable energy standard, but otherwise has limited policies to encourage CHP. No new CHP systems were installed in 2018.

Interconnection StandardsList All

Policy: New Hampshire Interconnections Standard

Description: The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (PUC) established interconnection rules for net-metered systems up to 1 MW in January 2001. Systems that connect to the grid using inverters that meet IEEE 1547 and UL 1741 safety standards do not require an external disconnect device. However, the customer-generator assumes all risks and consequences associated with the absence of a switch. Utilities may not require customer-generators to perform additional tests, or pay for additional interconnection-related charges. Insurance is not required.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Encouraging CHP as a ResourceList All

CHP is designated as an eligible measure under the Large Business, Small Business or Municipal energy efficiency programs in the Commission-approved 2018-2020 EERS. The program targets customers with a 6,000 hours per year of thermal requirements. 

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Deployment IncentivesList All

Incentives, grants, or financing: Commercial CHP projects may be eligible for financing assistance through New Hampshire’s Clean Energy Fund, which is a $6 million revolving loan program administered by the Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA).

Net metering: As a result of 2011 legislation (H.B. 381), small CHP systems between 1kW and 30kW may net meter their electricity, provided they have system fuel efficiencies of 80% or greater. Systems between 30kW and 1MW may net meter, provided they meet a fuel system efficiency level of 65%. All told, CHP may only account for up to 2MW of all net metered electricity in the state, which is capped at a 50MW capacity limit. Any customer net excess generation (NEG) during a billing cycle is credited to the customer's next bill and carried forward indefinitely. At the end of a 12-month period, customers may choose to receive payment for any NEG at the utility's avoided-cost rate.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Additional Supportive PoliciesList All

Some additional supportive policies exist to encourage CHP in New Hampshire. The state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), applicable only to systems fueled by renewable resources such as biomass or biogas, requires that 23.8% of electricity sold to end-use customers be supplied by renewable energy or an equivalent (via trading) by 2025. Resources are separated into four tiers, and new renewable-powered CHP would likely fall within Tier 1.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Score: 18 out of 29
Utilities Summary List All

New Hampshire's electric distribution utilities and gas utilities jointly develop and offer their customers energy efficiency programs under a statewide umbrella program, NHSaves. Utilities can earn performance incentives based on successful implementation of their programs and meeting performance goals.  The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission reviews and approves program plans and budgets submitted by the utilities.

The electric programs are funded via a system benefits charge included in customer rates. Additional funding for New Hampshire’s electric energy efficiency programs is provided via the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). The legislation governing RGGI requires that the first dollar from the sale of greenhouse gas allowances is to go to fund electric energy efficiency programs.  In addition to funding via a System Benefits Charge (SBC) and Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), electric energy efficiency programs are also funded via ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Revenues.  New Hampshire natural gas energy efficiency programs are funded via the Local Distribution Adjustment Clause (LDAC).

In August 2016, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission approved a settlement agreement establishing a statewide EERS targeting overall cumulative savings of 3.1% of electric sales and 2.25% of gas sales by 2020.

In February 2022, HB549 was approved that establishes the systems benefit charge rate and local distribution adjustment clause to be used to establish the budgets for the electric utility and gas utility energy efficiency programs starting in 2022. 

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Last reviewed: July 2022

Customer Energy Efficiency Programs List All

New Hampshire restructured its electric utility markets and has maintained support for its utility energy efficiency programs.  In Order No. 23,574, issued November 2000, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (NH PUC) emphasized its commitment to energy efficiency programs that complement new energy markets and do not hinder their development. On May 31, 2002, the NH PUC issued Order No. 23,982 in Docket No. DE 01-057, approving the implementation of “core” energy efficiency programs by the state’s electric utilities. This order established the basis for the NHSaves statewide energy efficiency program.  In August 2016, Order No. 25,932 in Docket IR 15-137, the NH PUC approved an energy efficiency resource standard (EERS) for 2017-2020 for electric utility and gas utility energy efficiency programs.  In February 2022, HB549 established the electric utility and gas utility system benefit charge (SBC) and local distribution adjustment clause (LDAC) rates to be used to establish the energy efficiency budgets starting in 2022. 

The NH PUC reviews and authorizes the utilities’ joint program plans and budgets. The utilities offer joint, statewide programs to gain the benefits of uniform planning, delivery, and evaluation. Within the umbrella of a statewide program, however, each individual utility incorporates flexibility in its implementation strategies and program delivery. The statewide program, NHsaves, uses shared marketing and information materials. NHSaves is funded by a systems benefits charge included in electric customer rates, and natural gas programs are funded by a Local Distribution Adjustment Clause (LDAC).

Since the 2016 EERS Order, each utility (except for NHEC) proposed an additional system benefit charge component or LDAC component to recover lost base revenues until a revenue decoupling mechanism for distribution rates was approved.  All but one of the utilities have been approved for a revenue decoupling mechanism for distribution rates, and no longer collect the lost base revenues separately. 

Additional funding for New Hampshire’s electric energy efficiency programs is provided via the “Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative” (RGGI). The legislation governing RGGI requires that the first dollar from the sale of greenhouse gas allowances is to go to fund electric energy efficiency programs.  Electric energy efficiency programs are also funded via ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Revenues. 

Some of New Hampshire’s publicly owned utilities (coops and municipal utilities) also offer customer energy efficiency programs, such as financing options for energy-efficient products. 

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency as a Resource List All

Expected kWh/KW savings from NH energy efficiency programs are incorporated into the ISO-NE Regional System Plan (RSP). ISO-NE provides forward capacity market (FCM) revenues.

The NH Commission approved 2018-2020 EERS which required significant increases in savings targets and associated load reduction.  In February 2022, HB549 established the electric utility and gas utility system benefit charge (SBC) and local distribution adjustment clause (LDAC) rates to be used to establish the energy efficiency budgets starting in 2022, which in turn are used to establish energy savings goals. 

RSA 378:37 requires “this state to meet the energy needs of the citizens and businesses of the state at the lowest reasonable cost while providing for the reliability and diversity of energy sources; to maximize the use of cost-effective energy efficiency and other demand side resources…”  RSA 378:39 requires the review of integrated resource plans taking the following into consideration:  “Where the commission determines the options have equivalent financial costs, equivalent reliability, and equivalent environmental, economic, and health-related impacts, the following order of energy policy priorities shall guide the commission's evaluation:

I. Energy efficiency and other demand-side management resources;
II. Renewable energy sources;
III. All other energy sources.”

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency Resource Standards List All

The Commission approved the implementation of an EERS for 2018-2020 for the state’s gas and electric utilities in EERS Order No. 26-095 on January 2, 2018.  HB549, approved in February 2022, established the systems benefit charge (SBC) rate for electric utilities and the local distribution adjustment clause (LDAC) for gas utilities to be used to establish the budgets for the electric and gas utility energy efficiency programs.  With these budgets, the utilities then establish plans which include energy saving goals.  For the first three-year period (2018-2020) of the EERS, the cumulative goal for electric savings was 3.1% of delivered 2014 kWh sales, with interim annual savings goals of 0.80%, 1.0%, and 1.3%. The cumulative goal for gas savings was 2.25% of delivered MMBtu 2014 sales, with interim annual savings goals of 0.70%, 0.75%, and 0.80%.  

For 2021, the utilities were approved on a preliminary basis to continue the same SBC rate and structure of the energy efficiency programs as 2020.  With Order No. 26,621, in Docket DE 20-092, the NHPUC approved a plan with a savings goal of 1.62% from 2019 delivered electric sales (within annual savings of 0.84% and 0.78%) and 1.49% from 2019 delivered natural gas sales (within annual savings of 0.75%).

Last reviewed: November 2024

Utility Business Model List All

Energy Efficiency Rates, Budgets, Goals:  In August 2016, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission approved a settlement agreement establishing a statewide EERS (2018-2020) (ref DE 15-137, Order No 25,932).  The EERS set a target of cumulative annual electric kWh savings by the end of the first triennium of 3.1% by 2020 (as a percentage of 2014 electric kWh sales); and 2.25% by 2020 (as a percentage of 2014 natural gas sales).  For 2021, the utilities were approved on a preliminary basis to continue the same SBC rate and structure of the energy efficiency programs as 2020.  HB549, approved February 2022, established the electric utility and gas utility system benefit charge (SBC) rate and local distribution adjustment clause (LDAC) rates to be used to establish the energy efficiency budgets starting in 2022, which in turn are used to establish the energy savings goals.  With Order No. 26,621, in Docket DE 20-092, the NHPUC approved a plan with a savings goal of 1.62% from 2019 delivered electric sales (within annual savings of 0.84% and 0.78%) and 1.49% from 2019 delivered natural gas sales (within annual savings of 0.75%).

Performance Incentive (PI):   The New Hampshire electric and natural gas utilities earn performance incentive (PI).  The PI formula is the similar for electric and gas utilities comparing planned versus actual. The PI cap is set at 6.875%, with a target baseline of 5.5%.  The metrics for the PI include an annual savings goal, lifetime savings goal, summer peak passive demand reduction, winter peak passive demand reduction, and net benefits goal for electric utilities, and an annual savings goal, lifetime savings goal, and net benefits goal for natural gas utilities.     

Lost Base Revenue and Revenue Decoupling:  The Commission approved the calculation and recovery of lost base revenue (LBR) staring in 2017, with the utilities to transition to a revenue decoupling mechanism in a future distribution rate case.  The Commission has authorized revenue decoupling (in lieu of LBR) for all electric and gas utilities except for one, who is required to propose a decoupling mechanism in its next distribution rate case. 

Last reviewed: November 2024

Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification List All
  • Primary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: Granite State Test

  • Secondary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: Total Resource Cost Test

Evaluations are mainly administered by the EM&V working group consisting of the electric and gas utilities, the New Hampshire Department of Energy, an independent expert consultant hired by the New Hampshire Department of Energy, and a stakeholder representative from the Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Board. 

The Granite State Test as a cost-effectiveness test was established as part of benefit/cost working group and approved in Order No. 26,322.  The benefit-cost tests are required for total program and individual measure-level screening. Some exceptions exist for low-income programs, pilots, and new technologies. New Hampshire’s Granite State test accounts for utility system costs and benefits as well as non-energy benefits for low-income participants, avoided costs for other fuels and water resources, embedded environmental benefits, and other environmental benefits from fossil fuels.  The Total Resource Cost Test also includes participant costs and benefits, including non-energy benefits.  HB549, approved February 2022, established the Granite State Test as the primary test and the total resource cost test as the secondary test starting 2022. 

For 2021, the Granite State Test was the primary test, and the utility cost test and the secondary Granite State Test were the secondary test as recommended and approved by the NH PUC. 

Last Updated: July 2022

Guidelines for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Requirements for State and Utility Support of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

Per Settlement Agreement, the Home Energy Assistance program's budget is 17 percent of the total plan budget. Any unused monies in the HEA program carry forward to the next year. In addition. RSA 374-F:3, VI-a (c), approved February 2022, provides "that no less than 20 percent of the portion of the [system benefit charge] funds collected for energy efficiency shall be expended on low-income energy efficiency programs." The 20 percent requirement is specific to the electric utilities.

The Home Energy Assistance (HEA) Program provides energy efficiency improvements specifically for low-income customers. The program serves single-family and multi-family units. Utilities partner with NH’s Community Action Agencies to deliver program services. These agencies also deliver services through the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program, so they are well positioned to deliver needed energy efficiency services along with health and safety measures, which may include heating systems and indoor air quality issues.

Cost-Effectiveness Rules for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

In 2021, New Hampshire used the Granite State Test as its primary cost-effectiveness test and the Utility Cost Test and secondary Granite State Test as secondary tests.  For these tests, the non-energy benefits for the low-income program participants are included.  The Home Energy Assistance program includes a 20% adder for non-energy benefits.  The commission recognizes low-income benefits, and low-income programs that do not screen with benefit-cost ratios greater than 1.0 may still be approved if the programs are otherwise well designed. 

In 2022, HB549, approved February 2022, requires the use of the Granite State Test as the primary test, and the total resource cost test as the secondary test starting in 2022.  As a result of a NH study conducted, the low-income Home Energy Assistance Program adds non-energy benefit of $406/weatherization program. 

Coordination of Ratepayer-Funded Low-Income Programs with WAP Services

The Utilities continue to collaborate closely with the network of Community Action Agencies (CAAs) throughout the State, as well as the NH Department of Energy (formerly the NH Office of Strategic Initiative), which administers the U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Programs, and other advocates serving the income-eligible population to ensure that most effective deployment of statewide resources for this population.  In addition, the NH Utilities are working one-on-one with CAAs to ensure that their weatherization contractors are fully equipped and qualified to meet the unique needs related to this housing stock, and that there is the sufficient capacity to meet program and customer efforts to deliver low-income programs are coordinated with Community Action Agencies.  Annual electric and MMBtu savings are revised to reflect current projects modeled by the CAAs.   In addition, training programs are conducted across the state of New Hampshire to increase the number of weatherization contractors.

Last Updated: November 2024

Self Direct and Opt-Out Programs List All

New Hampshire does not have self-direct or opt-out programs.

Last reviewed: July 2022

Data AccessList All

Guidelines for Third Party Access

Docket DR 96-150 does not require utilities to release energy use data to third parties, but it does facilitate the transfer of data by establishing an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) working group. Customer authorization for this access is required (NH Code of Adm. Rules, PUC 2003.01). With customer authorization, suppliers can access Eversource's large customers' interval via a software package called Energy Profiler Online (EPO). Other utilities provide usage data via alternative formats.

Energy Data Platform:  SB 284 (2019) amended RSA chapter 378 by adding a new subdivision entitled “Multi-Use Energy Data Platform,” effective September 17, 2019. The new subdivision, consisting of RSA 378:50-:54, provides for the establishment of a statewide online energy data platform, which would allow utilities, their customers, and third parties, including the Office of the Consumer Advocate, to access and share data regarding customer energy usage.  In December 2019, the NH PUC opened a docket to establish the energy data platform, and in April 2021, a settlement agreement was filed regarding the establishment of the energy data platform.  In March 2022, Order No. 26,589 in Docket DE 19-197 approved the design and framework as proposed in the settlement agreement and established additional requirements for the establishment of the data platform. 

Requirements for Provision of Energy Data

All utilities provide small businesses or residential customers with their usage data either via a request to customer service or for some utilities via a secure sign on. Utilities will also provide usage data to the owners of multi-tenant buildings and town officials upon request. New Hampshire requires the provision of energy use data to owners of multi-tenant buildings and public agencies in aggregated form.

Energy Use Data Availability

Large customers of all utilities can receive their usage data in electronic format, by request via Customer Service or their account executive. 

Last reviewed: July 2022

Score: 13 out of 26
Transportation Summary List All

The state integrates transportation and land-use planning, prioritizes underserved communities for its State Clean Diesel Grant Program and has multimodal and energy efficiency strategies in its freight plan, but has not otherwise pursued policies to encourage efficient transportation systems.

Tailpipe Emission Standards List All

No California Vehicle Standards in place or proposed. However, resulting from the 2024 NH Legislative session, Senate Bill 430, which establishes a Council to study the impact of electric vehicles, e-mobility devices, and associated lithium-ion batteries on first responder response, the environment, building and fire codes, life safety, and property protection, was adopted by both the Senate and House of Representatives. Multiple state agencies supported this Bill to acquire better data to address concerns about EV technology, such as lithium-ion battery fires, weight, and viability. It is anticipated that the Council will explore barriers and solutions for EV sales and use in NH, and that vehicle emissions standards pursuant to section 177 of the federal Clean Air Act will enter the discussion.   

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Transportation System Efficiency List All

Transportation and Land use Integration: The New Hampshire State Development Plan aims to maximize compact, sustainable developments across the state through the implementation of key smart growth principles in the project planning and execution stages.  The State’s nine regional planning commissions (RPCs), in collaboration with NH Dept. of Transportation (NHDOT), NH Dept. of Environmental Services, and other state and local government agencies completed work on A Granite State Future to help communities integrate planning across sectors and identify, share, and replicate successful projects.  In 2014 and 2015, the RPCs finalized Regional Plans in addition to  a Statewide Existing Conditions and Trends Assessment, a Housing Preferences Study and Regional Climate Change Assessments for Southern and Northern New Hampshire.

NH Revised Statutes Annotated Chapter 9-B declares “It shall be the policy of the state of New Hampshire that state agencies act in ways that encourage smart growth.” Section 9-B:4 Expenditure of State or Federal Funds states “All state agencies shall give due consideration to the state's policy on smart growth under RSA 9-B:2 when providing advice or expending state or federal funds, for their own use or as pass-through grants, for public works, transportation, or major capital improvement projects, and for the construction, rental, or lease of facilities. The intent of this action is that new investments and grants for existing sites and buildings in existing community centers will be given preference over investments in outlying areas where that is a practical solution for the use and community in question.”

VMT Targets: There is currently no policy in place or proposed for VMT targets. However, a 2016 Executive Order 2016-03 establishes a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the state passenger vehicle fleet by 30 percent on a metric-ton basis by 2030, as compared to a 2010 baseline. The State Government Energy Committee, which is tasked with developing plans to comply with the Order, is promoting VMT reduction as an important component of meeting this target. 

FAST Freight Plans and Goals:  The FAST Act requires states to develop a freight plan to comprehensively address freight planning activities and immediate and long-range investments.  The NHDOT Statewide Freight Plan was approved by FHWA on February 11, 2019. The Freight Investment Plan was updated in March 2022 and January 2024. Additional information is available on the NHDOT project website.

The freight plan outlines a few multimodal and energy efficiency strategies: Increase the energy efficiency of freight transportation and seek investments that reduce the impacts of the movement of freight on the environment and public health; Support planning efforts to increase Interstate truck parking and electrify truck stops; work with local municipalities to increase truck parking and electrification options in town 

Last updated: November 2024  

Transit Funding List All

Under RSA 261.135 VI - "...the legislative body of a municipality may vote to collect an additional fee for the purpose of supporting a municipal and transportation improvement fund, which shall be a capital reserve fund established for this purpose and governed by the provisions of RSA 34 and RSA 35 for cities and towns, respectively."  

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Incentives for High-Efficiency Vehicles List All

We were unable to find information indicating tax incentives and/or rebates for high efficiency vehicles. However, under NH's Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) funded State Clean Diesel Grant Program, funds are awarded to public and private entities for the replacement of older Class 5-8 diesel vehicles, engines, and equipment. The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) administers the funding through a ""Request For Proposals (RFP)"" bid process, and has incorporated bonus points for electrification into the scoring criteria. Projects proposing replacement with electric units are also eligible for a higher percentage of program funding and eligible costs include one electric vehicle (EV) charging station per unit. The older vehicles/equipment are destroyed.  

NHDES is also the Lead Agency for NH's Volkswagen (VW) Mitigation Trust funds. In the fall of 2023, NHDES released a $10 million municipal funding opportunity titled "Granite State Clean Fleets," seeking proposals to replace older medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) diesel vehicles/equipment. Projects proposing replacement with electric units were awarded bonus points during the scoring process.  

Last updated: November 2024 

Equitable Access to TransportationList All

Public transit access

New Hampshire does not have any state programs in place to incentivize the creation of low-income housing near transit facilities, nor does it consider the proximity of transit facilities when distributing federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to qualifying property owners.

Equity in transportation electrification

The project scoring criteria for both the State Clean Diesel Grant Program and Granite State Clean Fleets included points for project benefiting underserved communities and those disproportionately impacted by air pollution as determined using the Environmental Protection Agency's EJScreen mapping tool. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Appliance Standards
Score: 0 out of 6
Appliance Standards Summary List All

Policy: R.S.A. 339-G, Minimum Efficiency Standards for Certain Products

Description: In 2008, New Hampshire introduced appliance standards for four products through the passing of SB 259, codified as R.S.A 339-G. The legislation set standards for bottle-type water dispensers, commercial hot-food holding cabinets, residential furnaces, and furnace fans. The standards became effective January 1, 2009. New Hampshire had its standards for furnaces preempted by federal standards in 2013 and furnace fans in 2017. Otherwise, its remaining two standards have not yet been preempted.

Last Reviewed: June 2019

Score: 3 out of 6
Statewide Strategic Energy Management (I-SEM) Program or Technical Support for Energy Management and/or Audits Within Industrial Facilities List All

New Hampshire Lakes Region Community College provides courses on sustainable energy management. They offer a variety of certification classes and one-day training courses on relevant energy issues, such as a building operator certification.

Last updated: November 2024

An Industrial Decarbonization Target or Clean Heat Standard List All

We were unable to find information regarding a state industrial decarbonization target or the establishment of a clean heat standard. 

Last updated: November 2024

State-Supported Job Training for Industrial Energy Efficiency List All

New Hampshire Lakes Region Community College provides a variety of courses on building energy management, heat pump maintenance, weatherization, and more. 

Last updated: November 2024

Utility or State Energy Programs that Support Electrification of the Industrial Sector List All

Companies that are pursuing electrification efforts are eligible for all of Energy Trust’s Production Efficiency program offerings. This includes technical assistance, customer education and cash incentives through the Custom, Standard and Strategic Energy Management offerings.

Last updated: November 2024