State and Local Policy Database


State Scorecard Rank



56.5Scored out of 50Updated 12/2022
State Government
Score: 7 out of 9
State Government Summary List All

Hawaii offers a loan to homeowners, businesses, nonprofits, and owners of multifamily buildings for investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. The state government leads by example by benchmarking public buildings, requiring energy-efficient fleets, and encouraging the use of energy savings performance contracts. Hawaii is one of the few states with a residential energy-use disclosure policy. Research and development focused on energy efficiency is conducted at the University of Hawaii. In addition, Hawaii's state energy office recognizes and provides technical assistance to businesses for sustainable energy practices through its Green Business Program.

Financial Incentives List All

The state of Hawaii offers the following financial incentives to encourage energy efficiency improvements:

  • Green Energy Market Securitization (GEMS) Program: The GEMS program was developed to specifically provide affordable and accessible low-interest loan options to residential and commercial customers in Hawaii, with minimal barriers to entry in their pursuit of renewable energy and energy efficiency equipment and infrastructure.

Further financial incentive information can be found in the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE Hawaii). The state does enable PACE, but it does not currently have any active PACE programs. For additional information on PACE, visit PACENation.

Last Reviewed: June 2022

Equity Metrics and Workforce DevelopmentList All

The Inflation Reduction Act is funding energy efficiency rebate and contractor training programs that target low- and moderate-income residents and underserved/disadvantaged communities. Hawaii's allocation for the Home Efficiency Rebate Programs (50121 and 50122) is nearly $70 million. Contractor training programs that support these initiatives are targeting potential workers that live in these communities with the intention of providing high-quality wages that lift economic conditions. 

The Hawaiʻi State Energy Office (HSEO) currently sponsors one member from the Hawaiʻi State Climate Commission’s Climate Ready Hawaiʻi AmeriCorps VISTA six-member cohort. In 2019, the Climate Commission established a Permitted Interaction Group (PIG) to investigate how climate change impacts inequities within Hawaiʻi. As a result, the PIG tasked the VISTA members to evaluate how energy, sustainability, and climate action initiatives within Hawaiʻi are affecting local low-to-moderate income and marginalized groups through the development of an equity playbook. HSEO AmeriCorps members assisted in the development of the energy and transportation equity sections of the playbook, which include definitions, frameworks, and examples of climate equity within Hawaiʻi. The energy component of this playbook discusses energy burden, energy efficiency, and renewable energy as they relate to equity.


Additionally, a former HSEO VISTA prepared a literature review of available climate and social vulnerability indices and energy burden tools useful for Hawaiʻi, as requested by the PIG, to help the State understand who the most vulnerable and marginalized communities are within the State and where they are geographically located. Examples of reviewed indices and energy burden tools include the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index, United for ALICE’s County Profile tool, the Department of Energy’s Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) tool, and Greenlink Analytic’s Greenlink Equity Map (GEM) tool.

These projects will contribute to the State’s baseline understanding of, and capacity to address, the most marginalized and vulnerable communities within Hawaiʻi as it combats climate change and transitions to a clean energy economy.

More information: Climate Commission’s PIG’s Scope of Work

In 2022 the State adopted House Resolution 44 "requesting the Public Utilities Commission, in collaboration with the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs' Division of Consumer Advocacy, to convene a working group to create a Hawaii Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to assist low-income households with paying for their home energy".

Workforce Development

The Hawai'i State Energy Office’s (HSEO) Workforce Development Initiative (WDI) is identifying workforce needs in Hawai'i’s energy sector in order to efficiently and materially/scalably deploy workforce development funding, when available, to support and develop a Hawai'i workforce in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean transportation.

Since the simultaneous development and installation of several utility-scale solar projects is a new opportunity in Hawai'i, an initial activity was to identify demand- and supply-side factors affecting these projects, potential workers and/or skill shortages, and value-added trainings or educational curriculum that could effectively and more efficiently address these issues. Subsequent efforts will expand the scope to other energy technologies (efficiency, electric vehicles and charging, energy storage) and state and county regulatory agencies.

A related effort, which has concluded, involved training by the University of Hawai'i Community Colleges (UHCC) for county agencies that regulate clean energy installations. Over 260 county employees were trained under the program. Funding was provided by the Hawai'i State Legislature through HSEO under Act 145, Session Laws of Hawai'i 2019. The continuation and expansion of the program is now being pursued.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Carbon Pricing PoliciesList All

The State of Hawaii does not yet have carbon pricing policies in place.

Per state legislation HB 2182 and Hawaii Act 234, Hawaii does have a statewide emissions reduction goal in place, specifically to reduce emissions 100% by 2045 (baseline year 1990).

Last Updated: November 2024

Building Energy Disclosure List All
  • Building type(s) affected: residential

§508D-10.5 requires residential property owners to disclose energy-efficiency consumer information at the time of sale or lease.

Last Reviewed: July 2017

Public Building Requirements List All

Hawaii Revised Statutes 196-9 requires newly constructed or substantially renovated state-owned facilities to be built to LEED Silver standards, but it is unclear if the policy specifically emphasizes energy efficiency points. Administrative Directive 06-01 (January 2006) states that newly constructed and renovated state buildings must adhere to LEED standards.

Hawaii Revised Statutes 196-30 addresses energy efficiency requirements for existing public buildings. By the end of 2010, state agencies were ordered to evaluate the energy efficiency of all existing public buildings that are larger than 5,000 square feet or use more than 8,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity or energy annually. Opportunities for increased energy efficiency must be identified by setting benchmarks for these buildings using Energy Star Portfolio Management or another similar tool. Buildings must be retro-commissioned every five years.

Hawaii completed a successful public benchmarking project with the support of DOE’s State Energy Program. Between 2014 and 2016, the state benchmarked 416 public facilities, including more than 2,600 buildings (some facilities like universities encompass multiple buildings) covering more than 29 million square feet. The benchmarking project found potential for all state agencies to save more than 56 million kilowatt hours annually—the equivalent to saving more than $25 million using current electricity rates.

Act 239, Session Laws of Hawaii 2022, requires and establishes deadlines for state facilities, except facilities under 10,000 sf, to implement cost‐effective energy efficiency measures. The Act also directs the Hawaii State Energy Office to collect utility bill and energy usage data for state‐owned buildings and to make the data publicly available. And beginning 7/1/2023, where feasible and cost‐effective, requires the design of all new state building construction to maximize energy and water efficiency, maximize energy generation potential, and use building materials that reduce the carbon footprint of the project.  

Last Reviewed November 2024

Fleets List All

Hawaii established clean ground transportation goals for state agencies (Act 71, SLH 2021) to convert 100% of light-duty passenger vehicles in the fleet to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by December 31, 2030, and all light-duty motor vehicles in the fleet by December 31, 2035. 

[§Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 225P-7] Climate change mitigation. (a) It shall be the goal of the State to reduce emissions that cause climate change and build energy efficiencies across all sectors, including decarbonizing the transportation sector. (b) State agencies shall manage their fleets to achieve the clean ground transportation goals defined in section 196‑9(c)(10) and decarbonization goals established pursuant to chapter 225P.

[HRS §103D-412]  Motor vehicle requirements. All government agencies purchasing or leasing light-, medium-, and heavy-duty motor vehicles shall seek vehicles that reduce dependence on petroleum-based fuels. Priority for selecting vehicles shall be as follows:
  • (1) Zero-emission vehicles; 
  • (2) Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles; 
  • Alternative fuel vehicles; and 
  • Hybrid electric vehicles.
Vehicles shall not be larger than necessary for their intended functions. Agencies may apply to the chief procurement officer for exemptions. 
Act 74, SLH 2021, requires all new light-duty passenger motor vehicles being purchased for the state fleet to be ZEVs beginning Jan 1, 2022; and all new light-duty motor vehicles that are multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks purchased for the state fleet to be ZEVs as soon as practicable, but no later than Jan 1, 2030. 

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Energy Savings Performance Contracting List All

Hawaii Revised Statute 196-30 requires that “all agencies shall evaluate and identify for implementation energy efficiency retrofitting through performance contracting.” The ESPC program exists through the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism. Hawaii provides a manual that outlines and standardizes how to engage in an ESPC and outlines a list of prequalified ESCOs for state projects. The Energy Services Coalition reports that Hawaii spends more on energy performance contracting per capita than any other state.

Last year, Hawaii awarded the single largest ESPC in the United States to date, a $158 million contract to retrofit 12 of the state’s airports. The renovation is expected to result in 49% annual energy savings. The state’s airports division recently added a second phase to that project in March, bringing total guaranteed energy savings at Hawaii’s airports to more than $606 million over a 15-year period. In addition, Hawaii partnered in DOE’s Better Buildings ESPC Accelerator. The Accelerator catalyzed public-sector energy efficiency investments of more than $2 billion and left a legacy of valuable tools and resources behind.

Last Reviewed: September 2020

Research & Development List All

The Hawaii Natural Energy Institute at the University of Hawaii focuses on the development of technologies in the energy field. The Institute's work covers a wide range of research areas such as renewable energy, energy storage, energy-efficient buildings, fuel cells, grid systems, and transportation.

Last Reviewed: July 2017

Score: 9 out of 24
Buildings Summary List All

On January 29, 2023, the 2021 IECC-R became the state residential energy code by default and without any amendments from the State Building Code Council per Hawai'i Revised Statutes 107-24(c). This code took effect for all State Government residential buildings on January 29, 2023. The counties have until January 29, 2025, to adopt the 2021 IECC-R with local amendments, or the state code shall become the county code by default.

Residential Codes List All

On January 29, 2023, the 2021 IECC-R became the state residential energy code by default and without any amendments from the State Building Code Council per Hawai'i Revised Statutes 107-24(c). This code took effect for all State Government residential buildings on January 29, 2023. The counties have until January 29, 2025, to adopt the 2021 IECC-R with local amendments, or the state code shall become the county code by default. The counties may also adopt local amendments to the 2021 IECC after 1/29/25. None of the counties have currently adopted the 2021 code.

The County of Hawai'i adopted the 2018 IECC code in 2021. Maui County (Nov, 2022; with county amendments), Kaua'i County (Dec, 2022; unamended), and Honolulu County (Aug, 2023; with county amendments) have also adopted the 2018 IECC-R code. 

Both Maui and Honolulu have included EV and PV-ready measures in their codes. 

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Commercial Code List All
On January 29, 2023, the 2021 IECC-C became the state commercial energy code by default and without any amendments from the State Building Code Council per Hawai'i Revised Statutes 107-24(c). This code took effect for all State Government commercial buildings on January 29, 2023. The counties have until January 29, 2025, to adopt the 2021 IECC-C with local amendments, or the state code shall become the county codes by default. The counties may also adopt local amendments to the 2021 IECC after 1/29/25. None of the counties have currently adopted the 2021 code.
As of August 2023, all four counties have adopted and are enforcing the 2018 IECC-C with county amendments.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Compliance List All
  • Baseline & Updated Compliance Studies: The Hawaii Energy Office completed an energy codes compliance study in 2018. The study was dependent on the number of respondents from the residential and commercial sectors.  A statistically representative sample was not available.
  • Utility Involvement: NA
  • Stakeholder Advisory Group: The Hawaii Building Code Council was created by the State Legislature in 2007 to promulgate updated codes in accord with national three-year code cycles, and regularly convenes stakeholders to discuss relevant issues.
  • Training/Outreach: The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO), working with various counties, has provided a number of training workshops for building construction, design and engineering professionals and building officials. Through its website, the HSEO also provides building code information and training materials provided at the workshops.  The HSEO is also an active participant in the multi-state Community College Energy Code Training Program, sponsored by the University of Illinois' Smart Energy Design Assistance Center.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

CHP Summary List All

The state includes CHP as an eligible resource within its renewable energy standard, but otherwise has limited policies to encourage CHP. One new CHP system was installed in 2018.

Interconnection StandardsList All

Policy: Hawaii Public Utilities Commission Order 24159

Description: In April 2008, The Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO), Hawaii’s largest electric utility, adopted, by order 24159, enhanced and improved interconnection regulations for distributed generation. Order 24159 makes changes to the existing interconnection standard applicable to HECO, Rule 14H. The new rules do not explicitly state that CHP is an eligible technology. The standard, which is based upon the IEEE 1547 standard, offers no explicit limit on size of system, but there are clearly expedited processes for systems smaller than 100kW.

Last Updated: August 2017

Encouraging CHP as a ResourceList All

CHP in energy efficiency standards:  In 2004, SB 2474 expanded its existing renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to include “electric energy savings brought about by the use of energy efficiency technologies,” which includes CHP. The most recent amendments to the RPS became effective in July 2009. Under the standard, 40% of the state’s electricity must be generated by renewable electrical energy resources by 2030.  Savings from energy efficiency programs and CHP (among other measures) could count towards meeting up to 50% of the standard through 2014, but after 2015, these savings no longer count toward Hawaii’s RPS, and will instead count towards Hawaii’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS), which was established in 2009 with the passage of HB 1464. The legislation set a goal of 4,300 gigawatt-hour (GWh) reduction in electricity use by 2030, but final rules for the EEPS have not yet been established.

Last Updated: August 2017

Deployment IncentivesList All

Incentives, grants, or financing: In July 2013, Hawaii enacted legislation allowing the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to issue Green Infrastructure Bonds for clean energy installations, including CHP.

Net metering: Small biomass energy systems are eligible for net metering in Hawaii, with a size limit of 100kW for customers of most utilities. CHP is not explicitly listed as an eligible technology.

Last Updated: August 2017

Additional Supportive PoliciesList All

Some additional supportive policies exist to encourage CHP in Hawaii. The state’s RPS, which sets a goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045, encourages the use of biogas, including landfill and sewage-based digester gas, biomass, and other opportunity fuels that may be used to power CHP.

Last Updated: August 2017

Score: 16 out of 29
Utilities Summary List All

Hawaii has increased their utility-sector energy efficiency program offerings in recent years. The Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO), the largest investor-owned utility in the state, has offered energy efficiency programs since the mid-1990s. In July 2009, Hawaii consolidated the energy efficiency programs of most of its electric utilities into a single program operated by a third-party contractor, Leidos. Hawaii has two major electric utility companies—HECO and the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC).  HECO’s customers support the energy efficiency programs through a public benefits charge and KIUC operates its customer energy efficiency programs independently. Hawaii uses very little natural gas, and does not have any natural gas energy efficiency programs.

Hawaii is collaborating with the United States Department of Energy to achieve the goal of supplying 70% of the state’s energy needs through renewable energy and energy efficiency programs by 2030. Hawaii’s public utilities commission has also adopted an energy efficiency portfolio standard (Docket No. 2010-0037) with a goal of achieving 4,300 GWh of energy savings by 2030.

Hawaii has decoupling in place and offers energy efficiency shareholder incentives for electric utilities.

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Last updated: August 2018

Customer Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Hawaii signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the federal Department of Energy in 2008. This MOU established the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative, a long-term partnership between Hawaii and the DOE. This partnership will advance energy efficiency and renewable energy in Hawaii with the goal of supplying 70% of the state’s energy needs by 2030.

In 2009, the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (HPUC) contracted with a third party, Leidos, to administer Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO)’s programs. The program is now called Hawaii Energy. Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) operates its programs independently. Hawaii does not provide natural gas energy efficiency programs.

Ratepayers who are customers of HECO support Hawaii’s consolidated energy efficiency programs by paying a public benefits fee. Hawaii Public Utilities Commission Docket No. 2007-0323 outlines the structure of the public benefits fund. KIUC operates its programs independently. Costs are recovered by utility rates set by the Cooperative’s directors.

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency as a Resource List All

In 2008, Hawaii began incorporating scenario planning as part of its revised Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) framework. The revisions were a result of the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI), a Memorandum of Understanding between the Governor of the State of Hawaii and the U.S. Department of Energy. Signed in January 2008, the MOU has the goal of decreasing energy demand and accelerating use of renewable, indigenous energy resources in Hawaii in residential, building, industrial, utility, and transportation end-use sectors so that efficiency and renewable energy sources will meet 70% of Hawaii’s energy demand by 2030. Of the 70% target, 30% is to come from energy efficiency measures, and 40% is to be obtained from renewable sources.  Specifically, the Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard is 4,300 GWh reduction of electricity by 2030, with interim goals to be achieved in 2015, 2020, and 2025.  

The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) suspended the IRP dockets for Hawaii’s utilities but reopened the IRP for Hawaii Electric Company (HECO) in 2012 (Docket No. 2012-0036 Order No. 30233). Hawaii Electric Company (HECO) filed its most recent IRP with the public utility commission in June 2013, covering the planning period 2014-2033.

Utilities incorporate the energy efficiency targets of the state’s Public Benefits Fund within their IRPs.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency Resource Standards List All

Summary: Cumulative electricity savings of 4,300 GWh by 2030 (equal to approximately 30% of forecast electricity sales, or 1.4% annual savings).

Hawaii’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) was codified in HRS §269-91, et seq. and amended in 2006, 2008, and 2009. The RPS requires investor-owned utilities and rural electric cooperative utilities to use “renewable electrical energy” to meet 10% of net electricity sales by the end of 2010, 15% by 2015, 25% by 2020, and 40% by 2030. Savings from energy efficiency programs and combined heat and power systems (among other measures) may count towards meeting up to 50% of the standard through 2014. The Public Utilities Commission may assess penalties against a utility for failing to meet the RPS, unless the failure was beyond the reasonable control of the utility.  

Beginning in 2015, electrical energy savings will no longer be able to count toward Hawaii’s RPS and will instead count towards Hawaii’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS), which was established in 2009 with the passage of HR 1464. Hawaii's EEPS sets a goal to reduce electricity consumption by 4,300 GWh by 2030 (equal to approximately 30% of forecast electricity sales, or 1.4% annual savings). Renewable displacement or offset technologies, including solar water heating and sea-water air-conditioning district cooling systems, count towards the EEPS after 2015.

The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) must establish interim goals to be achieved by 2015, 2020, and 2025, and may adjust the 2030 standard to maximize cost-effective energy efficiency programs and technologies. The PUC has yet to establish rules for the stand-alone EEPS, including eligible technologies; responsibility for doing so falls on the EEPS Technical Working Group established in 2012. Current energy efficiency targets in Hawaii are set in HI PUC Order, Docket No. 2010-0037 and are subject to revision.

Hawaii has no energy efficiency resource standard in place for natural gas due to the fact that natural gas plays only a minimal role in the state's overall energy portfolio.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Utility Business Model List All

In October 2008, an order was issued to investigate implementing a decoupling mechanism similar to the one used in California. In August 2010, the Hawaii PUC issued its final Decision and Order approving the implementation of the decoupling mechanism for the Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO). Utilities are required to report on their performance of commitments made in the energy agreement in their rate cases as the basis for review, modification, continuation, or possible termination of the decoupling mechanism (See HI Docket 2008-0274 Order dated Aug.31, 2010).

In July 2009 Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) transferred administration of its energy efficiency programs to a third-party “Public Benefits Fee” administrator. The governor’s office claimed: “Moving energy efficiency programs to an independent third party will remove the perceived conflict between the electric utilities' desire to sell more electricity to increase profitability and the desire to implement energy efficiency programs that will decrease electricity sales.” The third-party contractor (Hawaii Energy) negotiated to run HECO's energy efficiency program is compensated by the Commission for satisfactory performance of its contract (See Hawaii Energy Executive Summary in Annual Report PY 2009). 

The Gas Company (TGC) and Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) are subject to the Renewable Portfolio Standard but are excluded from DSM utility incentives. TGC does not currently operate any DSM programs and KIUC has not requested incentives. The most recent bill establishing an Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS) allows the PUC to establish incentives and penalties based on performance in achieving the EEPS.

Last Updated: August 2018

Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification List All
  • Primary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: total resource cost test 

The evaluation of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs in Hawaii relies on legislative mandates (HRS § 269-124(7)). Evaluations are administered by Hawaii Public Utilities Commission. Hawaii has established formal rules and procedures for evaluation. Statewide evaluations are conducted.

According to the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), Hawaii relies on the Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) as its primary cost-effectiveness test. Hawaii’s TRC accounts for avoided participant costs. The rules for benefit-cost tests are stated in HRS § 269-124(7). These benefit-cost tests are required for overall portfolio screening.

Further information on cost-effectiveness screening practices for Hawaii is available in the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), a resource of the National Efficiency Screening Project (NESP).

Last Updated: May 2019

Guidelines for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Requirements for State and Utility Support of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

No legislative mandate, but PUC has given guidance and required in the Triennial Plan approximately 21% of the funding is going to "affordability and accessibilty - Hard To Reach" categories, which include low-income populations.  COVID-response planning also increases focus in this area for PY20.

Hawaii Energy's 2019-2021 Triennial Plan does however include performance indicators for Customer Equity (island equity), and Affordability & Accessibility categories; with particular focus on low-income and ALICE (Asset-limited Income Constrained Employed) populations.

Cost-Effectiveness Rules for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

No specific adjustments or exceptions to general cost-effectiveness rules are in place for low-income programs.

Coordination of Ratepayer-Funded Low-Income Programs with WAP Services

Level of coordination is unclear from publicly available data.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Self Direct and Opt-Out Programs List All

Hawaii does not allow for large customers to self-direct the funds they would have paid for energy efficiency, nor to opt-out entirely from participating in energy efficiency programs. 

Last updated: August 2018

Data AccessList All

Hawaii has no policy in place that requires utilities to release energy use data to customers or third parties. 

Last Updated: August 2018

Score: 15.5 out of 26
Transportation Summary List All

The state integrates transportation and land use planning, has a zero emissions goal, and has efficient vehicle incentives. 

Tailpipe Emission Standards List All

No California Vehicle Standards in place or proposed. 

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Transportation System Efficiency List All

Transportation and Land use Integration: HB 720 passed in 2017 requires state agencies involved in public infrastructure projects to ensure that the projects meet smart growth criteria 

VMT Targets: Hawaii Governor Josh Green signed S.B.1024 into law setting zero-emission goals for all modes of transportation within the state, including ground, inter-island air, and inter-island sea transportation.  

FAST Freight Plans and Goals: Hawaii’s state freight plan has the following relevant policies: 

  • Support the deployment of technologies and infrastructure that improve the fuel-efficiency of commercial vehicles and provide better mode-choice and integration to encourage the most sustainable freight transportation options 

  • Create efficient intermodal connections through strategic investments and partnerships between responsible agencies and private operators.  

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Transit Funding List All

Section HRS 46-16.8 of the Hawaiian Statutes allows municipalities to add a county surcharge on state tax that is then funneled towards mass transit projects.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Incentives for High-Efficiency Vehicles List All

From the AFDC website: The Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) and Hawaii Department of Heath offers rebates of up to 45% of the replacement of qualified medium- and heavy-duty diesel vehicles with zero emission vehicles. Eligible vehicles include medium- and heavy-duty trucks; school, shuttle, tour, and transit buses; airport and port cargo handling equipment. Rebates may also cover up to 45% of the cost of an electric vehicle charging station. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is funded by Hawaii’s portion of the Volkswagen (VW) Environmental Mitigation Trust and the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Equitable Access to TransportationList All

Public Transit: The State has established the Hawaii Interagency Council for Transit-Oriented Development, tasked with developing and implementing a State strategic plan for TOD, including mixed-use and affordable and rental housing. TOD plans on Oahu are centered along the 20-mile corridor of the Honolulu Rail Transit Project, while neighbor islands require a different TOD approach focused on bus and other transit services serving lower density areas. The TOD strategic plan outlines the State's vision for investing in livable and equitable communities which are walkable, served by public and multimodal transportation options, and provide ready and affordable access to the necessities of daily life. ( 

While not direct incentives, the State has adopted program or financing/funding tools that aim to facilitate the provision of affordable housing in TOD areas or in proximity to transit stations or bus stops/hubs on the Neighbor Islands.  These include the following: 

(1) Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) is authorized to establish regional state infrastructure subaccounts within its Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund for grants or loans to State and County agencies to provide infrastructure for housing and mixed-use transit-oriented development projects in a county.  The Hawaii Interagency Council for Transit-Oriented Development is to review and make recommendations on applications for subaccount funds for infrastructure projects related to transit-oriented development (HRS § 201H-191.5).  

(2) Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) is authorized to establish TOD infrastructure improvement districts to facilitate and/or engage in infrastructure development in areas within one-half mile of transit stations or transit hubs/nodes (HRS § 206E-241 - 249).  This was recently enacted and HCDA is still working on standing up the program. 

(3) Office of Planning and Sustainable Development (OPSD) State TOD CIP Planning Grant Program.  This consists of the award of annual appropriations of CIP funds to the OPSD for planning activities for TOD projects in the State Strategic Plan for Transit-Oriented Development.  A key evaluation criterion is the provision of affordable housing in proximity to transit facilities in TOD areas.  The small planning grants are intended to advance and accelerate TOD project development and implementation. 

While not a state program, Federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program administered by the Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation (HHFDC) does consider a project's proximity to transit facilities when awarding tax credits.  Projects closer to public transportation may receive a higher score during the evaluation process, making them more competitive for credits.( 

E-programs: The Department of Transportation offers rebates for e-bikes and electric mopeds of up to $500 or 20% of the retail price available for eligible purchases of newly purchased electric bicycles and electric mopeds. The statute authorizing this program is HRS §196-7.8. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Appliance Standards
Score: 5 out of 6
Appliance Standards Summary List All

Hawaii adopted appliance standards for five products in 2019 and adopted a backstop to adopt federal standards in case they are repealed.

In 2023, the state adopted additional appliance standards for five products via SB 691. That year the state also adopted a clean lighting policy via HB 192.

Last Updated: July 2019

State Appliance Standards List All

Products adopted in 2019: computers and monitors, faucets, showerheads, high CRI fluorescent lamps, and spray sprinkler bodies

Score: 4 out of 6
Statewide Strategic Energy Management (I-SEM) Program or Technical Support for Energy Management and/or Audits Within Industrial Facilities List All

Hawaii Energy offers an online Building Operator Certification (BOC®) is an ENERGY STAR® award-winning professional development and certification program created by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC). It also offers the ANSI-accredited Certified Energy Manager (CEM) Training and Exam to engineers and facilities managers in Hawaii. The UH OUtreach and Community Colleges offer courses in Energy Management, Operations, and Mainetenance. 

Last updated: November 2024

An Industrial Decarbonization Target or Clean Heat Standard List All

We were unable to find information regarding a state industrial decarbonization target or the establishment of a clean heat standard. 

Last updated: November 2024

State-Supported Job Training for Industrial Energy Efficiency List All

The state's Good Jobs Hawai‘i program includes a Clean Energy sector component led by the Hawai'i State Energy Office. The program will work with state and industry partners to train 400 Clean Energy workers over the next three years and place over 75% of them in new or improved positions. 

Last updated: November 2024

Utility or State Energy Programs that Support Electrification of the Industrial Sector List All
Hawaii Energy conducts site assessments for energy efficiency opportunities at industrial facilities. For rebates and incentives see:
The state's Manufacturing Assistance Program (MAP) offers Hawaii-based manufacturers up to a 20% reimbursement (up to $100,000) on qualified expenses for expansion or becoming energy efficient, which can include electrification.
Last updated: November 2024