State Scorecard Rank
Idaho offers several consumer incentives for energy efficiency investments, including a tax deduction, a loan, and a grant. The state government leads by example by encouraging energy savings performance contracting, although it did allow its public building requirements to sunset and does not have benchmarking requirements for public buildings or fuel efficiency requirements for fleets. Research and development focused on energy efficiency is conducted at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies.
The state of Idaho offers the following financial incentives to encourage energy efficiency improvements:
- Low-Interest Energy Loan Program
- Income Tax Deduction for Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- Government Leading by Example: The State Energy Office assists rural cities and counties in implementing cost-effective energy efficient measures, energy conservation and renewable energy projects on existing government buildings.
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program
Further financial incentive information can be found in the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE Idaho).
Last Reviewed: November 2024
At this time, the state does not conduct a state energy, sustainability, or climate action plan, and has not adopted specific goals, metrics, or protocols to track or evaluate how any energy, sustainability, or climate action initiatives being taken are affecting local marginalized groups.
Workforce Development
The state does not currently include specific measures to prioritize clean energy workforce development.
Last Reviewed: July 2021
The State of Idaho does not yet have carbon pricing policies in place.
At this time, the state does not have a statewide emissions reduction goal in place.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
There is no disclosure policy in place.
Last Reviewed: July 2019
Idaho statute mandates that all facilities owned, constructed or financed by any state agency must adhere to the building codes adopted by the state. The state has not set any energy savings targets.
Under the Government Leading by Example program, run by Idaho Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (OEMR), applicants are encouraged to use ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager program to demonstrate energy use in the buildings OEMR will audit. However, this is not a mandatory activity for the program.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
No policy in place or proposed.
Note: For state efficient fleet initiatives, policies listed must make a specific, mandatory requirement for increasing state fleet efficiency. State alternative-fuel vehicle procurement requirements that give a voluntary option to count efficient vehicles are thus not included.
Last Reviewed: June 2022
Idaho’s Performance Contracting Program is administered by the Department of Administration and provides a series of resources, including a step-by-step guide to ESPCs and sample documents (such as model contracts).
Last Reviewed: July 2020
The Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES) is a research and education consortium bringing together Idaho National Laboratory, Boise State University, Idaho State University, the University of Idaho, and the University of Wyoming. CAES provides a collaborative, multi-mission environment that integrates resources to create new research capabilities and enhance energy-related educational opportunities. CAES-affiliated members can expand the breadth of their research and provide rich, hands-on experiences for students, national laboratory scientists, and industry researchers by sharing laboratories, equipment, and ideas. Research areas span a range of energy topics: nuclear energy, energy-water nexus, cybersecurity, advanced manufacturing, and innovative energy systems. The main CAES research facility—located near University of Idaho/Idaho State University’s Idaho Falls campus and most of INL’s in-town facilities — is a 55,000-square-foot building that includes eight laboratories with state-of-the-art research equipment and offices for CAES personnel. Research is also conducted at each of the member institutions, giving CAES scientists and engineers, industry partners, and others access to a wide range of equipment, capabilities, and infrastructure.
The Idaho National Laboratory also conducts research on energy efficiency concepts. Idaho National Laboratory’s Energy and Environment Science and Technology Directorate (EES&T) is responding to national transitions in power generation, expanded development of renewable energy systems and limited water resources. It offers innovations in transportation systems, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and environmental sustainability. The lab works to improve energy storage and electric vehicle systems based on scientific understanding, uncertainty analysis, testing and validation. The Biomass Feedstock National User Facility is helping industry deploy biomass-based fuels and chemicals by providing proof-of-concept tests. At the micro-grid test bed, INL experts test dynamic storage and load-balancing options. Laboratory engineers are helping put these concepts into practice in isolated U.S. communities and at U.S. military bases around the world. INL also is building an integrated energy test bed to understand the technical issues associated with coupling nuclear, renewable and fossil energy sources to produce electrical and nonelectrical energy products. In addition, INL is working to develop manufacturing processes with net-zero waste and new ways to convert carbon into useful fuel sources. The lab’s exceptional talent and effective partnerships are the essential elements of research with impact.
Last Reviewed: July 2019
The State of Idaho adopted the 2018 IRC and IECC residential provisions as well as the 2018 IECC commercial provisions, both with amendments, during the 2020 legislative session. Both codes will take effect on January 1, 2021. This code adoption will replace Idaho’s current building code standards and bring all jurisdictions with building codes up to the 2018 IECC standard. Idaho statute prohibits local jurisdictions from adopting more stringent building codes than what is adopted by the state.
The Idaho State Legislature adopted the 2018 IRC and IECC residential provisions with amendments during the 2020 legislative session, taking effect January 1, 2021. The amendments include: a blower door testing program for residential builders; energy rating index table for Idaho’s climate zones; and window u-factors and insulation tables based on Idaho’s climate zones. Approximately 96% of local jurisdictions are covered by building codes adopted by the state.
Local jurisdictions may not adopt more or less stringent code than the current building code approved by the state legislature.
The 2022 legislative session heard two bills that focused on energy codes. HB 660 modifies the existing energy code to prohibit any city, county, incorporated or unincorporated area, special use district or any other local governmental entities of any kind from adopting energy code or related requirements that differ from or are more extensive than the requirements of the Idaho Energy Conservation Code. The Act became effective July 1, 2022. (Link)
Last Reviewed: November 2024
The Idaho State Legislature adopted the 2018 IECC commercial provisions with amendments during the 2020 legislative sessions; these codes will take effect on January 1, 2021. This code adoption will replace Idaho’s current building code standards and bring all jurisdictions with building codes up to the 2018 IECC standard.
Idaho adopted the 2018 IECC standard in 2021 for all jurisidictions. New commercial buildings should be built to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2019 in order to save energy and experience lower operational costs, which results in lower utility bills.
The 2018 IECC suite of codes was amended to meet Idaho needs. The changes included: energy rating index table for Idaho’s climate zones; and window u-factors and insulation tables based on Idaho’s climate zones. Approximately 96% of Iocal jurisdictions are covered by building codes adopted by the state.
Local jurisdictions may not adopt more or less stringent code than the current building code approved by the state legislature.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
- Baseline & Updated Compliance Studies: A residential energy code compliance study was conducted in Idaho in 2018, available here. 98% of homes observed in the study were in compliance. The study used the prescriptive method when evaluating compliance, reviewing whether each component within a house met a specific standard. The study was conducted by Idaho's Circuit Rider, who is funded through the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA).
- Utility Involvement: Idaho does not have regulatory guidelines for utility involvement in building energy code development; however, several investor-owned utilities have supported building energy code compliance through their participation with the state in Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) activities and utility-sponsored training.
- Stakeholder Advisory Group: The Idaho Energy Code Collaborative discusses code compliance, and most of the energy training provided by its members is now focused on increasing compliance throughout the state.
- Training/Outreach: The Idaho Code Collaborative provides code and compliance training through a state Energy Circuit Rider. The Idaho Code Collaborative includes the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, the state’s electric investor-owned utilities, and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance.
Last Updated: November 2024
The state has financing available for renewable- and biomass-fueled CHP, but otherwise has limited regulations or policies to encourage the deployment of CHP systems. No new CHP systems were installed in 2018.
There is currently no interconnection standard in place that applies to CHP.
For more information on interconnection standards, click here.
Last Updated: July 2018
There are currently no state policies designed to acquire energy savings from CHP (like other efficiency resources) or energy generation from CHP (in terms of kWh production) that apply to all forms of CHP.
Last Reviewed: July 2019
Incentives, grants, or financing: Retrofit projects that incorporate CHP may be eligible for Idaho’s Low-Interest Energy Loan Programs.
Last Reviewed: July 2019
There are some additional supportive policies to encourage CHP. Through its Renewable Energy Project Bond Program, the state allows independent (non-utility) developers of renewable energy projects to request financing from the Idaho Energy Resources Authority. The Idaho Statewide Wood Energy Team, which encourages sustainable biomass utilization, also provides grants and technical assistance for biomass CHP projects.
Last Updated: July 2018
Idaho's investor-owned utilities administer energy efficiency programs with oversight from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Energy efficiency programs are supported and supplemented by regional organizations, including the Bonneville Power Administration, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. Idaho has not restructured its electric utility industry, and there is no legislation requiring funding for energy efficiency programs.
In 2001, the PUC ordered Idaho Power to file a comprehensive DSM plan and to implement programs. In 2002, the PUC created an energy efficiency rider to fund these programs. In 2006, the PUC required PacifiCorp (via operating companies in Idaho, Utah Power and Light and Rocky Mountain Power) to file and implement a comprehensive DSM plan. The state uses an integrated resource planning process.
The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.
Last reviewed: July 2019
Idaho's investor-owned utilities administer and implement energy efficiency programs and are regulated by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Utilities recover the costs of offering programs via adding a tariff rider surcharge to customer bills. Idaho’s electric efficiency utility programs are not required by legislation. The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.
Last reviewed: November 2024
Idaho's investor-owned utilities are required to prepare and file Integrated Resource Plans that include all cost effective and achievable energy efficiency as a resource.
Last reviewed: November 2024
There is currently no EERS in place.
For more information on Energy Efficiency Resource Standards, click here.
Last reviewed: November 2024
Idaho Power's decoupling mechanism, called a Fixed-Cost Adjustment (FCA), was designed to provide symmetry (a surcharge or credit) when fixed cost recovery per customer varies above or below a commission-established base. The FCA was first implemented on a pilot basis for a three-year period beginning January 1, 2007 and running through December 31, 2009. The pilot was extended for two years after that and made permanent on January 31, 2013 (See Order No. 32731 in Case No. IPC-E-11-19). The FCA applies to all residential and small commercial customers. The FCA also incorporates a 3% cap on annual increases and carries over unrecovered deferred costs to subsequent years. Rate increases and credits resulting from the FCA are distributed to residential and small general service customer classes equally on an energy use basis. Avista requested and was granted a similar FCA mechanism for electric and natural gas beginning January 2016.
Idaho does not offer energy efficiency performance incentives to its investor-owned utilities.
Last reviewed: November 2024
Primary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: utility cost test (Avista, PacifiCorp)
Secondary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: total resource cost test and participant cost test
Each utility is required to conduct an impact and process evaluation of its energy efficiency programs every 2-3 years. Avista and PacifiCorp use the utility cost test as their primary cost effectiveness test but Idaho Power Company does not. Idaho Power Company was directed in Order No. 33365 to screen potential programs using the TRC, UCT, and PCT as a guideline and to advise the Commission on how each program fared under each test. In the Order, IPC was also instructed when seeking prudency that it may, but not exclusively, emphasize the UCT to demonstrate Company-controlled benefits and costs- to argue whether the programs were cost-effective (Order No. 33365, 2015, p.9).
Further information on cost-effectiveness screening practices for Idaho is available in the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), a resource of the National Efficiency Screening Project (NESP). Further information on health and environmental benefits is available in ACEEE’s Overview of State Approaches to Account for Health and Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency
Last reviewed: July 2019
Cost-Effectiveness Rules for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs
In October 2012, PUC staff issued its draft report on low income weatherization and energy conservation education programs. In this report, the staff recommended criteria for how to evaluate requests for more weatherization funding. The staff also provided recommendations and comments on changes utilities could make regarding cost-effective calculations and procedures, some of which included the calculation of non-energy benefits.
In April 2013, the PUC largely adopted the staff’s recommendations regarding methodology for evaluating LIWAP and the criteria for increased funding in Order No. 32788, Case No. GNR-E-12-01. In Order No. 32788, the Commission adopted recommendations 7 & 8 that health and safety measures can be 15% of a weatherization program's budget, and these can be included as a dollar of non-energy benefit for each dollar of cost in low-income programs only. However, it currently declines to construct a specific cost-effectiveness test for low-income programs.
Coordination of Ratepayer-Funded Low-Income Programs with WAP Services
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Welfare, administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance and Weatherization Programs in Idaho. The division subcontracts with the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) to provide weatherization, energy assistance, and community block-grant services to low-income participants in Idaho. Utilities such as Idaho Power also offer weatherization assistance in conjunction with the state’s WAP program through ratepayer-funded Weatherization Assistance for Qualifying Customers (WAQC) program, which provides supplementary funding to CAP agencies for weatherization.
Last updated: November 2024
Idaho Power offers its largest customers an option to self-direct the energy efficiency funds that are collected through a customer bill rider. Customers have three years to complete projects and have all the funds available to fund up to 100% of project costs. Self-direct projects are subject to the same criteria as projects in other efficiency programs. Self-direct options are only available to Rate Schedule 19 and special contract customers. Neither Avista nor PacifiCorp operate self-direct programs in Idaho.
In the past, Avista has not employed opt-out or self-direct programs. PacifiCorp does not have opt-out provisions for customers but has negotiated special contracts, which are approved by the Commission on a case-by-case basis.
PacifiCorp does not conduct evaluations for savings on special contracts. Idaho Power has all its energy efficiency programs evaluated on a periodic basis of around 2-3 years, including both process and impact evaluations. Customers participating in the self-directed funds option are subject to the same evaluation process as participants in the cost-share option, which may be assessed internally or by third-party contractors (Idaho Power’s Demand Side Management Report: Supplement 2; Evaluation, page 1).
More information on large customer self-direct programs can be found in the ACEEE report, Follow the Leaders: Improving Large Customer Self-Direct Programs.
Last reviewed: July 2019
Guidelines for Third Party Access
Currently the state does not have provision(s) for the release of customer energy usage data. Individual utilities have platforms for individual customers to retrieve their own usage data and do provide third parties with individual customer usage data with customer consent. Data requirements, method of data transmission, and access is defined by utility policy upon customer consent.
Last reviewed: July 2019
The state has some policies and incentives focusing on efficient vehicles and transit funding. However, there is still significant room for growth.
No California Vehicle Standards in place or proposed.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Transportation and Land use Integration: No policy in place or proposed.
VMT Targets: We were unable to find information indicating any VMT and/or GHG targets in place.
FAST Freight Plans and Goals: We were unable to find information indicating energy efficiency goals and objectives in Idaho's 2023 state freight plan.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
ITD oversees the States Vehicle Investment Program (VIP). VIP, which provides $312,000 state funds administered as a competitive program that agencies can apply the funds to replacing public transit vehicles.
Last updated: November 2024
Medium- and Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Replacement Rebates: The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) offers rebates for the replacement of qualified medium- and heavy-duty diesel vehicles with new diesel or alternative fuel vehicles. Rebates are available for medium- and heavy-duty trucks, school, shuttle, and transit buses, freight switchers, airport ground support equipment, forklifts, and port cargo handling equipment. Vehicles must meet model year requirements, which vary by vehicle type.
Last updated: November 2024
Idaho does not have any state programs in place to incentivize the creation of low-income housing near transit facilities, and it does not consider the proximity of transit facilities when distributing federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to qualifying property owners.
Last updated: November 2024