State and Local Policy Database


State Scorecard Rank



69.6Scored out of 50Updated 12/2022
State Government
Score: 9 out of 9
State Government Summary List All

Maine offers several financial incentives for consumer energy efficiency investments. The state government leads by example by setting energy requirements for public buildings and fleets and encouraging the use of energy savings performance contracts. Maine is one of the few states to adopt a residential energy use disclosure policy. Research focused on energy efficiency occurs at the Maine Technology Institute.

Financial Incentives List All

The state of Maine offers several financial incentives to encourage energy efficiency improvements. From Efficiency Maine:

  • Electric Vehicle and EV Infrastructure: Electric vehicle rebates with enhanced incentives for low-income households, moderate-income households, businesses, nonprofits, and governmental entities. Grants for EV charging infrastructure.
  • Home Energy Savings Program: Program offers rebates for residential heat pumps and weatherization.
  • Low-Income Initiatives: Program offers enhanced rebates for residential heat pumps and weatherization, subset of heat pump water heaters.
  • Commercial and Industrial Prescriptive Program and Small Business Initiative: Program offers rebates for commercial heat pumps, VRFs, and miscellaneous heating measures for unregulated fuels.
  • Commercial and Industrial Custom Program: The C&I Custom Program is designed to leverage private investment to achieve electrical and thermal energy savings. Funding levels range from a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $1 million per customer, or up to 50% of the total project costs.
  • Retail and Distributor Program: Program offers midstream incentives for HVAC.

From MaineHousing:

  • Heat Pump Program: Program pays for the cost and installation of a heat pump for eligible homeowners.
  • Weatherization Program: Program provides grants to low-income homeowners and renters to reduce energy costs by improving home energy efficiency. The program pays for the costs and installation of energy saving weatherization measures, such as air seaing and insulation, as well as related health and safety measures.
  • Assurance 16 Program: Program provides services that encourage and enable households to reduce their home energy needs and thereby the need for energy assistance, including needs assessments, counseling, and assistance with energy vendors.

Further financial incentive information can be found in the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE Maine). In addition to these state-funded incentives, Maine has enabled commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, but it does not have any active PACE programs. For additional information on PACE, visit PACENation.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Equity Metrics and Workforce DevelopmentList All

Maine is a participating state in the regional carbon cap-and-trade program known as RGGI. As part of its Triennial Plan for FY2023-FY2025, Efficiency Maine allocated 12% of its FY2023 RGGI revenues to its Low Income Initiatives to fund primarily home weatherization projects and heat pump water heater retrofits. When the Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan (and the corresponding legislation LD 1733 - An Act To Provide Allocations for the Distribution of State Fiscal Recovery Funds) allocated $25 million in ARPA funds to EMT to support weatherization of low- and moderate-income homes, EMT backfilled the Low Income Initiatives budget and redirected RGGI funds to its other programs.

As part of its Triennial Plan for FY2023-2025, Efficiency Maine established program budgets that reflect the minimum funding allocations to low-income customers set forth in statute [see 35-A MRS §10110(2)(B)] and 35-A MRS §10111(1)(B)] and rule [see 95-648 Code of Maine Rules (CMR) ch. 3, §3(A)(2) and 95-648 CMR ch. 4, §3(2)]. For the Electric Efficiency Procurement (electric ratepayer funds) this allocation is 10%. For the Natural Gas Conservation Fund (natural gas ratepayer funds), this allocation is set at a reasonable percentage considering low-income consumers' share of gas load and the cost-effective opportunity available at their homes. For RGGI funds, the target allocation to low-income programs is generally around 10%. However, as mentioned above, when EMT received a significant influx of federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act ($25 million) to support weatherization of low- and moderate-income homes, it redirected low-income RGGI funds to its other programs.

In 2019, the Maine Legislature passed LD 1766 - An Act To Transform Maine's Heat Pump Market To Advance Economic Security and Climate Objectives, establishing a goal to install 100,000 additional high-efficiency heat pumps over five years by 2025. The bill required the Maine State Housing Authority to include information in its annual planning process (for low-income weatherization programs) on targets and budgets related to the heat pump goal. Efficiency Maine also offered enhanced heat pump rebates for low- and moderate- income households. Through the combined efforts of these agencies, Maine met this goal two years ahead of schedule in 2023. The Governor then established a second goal of installing another 175,000 additional heat pumps in Maine by 2027. In 2020, the state's climate action plan ("Maine Won't Wait: A Four-Year Plan for Climate Action") built on this momentum, establishing a goal of having at least 115,000 households in the state wholly heated by heat pumps and an additional 130,000 households in the state partially heated by heat pumps by 2030. It also called for at least 15,000 new heat pumps in income-eligible households by 2025. The climate action plan also recommended doubling the current pace of home weatherization so that 17,500 additional homes and buisnesses are weatherized by 2025, including at least 1,000 low-income units per year. The state is tracking progress towards these goals on the Climate Action Plan dashboard - see

Efficiency Maine allocates funds from the Volkswagen Settlement and the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) settlement specifically for disproportionately underserved communities in Maine to receive enhanced rebates for level 2 charging stations. These investments are targeted in areas that are especially rural where there is a higher upfront cost. Efficiency Maine also allocates at least 40% of its National Electric Vehcile Infrastructure (NEVI) Program funds for EV charging stations to disadvantaged communities per the federal Justice40 requirements. Efficiency Maine funding received through a settlement related to the New England Clean Energy Connect project includes dedicated resources for low- and moderate-income households for heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, weatherization, and electric vehicle rebates. Efficiency Maine tracks progress toward these investment goals and reports on them in its Annual Reports (available at 

All of the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and LIHEAP-Weatherization funds administered by MaineHousing are dedicated to low-income Mainers who meet the criteria for LIHEAP eligibility. The funds are allocated pro-rata across the nine regions served by CAP agencies in the state. In 2021, MaineHousing initiated a Cultural Advisory Board to provide feedback and recommendations for all our programs, in an effort to ensure equitable access and benefit to the communities they serve. Included in this group are organizations that serve Native Americans and immigrants from many cultural backgrounds. MaineHousing reviews the recommendations from this group to make decisions on programmatic changes that would better serve these communities. The goal for the SERC grant is to install 1,060 Heat Pumps to contribute towards Maine's Climate Action Plan goals. Using the BIL and DOE funds, MaineHousing plans to weatherize 125 multifamily units. Weatherization activities are full building envelope based on energy modeling.

Efficiency Maine has increased its engagement of low- to moderate-income customers and small businesses through targeted outreach regarding enhanced incentives for heat pumps and weatherization. For Low Income Initiatives, Efficiency Maine holds quarterly stakeholder advisory group meetings to engage organizations who serve low income households. Efficiency Maine invites nonprofit groups, native American representatives, state government and utility staff. The purpose of this meeting is to increase engagement with low-income Mainers. Under Low Income Initiatives, Efficiency Maine sends outreach material directly to eligible individuals as well as uses targeted digital ads and area-specific radio spots to broaden the reach. The program manager supplements these efforts with presentations to towns and affordable housing association members. For the Small Business Initiative, Efficiency Maine conducts targeted marketing and outreach efforts to reach small businesses, including direct mail and phone calls to eligible businesses; collaboration with local groups such as Climate to Thrive, The Nature Conservancy, and chambers of commerce; and public relations activities targeted at eligible participants. Another means of engagement come from the network of trade allies called Qualified Partners. These independent businesses are the primary marketers of the program—working with their existing customers and identifying new customers for energy-efficient equipment. For businesses that do not currently work with a contractor or a Qualified Partner, the Efficiency Maine website features an online search tool to easily put potential customers in touch with a Qualified Partner in their area. The Program Managers for Electric Vehicle Initiatives engage with the aforementioned quarterly advisory group, the Maine Climate Council Equity Subcommittee, and the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition to gather insight and raise awareness about low-income EV rebates and charging infrastructure opportunities. 

The Community Resilience Partnership assists communities to reduce carbon emissions, transition to clean energy, and become more resilient to climate change effects such as extreme storms, flooding, rising sea levels, public health impacts, and more through grants and techical assistance. A key component to reach these goals is to ensure that Maine’s climate response includes shared benefits across diverse populations of Maine people. Community Resilience Partnership grant applicants are asked to include robust community engagement in their action grant proposals. Knowing that climate change impacts will create the greatest hardships for already marginalized communities, communities must identify and promote solutions to help the people who are most vulnerable to climate impacts. Grant applicants are scored on their community engagement strategy and how the potential benefits of their proposed climate action project are distributed equitably. In addition, the Community Resilience Partnerhip awards addtional points to proposals from communities that score HIGH on Maine’s Social Vulnerability Index or are small in size, and therefore have limited capacity and resources.   

The Governor's Energy Office has also established the Clean Energy Partnership program to coordinate action and engagement accross government, industry, academia, and community partners to support the clean energy and energy efficiency industries in Maine. The CEP is led by GEO in partnership with the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future (GOPIF), the Maine Department of Labor (MDOL), and the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD). Other partners include the Maine Community College System, the University of Maine system, MaineHousing and Community Action Programs, private companies, labor unions, nonprofits, municipalities, and State and local chambers of commerce, among many others.The CEP Advisory Group includes representatives from industry, labor, support organizations, training and educational institutions, and state government, and helps guide CEP program development and implementation. This work includes defining workforce needs, monitoring progress, advising adjustments, and designing future program development. Since the CEP was established in 2022, the Advisory Group has met on a quarterly basis. A list of Advisory Group members can be found on the GEO website. 

The GEO also made specific outreach efforts to gather input from key labor stakeholders. GEO staff meets regularly with industry associations and union representatives from construction crafts to discuss current capacity to train energy efficiency workers. The CEP also regularly engages with Career and Technical instructors and directors, and has convened focus groups and ad-hoc meetings at CTE centers across the state. The CEP integrates feedback from labor, community, and education partners into program design for existing and new programs to maximize benefits to community members.

Workforce Development

In order to support the increased demand for heat pumps and to promote quality installations, Efficiency Maine specified a curriculum for registered trainers that support heat pump installers and developed a training module on "heat pump basics" that is required for all heat pump installers working with Efficiency Maine's residential programs. Efficiency Maine provides other trainings and workshops to contractors working in its commercial programs and has started delivering building code training to contractors. Efficiency Maine's intent to continue these efforts is reflected in its new Triennial Plan (for Fiscal Years 2023-2025).

In 2022, the Maine Governor's Energy Office launched the Clean Energy Partnership to advance Maine’s clean energy, economic development, and workforce goals as outlined in the state climate action plan, Maine Won't Wait. The primary goal that the Clean Energy Partnership intends to achieve is to more than double Maine's clean energy workforce to 30,000 by 2030. This goal has an auxiliary effect of helping achieve additional climate goals such as heat pump adoptions and weatherization. The purpose of the Clean Energy Partnership is to prepare, expand, and support Maine’s clean energy workforce as well as supporting innovation of clean tech products and services. This initiative is supported by the Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan, innovation funds, and additional funding sources designated for bolstering this effort (e.g., Congressionally Designated Spending, etc.).

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Carbon Pricing PoliciesList All

Maine is a member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program for reducing GHG emissions in North America that began its compliance period in 2009. Capping CO2 emissions from the power sector, the program aims to reduce emissions by 45% below 2005 levels by 2020 and additionally by 30% by 2030.

The Efficiency Maine Trust (EMT) reports on greenhouse gas emissions achieved RGGI-funded energy efficiency programs through two channels: (1) the annual "Investment of RGGI Proceeds" report to RGGI Inc., and (2) the RGGI Annual Report to the Maine State Legislature. Maine accounts for the avoided cost of carbon using the Avoided Energy Supply Components (AESC) report that is updated every few years. In it, the price (value) of RGGI carbon allowances is factored into the avoided costs of every kilowatt-hour saved through efficiency programs. Maine applies the AESC cost of carbon in its cost-effectiveness test which is used in establishing MACE (Maine’s study of the potential for “all cost-effective energy efficiency”) and also in its annual reports.

Per EO LD 1679 and EO 10, Maine does have a statewide emissions reduction goal in place, specifically to reduce emissions 100% by 2045 (baseline year 1990).

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Building Energy Disclosure List All
  • Building type(s) affected: residential rental

H.P. 1468 requires the disclosure of an energy efficiency checklist to tenants or lessees and allows for the release of audit information of residential rental properties. This policy is triggered at the time of rental.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Public Building Requirements List All

Maine requires that construction or renovation of state buildings must incorporate green building standards that would achieve "significant" energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, provided that the costs of doing so are cost-effective over the life of the building. 

Maine Statutes Title 5, Section 1764-A also requires all planning and design for the construction of new or substantially renovated buildings owned or leased by the state include: (1) the consideration of energy efficiency, (2) an energy-use target that exceeds standards for commercial and institutional buildings by at least 20%, and (3) a life-cycle cost analysis over a minimum of 30 years that explicitly addresses the costs and benefits of efficiency improvements. 

Pursuant to a Legislative Resolve (Resolve 2009, Chapter 372), the State of Maine was charged with creating a task force to Advance Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Independence at State Facilities. The final report was issued in January 2010. The report concluded that energy efficiency, conservation and independence at the executive branch facilities of State Government should be improved by a number of means: continuing to attack and reduce consumption; conducting important and too-easily overlooked energy audits; diversifying the energy sources used at these facilities; reducing reliance on imported heating oil; and increasing the use of alternative and cost-effective renewable energy sources when possible.

In November 2019, Governor Mills signed Executive Order #13: An Order for State Agencies to Lead by Example Through Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Sustainability Measures. It called for the creation of a Sustainbility Leadership Committee to develop a baseline of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from state operations by February 1, 2021. Every two years thereafter, the state shall report annual energy use, sources, greenhouse gas emissions, and progress on the plan to the Governor, the Legislature, and post the report for the public.

The state's first Lead By Example report was published earlier last year, in accordance with EO-13. It outlines strategies to curb state agencies’ greenhouse gas emissions, transition state electricity use to 100 percent clean power by 2024, and purchase 100 percent electric vehicles for the state fleet by 2030. As part of the Lead by Example effort, EMT is coordinating with the Bureau of General Services and State facilities managers to create an initiative to promote the increased installation and use of clean, cost-effective energy measures at State properties. Per a December 29, 2020, Memorandum of Understanding between the Trust and the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Maine, the Trust received approximately $3.7 million in Volkswagen settlement funds to develop projects through this initiative.

The Maine Lead By Example Team (i.e., EMT, GOPIF, GEO, BGS, etc.) has been working with external entities to create a comprehensive database and baseline of all state owned and leased buildings. This will serve multiple purposes, including (1) enrolling the buildings in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, (2) creating a triaged list of future projects for beneficial electrification and decarbonization, and more. To this effort, the State of Maine has enrolled in the Better Climate Challenge in addition to several other federal initiatives that support this work. The second Lead By Example report was released in early 2024 and was accompanied by Executive Order 5 (See 5d). The report includes detailed information on emissions, energy use, energy efficiency, clean transportation, onsite renewables, and more.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Fleets List All

Statute (MRSA Title 5 1812-E) mandates that except for cars and light-duty trucks purchased for law enforcement and other special use purposes, the State Purchasing Agent may not purchase or lease any car or light-duty truck for state use unless the car has a manufacturer's estimated highway mileage rating of at least 45 mpg and the light-duty truck has a manufacturer's estimated highway mileage rating of at least 35 mpg.

As stated in the State of Maine's Lead by Example Report (2023-2024), state government agencies will pilot emerging low and zero emission technologies for medium and heavy-duty vehicles as new technologies emerge.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Energy Savings Performance Contracting List All

In 1999, Maine enacted an energy savings pilot project, which used ESPCs to achieve energy efficiency goals. In 2005, the governor of Maine joined the Energy Star Challenge, committing to encourage building owners and operators to improve energy efficiency by 10% using performance contracting and other mechanisms. Today, all energy efficiency programming in the State of Maine is administered by Efficiency Maine.

The State of Maine has identified specific projects that could be part of a performance contract agreement. The long term plans for the State include the development of additional Energy Saving Performance contracting at a variety of facilities and locations. BGS is working to determine the viability of Private Public Partnerships for renovation and energy improvements at older state facilities.

Last Reviewed: July 2020

Research & Development List All

The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) invests in research and development. MTI defines their areas of focus as clusters and one of those is Energy and the Environment and explicitly includes energy efficiency technologies.  

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Important Links List All


Score: 15.5 out of 24
Buildings Summary List All

In 2019, the Technical Codes and Standards Board formally decided to adopt the 2015 IRC, IEBC, and IECC and commenced a rulemaking process to update the Maine code. The MUBEC Board accepted the 2021 edition of all of the IRC, IEBC, and the IECC, and these rules will become effective in 2024 upon final review and approval by the Attorney General.

In 2020, state law required the Maine Climate Council to develop a new climate action plan. The plan, titled Maine Won't Wait: A Four-Year Plan for Climate Action, was issued in December of 2020, and identified among its top priorities the strategy to "Modernize Maine's Buildings." The strategy includes a recommendation to develop a long-term plan by 2024 to phase in modern, energy-efficient building codes to reach net-zero carbon emissions for new construction in Maine by 2035. In addition, it sets a goal to enhance existing training on building codes and expand these programs to support ongoing education of contractors and code-enforcement officials.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Residential Codes List All

In 2019, the Maine Legislature enacted three important amendments to residential building codes. First, Public Law (PL) 391 established that the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC) must update the code from the 2009 IECC to the 2015 or a newer version, that it must be kept up to date with the latest version of the IECC, and required that it be applied in every municipality in Maine, regardless of population. (Pursuant to existing law, enforcement of the code is voluntary in municipalities having fewer than 4,000 customers, representing about 40% of the population). Second, PL 517 modified and improved the oversight and training of code enforcement officers. Third, PL 392 required the MUBEC to establish a stretch code that may be adopted by any municipality. The MUBEC Board accepted the 2021 edition of all of the IRC, IEBC, and the IECC, and these rules will become effective in 2024 upon final review and approval by the Attorney General.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Commercial Code List All

In 2019, the Maine Legislature enacted three important amendments to residential building codes. First, Public Law (PL) 391 established that the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC) must update the code from the 2009 IECC to the 2015 or a newer version, that it must be kept up to date with the latest version of the IECC, and required that it be applied in every municipality in Maine, regardless of population. (Pursuant to existing law, enforcement of the code is voluntary in municipalities having fewer than 4,000 customers, representing about 40% of the population). Second, PL 517 modified and improved the oversight and training of code enforcement officers. Third, PL 392 required the MUBEC to establish a stretch code that may be adopted by any municipality. The MUBEC Board accepted the 2021 edition of all of the IRC, IEBC, and the IECC, and these rules will become effective in 2024 upon final review and approval by the Attorney General.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Compliance List All
  • Baseline & Updated Compliance Studies: A New Construction Baseline Assessment was performed by Ridgeline Energy Analytics in 2020-21. The study used Home Energy Rating Scores (HERS) and RemRate software to assess compliance against the 2009 IECC code performance path and found that 67% of homes were energy code compliant. The compliance study followed the PNNL methodology to the best of its ability, however limitations due to COVID-19 prevented in-person stakeholder engagement and impromptu site visits.
  • Utility Involvement: Maine statute requires Efficiency Maine's involvement of adoption, amendment, and maintenance of the state's energy code. Efficiency Maine participates in code development and offers training programs for Maine builders and contractors.
  • Stakeholder Advisory Group: Maine has a Technical Building Codes and Standards Board comprised of architects, engineers, builders, and energy efficiency experts. Additionally, Maine has an “advisory group,” managed by the Board, called the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), where energy efficiency advocates provide cost-effectiveness analysis to support the adoption of building energy codes.
  • Training/Outreach: There is advanced energy code training available; the cost is subsidized for code officials. This advanced training is a collaborative effort between the Dept. of Economic and Community Development, the State Fire Marshall, and the Energy Office. The state Dept. of Economic and Community Development offers training at the basic certification level (free to those applying for initial certification), as well as advanced energy code training. Once certified, code enforcement officers need to obtain training annually to keep their certification current. The Maine Building Officials and Inspector Association, as well as several regional organizations, seek out training opportunities for their members, and partially support the cost of these opportunities. Efficiency Maine Trust and the Maine Office of State Fire Marshal have jointly launched a training initiative for code officials, trades, and professionals involved in new construction.  The first classes were a free one-hour webinar to introduce the energy provisions of Maine's updated building codes. Subsequent classes will provide more technical detail on updates to the codes and field training for best practices to achieve code compliance. 

Last reviewed: November 2024

CHP Summary List All

Maine has a favorable interconnection standard that applies to CHP and includes CHP within its renewable energy standard. No new CHP systems were installed in 2018.

Interconnection StandardsList All

Policy: Docket No. 2009-219 - Order Adopting Interconnection Rule

Summary:  In January 2010, Maine's Public Utility Commission (PUC) adopted interconnection procedures. These rules apply to all transmission and distribution utilities operating in Maine. The interconnection procedures set four tiers of review for interconnection requests for all eligible technologies and systems subject to Maine PUC jurisdiction. The four tiers are not subject to jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Last Updated: July 2018

Encouraging CHP as a ResourceList All

CHP in Energy Efficiency Standards:  Adopted in 1999, Maine’s Renewable Resources Portfolio Requirement allows electricity generated from efficient CHP systems and other systems that qualify as "small power production facilities" under the federal Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) as eligible. CHP counts toward renewable resources in the state, provided it is at least 60% efficient. Maine electricity providers must supply at least 30% of their total sales as renewable resources. In 2007, Maine created mandatory standards for new generation resources, with a goal of 10% of new energy resources to be supplied by renewable resources by 2017 and thereafter.

Production goal: Maine law requires that the utilities (through Efficiency Maine Trust) develop and procure all cost-effective, reliable and achievable energy efficiency resources (MACE) in the state (35-A MRS §§10110 and 10111). Based on the most recent MACE Potential Study, Efficiency Maine Trust is required to pursue 646,022 MWh in CHP savings over the next 10 years. The plan calls for Efficiency Maine to add incremental delivery of 42,000 MWh from CHP in 2017, 53,000 MWh in 2018, and 64,000 MWh in 2019. Qualifying CHP projects will receive from Efficiency Maine a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $1 million per facility or up to 50% of the total project costs.

Last Updated: July 2018

Deployment IncentivesList All

Incentives, grants, or financing: CHP is eligible for incentives through Efficiency Maine Trust’s Commercial and Industrial Custom Program, an incentive program for large electrical efficiency and distributed generation projects. This competitive program solicits proposals for projects that reduce grid supplied kilowatt hour (kWh) consumption from Maine businesses, institutions, and governments. Incentive awards range from $10,000 and $1,000,000 per project, or up to 50% of total project costs. In 2017, the program ran a limited-time bonus incentive for CHP projects, offering assistance for up to 70% of total project costs. While this bonus ended, Efficiency Maine continues to collaborate with the University of Maine-led CHP Technical Assistance Partnership center on CHP project outreach efforts.

Net Metering: All of Maine's electric utilities -- investor-owned utilities (IOUs), consumer-owned utilities (COUs, which include municipal utilities and electric cooperatives) -- must offer net energy billing (net metering) for individual customers. IOUs are required to offer net metering to eligible facilities with capacity limits up to 660 kilowatts (kW). COUs are required to offer net metering to customer-generators up to 100 kW, but, they are authorized to offer net metering to eligible facilities with capacity limits up to 660 kW at their discretion.

Net metering is available to owners of eligible, qualified facilities, including facilities generating electricity using eligible CHP systems. CHP systems must meet efficiency requirements in order to qualify for net metering: micro-CHP 30 kW and below must achieve combined electrical and thermal efficiency of 80% or greater, and micro-CHP 31 kW to 660 kW must achieve combined efficiency of 65% or greater.

Maine requires that a third party review the feasibility of non-transmission alternatives, including distributed generation such as CHP, before approving any new transmission infrastrucutre of 69 kV or more.

Last Updated: July 2019

Additional Supportive PoliciesList All

Some additional supportive policies exist to encourage CHP in Maine. Efficiency Maine provides funding for up to 50% of the cost of Technical Assistance Studies up to $20,000.

Renewable-fueled CHP is also eligible for credit within Maine's Renewables Portfolio Standard, which involves the use of NEPOOL Generation Information System (GIS) certificates (similar to renewable-energy credits, or RECs) to satisfy the portfolio requirement.

Last Updated: July 2018

Score: 18.5 out of 29
Utilities Summary List All

In 2010, the independent Efficiency Maine, managed by a stakeholder board, assumed responsibility for administering energy efficiency and alternative energy programs across all utility territories in Maine. The Legislature directed the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) to provide oversight of Efficiency Maine’s administration as well as approve its three-year strategic plans and budgets. Legislation enacted in 2013 requires the utilities to fund Efficiency Maine’s budgets at a level sufficient to procure all electric and natural gas efficiency that is cost-effective, reliable, and achievable.

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Last reviewed: September 2020

Customer Energy Efficiency Programs List All

All customer energy efficiency programs in Maine are administered by the Efficiency Maine Trust. The purposes of Efficiency Maine include consolidating the funds for Maine's consumer efficiency programs for all fuel types; integrating delivery of electric and thermal efficiency measures to consumers; acquiring customer-sited energy resources (efficiency and alternative energy) at lower cost than traditional energy supply; and helping to transform the energy market in Maine by providing consumers with more efficient, affordable products and energy services.

All electric utility customers—both of consumer-owned and publicly-owned utilities—are eligible to receive services through the statewide electric energy efficiency programs administered by Efficiency Maine (with the exception of large electricity users that take service at the transmission or subtransmission level). All electric utilities contribute funding to the programs. Natural gas programs are also administered by Efficiency Maine and serve commercial, industrial, and residential customers, including low-income residential customers. State statute was amended as part of the Omnibus Energy Act passed in 2013, to extend these programs to each natural gas utility in the state. Historically, the PUC has assessed electric and natural gas utilities to collect funds for energy programs and administrative costs. The funds for natural gas conservation programs are collected through a rate surcharge. In addition, Efficiency Maine manages money from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the Foward Capacity market, various settlents, and grants, such as those received from the Federal government's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). 

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency as a Resource List All

The Maine statute establishes the requirement that utilities procure "all cost-effective energy efficiency" by funding Efficiency Maine Trust programs at levels sufficient to meet that standard.  See 35-A MRS 10104(4).  Also, the newly established Non-Wires Alternative (NWA) law establishes an independent Coordinator to analyze all transmission and distribution proposals over $500,000 to determine if NWA resources, including energy efficiency, are the more cost-effective resource and, if so, to effectuate the procurement of that resource.  See 35-A MRS 3132-C.

Also, Maine has had a loading order that requires utilities to use energy efficiency before any other traditional resource (35-A MRS 3210-C (4)) when securing energy resources by means of long-term contracts. In March 2010, the Governor signed Public Law Chapter 518, An Act To Enhance Maine's Clean Energy Opportunities. It goes beyond previous policy to set the goal for Efficiency Maine as “capturing all cost-effective energy efficiency resources available for electric and natural gas utility ratepayers”.

Efficiency Maine plans energy efficiency programs in three-year increments. The fifth Triennial Plan covering fiscal years 2023-2025 was approved in 2021.

Last Updated: November 2024

Energy Efficiency Resource Standards List All

Summary: Annual savings targets of ~2.3% for electric and 0.1% for natural gas for 2020-2022.

The Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) approved the fourth Triennial Plan of Efficiency Maine, which develops, plans, coordinates, and implements energy efficiency programs in the state. The fourth Triennial Plan sets annual savings targets for 2020-2022 of 2.3% for electricity and 0.1% for natural gas, along with additional savings targets for other fuels.

The long-term targets established by statute were updated in 2021 to reflect the state's goal of capturing all cost-effective energy efficiency for both electricity and natural gas (vs. percentage-based targets) and to incorporate new goals set forth in the state's climate action plan. The revised targets (beyond capturing all cost-effective energy efficiency) include reducing energy costs, weatherizing 35,000 homes and businesses (including 10,000 low-income households) by 2030, promoting heat pump installations such that at 115,000 households are wholly heated by heat pumps and 130,000 are partially heated by heat pumps by 2030, and achieiving 220,000 electric vehicle registrations in Maine by 2030.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Utility Business Model List All

Efficiency programs across all utility territories in Maine are implemented by a single, third-party administrator called Efficiency Maine. Efficiency Maine is managed by a stakeholder board of trustees, with oversight from the MPUC. It is considered a quasi-state agency. There are statutory provisions allowing decoupling and incentives. 35-A MRSA section 3195, subsection 3195 (1) deals with rate-adjustment mechanisms and subsection 3195 (1) (A) authorizes the MPUC to adopt a decoupling mechanism. The state’s largest electric utility, serving roughly 80% of statewide load, proposed and was granted decoupling in its rate case  in 2014 (Docket No. 2013-00168).

Last reviewed: November 2024

Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification List All
  • Primary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: total resource cost test 

  • Secondary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: utility cost test

The independent evaluation of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs in Maine is required by statute (Title 35a Section 10104 subsection 10). Evaluations are administered by Efficiency Maine. Requirements for these evaluations in Maine are articulated in Code of Maine Rules 65-407, Ch. 380 transferred to Code of Maine Rules 95-648, Ch. 380. Statewide evaluations are conducted

According to the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), Maine relies on the Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) and considers it to be its primary cost-effectiveness test. Maine’s TRC accounts for avoided fossil fuel and supply water and wastewater processing costs. Economic development, job creation, productivity improvements, and environmental benefits are included to the extent they can be quantified and valued. Maine also has a target of 10% of available program funds or $2.6 million, whichever is greater, to low-income programs.

Further information on cost-effectiveness screening practices for Maine is available in the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), a resource of the National Efficiency Screening Project (NESP).

Last reviewed: July 2019

Guidelines for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Requirements for State and Utility Support of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

LD-1559, passed in June 2013, states that Efficiency Maine Trust shall “target at least 10% of funds for electricity conservation collected under subsection 4 or 4-A or $2,600,000, whichever is greater, to programs for low-income residential consumers, as defined by the board by rule.” For the Natural Gas Conservation Fund (natural gas ratepayer funds), this allocation is set at a reasonable percentage considering low-income consumers’ share of gas load and the cost-effective opportunity available at their homes, which in practice Efficiency Maine has set at 10%.  Regarding the use of RGGI funds, the statute requires that Efficiency Maine "shall ensure that measures to reduce the cost of residential heating are available for low-income households..." and Efficiency Maine allocates a minimum of 10% to Low-Income Initiatives. See 35-A MRS §10109(4)(A).

Following the passage of LD 1766 in 2019 and its establishment of a state-wide goal to install 100,000 high-performance heat pumps by 2025, MaineHousing allocated a portion of its annual LIHEAP weatherization budgets to pay for the installation of 1,000 heat pumps/year in LIHEAP-eligible homes. 

In 2021, the Legislature passed LD 1766, codifying the state's plan (the Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan) to spend roughly $1 billion in discretionary funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. This plan allocated $25 million to the Efficiency Maine Trust to accelerate weatherization and efficiency upgrades for homes in the State, especially for low-income, older residents and renters. 

As part of its Triennial Plan for FY2020-FY2022, Efficiency Maine establishes program budgets that reflect the minimum funding allocations to low-income customers set forth in statute [see 35-A MRS §10110(2)(B)] and 35-A MRS §10111(1)(B)] and rule [see 95-648 Code of Maine Rules (CMR) ch. 3, §3(A)(2) and 95-648 CMR ch. 4, §3(2)]. For the Electric Efficiency Procurement (electric ratepayer funds) this allocation is 10%. For the Natural Gas Conservation Fund (natural gas ratepayer funds), this allocation is set at a reasonable percentage, considering low-income consumers' share of the gas load and the cost-effective opportunity available at their homes. For RGGI funds, the target allocation to low-income programs is 10%.

One of the State of Maine's primary electrification strategies involves a goal to install 100,000 additional high-efficiency heat pumps over five years by 2025. This goal was set forth in a bill passed by the Maine Legislature in 2019: LD 1766 - An Act To Transform Maine's Heat Pump Market To Advance Economic Security and Climate Objectives. The bill requires the Maine State Housing Authority to include information in its annual planning process (for low-income weatherization programs) on targets and budgets related to the heat pump goal. Efficiency Maine Trust is also offering enhanced rebates for low and moderate-income households.

The state's new climate action plan, entitled "Maine Won't Wait: A Four-Year Plan for Climate Action," establishes a goal of installing at least 15,000 new heat pumps in income-eligible households by 2025 as part of the 100,000 heat pump initiative. The Plan also recommends doubling the current pace of home weatherization, including at least 1,000 low-income units per year.

Efficiency Maine Trust allocates funds from the Volkswagen Settlement and the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) specifically for disproportionately underserved communities in Maine to receive enhanced rebates for level 2 charging stations. These investments are targeted especially in rural areas with a higher upfront cost. Efficiency Maine funding received through a settlement related to the New England Clean Energy Connect project includes dedicated resources for low- and moderate-income households for heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, weatherization, and electric vehicle rebates. All of the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and LIHEAP-Weatherization funds administered by MaineHousing are dedicated to low-income Mainers who meet the criteria for LIHEAP eligibility. The funds are allocated pro-rata across the nine regions served by CAP agencies in the state. Efficiency Maine has mapped the geographic distribution of heat pump rebates in its Triennial Plan V on page 20.

Cost-Effectiveness Rules for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

Maine does not have specific cost-effectiveness guidelines in place for low-income programs. However, the cost-effectiveness test for all programs requires consideration of non-energy benefits including “…reduced operations and maintenance costs, job training opportunities and workforce development, general economic development and environmental benefits, to the extent that such benefits can be accurately and reasonably quantified and attributed to the program or project.”

The Maine PUC allows EMT to bundle individual measures in Low-Income homes that, taken alone, may score as low as 0.7 using the Total Resource Cost Test but, when bundled, achieve a TRC of 1.0 or above.  Additionally, EMT's strategic plan, approved by the PUC, provides that "For Low-Income Initiatives, a monetary benefit for avoided bad debt may be included in the benefit-cost assessment. Inclusion of that benefit requires a study of bad debt avoidance attributable to energy efficiency to quantify the impact."  EMT, Triennial Plan IV, at pp. 4-7

Coordination of Ratepayer-Funded Low-Income Programs with WAP Services

The Maine State Housing Authority administers the federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) for the state. State regulations require the Housing Authority to ensure effective coordination of WAP with the Housing Authority’s Central Heating Improvement Program (CHIP)—which finances energy-related repairs for low-income homeowners—as well as with other bill assistance programs. 2009 Public Law Chapter 372 requires that the Housing Authority must also coordinate WAP plans and use of federal DOE funds with the programs administered by Efficiency Maine Trust.

Following the passage of LD 1766 in 2019 and its establishment of a statewide goal to install 100,000 high-performance heat pumps by 2025, MaineHousing allocated a portion of its annual LIHEAP weatherization budgets to pay for the installation of 1,000 heat pumps/year in LIHEAP-eligible homes. 

Last updated: November 2024

Self Direct and Opt-Out Programs List All

Pursuant to Title 35-A MRSA §10110 (6), large electricity customers receiving service at transmission and subtransmission (T&ST) voltage levels are not required to pay in rates any amount associated with any procurement of energy efficiency resources by transmission and distribution utilities. Consequently, these customers are not eligible for incentives that leverage the Electric Efficiency Procurement funds through the Efficiency Maine Trust. Instead, electric efficiency incentives for these customers are funded with Forward Capacity Market (FCM) revenues, Maine Power Reliability Program (MPRP) Settlement, or RGGI funds.

Until recently, Maine’s largest natural gas customers, whose usage exceeded 1 million centum cubic feet (CCF) of natural gas annually, were exempt from contributing to the Natural Gas Efficiency Procurement; as such, they were not eligible for the Trust’s natural gas efficiency programs. However, in the spring of 2017, the Legislature amended the law once again, codifying the inclusion of large, non-generator, users. It maintained a limited exclusion for large manufacturers, agricultural, and aquaculture businesses; from FY2018 forward, these customers pay the natural gas assessment on their first 1 million CCF of usage and are eligible for the Trust’s natural gas efficiency programs. (See 35-A MRSA §10111(2)).

More information on large customer self-direct programs can be found in the ACEEE report, Follow the Leaders: Improving Large Customer Self-Direct Programs.

Last reviewed: May 2022

Data AccessList All

Guidelines for Third Party Access

In 2007, Maine's Electronic Business Transactions (EBT) Working Group prepared Standards for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in the Restructured Electric Industry, which includes procedures, electronic protocols and data formats to be used when transferring data among entities in support of retail competition. There is also ongoing Customer Data Dissemination Working Group to develop the policies and guidelines around customer AMI data. Please see here for more information.

Requirements for Provision of Energy Data

Maine requires the provision of individual meter data to customers in an electronic format and to third parties upon authorization of the customer. Data is generally provided via spreadsheet through secure electronic transfer. Utilities cannot disclose customer information except for debt collection, credit reporting, usage reporting pursuant to state and federal law, law enforcement requests, and in response to a Commission Order. Third-party eligibility depends on whether or not the party falls into one of these exemptions. Efficiency Maine has been granted access to individual meter data through a Commission Order.

Energy Use Data Availability

Energy use data may be requested by Efficiency Maine by submitting the request to the Maine Public Utilities Commission. The Commission will issue a Protective Order that ensures the confidentiality of the data. Efficiency Maine has the authority to request this data under the Efficiency Maine Trust Act (35-A M.R.S.A. §10104(4)(A)(1)).

Last reviewed: July 2019

Score: 16.5 out of 26
Transportation Summary List All

Maine has set targets for reduced vehicle miles traveled, has standards for tailpipe emissions, integrates transportation and land use planning, and has EV incentives including for low-income residents. 

Tailpipe Emission Standards List All

Maine adopted California’s Low-Emission Vehicle Program in 2005, committing to a 30% reduction in average new vehicle greenhouse gas emissions from 2002 levels by 2016. The state has also adopted California's Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program, which requires increasing production of plug-in hybrid, battery electric, and fuel-cell vehicles from 2018 to 2025. 

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Transportation System Efficiency List All

Transportation and Land Use Integration: Maine adopted a Growth Management Act in 1987 that aimed to encourage growth in certain areas of the state while also planning for and financing an efficient system of public facilities and amenities that would cater to added development. The Act also encouraged municipalities to plan for future growth by developing comprehensive local plans while keeping the regional impact in perspective. The state also implemented a complete streets policy in 2014 as a complement to their land use policies.

VMT Targets:  Maine's Climate Action Plan (2020) established a goal of reducing light-duty VMT over time, achieving 10% reductions by 2025 and 20% by 2030. It also set a goal to reduce heavy-duty VMT by 4% by 2030. 

Freight Plans and Goals: Maine's 2024 state freight plan has the following short- and long-term policy recommendations:

  • Direct state investments in rail infrastructure toward intermodal hubs;
  • Develop and utilize State and Federal resources to expand the rail mode - MaineDOT should support efforts to shift volume from trucks to rail wherever possible to realize the benefits of reduced emissions and congestion;
  • In conjunction with private sector and other local stakeholders, develop policies to increase and improve intermodal freight transportation.
  • Continue to invest in maintenance and upgrades for Maine’s ports: In particular, ensure that port equipment is maintained and upgraded as needed, including electrification in the short-to-medium-term
  • Long-term policy recommendations include: Pursuing relevant strategies in Maine Won’t Wait in 2020 to reduce emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change. These include growing Maine’s clean energy economy through improvements to port facilities that could be used for the wind power industry; investing in climate-ready freight infrastructure; supporting State efforts to assess the vulnerability of its infrastructure; encouraging the adoption of electrification and alternative fuels; and advancing mode-shift from trucks to rail
The Clean Transportation Roadmap for Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicles roadmap developed in 2024, and referred to in Maine's 2024 freight plan lists out an action plan for their ZEV emissions policies. These include: Plan for heavier MHD ZEVs on the road; Develop MHD ZEV voucher and charging incentive programs,


Last Reviewed: January 2025

Transit Funding List All

The Maine Legislature created a dedicated revenue stream for multimodal transportation in 2012 (M.R.S.A Title 23, §4210-B). Through sales tax revenues derived from taxes on vehicle rentals, Maine’s Multimodal Transportation Fund must be used for the purposes of purchasing, operating, maintaining, improving, repairing, constructing and managing the assets of multimodal forms of transportation.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Incentives for High-Efficiency Vehicles List All

Efficiency Maine has continuously offered rebates on electric vehicles since 2019 and grants for public EV charging stations.  Initial funding of as a result of allocating $5 million of Volkswagen (VW) settlement funds was allocated to these objectives (Link). Subsequently, Efficiency Maine also received additional funding allocations for rebating EVs in the amount of $5 million from the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) Settlement and $3.5 million from the State General Fund (LD 1995).  In 2023, Maine adopted the Beneficial Electrification Policy Act which authorizes Efficiency Maine to fund an incentive program for fuel switching to electric vehicles where doing so meets the test of being: cost-effective reducing pollution and reliably reducing electricity rates for transmission and distribution over the life of the measure. In 2024 Efficiency Maine launched the study to determine the budget that will be needed to satisfy this requirement in regard to EVs. Funds needed to meet this budget are authorized to be collected in electricity utility rates.  

Last Updated: November 2024

Equitable Access to TransportationList All

Public transit: We were unable to find information indicating state programs in place to incentivize the creation of low-income housing near transit facilities. Maine does award points for smart growth for its Low-Income Housing Tax Credits if it’s located within a Safe Walking Distance (1/2 mile or less) of a designated pick-up location for existing fixed-route Public Transportation 

EV Programs: Efficiency Maine provides a tiered system of incentives offering progressively higher amounts for moderate-income and low-income households, respectively, in Maine. Efficiency Maine also offers enhanced rebates for non-profit organizations providing services to low-income communities. For details, please visit  

Additionally, Efficiency Maine is running a pilot program promoting the use of electric bicycles through government or nonprofit organizations that serve low- and moderate-income customers. It recently made three awards to Lewiston Housing Authority, Portland Housing Authority, and South Portland Housing Authority. These entities will make e-bikes available for use by their residents and/or employees to offset transportation that would otherwise be provided by fossil fuel vehicles. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Appliance Standards
Score: 4 out of 6
Appliance Standards Summary List All

In 2021, Maine adopted appliance standards for 10 products via LD 940. In 2023, the state adopted a clean lighting policy via LD 1814.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Score: 6 out of 6
Statewide Strategic Energy Management (I-SEM) Program or Technical Support for Energy Management and/or Audits Within Industrial Facilities List All

In Maine, CEM and other industrial energy workforce training is available through online AEE courses and at some regional career center hubs that help folks identify and acquire training. The community colleges offer a variety of technician and auditor courses. 

More generally, Efficiency Maine Trust (EMT) monitors workforce capacity and skillsets as part of its planning and implementation of efficiency programs. Where EMT identifies specific skills needed for designing, installing, and maintaining high-efficiency equipment, it may support targeted training and other means of promoting quality assurance. For example, EMT has sponsored trainings in commercial building energy management and lighting, supported classes for facility managers, hosted webinars for contractors to learn about the latest technology developments, and facilitated continuing education credits for real estate agents or other trade professionals on issues related to energy conservation. Specific trainings for installers and building contractors will be offered as appropriate during the Triennial Plan V period when new technologies come on the market or as the Trust becomes aware of evolving technologies or building energy codes. These specific trainings complement annual trainings provided by the Trust for trade allies on programs, incentives, and incentivized measures.

The Maine Climate Council's Industrial Innovation Task Force was launched in to help Maine’s industrial sector meet the state’s goal of holding industrial greenhouse gas emissions flat in Maine through 2030 and reducing them through 2050, while encouraging continued economic growth. The Task Force serves as a forum for members to learn about opportunities for increasing industrial efficiency and new technologies and processes for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Through engagement between members of the Task Force and other industry experts, the Task Force will explore opportunities for innovation and pilot projects to reduce emissions, such as combined heat and power and other fuel switching applications, as well as associated funding opportunities. 

In 2022, the Maine Governor's Energy Office launched the Clean Energy Partnership to advance Maine’s clean energy, economic development, and workforce goals as outlined in the state climate action plan, Maine Won't Wait. The primary goal that the Clean Energy Partnership intends to achieve is to more than double Maine's clean energy workforce to 30,000 by 2030. 

Last updated: November 2024

An Industrial Decarbonization Target or Clean Heat Standard List All

Maine has an industrial decarbonization target through their climate action plan. 

Last updated: November 2024

State-Supported Job Training for Industrial Energy Efficiency List All

Maine's Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) offers funding for clean energy workforce development, and requires that projects be intentionally focused on recruiting, retaining, and advancing women, BIPOC individuals, individuals with disabilities, those with lower educational attainment, those who are under-skilled, and justice-involved individuals.

The CEP developed and recently launched Maine’s first clean energy focused job board and training directory, the Maine Clean Energy Jobs Network. The Jobs Network is an online platform that aims to connect skilled job seekers with clean energy jobs and training opportunities across the state. The Network allows employers to post jobs and reach job seekers interested in joining the clean energy economy while providing job seekers with a centralized hub to explore open positions and clean energy training programs in Maine. The Governor's Energy Office developed the site in coordination with the Department of Economic and Community Development, Department of Labor and the GEO’s  Clean Energy Partnership.

Last updated: November 2024

Utility or State Energy Programs that Support Electrification of the Industrial Sector List All
Efficiency Maine provides electrification project incentives and technical assistance to the industrial sector through its Commercial and Industrial Custom Program. Incentives do not focus on any specific technologies, but rather base eligibility on minimum energy savings criteria and cost effectiveness. These program offerings are funded by RGGI, ARPA, and the state general fund. EMT's ARPA allocation included $6 million specifically for electrification and heat recovery in the manufacturing sector. The Legislature also provided one-time funding of $500,000 for an Industrial Climate Initiative, which EMT is also leveraging for the same purpose.
Last updated: November 2024