State and Local Policy Database


State Scorecard Rank



65.5Scored out of 50Updated 12/2022
State Government
Score: 9 out of 9
State Government Summary List All

Connecticut offers several financial incentives for consumers, including rebates, loans, and PACE financing. The state government leads by example by benchmarking energy usage in state buildings, requiring efficient public buildings and vehicles, and encouraging energy savings performance contracting. Connecticut does not have a building energy-use disclosure policy. Research and development focused on energy efficiency is conducted at several institutions within the state.

Financial Incentives List All

The state of Connecticut offers the following financial incentives to encourage energy efficiency improvements:

  • Multifamily Credit Enhancement Fund: This program through the Connecticut Green Bank assists people secure funding for energy projects, providing credit enhancements to reduce lender risk if necessary.
  • Multifamily Catalyst Fund: This flexible $2.5 million fund is available for gap financing for energy and health and safety remediation to support affordable multifamily projects that need extra credit enhancement support and aren’t served by other CGB programs. This program is administered in partnership with the Housing Development Fund, a local CDFI, and part of a $5 million program related investment from MacArthur Foundation is used to support the program. Financing can be secured or unsecured subordinate debt.
  • Low Income Multifamily Energy (LIME) LoanAn unsecured construction and term loan to finance implementation of energy efficiency improvements, solar and other renewable systems, and health & safety measures for multifamily residential properties. Up to 25% of loan proceeds may be used for non-energy efficiency improvements (structural, health/safety, etc.), provided there are sufficient savings to carry the costs. This program is run by Capital for Change, a community development financial institution serving statewide.
  • Multifamily Pre-Development Energy Loan Program: A simple pre-development loan that funds analysis, design and engineering of energy improvements for multifamily housing. This loan program is designed to support property owners in identifying high-quality technical assistance providers and to fund the work needed to scope and secure financing for deeper, cost-effective energy upgrades. Loans are unsecured with interest rates of 0% to 2.99% with a maximum term of two years.
  • Energy Conservation Loan Program
  • Multifamily Energy Conservation Loan Program
  • Smart E-loan
  • Commercial and Industrial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE): The C-PACE program was introduced in January of 2013 and provides 100% upfront financing for energy upgrades to commercial, industrial, non-profit, and multifamily buildings. Property owners then repay the loan as a benefit assessment charge on their property tax bill. Because the payments can be spread over a period of up to 25 years, at low interest rates (i.e., 4.50- 6.25%) owners save on energy costs immediately and for years to come. The financed improvements increase the building’s value, while preserving the building owner’s capital and credit lines for core investments.
  • CT Weatherization Barrier Remediation Program
  • Business Energy Advantage Program
  • EE Retrofit Program for Affordable Housing
  • Renewable Thermal Technology Pilot
  • RGGI to EE measures: RGGI funds directed to EE measures for low-income folks. These funds are newly direct to EE.
  • GreenerGov CT
  • Housing Environmental Improvement Revolving Loan Fund

Further financial incentive information can be found in the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE Connecticut). In addition to these state-funded incentives, Connecticut has enabled commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing and has one active program. For additional information on PACE, visit PACENation.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Equity Metrics and Workforce DevelopmentList All


Workforce Development

Governor Lamont launched a workforce program/funding aimed at diversity and inclusiveness earlier this year. With this capitalization, Connecticut Innovations will launch two new funds:

  • The Connecticut Future Fund, supporting entrepreneurs from underserved and diverse backgrounds who lead small businesses in a variety of sectors; and
  • The ClimateTech (CT) Fund, supporting early-stage businesses with a focus on clean energy, environmentally safe manufacturing, and climate resiliency.

Both of these new funds will be supplemented with existing Connecticut Innovations funds. Other SSBCI funds will support existing Connecticut Innovations programs, such as initiatives to support bioscience and advanced manufacturing businesses. Connecticut Innovation’s investments will include early-stage venture debt and equity investments. CT combines fund sources to launch program aimed at underserved groups.

SB 356, An Act Establishing an Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant Program, provides good, local jobs, contributing to the state’s economy. According to a 2020 study by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, 2016 energy efficiency programs supported 34,000 clean energy jobs in Connecticut. Investments in the energy efficiency workforce bring the highest return on investment of any green job - $1 million or 18 job years.

Under Connecticut's Conservation Load and management plan, the 2021 plan update includes offering tailored solutions for market segments while ensuring equitable distribution as its #2 priority. This would entail power companies focusing on environmental justice and ensuring that disadvantaged communities, such as customers within distressed communities, have equitable access to Connecticut’s energy efficiency and demand management programs. This effort will be implemented in close coordination with the actions and recommendations made in DEEP’s Equitable Energy Efficiency proceeding. The companies will look to increase the diversity of the state’s contractor community through workforce development efforts to support women, minorities, and people who speak English as a second language in seeking energy efficiency careers. Workforce development shows career paths to a wide audience and equity measures bridge the gap between minority and majority groups. For example, the companies can develop internship, apprenticeship, or job placement programs that connect recently trained individuals in entry-level jobs with weatherization and HVAC contractors while also providing mentoring and support for career advancement. This aspect of procedural equity can be measured by the number of individuals placed in internships, apprenticeships, and entry-level jobs.

Last Reviewed: September 2020

Carbon Pricing PoliciesList All

Connecticut is a member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program for reducing GHG emissions in North America that began its compliance period in 2009. Capping CO2 emissions from the power sector, the program aims to reduce emissions by 45% below 2005 levels by 2020 and additionally by 30% by 2030.

Connecticut collects RGGI dollars that are used for energy efficiency. In general, allocations by funding are 69.5% for energy efficiency (about $128,844,107), 23% for clean energy (about $43 million, and could include some efficiency measures), and 7.5% is retained by DEEP (Conn. Agencies Reg. Section 22a-174-31(f)(6)). These figures are 10 year period to 2019. A portion of the efficiency funds are allocated to municipalities.

Connecticut is also a participant in the Transportation and Climate Initiative’s effort to develop a cap-and-invest program for transportation emissions. This team is engaged in modeling, outreach, and program development efforts and is targeting December 2019 for announcement of potential program design.

Per state legislation PA 08-98 and PA 18-82, Connecticut does have a statewide emissions reduction goal in place, specifically to reduce emissions 80% by 2050 (baseline year 2001).

Last Reviewed: September 2022

Building Energy Disclosure List All

In mid-2014, Connecticut’s Home Energy Solutions program implemented a pilot home energy score and labeling program.  On April 1, 2015, the HES program fully integrated energy scoring and labeling.  Now, program eligibility rules require every enrollee to participate/receive an energy score and label. 

Confidentiality laws that govern customer data prevent adoption of guidelines that require scores and labels to be publically disclosed. However, staff are required to educate participants about the value of disclosing energy scores and labels; persuading homeowners to voluntarily make their labels public. The goal is to transform the market, so that sellers and buyers use the label as a tool to guide energy efficiency improvements and real estate purchases.

In 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recognized Connecticut as the first state to implement the statewide adoption of home energy scores. As of Spring 2019, 33,952 DOE home energy scores have been distributed to Home Energy Solutions participants.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Public Building Requirements List All

Connecticut has several requirements to help reduce building energy consumption and help decrease utility costs, emissions, and the operating costs of state government facilities. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) implements the successful Lead by Example (LBE) program (CGS §16a-37u). In April 2019, Governor Ned Lamont expanded the LBE program per Executive Order 1 (EO 1) and established related sub-targets for state agencies to meet the goals of Executive Order 21-3, released in December 2021. EO 1 and EO 21-3 consist of 11 total state goals such as a 45% decrease in greenhouse (GHG) emissions below 2001 levels by 2030 and a requirement to reduce Executive Branch buildings’ GHG emissions by at least 1% annually.

To support state building energy efficiency projects, Connecticut has deployed a variety of fiscal resources including bond funding and Energize CT programs. Since 2012, Connecticut has used bond funding under the LBE program to approve 117 projects that cumulatively save $10.3 million in annual utility costs and 2.3 million MMbtus of energy.

With funding supported by a charge on customer energy bills, Energize Connecticut offers several energy efficiency programs that offer state agencies the opportunity to save energy and money. This portfolio of programs includes the Small Business Energy Advantage (SBEA) program, which offers a financial platform that combines incentives for relevant energy efficiency measures with a zero percent financing option to cover the balance of the project costs. Since 2014, the state has implemented 191 SBEA projects that result in $2.3 million in annual savings and the reduction of 13 million kilowatt-hours (kWhs) and 15,087 ccf (one hundred cubic feet of gas) natural gas. In 2020, the maximum project cost was increased from $100,000 to $1 million, allowing agencies to take advantage of more comprehensive energy-saving solutions.

High-Performance State Buildings: In 2006, High-Performance State Buildings were mandated through General Statutes Section 16a-38k-1 to 16a-38k-7, creating an above code building standard for all State-funded construction projects. In 2007, Governor M. Jodi Rell signed HB 7432, which broadened and increased the state's green buildings requirement. The bill also extended energy efficiency requirements to school renovations and construction where at least $2 million is provided in state funding. All of these facilities must exceed the current building code energy efficiency standards by at least 21%. In 2019, Connecticut expanded its High Performance Building Performance Standard to establish state building construction standards by January 1, 2022, that incorporate a nationally recognized model for sustainable construction codes of high-performance green buildings. Sustainable construction codes that promotes constructing high-performance green buildings that, among other things, (1) have reduced emissions; (2) are designed to conserve water resources and promote sustainable and regenerative materials cycles; and (3) provide enhanced resilience to natural, technological, and human caused hazards.

Benchmarking: In 2014, DEEP was required to benchmark energy and water consumption of state owned and operated non-residential/residential buildings with a gross floor area of 10,000 square feet or greater using the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®. DEEP must make this data public (CGS §16a-37t). In addition, the electric and natural gas utilities are required to configure the most recent 36 months of nonresidential energy consumption data for uploading into EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (CSG §16-245ii).

In 2017 Connecticut purchased EnergyCAP, a web-based platform, to enable more precise and up-to-date benchmarking data. Energy and water data is collected in EnergyCAP, which tracks energy use by state agencies. Each agency is responsible for scanning and uploading their energy invoices into EnergyCAP on a regular basis, with the exception of the electric and natural gas invoices (which are sent automatically into EnergyCAP via Electronic Data Inflow). This building-level utility use data helps guide agencies when developing strategic plans for energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy projects. In 2021, EnergyCAP data was shared with the EPA’s Portfolio Manager to continue the State’s benchmarking efforts. To date, the data regarding 549 state buildings over 4,000 square feet has been shared with Portfolio Manager.

The ENERGY STAR program requires third-party verification by a professional engineer or registered architect prior to awarding ENERGY STAR building certification. Recently, as part of Connecticut’s 2022-2024 Conservation & Load Management Plan, the electric and natural gas utilities are working with the Institute of Sustainable Energy to support towns to maintain their ENERGY STAR certification. The electric and natural gas utilities provide funding support to municipalities to hire professional engineers and registered architects to verify applications.The electric and natural gas utilities provide technical assistance and financial resources to help the State and municipalities benchmark their facilities and certify.

The Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE) has recently formalized benchmarking assistance protocol with the formation of a “Benchmarking Help Desk,” which gives towns, state agencies and schools a resource for questions related to energy benchmarking and the use of ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. ISE provides one-on-one or group training on the use of Portfolio Manager for those interested in the upkeep of their portfolios, with personalized instruction based on the needs of the interested party. ISE has benchmarked over 900 buildings in Connecticut and has provided technical assistance to DEEP, the Technical High School System (CTHSS), the Board of Regents, St. Joseph's Residence - Enfield, the Alzheimer's Resource Center, Middlesex Community College, several towns, GT Green Leaf Schools, and over 100 municipal and state building managers enrolled in the GPRO courses. As a result of the benchmarking and engagement from ISE, CTHSS implemented LED lighting upgrades through the utility-run Small Business Energy Advantage Program and received a 2016 CT Green-Circle Sustainability Award for its energy saving successes.

In addition, through the State's Demand Reduction Program, Connecticut has worked with Eversource to develop a pilot to reduce electric demand and costs in state and other buildings. Enersource and Artisenergy have conducted preliminary energy audits to determine which buildings would be the best candidates for this project.

As a result of these efforts, the EPA recognized Energize Connecticut Partners as the 2022 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence and Energy Efficiency Program Delivery. Energize Connecticut developed a pilot to convert customers using oil or propane heat to air-support heat pumps and maximized home performance measures with little to no cost for low-income homeowners. Key 2021 accomplishments include:

  • Increasing rebates for insulation—the most impactful efficiency recommendation in Home Performance with ENERGY STAR—to maximize energy savings.
  • Offering efficiency improvements during the initial energy assessment, including direct-install measures, health and safety testing, air sealing, duct sealing, and water-saving measures.
  • Providing incentives for more than 500 ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments.
  • Promoting ENERGY STAR certified heating, cooling, and water heating with independent and big box retailers, manufacturers, equipment distributors, and contractors.
  • Offering enhanced incentives for heat pumps to provide pandemic relief, resulting in the installation of 12,800 air-source heat pumps.
  • Adding incentives for ENERGY STAR certified lab grade refrigerators and freezers and ultra-low temperature freezers to aid Connecticut’s more than 200 healthcare research institutions in vaccine distribution and storage efforts.

Executive Order 21-3 formally adopts electrification in the state. The EO 21-3 requires a move towards electrification-which will require changes to the state code. By 2023, DEEP and DAS shall develop a plan to retrofit existing fossil fuel-based heating and cooling systems at state buildings to systems capable of being operated without carbon emitting fuels. By 2023, DEEP and DAS shall develop a plan and a budget to achieve zero-GHG emissions for all new construction and major renovations funded by the state or in facilities owned/operated by the Executive Branch, targeting construction beginning in fiscal year 2024 and after. The state shall deploy an average of 10,000 kWDC of new solar capacity annually for the next 10 years, primarily sited new projects sited on state buildings or property.To implement this requirement will require above state code modifications to support EO 21-3.

Public Act 22-25- on or after January 1, 2023, requires new construction of a state facility-to install level 2 chargers in 20 percent of parking spaces. The act also requires municipalities to require new construction of commerical/multi unit residential building with 30 or more spaces to require at least level two charges in at least 10 percent of parking spaces.

During the 2022-2024 term, the utilities will focus on promoting high-efficiency, low-carbon space and water heating technologies, such as heat pumps and heat pump water heaters. Additional decarbonization strategies will include a renewed push for Zero Net Energy, Zero Net Energy Ready, and Passive House certifications for commercial and residential new construction projects. The utilities will introduce packaged energy efficiency program offerings for all-electric new construction projects through the C&I Portfolio's programs. The utilities will also begin to align the C&I new construction program, Energy Conscious Blueprint, with the US Department of Energy’s Grid Interactive Efficient Building initiative. The utilities will also offer increased technical and financial support for low-carbon technologies in retrofit applications and will significantly increase their efforts to weatherize residential and C&I buildings.

The CT high performance building construction standards apply to statewide school, university, municipal and state building projects that meet criteria. CT is updating these requirements to incorporate the 2021 International Green Construction Code, which provides for EV ready parking-and installation of charger.

Last Reviewed: August 2022

Fleets List All

SB 4 or Public Act 22-25 An Act Concerning the CT Clean Air Act. The Act requires the state to purchase 100% battery electric vehicles-cars and light duty trucks by 2030. This will require EV parking spaces. And, 30% of state procured buses must be zero emission buses. The ACT prohibits state procurement of diesal fueled transit buses.

Last Reviewed: August 2022

Energy Savings Performance Contracting List All

Connecticut General Statute § 16a-37u (b) required the Commissioner of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to establish an energy management plan applicable to state-owned and leased buildings that maximizes energy efficiency. As part of the plan, the law required the state to reduce energy consumption in state buildings by 20% by 2018. To reach these goals, DEEP established numerous programs including the Energy Savings Performance Contracting Program.

Effective in 2011, Connecticut General Statute § 16a-37x required the state to create a new standardized Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) Program for use by state agencies and municipalities. The program’s purpose was to assist state and municipal governments in implementing a portfolio of comprehensive energy savings measures with no upfront capital. The costs of the energy retrofits are paid for by future guaranteed savings from utility and maintenance budgets. The new program, replaces the program ESPC program that existed prior to 2011. 

The State’s ESPC Program includes a number of tools that will minimize risk and simplify development and implementation of performance contracting: 1) a set of standardized contract documents, 2) a list of twelve pre-qualified Qualified Energy Services Providers, 3) a Program Manager, hired with Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund dollars, 4) a pool of technical support providers to support individual projects (up to $10,000 in services per project, from CEEF funds), and 5) staff support at Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority to assist with project financing. All elements of the standardized ESPC program will be available to municipalities, including pre-approved contract documents, list of pre-qualified Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), and technical assistance. Performance contracts energy-savings measures will be leveraged through incentives from the CT Energy Efficiency Fund.

In 2016, the Connecticut General Assembly passed SB 334 to revise the meaning of "cost effective" as applied to energy savings performance contracting, requiring that project savings outweigh project costs, including, but not limited to, financing. The bill extends the payback period from 15 to 20 years and prohibits the payback period for each measure to go beyond the measure's functional life. The bill also removes outdated requirements around lifecycle cost analysis, energy efficiency in state facilities, product standards, and others. 

There are currently 46 active ESPC projects in state and University of Connecticut buildings.

Last Reviewed: September 2020

Research & Development List All

The University of Connecticut’s Center for Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2), founded in 2009, serves as a nexus for activities involving fundamental and applied research in clean and efficient energy systems as well as training of 21st century scientists and engineers. Advanced energy conversion technologies, fuels and fuel processing, energy storage, power management and smart grid, and conservation of natural resources with a focus on water are all part of the Center’s larger research and educational portfolio. The center’s efforts are geared toward catalyzing the transformation of science-to-systems for a global “Sustainable Energy Economy” through academic research and industrial development, systems engineering, prototype development and demonstration.  C2E2 also provides cost-effective solutions to current and emerging technologies.  The center employs a portfolio of multidisciplinary faculty through the Sustainable Energy Initiative.

The Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT) focuses on initiatives in several areas of energy efficiency, including advanced manufacturing technologies and strategies for improving efficiency. CCAT assists DEEP with several programs, including an energy-efficient business program, the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program, the Rural Energy Assurance Program, and several others.

The Test Bed Program is administered by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy, as required by Connecticut law (C.G.S. 16a-4d). The Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Test Bed Program (Test Bed Program) provides an opportunity for a technology, product or process that promotes energy conservation, energy efficiency or renewable energy technology, to be used on a limited trial basis in the operations of a State agency or facility. Since May 2015, the Test Bed Program has received applications for two products: a reflector lens by Energy Savings Lights, LLC and an intelligent boiler control unit by Fireye Inc.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Score: 15.5 out of 24
Buildings Summary List All

The Connecticut Department of Administrative Service incorporated the 2021 ICC family of codes as part of the state building code-which was adopted in October 2022. As part of the 2022 state building code, the state will implement the 2021 IECC in residential and commercial buildings. The CT state building inspector is working with the Codes and Standards Committee to draft the 2025 state building code, which incorporates by reference the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code. The estimated date of adoption is Fall 2025.

Residential Codes List All

The Connecticut Department of Administrative Service incorporated the 2021 IECC family of codes as part of the state building code-which was adopted in October 2022. As part of the 2022 state building code, the state will implement the 2021 IECC in residential buildings.  (Link).  

Details regarding the state's code adoption process and schedule can be found on its Code Adoption Webpage. In addition, Connecticut Law grants the State Building Inspector the authority to bypass the typical regulation adoption process, which can take several years (CGS 29-252b). In addition, the law mandates the state to adopt the national model code within 18 months of its publication. A few years ago, CT adopted two national model code cycles in one year.

The CT state building inspector is working with the Codes and Standards Committee to draft the 2025 state building code, which incorporates by reference the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code. The estimated date of adoption is Fall 2025. 

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Commercial Code List All

Details regarding the state's code adoption process and schedule can be found on its Code Adoption Webpage. In addition, Connecticut Law now provides the State Building Inspector and Code Committee a process to adopt and implement the latest IECC during the same year.  

Effective October 2022, Connecticut's 2022 state building code incorporates the 2021 IECC Family of Codes, which includes the 2021 IECC.  Consistent with the residential code, the state building inspector is required to adopt the latest national model code within 18 months of publication. Conn. Gen. Stat. section 29-252. The CT code lacks weakening amendments.

The CT state building inspector is working with the Codes and Standards Committee to draft the 2025 state building code, which incorporates by reference the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code. The estimated date of adoption is Fall 2025.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Compliance List All
  • Baseline & Updated Compliance Studies: In June 2022, the NMR group completed the C1902B Energy Conscious Blueprint Baseline and Code Compliance Study.  This study includes four primary components—baseline measurement, ECB NTG analysis, code compliance research, and midstream non-lighting NTG analysis. To establish new construction baselines and code compliance, this study conducted primary data collection for new buildings permitted, completed, or under construction from January 2019 through March 2020 (Link). In 2018, NMR Group completed a code compliance study of single-family homes in Connecticut that were built at the end of the 2009 IECC cycle, including an assessment of gross potential savings available from increasing compliance with both the 2009 IECC and the 2012 IECC-CT (Link). The study also compares homes to the amended version of the 2012 IECC. The 2012 IECC-CT results represent minimum compliance rates (a floor) and maximum potential savings (a ceiling) as the homes used for this assessment were built prior to the adoption of the 2012 IECC-CT (under the 2009 IECC). In November 2015, DNV-GL submitted its C19-C&I Connecticut New Construction Baseline and Code Compliance Study to the Energy Efficiency Board. Compliance with energy efficiency code requirements for commercial and industrial new construction buildings permitted between 2010 and 2013 was estimated at 75% of the population. NMR has completed its 2016/2017 process evaluation of the Residential New Construction program.  As part of that study, NMR will conduct a baseline study. In February 2022, NMR updated its residential study design. The R1968 is  a residential study which focuses on the residential new construction and baseline study (Link). Although these findings have not been reported to date, they will be provided in a separate report. Additionally, NEEP completed a residential energy code compliance study in 2019/2020.
  • Utility Involvement: Utilities are involved in strategic planning and coordination, and utility-sponsored training. Regulatory guidelines have been established requiring significant utility involvement in supporting building energy code compliance. The Connecticut General Statute (16-245m) requires the utilities to submit a three-year Conservation and Management Plan.  The plan describes the utilities efforts in building energy code compliance-which the Department approves. Once the Department approves the plan, the companies are required to abide to it.
  • Training/Outreach: The Department of Construction Services’ Office of Education and Data Management consistently offers energy code trainings. Recently the utilities have assumed responsibility for DEEP’s previous role of sponsoring code compliance training and outreach activities (GPRO and BOC training).  Please see the recent activities focused on these efforts below. Certification Requirements: Connecticut also requires building code officials to be licensed, including training and exams related to the ICC building codes. The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) performs all credentialing responsibilities - including training, testing and records maintenance - for the Office of the State Building Inspector (OSBI) and the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM).  As such, OEDM is responsible for training and accrediting Building Code Enforcement and Fire Officials, as well as providing code-related instruction to individuals in the allied trade and design professions.
  • Certification Requirements: Connecticut also requires building code officials to be licensed, including training and exams related to the ICC building codes. The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) performs all credentialing responsibilities - including training, testing and records maintenance - for the Office of the State Building Inspector (OSBI) and the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM).  As such, OEDM is responsible for training and accrediting Building Code Enforcement and Fire Officials, as well as providing code-related instruction to individuals in the allied trade and design professions.

Last reviewed: November 2024

CHP Summary List All

The state has pursued a variety of policies to encourage CHP development, including establishing interconnection standards and financing programs. Two new CHP systems came online in Connecticut in 2018.

Interconnection StandardsList All

Policy: Connecticut General Statute § 16-243a

Description: Approved in 2007, Connecticut’s interconnection standard applies to distributed generation, including CHP, up to 20MW in size. This standard pertains to the two investor-owned utilities in the state, and separates distributed generation into three distinct tiers based upon system size. These tiers mirror those of FERC’s interconnection standards, upon which Connecticut’s standards are closely based.

Connecticut's guidelines include a standard interconnection agreement and application fees that vary by system type. However, they are stricter than FERC's standards and differ in several significant ways, including the requirement of an external disconnect switch and an interconnection transformer, the requirement for customers to indemnify their utility against "all causes of action," and the requirement to maintain liability insurance in specified amounts based on the system's capacity.

Last Updated: July 2018

Encouraging CHP as a ResourceList All

CHP in energy efficiency standards: Connecticut’s energy efficiency targets are administered as part of its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), initiated in 1998 by Connecticut General Statute § 16-245a et seq. In 2005, the state expanded its RPS to include Class III resources such as energy efficiency and CHP, which are supposed to comprise 4% of the state’s total output. To qualify as a Class III resource, CHP must have a minimum operating efficiency of at least 50%.

In 2013, the statute was revised with the passage of H.B. 6360. Among other things, this bill makes CHP more competitive within the portfolio standard by eliminating utilities' conservation savings from the tier of resource applicable to CHP.

Last Updated: July 2018

Deployment IncentivesList All

Incentives, grants, or financing:  A state loan program provides long-term financing options for the installation of customer-side distributed resources, including CHP systems larger than 50 kW.

Net metering: Connecticut’s net metering regulation is only applicable to renewable-powered systems up to 2MW in size.

Last Updated: July 2018

Additional Supportive PoliciesList All

Some additional supportive policies exist to encourage CHP in Connecticut. In 2011, the state established streamlined air permitting procedures that simplify the permitting process for some CHP systems. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) developed a permit-by-rule (PBR) that applies to CHP systems. The PBR, which expedites permit processing time that would otherwise take about six months, became effective in 2013.

With the passage of Public Act No. 12-148 in 2012, a Microgrid Grant and Loan Pilot Program was established to support local distributed energy generation at critical facilities in the state. The program considers applications requesting financial support for the development of microgrids that are powered by CHP and other renewable energy sources. The state also passed legislation in 2016 to expand the DEEP microgrid program funding for additional types of costs associated with microgrids. Grants and loans can now be used to cover costs associated with distributed generation infrastructure.

Renewable-fueled CHP systems are eligible within the Connecticut Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and can be used to meet the state’s renewable targets. Also, in 2015, the Connecticut General Assembly passed Public Act 15-152 extending the state's anaerobic digester pilot program by two years, until 2017. The program provides loans, grants, or PPAs for anaerobic digestion facilities to generate electricity and heat.

In 2017, Connecticut enacted law PA 17-144, which allows electric distribution companies to provide financial incentives for the installation of fuel cell-powered combined heat and power systems.

Connecticut CHP systems can also qualify for a discounted natural gas rate. 

Last Updated: July 2018

Score: 18.5 out of 29
Utilities Summary List All

Connecticut is a leading state in delivering nationally-recognized and award-winning energy efficiency programs to all customer sectors. In 1998, the state created a long-term funding mechanism and required electric utilities to provide energy efficiency programs. Since 2005, the natural gas utilities have also offered significant energy and cost-saving programs to customer sectors statewide.

The Connecticut Energy Efficiency Board’s (EEB) 15 appointed members are drawn from private and public entities and represent a cross section of energy consumers, including: residents, business, non-profits, communities, and municipalities. The EEB is responsible for approving the electric and natural gas distribution companies’ three-year plans. The state’s energy efficiency programs and services, which are marketed under the statewide brand—Energize ConnecticutSM, are provided by Eversource, United Illuminating, Connecticut Natural Gas, and Southern Connecticut Gas. The utilities administer the programs and utilize a robust, highly-skilled green workforce to implement them.

In 2007, the Connecticut legislature enacted Public Act 07-242, An Act Concerning Electricity and Energy Efficiency, which called for the utilities to pursue “all cost-effective energy efficiency” as their first priority resource. Additionally, the Act required the utilities to establish new regulatory mechanisms, such as electric and natural gas decoupling. This legislation envisioned energy efficiency as the focal point for statewide energy policy. In 2011, Public Act 11-80, An Act Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy Environmental Protection and Planning for Connecticut’s Energy Future, created the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP), laid the groundwork for pursuing all cost-effective energy efficiency, and required DEEP to prepare a Comprehensive Energy Strategy for Connecticut every three years. In 2022, DEEP will issue the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Strategy, last updated in 2018.

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Last reviewed: December 2022

Customer Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Connecticut’s electric and natural gas utilities (and municipal electric utilities) are required by Connecticut statutes to provide C&LM programs for all customer sectors. The 2022-2024 Plan was reviewed and approved by DEEP and PURA. The 2022-2024 Plan’s primary goal is to “implement cost-effective energy conservation programs, demand management, and market transformation initiatives.” The continuity of Connecticut’s success in delivering high-quality Residential and C&) energy efficiency and demand management programs is directly attributable to the determined efforts of the state’s utilities, the EEB, DEEP, and a multitude of stakeholders. The 2022-2024 Plan covers years 22, 23, and 24 of electric conservation programs since the electric restructuring Public Act 98-28, An Act Concerning Energy Independence, was passed, and covers years 22, 23, and 24 of natural gas efficiency programs since the passage of Public Act 05-01, An Act Concerning Energy Independence.

The 2022-2024 Plan’s programs and initiatives are designed to reflect market trends, new federal regulations and policies, emerging technologies, and evaluation results of its current programs. These considerations lead Connecticut’s energy efficiency programs toward greater efficacy while driving energy savings, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and increased economic benefits. The 2022-2024 Plan’s programs and initiatives are designed to deliver 1.6 annual MMBtu savings, or equivalent megawatt-hours, for all fuels combined by 2024. 

The 2022-2024 Plan's top three priorities are equity, decarbonization, and energy affordability. During the 2022-2024 term, the utilities will promote sustainable building practices (e.g., Zero Energy Homes, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and Passive House), expand active demand response offerings to support electrification and carbon neutrality (e.g., smart thermostats, air conditioning load control, battery storage, and electric vehicle chargers),  increase stocking and sale of efficient equipment at retailers,  introduce Census Tract Tool to streamline Residential customer outreach efforts for contractors, and enhance promotion of existing loan products, such as CPACE, and increase financing options to C&I customers to support long-term energy efficiency investments that provide immediate energy savings with little to no upfront capital costs.

Funding: For the 2022-2024 term, the primary funding sources for Connecticut’s energy efficiency programs will be: (1) a six-mill Conservation Adjustment Mechanism (CAM) on customer electric bills  and (2) contributions from natural gas customers (on firm rates) through the natural gas CAM. Additional funding sources for the 2022-2024 term will include the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a Northeast carbon trade system and revenues from the Connecticut electric utilities’ participation in the Independent System Operator-New England’s Forward Capacity Market.

Dashboard: The utilities maintain a statewide Energy Efficiency Dashboard to provide customers with monthly-updated data regarding program performance, including metrics for the Companies’ Residential and C&I programs, as well as for residential financing programs. 

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency as a Resource List All

Prior to passage of Public Act 07-242, An Act Concerning Electricity and Energy Efficiency, utilities were not required to submit integrated resource plans in Connecticut’s restructured utility markets. After passage of Public Act 07-242, electric distribution companies were required to review the state’s energy and capacity resource assessment, and to develop a comprehensive plan for the procurement of energy resources. The Act requires resource selection and procurement to be performed so as to minimize the costs and to maximize consumer benefits consistent with the state’s environmental goals. The distribution companies must consider a full array of supply and demand resources and submit annual assessments of energy and capacity requirements for the next three, five, and 10 years. Additionally, the utilities must submit plans to “eliminate growth in electric demand” and to achieve other demand-side and environmental objectives.

Public Act 11-80 requires that Connecticut’s energy needs “shall be met first through all available energy efficiency and demand reduction resources that are cost-effective, reliable, and feasible. Connecticut’s utilities prepare three-year plans for energy efficiency programs that establish annual budgets, energy-saving goals, and performance metrics. The utilities provide annual updates to these three-year plans to align energy efficiency programs that reflect market trends, new federal regulations and policies, emerging technologies, and evaluation results of its current programs.

DEEP has updated the 2020 IRP, on October 7th, 2021.  The IRP is CT's first analyis to achieve a 100% Clean Electricity System by 2040.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency Resource Standards List All

Established by Public Act 98-28, An Act Concerning Energy Independence, the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires that electricity providers and wholesale suppliers obtain 27% of their retail load from renewable energy and energy efficiency by 2020. In 2011, Public Act 11-80,  An Act Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy Environmental Protection and Planning for Connecticut’s Energy Future, created DEEP and laid the groundwork for pursuing all cost-effective energy efficiency across the state.

In 2022, DEEP will issue the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Strategy to advance Connecticut’s goal of creating a cheaper, cleaner, more reliable energy future for all the state’s residents and businesses.  Under § 16a-3d, DEEP is charged with preparing a Comprehensive Energy Strategy for Connecticut every four years, which examines future energy needs in the state and identifies opportunities to ensure reliable energy availability, reduce costs for ratepayers, and mitigate public health and environmental impacts of Connecticut’s energy use, such as greenhouse gas and criteria air pollutant emissions. 

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont’s recent Executive Order 21-3 directs DEEP to include in the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Strategy a set of strategies to: (a) provide for more affordable heating and cooling for Connecticut residents and businesses, (b) achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from residential buildings and industrial facilities to meet the economy-wide greenhouse gas reduction targets for 2030 and 2050 established in the Global Warming Solutions Act, and (c) improve the resilience of the state’s energy sector to extreme weather events, fuel commodity price spikes, and other disruptions.  In January 2022, DEEP issued a Notice of Proceeding and Scoping Meeting, initiating its stakeholder process for development of the 2022 Comprehensive Energy Strategy. The five priority areas include: climate, equity, affordability, economic development, and resilience. 

For the 2022-2024 Plan for energy efficiency and active demand response programs, Connecticut’s utilities expect to achieve electric lifetime savings of 4.8 billion kWh, natural gas lifetime savings of 21.3 Bcf, oil lifetime savings of 81.6 million gallons, propane lifetime savings of 14.4 million gallons, and a combined annual peak demand reduction (active and passive) of 409 MW. For the 2022-2024 term, the Companies expect to achieve 524 annual GWh savings and annual 1,424 MMcf savings, which is enough to power approximately 85,000 homes for one year. These projected energy savings show how energy efficiency is a valuable resource for the state and will help reduce the electricity consumption in Connecticut over the next few years.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Utility Business Model List All

Public Act 07-242, An Act Concerning Electricity and Energy Efficiency, required PURA to order the state’s electric and natural gas distribution companies to decouple distribution revenues from the volume of natural gas or electricity sales. In 2013, Public Act 13-298, An Act Concerning Implementation of Connecticut’s Comprehensive Energy Strategy and Various Revisions to the Energy Statutes, adopted the requirement (again) of decoupling for all electric distribution companies.

Currently, United Illuminating uses a full decoupling mechanism, adjusted annually (see Docket No. 08-07-04RE03 and 13-01-19). Public Act 13-298 approved lost-based revenue recovery via federally mandated congestion charges (FMCCs), absent decoupling for Eversource (f/k/a Connecticut Light & Power). In 2015, Eversource’s rate case was approved for full decoupling.  

Connecticut’s natural gas companies also recover lost-based revenues. Connecticut Natural Gas has been decoupled since 2014, and in the next LDC rate case, Eversource (f/k/a Yankee Gas Services) will also file for decoupling. Southern Connecticut Gas currently recovers lost margins as a component of the Conservation Adjustment Mechanism (CAM) that is designed to recover distribution revenues lost due to energy efficiency program activities (avoided usage).

For managing Connecticut’s energy efficiency programs and budgets, the electric and natural gas distribution companies earn an annual performance management incentive (PMI) that is tied to program specific-oriented metrics, including but not limited to energy savings and net economic benefits. PMI earnings use a sliding scale-based on a percentage of utility spending (2 percent to 8 percent) corresponding with the level of performance (75 percent to 130 percent) dependent on if goals and/or targets are met or exceeded. For the 2022-2024 term, the Companies have a base target 5.0 percent PMI payout at 100% goal achievement for the 2022, 2023, and 2024 program years. Other changes to the 2022-2024 PMI model include incorporating benefits/net benefits from Residential and C&I Active Demand Response programs and including fossil benefits and net benefits (i.e., utilize the Modified Utility methodology versus the Utility Benefit methodology). In Connecticut, there are two types of metrics: 

  • Primary metrics. These are program specific-oriented metrics, including energy savings/benefits and net energy savings benefits (benefits minus costs). The benefits are achieved from program savings (lifetime energy savings) including electric (kWh), natural gas (ccf), and fossil fuel (gallons), as well as summer peak demand savings from both passive and active demand resources. 
  • Secondary metrics. These metrics are complementary metrics and target other areas such as increased energy savings from all fuel types (MMBtus), program participation, comprehensiveness, equity, and outreach to specific groups or types of customers, and program comprehensiveness. Secondary metrics can include: but are not limited to: (a) Number of single-family homes served that receive a specific add-on measure, and (b) Number of new construction C&I projects built a certain percentage above state building code. 

Last reviewed:  November 2024

Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification List All
  • Primary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: utility cost test and the modified utility cost test

  • Secondary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: total resource cost

In Connecticut, the Utility Cost Test (or Modified Utility Cost Test for electric programs that save fossil fuels) is considered to be the primary test. The Total Resource Cost Test is used as a secondary test to provide a broader perspective of program performance. In addition to these three B/C tests, the electric and natural gas distribution companies use nominal avoided costs and a nominal discount rate of 5.5% for all B/C testing (per prior DEEP feedback). These B/C tests are required for overall portfolio and total program level screening. An exception is made for low-income programs, for which the Total Resource Cost Test is used in order to account for benefits beyond what the Utility Cost Test considers.

Further information on cost-effectiveness screening practices for Connecticut is available in the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSEP), a resource of the National Efficiency Screening Project. Further information on health and environmental benefits is available in ACEEE’s Overview of State Approaches to Account for Health and Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency.

Independent evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) has been an integral component of Connecticut’s energy efficiency programs since their inception. Programs are evaluated on an ongoing basis through an independent process overseen and administered by the Energy Efficiency Board, per Public Act 11-80, An Act Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy Environmental Protection and Planning for Connecticut’s Energy Future. The Act established formal rules and procedures for evaluation and an Evaluation Rules and Roadmap. Statewide evaluations of energy efficiency programs are conducted. 

Last reviewed: July 2019

Guidelines for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Requirements for State and Utility Support of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

Connecticut's Home Energy Solution-Income Eligible (HES-Income Eligible) program is designed to decrease the energy burden of income-eligible customers (households whose incomes are at or below 60 percent of the State Median Income) living in single-family homes through customer education on products and services, the direct-install of air sealing, duct sealing, and HVAC and water heating equipment testing, and the qualification of the home for additional energy-efficient upgrades. Though similar to HES, this program’s services are offered at no cost to the customer. Upgrades for additional energy efficiency measures (e.g., appliances, windows, insulation, appliances, active demand response) are also covered through nominal customer or landlord contributions. 

For the 2019-2021 Plan and the 2022-2024 Plan, the HES-Income Eligible program and its sister solution HES serve as the primary drivers of the utilities’ support in helping the State of Connecticut meet its legislative goal of weatherizing 80% of Connecticut’s existing homes by 2030. This goal was established by Public Act 11-80, Section 33, An Act Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy Environmental Protection and Planning for Connecticut’s Energy Future.

Connecticut’s utilities are required to allocate their limited-income budgets in parity with the revenues that are expected to be collected from that sector. As part of their Performance Management Incentive (PMI) calculation, the electric and natural gas utilities are required to spend a percentage of the HES-Income Eligible program budget. Additionally, the HES-Income Eligible program has electric, natural gas, oil, and propane savings metrics that must be met prior to the utilities receiving their PMI.

Connecticut’s Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) manages the Energy Conservation Loan (ECL) program that assists low- and moderate-income households (based on the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s standard of 200% of area median income) in receiving zero/low-interest financing to make energy efficiency improvements. The HES-Income Eligible program also assists customers in remediating some health and safety issues that are barriers to energy efficiency, including: performing a clean, tune, and test of a home’s HVAC system, making furnace repairs, fixing gas (natural gas and propane) leaks on the customer side, and performing domestic hot water tune-ups. 

Cost-Effectiveness Rules for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

Connecticut relies on the Total Resource Cost test as its primary test for the HES-Income Eligible program. Connecticut regulators have repeatedly approved non-cost-effective low-income programs; however, no explicit adjustments or exceptions to general cost-effectiveness rules are in place for the HES-Income Eligible program. More information regarding benefit-cost testing of efficiency programs in Connecticut can be found in Chapter 5 of the 2019-2021 Plan and 2022-2024 Plan.

Conn. Gen. Stat. §16-24a required DEEP to conduct a proceeding regarding the development of a Low Income Discount Rate (LIDR) for natural gas and electric customers. In July 2013, the Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy (BETP) conducted the "Low Income Discount Rate Review" and submitted its report to the CT Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) with the following recommendation: "currently available programs already provide benefits equal to, or greater than, the value of benefits low-income households would receive through a 10% low-income discount rate." In November 2013, PURA accepted the recommendation and determined that the existing rate assistance and energy efficiency programs are more beneficial to Connecticut's low-income residents than replacing them with a low-income discount rate. Currently, the state's energy efficiency cost-effectiveness tests do include some home safety benefits into the Total Resources Benefits Tests for Low-Income Programs. 

Coordination of Ratepayer-Funded Low-Income Programs with WAP Services

For the 2019-2021 Plan, Connecticut’s utilities will continue their long-term partnership with the Community Action Agencies (CAAs) to assist in cost sharing for US Department of Energy-funded Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) projects. DEEP administers Connecticut WAP projects through one CAA administrator. The target market for WAP are single-family properties and it is designed to help income-eligible customers minimize their energy burden through retrofits and home improvement measures. The utilities cost share some energy efficiency measures for WAP projects, including: ductless heat pumps, domestic hot water measures, administrative fees, heating system replacements, insulation, LED bulbs and fixtures, and windows. 

Under the Energy Affordability Docket, the Energy Efficiency Group, supports low-income programs, such as NU-Start and Matching Payment Plans.  This way as customers are having difficulty paying their energy bills, they can work with the Energy Efficiency team to reduce their bills.

Last updated: November 2024

Self Direct and Opt-Out Programs List All

Connecticut does not allow for large C&I customers to self-direct the funds they would have paid for energy efficiency, or to opt-out entirely.

Since 2011, Connecticut has managed a Behavioral-Based Strategies program for residential customers. The program’s objective is to make customers aware of how much energy they consume and to empower them to adopt energy-efficient technologies and behaviors. The program’s primary information channel to residential customers is a behavioral-based communication, printed or electronic, that details how much energy an individual customer consumes, how they compare to other customers, and what steps they can take to become more energy efficient. Since its inception, the program has had an opt-out option for customers who do not wish to participate. 

Last reviewed: June 2020

Data AccessList All

Guidelines for Third Party Access

Under Gen. Stats. §16-245o(d) and Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies § 16-244h-4, energy use data will be released to third parties only after written approval of the customer. 

Provision of Energy Use Data

Per Public Act No. 11-80, Sec. 125 & 126, each electric distribution, electric, and gas company shall make records of the energy consumption data of all non-residential buildings, as well as aggregate town customer usage information and make available to the public, while preserving the confidentiality of individual customers. 

Energy Use Data Availability

Connecticut’s Energy Efficiency Dashboard was developed in 2013 as an online resource that provides users with “real-time” data (updated monthly) regarding the state’s energy efficiency programs, their performance, and metrics. The purpose of the of the Dashboard is to provide regulators, legislators, advisors, and the general public a snapshot report regarding how well Connecticut’s energy efficiency programs are operating. Additionally in 2013, Connecticut created a Clean Energy Communities Dashboard that tracks the energy consumption (electric and natural gas only) of households and businesses in all of Connecticut’s 169 towns and cities. The individual town pages also detail the participation of Connecticut’s households and businesses in energy efficiency programs, as well as Residential Rebates redeemed.

The design and implementation of digital Customer Engagement Platforms were completed by both Eversource, United Illuminating, Connecticut Natural Gas, and Southern Connecticut Gas during the 2016-2018 Conservation & Load Management Plan. Each of the utilities’ customer engagement platforms allow customers to utilize the US Department of Energy’s Green Button to download their electric usage data. Additionally, customers can manually input other fuel type data to calculate their entire energy usage data. This energy data is compiled by the utilities to provide targeted energy-saving opportunities and give insightful, personalized recommendations to customers.

Last reviewed: July 2019

Score: 16.5 out of 26
Transportation Summary List All

Connecticut's efficient transportation policies include California vehicle standards, VMT targets, complete streets legislation, and incentives for high efficiency vehicles, and equitable access to transportation.

Tailpipe Emission Standards List All

DEEP developed and published the assessment and determined the adoption of the CARB MHD standards (Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) and Low NOx Omnibus rules) were necessary to attain health-based air quality standards and necessary to meet statutorily required emission reduction targets under the GWSA.  

See here 

Connecticut adopted California’s Low-Emission Vehicle (LEV) Program in 2005, committing to reducing criteria and greenhouse gas emissions from new vehicles through the 2025 model year. The state has also adopted California’s Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program, which requires increasing production of plug-in hybrid, battery electric, and fuel-cell vehicles from 2018 to 2025 model years with the goal of commercializing advanced vehicle technologies that will reduce emissions and improve energy diversification in the transportation sector. Connecticut proposed regulations to adopt the latest revisions to the LEV, ZEV, ACT and Low NOx Omnibus rules in July 2023 but did not finalize these proposals. As such, Connecticut will revert to the federal motor vehicle control programs for light and medium duty vehicles commencing with the 2026 model year and until such time final regulations are promulgated and implemented in accordance with the ""lead time"" and ""identicality"" provisions of Clean Air Act section 177.  

Last Updated: November 2024

Transportation System Efficiency List All

Transportation and Land use Integration: Connecticut’s State Plan of Conservation and Development outlines six growth management principles that aim to coordinate future development and to provide valuable planning resources for municipalities across the state. These six principles outline, among other considerations, the need to redevelop and revitalize areas with existing infrastructure and to concentrate development around transportation hubs and corridors. 

In 2008, the state senate passed SB 39, calling for the establishment of a Responsible Growth Cabinet to review “regionally significant projects” and to ensure that all future development occurs according to the six growth management principles.  

CT Gen Stat § 4-37l. (2022) "When considering any grant application submitted in connection with a proposed development, rehabilitation or other construction project, a state agency shall consider whether such proposal complies with some or all of the principles of smart growth provided in section 1 of public act 09-230* 

VMT Targets: Connecticut has set a 5% VMT reduction target from a 2019 baseline to be achieved by 2030 pursuant to Executive order 21-3. Below are links to the VMT reduction goals and executive order.  

FAST Freight Plans and Goals: Connecticut’s latest 2022 freight plan has the following relevant objectives related to emissions reduction and efficient freight: 

  • Goal 3 : Improve intermodal connections. 

  • Goal 5: Mitigate freight movement impacts on communities located near freight facilities or freight corridors. Reduce freight transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Increase electric vehicle charging and alternative fuel infrastructure. 

Last Updated: November 2024

Transit Funding List All

Although we were unable to find state-specific funding information, Connecticut does have the following: Delivered under the FTA’s Buses and Bus Facilities Program and the Low or No Emission Vehicle Program, the grant is among the agency’s first competitive grant awards under the recently enacted Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.  

Last updated: November 2024 

Incentives for High-Efficiency Vehicles List All

Connecticut offers incentives for the purchase or lease of eligible new light duty battery electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) with a base vehicle MSRP of $50,000 or less to all Connecticut residents who purchase or lease from licensed Connecticut new car dealerships and certain used and on-line direct from OEM sellers. CHEAPR Rebate + Used also offers incentives for EJ residents and LMI  residents   

DEEP is also developing a light duty fleet incentive program, a heavy duty vehicle incentive progam and an electric school bus grant program to fill funding gaps associated with EPA's clean school bus program.   

A list of new eligible vehicles is available here, and the list continues to grow as manufacturers release new models.  

See here for EVSE incentive levels 2022.     

Eversource and United Illuminating has program as well. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Equitable Access to TransportationList All

EV Programs: The Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate (CHEAPR) program includes a "Rebate+" incentive that is added to the standard rebate and applies to residents of Environmental Justice (EJ) communities, distress municipalities, participants in qualifying state or federal income-based assistance programs, or who have income less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. CHEAPR also offers vouchers towards the purchase of used vehicles (Rebate+ Used) with the same eligibility criteria.  See here  

Connecticut also ran a successful e-bike incentive program in 2023 that provided over 1400 vouchers to residents of Environmental Justice (EJ) communities, distressed municipalities, participants in qualifying state or federal income-based assistance programs, or who have income less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.  See here  

Public transit: Connecticut’s Housing Incentive Zone Program provides funding to incentivize the creation of low-income housing near transit facilities or high-density areas, and they consider proximity to transit facilities when distributing federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to qualifying property owners.  

Proximity to transit qualifies for points under CT’s QAP

Connecticut’s Transit-Oriented Development Fund is an established $15 million private public partnership fund administrated by the CT Dept of Economic and Community development. The fund is a competitive grant program intended to provide funding to municipalities and regional councils of government for transit-oriented development (TOD) projects and/or projects that demonstrate responsible growth. Includes a residential component with a minimum percentage of affordable housing, based on the specific demographics of each site. 

 Last updated: November 2024 

Appliance Standards
Score: 0 out of 6
Appliance Standards Summary List All

Policy: C.G.S. Section 16a-48, Chapter 298, Energy Efficiency Standards

Description: In 2004 Connecticut General Statute 16a-48 was passed establishing energy efficiency standards that covered eight products, under jurisdiction of the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management and the Department of Public Utility Control.  Standards for five of the eight products were preempted by the federal standards included in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Standards for an additional eight products were added in 2007, although three were preempted by the passing of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Of the eighteen standards introduced in Connecticut since 2001, only five have not been preempted by federal legislation. 

In January 2011, the Connecticut General Assembly passed Bill 1243, which added standards for compact audio players, televisions, and DVD players and recorders. The standards are based on standards from Title 20 of the California Code of Regulations. 

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Score: 6 out of 6
Statewide Strategic Energy Management (I-SEM) Program or Technical Support for Energy Management and/or Audits Within Industrial Facilities List All

Connecticut offers a Certified Energy Manager (CEM) Training in coordination with the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). The CEM training and credential certificate reviews the basics of energy-efficient improvements as they relate to electrical, utility, building, and combustion systems. 

Last updated: November 2024

An Industrial Decarbonization Target or Clean Heat Standard List All

Connecticut has a state decarbonization target through the 2008 Global Warming Solutions Act, as well as commitments in the state Climate Action Plan. 

Last updated: November 2024 

State-Supported Job Training for Industrial Energy Efficiency List All

The Connecticut Office of Workforce Strategy was awarded a $23.9 million American Rescue Plan Good Jobs Challenge grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce to support the creation of the Strengthening Sectoral Partnerships Initiative. The initiative provides resources to support ten Regional Sector Partnerships (RSPs) across Connecticut to train and place more than 2,000 people – particularly from historically-underserved communities – in high-demand jobs in four priority sector areas, including manufacturing, healthcare, information technology, bioscience.

The state's Office of Workforce Strategy also runs the CareerConneCT program, which trains local workers in in-demand industries such as energy efficiency. With this support, energy efficiency programs will continue to be a source of energy savings, emissions reduction, and economic development for the state.

Last updated: November 2024

Utility or State Energy Programs that Support Electrification of the Industrial Sector List All
Connecticut's Conservation and Load Management Program, administered by the two major utilities, has a robust efficiency program focused on the Commercial and Industrial sector.  Rebates and incentives are available for energy audits, lighting, HVAC, water heating, industrial processes, and refridgeration.  Rebates and incentives for commercial heat pumps and other electrification measures can be searched at: 
In addition, the most recent Conservation and Load Management Plan Update references the importance of C&I decarbonization including, the importance of all-electric and sustainable building practices (e.g., Net Zero Energy Buildings), weatherization efforts and building energy management control strategies for commercial and municipal buildings, customer education, and demand response offerings to support fuel and carbon neutrality, including smart thermostats, air conditioner load control, lighting/dimming, battery storage, and industrial load shifting.
Last updated: November 2024