State and Local Policy Database


City Scorecard Rank


Oakland, CA

62.50Scored out of 100Updated 10/2020
Community-Wide Initiatives
Score: 6.5 out of 15 points
Community-Wide Climate Mitigation and Energy GoalsList All

Climate Mitigation Goal

Oakland adopted a long-term goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. The city also established interim goals of a 56% reduction by 2030. Based on ACEEE’s analysis of past years emissions data, ACEEE projects the city will achieve its near-term community-wide GHG emissions reduction goal. 

The city released a 2015 greenhouse gas inventory, which includes results from all previous inventories. 

Energy Efficiency Goal

We did not find information regarding a community-wide energy reduction goal for the city.

Renewable Energy Goal

Over 90% of Oakland's electricity generation supply consists of carbon-free sources.

Last updated: August 2023

Equity-Driven Approaches to Clean Energy Planning, Implementation, and EvaluationList All

Equitable-Driven Community Engagement

Oakland's Inclusive Community Engagement Administrative Instruction (AI) provides a framework for all City projects to follow to ensure that representative community voices are consulted and incorporated into decision-making and implementation.

The development of the city's Energy and Climate Action Plan included initiatives to solicit engagement from marginalized communities. Town hall meetings were held in Oakland's most climate-impacted neighborhoods at varying times and dates to expand accessibility. Language interpretation services, free meals, and child care were provided.

An Equity Facilitator conducted public outreach for the most recent update to the city’s Climate Action Plan. The role of the Facilitator is to ensure that outreach is executed equitably and that equity actions are integrated into the Climate Action Plan.

Oakland has also created a Multifamily and EV (Electric Vehicle) Working Group tasked with overcoming barriers to the installation of EV charging infrastructure in multifamily and low-income buildings.

Equity-Driven Decision-Making

We were unable to determine if the city has created a formal role for marginalized community residents or local organizations representing those communities to participate in decision-making that affects the creation or implementation of a local energy, sustainability, or climate action plan.

Equity Accountability Measures

Climate Action Plan and the city’s energy goals both consider equity factors and implications. The city also published an Equity Indicators Report, which tracks the effects of the energy cost burden on low-income communities, health impacts, and park quality (among other indicators). 

The Racial Equity Impact Assessment and Implementation Guide was developed by the city's Equity Facilitators team. This will help the city identify frontline communities and provide metrics for the city to study as it tracks implementation of climate action initiatives in the ECAP

Last updated: August 2023

Clean Distributed Energy ResourcesList All

The City of Oakland has partnered with University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, and NASA Ames Research Center to launch the EcoBlock pilot project. The project focuses on the block-scale efficiency of a solar-powered DC microgrid.

Though it is not a specific policy, rule, or agreement, the draft Oakland 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan references plans to partner with East Bay Community Energy (the local community choice aggregator) to support the installation of local renewable energy (such as community solar) and energy storage. The city also offers streamlined permitting processes for residential rooftop solar systems. 

Last updated: August 2023

Adaptive Mitigation List All

Heat Island Mitigation Policies and Programs

Title 16 of Oakland’s code and Oakland’s Creek Protection, Stormwater Management & Discharge Control Ordinance addresses stormwater management and tree protection.  

Resilience Hubs

We were unable to determine if the city has supported the creation of resilience hubs that incorporate clean energy resources and are sited in disadvantaged communities.

Last updated: August 2023

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Workforce DevelopmentList All

Workforce development for disadvantaged workers

We could not determine if city has partnered with a local education institution, labor union, or community-based organization to create, support, and/or incentivize the development of clean energy workforce development initiatives that target training and support services for potential or existing workers from disadvantaged communities to obtain and keep in-demand jobs.

Workforce development for the broader community

We could not determine if city has partnered with a local education institution, labor union, or community-based organization to create, support, and/or incentivize the development of clean energy workforce development initiatives that target training and support services for potential or existing workers from the broader community to obtain and keep in-demand jobs.

Outcomes tracking

We could not determine if the city has instituted a mechanism to measure the performance and/or success of equitable workforce development initiatives focused on the clean energy sector.

Last updated: August 2023

Buildings Policies
Score: 15.5 out of 30 points
Building Energy CodesList All


The State of California allows local jurisdictions to adopt more stringent codes than the state. The City of Oakland follows the California Building Code, most recently adopting the 2022 version, as well as its own Green Building Ordinance. In addition to the GBO, the city adopted, an all-electric new construction ordinance in December 2020. To learn more about California’s building energy codes, please visit the State Policy Database.


Commercial buildings adhere to the California Building Code and the city’s Green Building Ordinance. The city has adopted a stretch code requiring all-electric for all new commercial and industrial buildings. The city’s zEPI score for their commercial energy code is score of 41.


Residential buildings adhere to the California Building Code and the city’s Green Building Ordinance. The city’s zEPI score for their residential energy code is 26.

Solar-readiness policies

California state code mandates new residential and commercial construction be solar-ready. 

EV-readiness policies

Oakland adopted new codes requiring all new commercial construction be EV-ready and incorporate electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Low-energy use requirements

Title 18 of the city’s code requires commercial buildings over 25,000 square feet to achieve LEED Silver certification. Title 18 also mandates residential properties achieve Green Building Certification.

Indoor cannabis cultivators must demonstrate that 100% of their electricity is derived from renewable or carbon free sources, which can be done by enrolling in EBCE’s Brilliant 100 program and providing confirmation annually or more frequently if required by the City Administrator’s Office. 

Electrification policies

The City has adopted a stretch code requiring all new construction commercial and industrial buildings meet the defintion of an all-electric building in December 2020. Staff are currently working on a building electrification policy roadmap to reach 100% all-electric buildings by 2040 and a major retrofits electrification ordinance.  

Last Update: September 2023

Building Energy Code Compliance and EnforcementList All

The city employs the equivalent of 2 full time employees dedicated to energy code enforcement.. The city does require mandatory compliance verification through plan reviews and site inspections. The City of Oakland's Planning and Building Department provides many free resources online with video tutorials and automated portals to assist with code compliance. It also provides code compliance support through BayREN programs for single and multifamily units.

Last Update: September 2023

Policies Targeting Existing BuildingsList All

Commercial and multifamily benchmarking

California adopted Assembly Bill (AB) 802 requiring all buildings 50,000 square feet and more to benchmark. The city does not have a mandatory benchmarking and disclosure program. AB 802 covers 56% of commercial and 44% of multifamily buildings in Oakland.


Residential and commercial building owners may access property assessed clean energy (PACE) financing for energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy installation, and water conservation actions.

East Bay Community Energy's (EBCE) Health-e Homes Program provides low and moderate-income homeowners with energy efficiency and electrification upgrades through affordable financing options.

In addition, EBCE also provides incentives for homeowners making up to 120% AMI to help offset project costs, as well as rebates for induction cooktops and heat pump water heaters.

The City runs its own programs through its Residential Lending & Housing Rehabilitation Services that provides loans and grants for building energy efficiency improvements. 

The Weatherization and Energy Retrofit Revolving Loan Program offers income-eligible property owners 0% interest loans for home improvement projects. The program is only eligible to owner-occupied residential properties with less than 5 units. 

Program outcomes

The city receives annual updates from BayREN on participation in its programs at the city-level. We were unable to determine if this data is used to understand participation rates and allocation of program benefits among disadvantaged communities.

Last Update: September 2023

Score: 20.5 out of 30 points
Sustainable Transportation Planning List All

Sustainable Transportation Plan

Oakland's Zero Emission Vehicle Action Plan was released in 2022 and includes sustainable transportation strategies. It also includes strategies specifically benefitting disadvantaged communities.

VMT/GHG Targets and Stringency

The City of Oakland does not have a codified VMT or transportation GHG reduction target.

Progress Achieved Toward VMT/GHG Targets

The City of Oakland does not have a codified VMT or transportation GHG reduction target, and therefore cannot make progress toward the target.

Last Updated: September 2023

Location Efficiency List All

Location Efficient Zoning Codes

California's SB 9 became law in 2021 and went into effect in 2022. This allows lots in single-family zones throughout the state to be split into two lots, and allows up to two units to be built on each lot, effectively increasing the number of units permitted per lot from one to four in single-family zones. SB 9 applies to residential zones in all California cities, including San Francisco. 

Parking Requirement

Oakland has eliminated parking minimums in certain districts.

Location Efficiency Incentives and Disclosure

The City of Oakland does not have location-efficient development incentives or disclosure policies.

Affordable Housing around Transit

The city incentivizes affordable housing near transit by giving preference to developments located near transit when selecting affordable housing projects to receive funding.

Last Updated: September 2023

Mode Shift List All

Mode Shift Targets

According to the city's Equitable Climate Action Plan, adopted in 2020, the City has a goal of 30% of all trips being made by walking, biking, and public transit by 2030, and 50% by 2050.

Progress Achieved Toward Mode Shift Targets

The City of Oakland did not provide data collected on mode share since the adoption of its goal; therefore, we cannot assess progress toward the goal.

Subsidized Access to Efficient Transportation Options

BayWheels, the bike share operator in Oakland, offers a discounted membership to residents who qualify for CalFresh, SFMTA Lifeline Pass, or the PG&E CARE utility discount through its Bike Share for All program. Additionally, residents with a household income of 200% of the federal poverty level or less can receive a Clipper START card and purchase transit fare at a discounted rate.

Last Updated: September 2023

Public Transit List All

Transit Funding

The transit entities that serve the City of Oakland have received $1,164,082,750.00 on average annually between 2017 and 2021 from local sources. That equates to roughly $1,341.53 per capita between 2017 and 2021 within the service area. 

Access to Transit Services

The AllTransit Performance Score measures a given community's transit access and performance. The score considers connections to other routes, access to jobs, service frequency, and the percent of commuters who ride transit to work. The City of Oakland's AllTransit Performance Score is 8.3, scoring the 3 points in the City Scorecard.

Last Updated: September 2023

Efficient VehiclesList All

Efficient Vehicle Purchase Incentives

Pacific Gas & Electric, a utility serving the City of Oakland, offers $1,000 rebates on the purchase or lease of a pre-owned electric vehicle, and a $4,000 rebate for income-qualified individuals.

Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Incentives

Neither the City of Oakland nor the local utility provide incentives for the installation of EV charging stations.

Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Requirements

The California Green Building Code requires multifamily properties with 20 or more units and hotels with 20 or more guest rooms to install level 2 EV chargers in five percent of the total parking spaces.

EV Charging Ports

The City of Oakland has 95.4 vehicle charging ports per 100,000 people available for public use.

Electric School Bus Goal

Oakland Unified School District has contracted with Zum to provide student transportation services, which is aiming to transition 100% of its fleet to electric buses by 2027.

Electric Transit Bus Goal

AC Transit, a transit agency serving the City of Oakland, set a goal of transitioning 100% of its bus fleet to zero emissions by 2040. AC Transit plans to prioritize routes serving disadvantaged communities, as defined by the California Environmental Protection Agency, as it transitions to zero-emission buses.

BONUS: Equitable EV Charging

The City of Oakland has prioritized installation of EV charging infrastructure in disadvantaged communities identified through the CalEnviroScreen 3.0 tool. Chargers have been installed in West Oakland, East Oakland, and Fruitvale neighborhoods, among others.

Last Updated: September 2023

Freight System EfficiencyList All

Sustainable Freight Plans

The Seaport Air Quality 2020 and Beyond Plan contains sustainable freight strategies for the Port of Oakland, including expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the port. The city is also pursuing curbside management strategies to improve freight efficiency. 

Open Data Portals

The Port of Oakland hosts an open data portal, updated in real-time, displaying average truck turn times for the last 30 minutes and the current truck count at each terminal.

Last Updated: September 2023

Community Energy Infrastructure
Score: 30.5
Community Energy Infrastructure Summary List All

The City of Oakland is a founding member of East Bay Community Energy (EBCE), a local government Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), which includes the County of Alameda and 11 of its cities. EBCE provides clean energy choices for residents. Ratepayers can choose between three clean energy options that offer 41%, 45%, and 100% clean energy. EBCE offers some residential, commercial, and municipal energy efficiency programs. 

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), an investor-owned utility (IOU), is the primary electric and natural gas transmission and distribution utility and energy efficiency provider for the City of Oakland. To learn more about the state requirements for electric and gas efficiency, please visit the California page of the State Database.

The East Bay Municipal Utility District is the municipal utility that provides the City of Oakland with drinking water services, wastewater treatment, and stormwater management.

Last Updated: August 2023

Electricity and Natural Gas Efficiency SavingsList All

In 2021, PG&E reported 1,845,567 MWh of net electric savings at the meter.

In 2021, PG&E reported 42.8 MMtherms of net natural gas savings at the meter.

PG&E offers electric and natural gas efficiency incentives and technical assistance to residential and commercial/industrial customers.

Oakland City Staff have been involved in the East Bay Energy Watch (EBEW), a PG&E Local Government Partnership since 2003 (originally called the Oakland Energy Partnership). The City of Oakland is also a founding member of East Bay Community Energy, a local government CCA with strong targets for local renewable energy systems.

Last Updated: August 2023

Low-Income & Multifamily EE Programs List All

Low-Income Programs

PG&E offers the Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA) to qualified low-income residential customers. The program provides in-home energy education, and direct installation of weatherization and hot water measures, lighting efficiency upgrades, HVAC tune-ups, smart power strips, and refrigerator recycling/replacement at no charge in order to reduce energy consumption in low-income households. The program provides health and safety measures such as the repair and replacement of water heaters and furnaces and minor home repairs. This program is implemented statewide by investor-owned utilities under the direction of the California Public Utilities Commission. It leverages the federal Weatherization Assistance Program, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, and Low-Income Weatherization Program offerings.

The ESA Program’s objective is to assist income-qualified customers to reduce their energy consumption and costs while increasing their health, comfort and safety. PG&E has also administered the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program to qualifying customers since 1989. The CARE program provides a monthly discount on energy bills for qualifying single-family residential households, tenants of sub-metered residential facilities, non-profit group living facilities, agricultural employee housing facilities, and migrant farmworker housing centers throughout PG&E’s service area.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CAPUC) strongly encourages utilities to leverage funds for low-income energy efficiency and weatherization. PG&E’s ESA Program leverages water agency, Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and Low Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) funding through individually negotiated agreements with the other agencies.

In 2021, PG&E achieved energy savings of 63,235 MWh and 0.05 MMtherms, while spending $81,556,000 and $80,963,860 on its electric and natural gas low-income programs, respectively. PG&E served 103,169 total customers with its low-income programs in 2021.

The City of Oakland offers a Weatherization and Energy Retrofit Revolving Loan Program, which provides income-eligible property owners can access 0% interest loans ranging from $6,500 to $30,000 for weatherization and energy efficiency improvements to owner-occupied residential properties of 1 to 4 units.

Multifamily Programs

PG&E offers the California New Homes Multifamily Program, Multifamily Upgrade Program, and Multifamily Cooling Optimizer Program. California New Homes Multifamily Program provides support and incentives for multifamily new construction projects to encourage builders to exceed California’s Title 24 energy efficiency standards. The Multifamily Upgrade Program promotes and facilitates energy-efficient retrofits of existing multifamily buildings through technical support and incentives. The Multifamily Cooling Optimizer Program is a direct install program focused on HVAC measures in tenant spaces. PG&E also implements the Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA) for income-qualified multifamily customers.

In 2021, PG&E achieved energy savings of 7,992 MWh and 0.13 MMtherms, while spending $20,336,729 on its electric and natural gas multifamily programs. PG&E served 29,727 housing units in 3,085 properties with its multifamily programs in 2021.

Last Updated: August 2023

Provision of Energy Data by UtilitiesList All

Provision of Energy Data by Utilities

PG&E's Building Benchmarking Portal provides aggregate whole-building energy usage data in their ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to building owners. PG&E uses the Green Button data sharing platform for electricity data only. The utility provides automatic data entry into Portfolio Manager if given written consent by the customer.

PG&E provides non-confidential, aggregated energy usage data to the public through its Energy Data Request Program. Energy data is publicly released on a monthly basis at the ZIP code level, with significant redaction or further aggregation as needed to comply with California energy data privacy regulations. In addition, Oakland publishes bi-annual Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Reports, which provide existing emissions to help guide policy aimed at reducing emissions.

 The City of Oakland advocates for policy improvements in data access through the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition, the California Energy Commission, and the PUC. The City has provided letters of support for a variety of data sharing initiatives. Most data sharing agreements and advocacy is done outside of traditional public proceedings.

Last Updated: August 2023

Decarbonization and Climate Change Mitigation Efforts of Cities and Energy UtilitiesList All

Utility Climate Mitigation Goal

In 2018, the State of California set an ambitious goal of relying on entirely zero-emission energy sources for its electricity by 2045. To achieve this goal, PG&E will need to reduce emissions by 3.7% annually from 2018 levels.

City-Led Efforts to Decarbonize the Electric Grid

The City of Oakland is a founding member of East Bay Community Energy (EBCE), a local government Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) with strong targets for local renewable energy systems. Renewable energy requirements are found in the Joint Powers Agreement for the agency. EBCE has a Local Development Business Plan, which sets their goals for local distributed renewable energy generation and describes their desires for greater customer access to utility and meter data. The Oakland Clean Energy Initiative is an effort to provide more local clean energy in Alameda County by replacing an aging electricity generator in Oakland's Jack London Square area with a new clean energy source. This effort is in partnership with PG&E and East Bay Community Energy (EBCE).

In addition, the City has signed on to group letters of support to the CPUC for various renewable energy policies relating to program design or tariffs, attended hearings and provided testimony on energy efficiency and renewable energy rate cases, and pushed for policies related to renewable energy developments. For example, the mayor sent a letter to the CPUC to reject a proposal that would raise fees for people switching from their electricity provider to a city-run CCA program.

Clean Distributed Energy Resources 

The City of Oakland has partnered with University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, and NASA Ames Research Center to launch the EcoBlock pilot project. The project focuses on the block-scale efficiency of a solar-powered DC microgrid. 

Though it is not a specific policy, rule, or agreement, the draft Oakland 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan references plans to partner with East Bay Community Energy (the local community choice aggregator) to support the installation of local renewable energy (such as community solar) and energy storage. The city also offers streamlined permitting processes for residential rooftop solar systems. 

Municipal Renewable Energy Procurement 

Oakland has installed 1.13 MW of solar electric panels on rooftops of municipal facilities. 

City Renewable Energy Incentive and Financing Programs 

Residential and commercial building owners may access property assessed clean energy (PACE) financing for energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy installation, and water conservation actions. 

EBCE's Resilient Homes Program offers free consultations, prenegotiated pricing, and a $500 incentive for solar plus batter storage solutions for EBCE service customers. 

The Oakland Building Maintenance Code includes a streamlined and expedited solar permitting provision. 

Last Updated: September 2023

Efficiency Efforts in Water ServicesList All

Citywide Water Efficiency and Goals

PG&E partners with East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), the local water utility for Oakland, on the following water-energy efforts: joint customer audit referral programs, joint appliance efficiency upgrade rebates, and shared R&D for joint customer technology and benefits offerings. EBMUD also offers efficiency rebate programs, ranging from residential to commercial and municipal rebates on appliances and equipment, lawn conversion, and audit programs, while PG&E offers rebates for high-efficiency commercial dishwashers.

EBMUD has both a Water Conservation Master Plan and a Strategic Plan to achieve its water conservation goals. Since the Master Plan’s first adoption in 1994, EBMUD customers have saved an estimated 26 million gallons per day (MGD) through conservation practices. EBMUD hopes to save an additional 39 MGD by 2040.

Water Plant Efficiency and Self-Generation

EBMUD’s Climate Action Plan identifies opportunities to conserve energy and reduce emissions. EBMUD also uses a comprehensive plan to implement energy savings measures throughout the treatment system.

EBMUD self-generates energy through hydropower, solar power, and biogas production. EBMUD also maintains a food scraps recycling program to self-generate energy.

Last Updated: August 2023

Local Government Score:
6.5 out of 10 points
Local Government Climate and Energy Goals List All

The City of Oakland’s Energy and Climate Action Plan serves as a roadmap for the city to achieve its municipal sustainability goals.

Climate Mitigation Goal

The City of Oakland formally adopted a resolution establishing a municipal greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal of 83% below 2005 levels by 2050, with interim goals of 36% by 2020 and 56% by 2030. To meet this goal, the city must reduce per capita emissions by 3.15% annually. Based on ACEEE’s analysis of past years emissions data, ACEEE projects that the city will meet its near-term GHG emissions reduction goal for municipal operations.  

Energy Reduction Goal

We did not find information regarding a municipal energy reduction goal.

Renewable Energy Goal

Through East Bay Community Energy, the City of Oakland purchases 100% carbon-free electricity for all municipal accounts.

Last updated: May 2021

Procurement and Construction Policies List All

Fleet Policies and Composition

Since 2015, the City of Oakland's fleet runs on renewable diesel and no longer purchases petroleum diesel. As older vehicles are retired, an increasing share are being replaced by hybrid and all-electric vehicles with an environmental preferred purchasing policy. Oakland's ZEV Action Plan is designed to increase the adoption of electric vehicles and e-mobility while addressing equity concerns and prioritizing investment in frontline communities. The plan will address the following sectors: medium and heavy-duty vehicle electrification, including trucks and delivery vehicles; personal vehicle charging infrastructure in multifamily buildings, including affordable buildings; curbside charging; school and transit buses; and coordination with private and public fleet operators. Oakland’s municipal fleet is currently composed of 13% efficient vehicles, including hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric vehicles.

Public Lighting

Oakland’s Outdoor Lighting Standards require good lighting design and energy efficiency. The guidelines are in accordance with the Illumination Engineering Society’s lighting guidelines for all facilities. 95% of Oakland’s streetlights have been converted to LEDs.

Inclusive procurement 

Oakland has inclusive procurement and contracting processes that include preferences for SLBEs and policies for DBEs and social equity. In the 2018 Equity Indicators Report, the City of Oakland reported on disparities in prime contract awards for construction and professional services under $100,000. Oakland has high standards for its contractors, which include Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) with organized unions and a variety of other prevailing wage and contracting provisions to protect workers. Anti-discrimination elements are contained in many of the provisions to ensure protections for undocumented laborers and returning citizens.

Updated: September 2023

Asset Management List All

Building Benchmarking

Oakland benchmarks 100% of buildings over 5,000 square feet.

Comprehensive Retrofit Strategies

The city’s Energy Group conducts energy consumption and costs analyses to determine which public buildings are best suited to receive comprehensive retrofits. As part of the Energy and Climate Action Plan, Oakland details several priority actions to improve energy efficiency in buildings via retrofits. Measure KK, passed in 2016, includes $25 million for energy and water efficiency upgrades in City facilities. The city’s Facility team conducts regular assessments of municipal building use and flags irregularities for maintenance, with more holistic building energy performance evaluated through the Capital Improvements program.

Municipal Employee Transportation Benefits

The City of Oakland provides transit benefits to employees that covers both public transportation and bicycles.

Last update: February 2024