State Scorecard Rank
Mississippi offers a loan program for energy efficiency investments, as well as a public-sector lease program for energy-efficient equipment. The state government leads by example by setting energy requirements for fleets, benchmarking energy use, and encouraging the use of energy savings performance contracts. Research focused on efficient vehicles is conducted at Mississippi State University.
Financial incentive information for Mississippi is provided by the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE Mississippi).
Last Reviewed: July 2017
We were unable to determine if the state's energy plans or electrification strategies establish specific policies or equity-related metrics to ensure access for underserved customers or if they include specific measures to prioritize clean energy workforce development.
Last Reviewed: September 2020
The State of Mississippi does not yet have carbon pricing policies in place.
At this time, the state does not have a statewide emissions reduction goal in place.
Last Reviewed: September 2022
There is no disclosure policy in place.
Last Reviewed: July 2017
In 2013, the Mississippi legislature passed ASHRAE 90.1-2010 as the new mandatory statewide building energy code standard for commercial and State-owned buildings and facilities. The new energy building code became effective July 1, 2014.
The Mississippi Sustainability and Development Act of 2013 requires all State agencies, state institutions of higher learning, and community and junior colleges to work with the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) Energy and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) to develop comprehensive five-year energy management plans. It also requires State agencies to report monthly energy consumption and cost totals or face penalties. MDA-ENRD provides State agencies with access to the Siemens Navigator system to track their energy cost and consumption on an ongoing basis, and reports this information to the Governor and Legislature on an annual basis. With 95% of all covered agencies reporting annual utility data, the state benchmarks about 70 million square feet. Other public facilities are also encouraged to actively manage energy consumption by using online reporting systems such as Energy Star Portfolio Manager.
The Act also calls for a State Energy Management Advisory Board comprised of selected agencies and led by the ENRD to meet at least once a year in order to review implementation of the State Energy Management Plan.
Mississippi Senate Bill 3007 requires benchmarking and monitoring for any state-funded new construction over 5,000 square feet and state-funded renovation projects that involve more than 50% of the replacement value of the facility. Institutions of Higher Learning have instituted a policy for new construction to exceed adopted state codes by 30%.
Last Reviewed: July 2020
Mississippi Code Sec. 25-1-77 requires that at least 75% of all vehicles in the State fleet must meet EPA fuel economy standards of 40 miles per gallon (MPG) for highway driving by July 1, 2014. Additionally, Sec. 25-1-77 states that the Office of Fleet Management must encourage the use of fuel efficient or hybrid vehicles, as well as alternative fuel vehicles, including ethanol, biodiesel, natural gas, and electric power.
Last Reviewed: July 2020
Public entities in Mississippi are authorized to engage in ESPCs under the provisions of Mississippi Code §31-7-14. Since 2017, the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) - Energy & Natural Resources Division developed a framework to prequalify ESCOs which state agencies, K-12 schools, municipalities, and other public entities may use. ENRD has since pre-qualified 12 ESCOs. The Division routinely engages in informational and technical assistance campaigns to increase the utilization of ESPCs as a means to acheive energy savings and capital improvement for Mississippi's public entities.
Last Reviewed: July 2020
The Energy Institute (EI) at Mississippi State University works to develop new technologies to promote energy efficiency through combined heating and power concepts and energy audits, as well as developing technology to generate renewable transportation and heating fuel from biomass. MSU also has the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS), which conducts research on automotive fuel efficiency and has won the Challenge X competition a couple of times.
The Institute of Higher Learning (governing body for the state’s universities) formed an energy council a decade ago and have an internal sustainability policy (attached). Their systemwide avoided cost over 10 years is in excess of $100 million.
Under Mississippi's “Smart Business Act,” a corporation collaborating with a State university for research and development purposes, including energy-related research, is eligible for a 25 percent rebate of the total research costs.
Last Reviewed: August 2019
Mississippi is a home rule state, with a voluntary residential code based on ASHRAE 90-1975, Commercial codes were updated in 2013, setting the mandatory energy code standard for commercial and state-owned buildings as ASHRAE 90.1-2010. Jurisdictions can adopt more stringent codes. The state has completed a baseline compliance study, established a stakeholder advisory group, and offers training and outreach.
Mississippi's residential code is voluntary and is based on ASHRAE 90 – 1975 and the prior 92 MEC. Based on a June 2011 Energy Codes Economic Analysis conducted by BCAP and Southface, as well as additional data collected by MDA, approximately 60% (1.75 million out of a total 2.9 million residents) of the State’s population reside in cities or counties with building codes equivalent to 2003 IBC or higher, and the average code standard for these local jurisdictions is 2006 ICC. Jurisdictions can adopt more stringent codes, and several localities have done so for the residential code: Gulfport, Biloxi, Horn Lake, Ridgeland, Jackson, Greenville, Oliva Branch, Pascagoula, and Moss Point.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
- Gap Analysis/Strategic Compliance Plan: NA
- Baseline & Updated Compliance Studies: No formal compliance study has been done. However, in June 2011, BCAP and Southface produced an economic analysis for building energy code adoption in Mississippi. This study estimated baseline compliance based on DOE data for building energy code compliance in jurisdictions across the State. Based on recent estimates, a large percentage of the State’s population reside in jurisdictions that have adopted a residential building code. Based on the June 2011 Energy Codes Economic Analysis conducted by BCAP and Southface, as well as additional data collected by MDA, approximately 60% (1.75 million out of a total 2.9 million residents) of the state’s population reside in cities or counties with building codes equivalent to 2003 IBC or higher, and the average code standard for these local jurisdictions is 2006 ICC.
- Utility Involvement: NA
- Stakeholder Advisory Group: An advisory group, the Mississippi Building Energy Code Collaborative, has been formed to meet on a quarterly basis for the implementation of both code training and enforcement (training schedule and compliance activities). The Collaborative is comprised of local and state code enforcement officials, builders, contractors, architects, engineers, energy managers, facility managers, and State government officials.
- Training/Outreach: The MDA Energy and Natural Resources Division provides energy code training to educate codes officials, engineers, architects, and other interested parties statewide about the new ASHRAE 90.1-2010 mandatory energy building code for commercial and state-owned buildings. These codes training sessions complement the work of MDA by leveraging a network of officials to educate and implement the building energy code standard.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
The state has a not adopted policies to encourage the deployment of CHP systems. One new CHP system was installed in Mississippi in 2018.
There is currently no interconnection standard in place that applies to CHP.
For more information on interconnection standards, click here.
Last Updated: September 2018
There are currently no state policies designed to acquire energy savings from CHP (like other efficiency resources) or energy generation from CHP (in terms of kWh production) that apply to all forms of CHP.
Last Updated: September 2018
There are currently no state policies that provide additional incentives for CHP deployment.
Last Updated: September 2018
Mississippi has some additional supportive policies to encourage CHP, in the form of technical assistance programs. Mississippi Development Authority – Energy and Natural Resources Division in partnership with Innovate Mississippi has conducted workshops around the state to educate industrial, institutional, commercial and utility stakeholders on the benefits, opportunities and barriers pertaining to CHP deployment.
Last Updated: September 2018
The Mississippi Public Service Commission (MPSC) issued energy efficiency rules in July 2013 (Docket No. 2010-AD-2) that laid out a framework requiring investor-owned utilities to implement “Quick Start” energy efficiency programs. The rule also laid out criteria for program cost-benefit tests, cost recovery, and evaluation, monitoring, and verification (EM&V).
The PSC issued revised energy efficiency rules in November 2019 (Docket No. 2018-UA-064) that lay out a framework requiring all jurisdictional, rate regulated gas and electric utilities to implement a Demand Side Management ("DSM") Portfolio for customers that is designed to achieve cost-effective energy and/or demand savings. DSM offerings provide opportunities for customers of all types to adopt energy efficiancy and demand savings measures to increase control and provide greater opportunities to reduce their energy consumption. DMS includes energy conservation, energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed energy resources. The rule also lays out criteria for program cost recovery and evaluation, monitoring, and verification (EM&V).
The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.
Last updated: July 2020
Until recently, utilities in Mississippi offered few energy efficiency programs. However, the Public Service Commission's Rule 29 required "Quick Start" programs for utilities in the state (Docket 2010-AD-2). In 2014, each major utility serving customers in Mississippi filed a Quick Start Energy Efficiency Plan to be implemented between mid-2014 and 2016. The first three years served as a trial period for the companies' proposed programs.
The Mississippi Public Service Commission issued revised energy efficiency rules in November 2019 (Docket No. 2018-UA-064) that lay out a framework requiring all jurisdictional, rate regulated gas and electric utilities to implement a Demand Side Management ("DSM") Portfolio for customers that is designed to achieve cost-effective energy and/or demand savings. DSM offerings provide opportunities for customers of all types to adopt energy efficiancy and demand savings measures to increase control and provide greater opportunities to reduce their energy consumption. DMS includes energy conservation, energy efficiency, demand response, and distributed energy resources. The rule also lays out criteria for program cost recovery and evaluation, monitoring, and verification (EM&V).
Last reviewed: November 2024
There is currently no policy in place that treats energy efficiency as a resource. Utilities are required by the MPSC to file demand-side management plans and implement energy efficiency programs.
Last reviewed: November 2024
There is currently no EERS in place.
For more information on Energy Efficiency Resource Standards, click here.
Last reviewed: November 2024
On November 22, 2019, the Mississippi Public Service Commission approved an Order to revise the then current Energy Efficiency Rule. Rule 29 has been revised to an Integrated Resource Planning and Reporting rule that incorporates Energy Efficiency. According to the new revised rule, lost contributions to fixed costs associated with energy efficiency programs are considered to be captured in a utility's annual formula rate plan. (See 2018-AD-064 Rule 29)
There is no policy to allow energy efficiency performance incentives (See 2018-AD-064 Rule 29).
Last reviewed: November 2024
Cost-effectiveness test(s) used: total resource cost, utility cost test, participant cost test, ratepayer impact measure test
Electric and gas utilities with more than 25,000 customers were required to submit Quick Start Plans with implementation starting in mid-2014 that included plans for EM&V and estimated savings. Cost effectiveness testing was not initially required for Quick Start programs. However, the Quick Start phase was later extended through 2020, and the Commission required utilities to submit cost-effectiveness test results. Section 105 of Rule 29 includes guidance on cost inputs, which include program design; implementation; delivery; customer incentives; customer education and marketing; measurement of benefits; and administration. Cost-benefit results are presented for both an individual program and portfolio levels. Utilities may use either an evaluation period of ten years (a natural gas utility may use an evaluation period of fifteen years) or the actual lives for each measure in a program to evaluate a program or portfolio. Utilities may submit additional economic analyses information in support of a proposed program or portfolio.
According to the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), Mississippi specifies the total resource cost test (TRC), utility cost test (UCT), participant cost test (PCT), and rate impact measure (RIM) tests to be its primary tests for decision making. However, Rule 29 states that no one test should be used to determine if a program or portfolio is lacking cost-effectiveness.
Further information on cost-effectiveness screening practices for Mississippi is available in the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), a resource of the National Efficiency Screening Project (NESP).
Last Updated: August 2019
Requirements for State and Utility Support of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs
No specific required spending or savings requirements were identified, although most regulated utilities voluntarily offer low-income programs.
Cost-Effectiveness Rules for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs
No specific adjustments or exceptions to general cost-effectiveness rules are in place for low-income programs.
Coordination of Ratepayer-Funded Low-Income Programs with WAP Services
Level of coordination is unclear from publicly available data.
Last reviewed: November 2024
There are no self-direct or opt-out programs in Mississippi.
Last updated: July 2020
Mississippi has no policy in place that requires utilities to release energy use data to customers or third parties.
Last Updated: July 2018
The state has some general freight plan goals related to reducing GHG emissions, but has not otherwise pursued policies to encourage efficient transportation system development.
No California Vehicle Standards in place or proposed.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
Transportation and Land Use Integration: No policy in place or proposed.
VMT Targets: We were unable to find information indicating any VMT and/or GHG targets in place
FAST Freight Plans and Goals: Mississippi’s 2022 freight plan has the following general goals and objectives for GHG emissions: Support the resiliency of the freight network while minimizing adverse impacts of freight operations on communities and the environment - Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and minimize freight impacts to historically disadvantaged communities and wildlife habitat but does not specify GHG reduction targets.
Last updated: November 2024
We were unable to find information indicating incentives for high efficiency vehicles.
Last updated: November 2024
Mississippi does not have any state programs in place to incentivize the creation of low-income housing near transit facilities, nor does it consider the proximity of transit facilities when distributing federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits to qualifying property owners.
Last Reviewed: November 2024
We were unable to find information regarding state-led SEM or energy audit programs for the industrial sector.
Last updated: November 2024
We were unable to find information regarding a state industrial decarbonization target or the establishment of a clean heat standard.
Last updated: November 2024
The state recently launched the Energy Academy that is a public-private partnership with two school districts, a major investor-owned utility, a community college and two state agencies. Students will be eligible for dual enrollment at the high school and community college to get training for careers in energy.
We were unable to find information on any targeted utility or state energy programs to support electrification of the industrial sector.
Last updated: November 2024