State and Local Policy Database


State Scorecard Rank



81.0Scored out of 50Updated 12/2022
State Government
Score: 9 out of 9
State Government Summary List All

Massachusetts offers a variety of tax incentives and grant, rebate, bond programs to encourage consumer investments in energy efficiency. It enables PACE financing but does not have any active PACE programs. The state government leads by example by setting energy requirements for public buildings and fleets, benchmarking energy use, and encouraging the use of energy savings performance contracts. Massachusetts is one of the few states to require the release of residential building energy data at the time of closing. Research focused on efficient vehicles is conducted at several institutions in the state. 

Financial Incentives List All

The state of Massachusetts offers the following financial incentives to encourage energy efficiency improvements:

  • Clean Energy Results Program's (CERP) Gap Energy Grant: designed to fill the last “gap” in project financing, enabling and encouraging facilities to use energy utility incentives as well as funding from other sources to install selected energy efficiency and clean energy generation projects
  • Leading by Example Solar Canopy Grant Program requiring EV charging ports
  • Leading by Example EV Charging Program: Grant program for state entities to install EV charging
  • Electric Vehicle Curbside Parking for Residents in Multi-Unit Dwellings
  • Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electrification Mobile Charging Solutions 
  • Ride-For-Hire Vehicle Electrification Charging Solutions: Direct funding projects of L2 and fast charging in areas of high TNC concentration
  • Vehicle-To-Everything (V2X) Analysis and Demonstration Projects: Market characterization study and demonstration
  • EV Charging at State Facilities: Direct funding of EV charging at high priority state facilities
  • Alternative Energy and Energy Conservation Patent Exemption (corporate)
  • Green Communities Grant Program
  • Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Bond Program: The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Bond Program is intended to increase compact, mixed-use, walkable development close to transit stations. To accomplish this objective, the Program authorization (Chapter 291 of the Acts of 2004) provides financing for pedestrian improvements, bicycle facilities, housing projects, and parking facilities within .25 (1/4) miles of a commuter rail station, subway station, bus station, bus rapid transit station, or ferry terminal.
  • Municipal Energy Technical Assistance (META) Program: The Department of Energy Resource’s (DOER) awards META grants to designated Green Communities or municipalities in the designation process, Massachusetts municipalities, regional school districts, and water/wastewater districts. META grants help energy projects by funding the services of expert consultants and contractors, aiding in the management of projects or the performance studies.
  • Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) Rebate Program: Funded by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs’ Department of Energy Resources (DOER), MOR-EV provides rebates of up to $2,500 for the purchase or lease of battery electric vehicles and fuel-cell electric vehicles and up to $1,500 for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with a sales price of not more than $50,000.
  • Electric Vehicle Incentive Program for Fleets (EVIP)
  • ACT School Bus Fleet Program
  • Community Climate Leader Grant Program

Further financial incentive information can be found in the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE Massachusetts). In addition to these state-funded incentives, Massachusetts has enabled commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing and has one active program. For additional information on PACE, visit PACENation.

Last Reviewed: June 2022

Equity Metrics and Workforce DevelopmentList All

Carbon Pricing Policies

Massachusetts participates in RGGI; however, because low-income energy efficiency is well funded through utility ratepayer programs, the 2019 Supplemental Budget bill (ch. 142 of the Acts of 2019, §95) required RGGI proceeds to be directed to rebates for electric vehicles and the Green Communities Program.  It is important to note that this did not decrease budgets for low and moderate income energy efficiency - pursuant to Section 11 of the Massachusetts Green Communities Act  of 2008 (MGLc 25, section 19c), at least 10% of money spent on electric energy efficiency programs and at least 20% of the money spent on gas energy efficiency programs must be spent on low income customers.  In fact, budgets have increased significantly in those areas.  For example, In the 2022-2024 Energy Efficiency Plan, over $550 million is dedicated to low income programs (serving households making 60% or less of state median income) that pay 100% of the costs for cost-effective energy efficiency measures, including barrier mitigation and health and safety upgrades needed to install energy efficiency. In addition, the Plan invests $136 million to serve moderate-income (61%-80% of the state median income) customers, including a moderate-income offer of 100% incentive for weatherization and enhanced incentives for heating systems for customers who income qualify, with higher incentives for efficient electric heating compared to fossil fuel equipment, and introduction of new incentives for pre-weatherization barrier mitigation. 


In addition, the mechanism by which Massachusetts utilities receive shareholder performance incentives for achievement of energy efficiency goals was restructured in the 2022-2024 Energy Efficiency Plan to set specific targets for EJ communities and set aside performance incentive funds that can only be earned if benefits and investments increase in these communities compared to historic levels.  Benefits in EJ communities are incentivized at a higher rate than non-EJ communities. The 2025-2027 performance incentives are currently being developed and will continue to incentivize investment to underserved customers, including LMI customers, renters, and small businesses.  

Interagency Cumulative Impact Workgroup - In light of the mandates specified by the new statute, Chapter 8 of the Acts of 2021, an Act Creating a Next Generation Road Map for Massachusetts Climate Policy, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) has convened an inter-agency work group to define and develop a standardized methodology to assess cumulative impacts of environmental burdens over time with regard to environmental justice populations. The immediate goals of this workgroup, to be further refined through subsequent meetings, is the following: (1) identify which pollution sources and social determinants of health should be considered while assessing cumulative impacts, and (2) develop a quantitative method by which cumulative impacts can be measured, such that state agencies may utilize this information in permitting, siting, grant disbursement, enforcement and other state functions. 

In addition, on January 4, 2024, the MA DPU opened an investigation into energy affordability in the state.  D.P.U. 24-15: Notice of Inquiry by the Department of Public Utilities on its own Motion into Energy Burden with a Focus on Energy Affordability for Residential Ratepayers.

Community Engagement

Approaches might include advisory councils, collaboratives, working groups, or a state agency office that act as points of contact to engage with marginalized groups and consult with environmental justice organizations. Note that simply having a task force is not enough to earn credit. Below are some criteria we are looking for:  

  • The majority of the group or task force is made up of members from historically marginalized communities or organizations. 
  • The group or task force is currently active and striving to achieve increased engagement with marginalized communities, or other relevant goals set by the task force or group. 
  • The group or task force is affecting or influencing state policies, programs, or plans or has the power to do so (e.g., their powers are spelled out in a law or ordinance). 
Workforce Development
In 2022-2024, Massachusetts is investing over $49 million (inclusive of funds to Mass Clean Energy Center, “MassCEC”) to train a more diverse and field-ready workforce, including the Program Administrators’ (Utilities + Cape Light Compact) innovative “Clean Energy Pathways” internship program and a commitment to work with the MassCEC, which has a leadership role in workforce development. Below is a summary of the MassCEC’s workforce development efforts:
  • In 2020, MassCEC began updating its existing Clean Energy Internship Program (which recently celebrated placement of 5000 students over 9 years in internships) to increase diversity in the clean energy workforce. Beginning in 2021, MassCEC began reserving 20% of its internship spots for employers in Gateway Cities and/or students in Gateway Cities. In addition, starting with summer of 2021, MassCEC has hired four (4) training providers to recruit, support, and mentor underrepresented student populations in the MassCEC Clean Energy Internship program to further boost diversity of participants. The providers matched students with companies and developed workshops for underrepresented students during their internships.  
  • The Massachusetts Vocational Internship Program (VIP) is a workforce development initiative offered through the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC). The Program enhances the talent pipeline for Massachusetts clean energy companies and places skilled labor from vocational high schools in paid clean energy internships during the academic year.   
  • In addition to its internship programs, MassCEC hosts an online job board with multiple listings for private and non-profit clean energy industry job opportunities.   
  • In March 2022, MassCEC issued a solicitation (total funding $4.5 million) or programs that support the expansion of minority and women owned businesses in clean energy and climate-critical sectors. This solicitation will be re-opened every six months.   
  • In 2021, MassCEC published a report on the status of the Building Operations sector of the MA economy. The report outlines the current status of this workforce, including demographics, training needs (both short and long term), and career pathways. The report will guide MassCEC in preparing for future workforce programs. MassCEC is continuing this work in 2022 by conducting a broader Workforce Needs Analysis for all Climate Critical Occupations that will outline the current status of this workforce, including demographics, training needs (both short and long term), and career pathways. The analysis and subsequent report will provide a framework of industry needs and training gaps of climate critical occupations, and also highlight workforce best practices associated with supporting clean energy minority and women owned businesses, engaging and supporting residents in environmental justice neighborhoods, and current and former fossil fuel workers to join the clean energy industry. The report will inform MassCEC’s future workforce development strategy and program development efforts, particularly with respect to meeting Massachusetts’s aggressive 2030 GHG emissions targets.   
  • Building on the 2018 Workforce Assessment and to further examine the workforce required to complete the first 1,600 megawatts of Massachusetts offshore wind (the Vineyard Wind and Mayflower Wind projects), MassCEC commissioned the 2021 Offshore Wind Workforce Training & Development in Massachusetts Report, developed by BW Research Partnership, which provides a deeper examination of capabilities and opportunities in the offshore wind workforce.   
  • In July of 2021, MassCEC announced awards to eight organizations under the Access to Opportunity in the Offshore Wind Workforce solicitation, which focused exclusively on building a more equitable offshore wind workforce from the ground up and increasing awareness of potential job opportunities. To inform the funding opportunity, MassCEC engaged with critical groups and sought stakeholder feedback on how to effectively support programs that aim to increase the participation of underrepresented populations and/or target communities in the developing offshore wind workforce and reduce barriers for individuals interested in pursuing offshore wind job opportunities.   
Specific funding opportunities for businesses in 2022 include the following:
  • Workforce Equity Training Programs planning grants. This opportunity provides $50,000 Planning Grants for partnerships of organizations serving environmental justice neighborhoods to develop a workforce training plans aimed at training residents for priority occupations and working with employers to hire or apprentice trainees. 
  • Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) Support. This Program was authorized for $4.5 million, and will provide grants between $250,000 and $1 million for organizations to support Massachusetts-based MWBE companies in their entry, creation, and expansion into fields that are critical to meeting the 
The 2022-2024 Three Year Plan includes specific equity-related workforce, including the following:
  • Through the Clean Energy Pathways Program (a program designed to increase opportunities in the clean energy workforce for individuals historically underrepresented in the industry), over the three years, at least 120 people will complete training and be placed in clean energy industry positions. Of the goal of 120 people, the goal is that at least 90 people are Women, Black, Indigenous, or People of Color, fluent in language(s) other than English, and/or from EJ block groups at time of enrollment.     
  • The Plan includes annual tracking and reporting on the number of M/WBEs contracts and spend for contracts that are directly between PAs and vendors that are M/WBEs. 
  •  In 2022, an EM&V study will be completed  to analyze whether substantial disparities exist between the availability and Mass Save utilization of state-certified minority and woman-owned business enterprises (M/WBE) in procurement for lead vendors and subcontractors by the Massachusetts Program Administrators (statewide and individually) related to energy efficiency programs and services. 
  • Program Adminstrators (PA) will hold at least two workshops per year for contractors interested in working in Mass Save to provide education on programs in order to increase ability of new M/WBE vendors to participate; PAs to target advertising for the workshop to likely M/WBE contractors.   
  • At least once per year, the PAs will perform direct targeted outreach to all Massachusetts-certified M/WBEs listed in the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office’s Directory of Certified Businesses with a Description of Services that indicates that they provide services or equipment that are likely eligible for Mass Save contracts, subcontracts, or incentives. A description of the outreach methods and number and types of businesses contacted will be reported annually.   
In addition, a portion of funds from the Merrimack Valley Renewal Fund (jointly administered by DOER and the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General) will be allocated to workforce development to engage local residents in the clean energy economy. Clean energy and energy efficiency programs funded by the Merrimack Valley Renewal Fund will be designed to utilize and develop the local workforce.


Last Reviewed: November 2024

Carbon Pricing PoliciesList All

Massachusetts is a member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program for reducing GHG emissions in North America that began its compliance period in 2009. Capping CO2 emissions from the power sector, the program aims to reduce emissions by 45% below 2005 levels by 2020 and additionally by 30% by 2030.

As of the end of 2017, 84% of Massachusetts’ $452 million of RGGI investment was dedicated to energy efficiency through the statewide Three-Year Energy Efficiency Investment Plans and other state programs managed by the Department of Energy Resources such as the Green Communities Designation and Grant Program. After administrative costs and mandated funding to communities that experienced fossil fuel plant closures are allocated, 80% of remaining proceeds (net funding) are allocated to the statewide Energy Efficiency Investment Plans implemented through the Commonwealth’s investor-owned utilities and Program Administrators under the Mass Save® brand to deliver cost-effective energy savings to Massachusetts residences and businesses. The remaining 20% of net funding has been used for Massachusetts’ Green Communities to implement clean energy projects including energy efficiency improvements in municipal-owned buildings, and more recently Massachusetts has initiated incentive programs for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles through RGGI proceeds.

Massachusetts is also a participant in the Transportation and Climate Initiative’s effort to develop a cap-and-invest program for transportation emissions. This team is engaged in modeling, outreach, and program development efforts and is targeting fall of 2020 for announcement of potential program design.

Most of the state’s efficiency programs track avoided emissions. Some state programs do not track avoided emissions because they apply to overcoming market barriers at various stages of the energy efficiency life-cycle rather than direct savings (e.g. grants for training and market development). Avoided cost of environmental compliance (for RGGI) has been a benefit in the benefit-cost test since codified in D.P.U 08-50A (2009). Beginning in 2019, $68/short ton avoided CO2 costs were added as a benefit by D.P.U.

Per state legislation S.9, Massachusetts does have a statewide emissions reduction goal in place, specifically to reduce emissions 100% by 2050 (baseline year 1990).

Last Reviewed: September 2022

Building Energy Disclosure List All
  • Building type(s) affected: residential

SB 2746 requires the disclosure of information regarding the benefits of home energy audits to buyers of single-family homes or small multi-family homes at the time of closing.

DOER has been piloting a Building Asset Rating (BAR) reporting protocol to serve as a next step for cities that have a disclosure ordinance in place. The BAR pilot has completed assessments of 41 commercial office building and has developed protocols for these building assessments.

Through the Home Energy Labeling Information Exchange (HELIX) DOER is partnering with the Vermont Public Service Department and other Northeast states to make U.S. DOE Home Energy Score (HES) data accessible to local Multiple Listing Services (MLS) and other market interests (e.g., assessors, appraisers, lenders) through a publicly accessible database. The project will support the market valuation of energy efficiency in homes and kicked off in late April 2016. HELIX is supported by a U.S. DOE award of $786,103 (over three years), and by funds provided by DOER, as well as DOER staff time.

In addition, through the Energy Metrics to Promote Residential Energy Scorecards in the States (EMPRESS), the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (RI OER), and the National Association of State Energy Offices (NASEO) will further work to develop common building energy labeling infrastructure by harmonizing the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) used for new homes and the DOE Home Energy Score (HES) used for existing homes. Both HELIX and EMPRESS build from a DOE-funded two year pilot, called Home MPG, completed in 2014. Home MPG was a collaboration between DOER and three investor-owned utilities in which over 3866 homes received home energy performance scores (EPS) through the Mass Save home energy audit program, and 1593 of those homes (41%) received an updated EPS after completing efficiency upgrades.

In 2018, Governor Baker introduced bill number H. 4371 in the Massachusetts Legislature that would require home energy scorecards to be part of an MLS listing. Massachusetts has developed a standardized residential Home energy scorecard, and has voluntary reporting in place through home energy assessments made by 39 of the 40 municipal utilities in the state. HERS ratings of newly constructed homes also now integrate voluntary reporting of both the HERS index and the same MA residential home energy scorecard which are stored in the Home Energy Labeling Information Exchange (HELIX) database and the Green building registry (GBR). This voluntary program allows home owners and realtors to leverage this data since HELIX and GBR can make it accessible to local Multiple Listing Services (MLS) and other market interests (e.g., assessors, appraisers, lenders). 

Last Reviewed: May 2022

Public Building Requirements List All

Massachusetts has several high-performance building requirements to help increase the energy efficiency of state government facilities and reduce and eliminate the use of fossil fuels for building thermal demand.  

Building on the success of a preceding order, Leading by Example Executive Order 594 (EO 594), signed in April 2021, sets goals and requirements to continue improving energy performance, help to demonstrate new technologies and strategies necessary to meet the Commonwealth’s energy goals, and quicken the shift to electric heating in state buildings. The result has been a significant shift toward a holistic approach to both new construction and existing buildings that prioritizes efficiency, fuel decarbonization, and expansion of on-site renewables.  

EO 594 set targets to reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) from on-site fossil fuels used at state facilities by 20% by fiscal year 2025, 35% by 2030, 60% by 2040 and 95% by 2050, from a fiscal year 2004 baseline. To achieve these targets, EO 594 established a series of specific requirements that include:   

  • A reduction in energy use intensity (energy consumption per square foot) of state buildings by 20% in fiscal year 2025 and 25% in 2030 (based on a fiscal year 2004 baseline) 
  • A reduction in fuel oil consumption at state facilities by 90% by fiscal year 2025 and 95% by 2030 from a 2004 baseline 
  • A prioritization of fossil fuel free heating solutions as part of energy projects or building retrofits, wherever possible  
  • Requirement to deploy all electric heating systems for all new construction projects  

To facilitate the transition to decarbonized fuels, the Commonwealth has supported the development of “decarbonization roadmaps” at more than 20 facilities in order to research, analyze, and detail the long-term technical and timing strategies toward fully electrified buildings and campuses. At varying degrees of completion, some of these roadmaps were funded by DOER, some by agencies themselves, and many by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) (see below).  

The result of these ongoing efforts is more than 2 million square feet of larger state facilities conditioned primarily through heat pumps (primarily through more than 700 ground source wells completed or in construction) with several dozen smaller facilities installing mostly air source heat pumps to replace oil and natural gas boilers and furnaces. Efforts to expand and accelerate these programs continue, with a new DOER grant program for existing building decarbonization available now and a future DOER grant program to support larger decarbonization projects under development.  

In early 2023, the Healy-Driscoll administration demonstrated their commitment to emissions reductions by creating the position of Climate Chief, a new cabinet-level position responsible for driving climate policy across every agency and ensuring that climate change is considered in all relevant decision-making. This first in the nation cabinet level climate position has established a climate cabinet that meets regularly to ensure that policies and programs implemented by each agency are aligned with statewide climate policies, directed all state agencies to utilize a newly developed capital planning tool that documents climate impacts of different funding decisions, and a tool to infuse climate considerations into the grantmaking and review processes.  

Since 2013, the DCAMM has overseen the completion of 103 energy projects in almost 39 million square feet of state buildings, almost half the state building portfolio.  These completed projects represent an investment of $349 million, saving the Commonwealth approximately $24million and 926,000 MMBtu annually. The 103 energy projects consisted of 51 large Comprehensive Design-Build or Existing Building Commissioning projects and 52 bundles of small energy projects, completed at 399 sites. Collectively, these projects reduce GHG emissions by about 79,000 metric tons annually.   Efficiency measures include LED lighting retrofits and lighting controls, insulation and weatherization, window replacements, conversions to heat pumps, boiler replacements, heating, ventilation and air conditioning and mechanical upgrades, and more.  Many of these projects include the installation of EV chargers and renewable heating and cooling technologies, including biomass, air and ground source heat pumps, and solar thermal.  DCAMM is focused on fossil fuel free approaches to heating and cooling in all new or substantially renovated facilities.  These projects are using geo-exchange systems, air to water heat pumps, air to air heat pumps, and heat pump domestic hot water heating.  Additionally, DCAMM is setting EUI targets and tracking EUI for all major projects.   

At the center of the Commonwealth’s data-driven approach to reducing carbon emissions, is the award-winning Energy Intelligence program.  The innovative Commonwealth Energy Intelligence (CEI) program, managed by DCAMM, is at the core of the Commonwealth’s decarbonization and consumption reduction planning.  This energy and water information tracking system provides the Commonwealth with unparalleled access to real-time building information and utility bills in an easily accessible platform, formulating the basis for accurate consumption reduction projections and meaningful projects. The Commonwealth and its vendor Veolia (SourceOne), continue to expand the program, adding water metering as well as more buildings to the portfolio.  The expanding system provides facilities and agencies with a better understanding of whole building consumption and operations; allowing benchmarking, EUI tracking, COVID operation trend tracking, equipment right-sizing, and identification of future projects to meet the Commonwealth’s emissions reduction goals.  The Commonwealth is committed to continuing its investment in this beneficial program for the foreseeable future with a goal of including all buildings over 20,000 square feet. 

DOER’s Green Communities Division has also developed and implements MassEnergyInsight (MEI), a free, web-based tool that helps cities and towns make informed, targeted decisions about energy efficiency investments. MEI provides communities and state facilities with customized electricity, natural gas, and oil usage information to allow local officials to understand where their departments and buildings are wasting energy and act to reduce that waste. 

Municipalities will be able to use MEI for their building decarbonization efforts. MEI will include tools and reports to help communities plan for emissions reduction projects in their building portfolios. 

The Green Communities Division will launch the Climate Leader Communities program for municipalities in 2024. The Climate Leader Communities program will help municipalities reduce emissions by electrifying non-electric energy uses and maximizing the efficiency of buildings and transportation.  

Becoming certified as a Climate Leader Community provides access to grant funding to a municipality to support all or a portion of the cost of: studying, designing, constructing and implementing energy efficiency activities including, but not limited to, energy efficiency measures and projects;  procuring energy management services; adopting energy efficiency policies; and, siting activities related to and construction of renewable energy generating facilities on municipally owned property. 

DOER’s Leading by Example (LBE) program utilizes three databases for the benchmarking and tracking of state facilities. Firstly, the LBE database tracks 100% of the roughly 80 million square feet of state-owned facilities across the Commonwealth. Data are retrieved from a variety of sources, including statewide fuel contracts, utility accounts, and an annual energy tracking form distributed to campuses and agencies to facilitate self-reporting. MEI functions as the second database used for tracking and benchmarking of state facilities, providing monthly, site-level utility account data for over 80% of square footage at state facilities. The CEI system functions as the tertiary database, providing multi-commodity interval data for close to 400 buildings across dozens of state sites. 

Starting in 2023, to increase the transparency of these data, the LBE program launched a public Progress Dashboard on the LBE website to be updated annually which provides comprehensive analysis of the state portfolio data for a variety of metrics, including: progress to the Executive Order 594 targets, onsite fossil fuel emissions, fuel consumption, energy use intensity, EV adoption in the state fleet, EV charging deployment at state sites, LEED certified buildings, renewable energy installations at state facilities, sustainable landscaping, LBE grants awarded to support state entities, and equity and environmental justice impacts. 

Massachusetts is also a partner in the DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge (BBC), a voluntary program which sets long range energy reduction targets for a select portfolio of buildings, requires the state to track and report detailed energy use at its facilities annually, and develop and document one or more showcase projects that demonstrate best practices and far-reaching energy strategies.  As of FY22, the participating LBE facilities have reduced overall source EUI by 23%, achieving the BBC goal of a 20% EUI reduction by 2022 from a 2009 baseline. 

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Fleets List All

There are various requirements to increase the efficiency of vehicles owned and operated by state entities.  

The Green Communities Act required state government to purchase hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles in such numbers that 50% of the fleet is hybrid or AFV by 2018.  

In addition, the Green Communities Act also required the development of a fuel efficiency standard (FES) for the state fleet. This standard was developed and approved by DOER and the Operational Services Division in 2016 for the state’s executive branch lighter duty fleet of almost 3,000 vehicles. The standard is currently undergoing substantial revisions that will reflect the more recent prioritization of energy efficiency through fleet electrification and help to operationalize the fleet acquisition requirements set forth in Executive Order 594 (EO 594).  

The Office of Vehicle Management (OVM) released an Electric Vehicle Planning and Acquisition Policy, originally published in 2022 and updated in May 2024, that establishes a vehicle acquisition hierarchy to be followed by Executive Department state agencies (i.e., those under OVM’s purview) when selecting a new vehicle and directs agencies to develop Electric Vehicle Plans by January 31, 2025. The hierarchy requires the acquisition of a fully electric vehicle (i.e., battery electric or fuel cell electric) unless a state fleet can provide an operational or fiscal justification for pursuing a non-fully electric vehicle. The Policy also requires all Executive Department agencies to develop EV Plans by January 31, 2025 to specifically outline how they will acquire zero emission vehicles  to meet the EO 594 2030 target of 20% fleet electrification. 

Designed to streamline vehicle replacement and the adoption of EVs, OVM also developed the Leased Electric Vehicle Inventory (LEVI) Program. In order to overcome supply chain issues and ensure greater electric vehicle availability, OVM, under this Program, maintains a sizeable inventory of new electric vehicles available for lease to Executive Department fleets for immediate deployment. 

Additionally, two statewide contracts were developed to support fleet efficiency efforts. Managed by the Operational Services Division, contracts VEH110 for Light and Medium Duty Vehicles and VEH111 for Heavy Duty Vehicles and On-Road Construction prioritized electrification and efficiency during the contract development and bidder evaluation process in order to provide public entities with greater access to zero-emission and fuel efficient vehicles by ensuring an array of electric, hybrid, and alternative fuel vehicles are available for purchase by any state agency, campus, or municipality. Taking this a step further, VEH110 requires awarded vendors to offer only battery-electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or hybrid models for any sedan, minivan, or SUV listed on the contract.  OSD is working to expand the offerings on statewide contract to encompass a broader range of vehicle types and OEMs.  

In addition, the Advanced Vehicle Technologies statewide contract (VEH102) provides state and municipal entities access to a variety of electric vehicle charging station options and turnkey installation vendors, as well as after-market battery-electric vehicles, and idle reduction technologies.  

To support the fleet electrification requirements, EO 594 also sets an EV charging station requirement such that 350 EV charging station are installed at state owned facilities by fiscal year 2025 and 500 EV charging stations installed by fiscal year 2030. LBE works with agencies and higher education campuses to address opportunities to integrate electric vehicle charging stations at their facilities. In addition, any state solar parking lot canopy project that receives funding from the LBE solar grant program must install at least four EV charging ports as well as provide pre-wiring for future station installations. To support the increasing rate of EV adoption within state fleets and the associated need for EV charging infrastructure, the Commonwealth has allocated $11 million in federal ARPA funding for the deployment of fleet EV charging stations at state sites through programs overseen by DCAMM and LBE. The LBE EV charging grant program builds off the success of a previous LBE EV charging grant that awarded over $1 million in funding to support deployment of 61 charging stations (109 distinct ports) for state fleet use at 20 state sites. 

As of May 2024, there are 413 electric vehicle charging stations (732 distinct ports) at state facilities, surpassing the FY25 EV charging stations target well before the FY2025 target of 350 stations. . Additionally, LBE has developed & published technical documents on the LBE Clean Transportation webpage to support agencies and campuses in their transition to EVs and EVSE, including quick guides on EVs and charging, a procurement roadmap (to help navigate the complex selection, procurement and funding landscape), and an electric vehicle savings calculator to help easily compare the cost and emissions savings of EV options available on statewide contract. 

 Last Reviewed: November 2024

Energy Savings Performance Contracting List All

In 2007, Executive Order 484 was signed, setting aggressive targets for reductions in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, and increases in use of renewable energy across state government operations. It included a provision that directed state agencies to implement ESPCs for all facilities larger than 100,000 square feet. The Department of Administration and Finance houses the ESPC Program under its sub-Department of Capital and Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM). Massachusetts offers some model documents, including a model contract.

Through the DCAMM-DOER Accelerated Energy Program which began in 2012, a total of some $470 million in energy investments will be made for projects across 58 million square feet of state buildings, resulting in a 25% energy reduction and a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions totaling 135,000 metric tons. Municipalities also utilize energy saving performance contracts through the Department of Energy Resources (DOER). The agency provides procurement guidance and oversight, a manual and model procurement documents that regulate the process. Most municipal projects include both school and municipal sites under one ESPC project. Projects include energy and water conservation and efficiency upgrades including nontraditional measures such solar onsite energy generation and street lighting. To date, local governmental bodies have invested in almost $485 million in projects representing over $23 million in annual cost savings.

Additionally, DOER signed onto the DOE Better Buildings Performance Contracting Accelerator, pledging at least $350 million toward energy projects at state and municipal buildings between 2013 and 2016. Under this program to date, 93 state and municipal projects are underway, representing an investment of more than $265 million, or nearly 76% of the full commitment. Of these, 36 are state projects and 57 are municipal projects, estimated to save these entities more than $9 million and $5.8 million in annual energy costs, respectively. In 2016, Massachusetts surpassed its commitment for the ESPC Accelerator and was named one of the Energy Steward Champions by the Energy Services Coalition.

Last Reviewed: July 2020

Research & Development List All

The Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Partnership (MAEEP) supports demonstration of energy efficiency technology and tools to the industrial, commercial, and institutional sectors. The MAEEP program leverages resources from U.S. DOE, the University of Massachusetts and Massachusetts electric utilities.

The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (CEERE) at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst provides technological and economic solutions to environmental problems resulting from energy production, industrial, manufacturing, and commercial activities, and land use practices. The university-based research program is built upon four subgroups of Renewable Energy Resources, Building Energy Efficiency, Industrial Energy Efficiency, and Environmental Technologies with unique abilities to service energy and environmental problems. The Center has 43 faculty and staff and is funded in part through U.S. DOE grants. 

Massachusetts is also leveraging $4.5 million in grants to pilot programs to demonstrate energy-efficient technologies in the building sector.

In 2014, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (CEC) in collaboration with DOER, launched the Mass. as First Customer Program, which aims to help young, innovative clean energy firms develop market and customers at public entities for their products, technologies and services. Working with DOER and DCAMM, the program has held 2 innovative technology vendor fairs, one targeted at all public agencies and one at public colleges and universities. Additionally, the Program is identifying a small subset of companies that have products ready to go to market and will work closely with state partners to identify potential host sites for both pilots and installations.

Massachusetts also supports an extensive system of clean energy R&D and market development centers and incubators, including:  Institute of Energy and Sustainability, North Shore Innoventures, and other entrepreneurship incubators that do not focus on clean energy specifically but do support some energy efficiency businesses. In 2015, DOER worked with UMass again to expand services to residents and businesses through the Clean Energy Extension (CEE) program. The CEE works to reduce market barriers and accelerate the adoption of clean energy for Massachusetts cities and towns, businesses, institutions, farms, low income and multi-unit housing, and others. The CEE's mission is to provide outreach, technical assistance, and research to the market.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Score: 20 out of 24
Buildings Summary List All

The Board of Building Regulations and Standards adopted the 2018 IECC and ASHRAE Standards 90.1-2016, with strengthening amendments. The state stretch energy code remains as a requirement to exceed the baseline state code by approximately 10% for new large commercial construction, or to require a HERS rating of 55 or less or a Passive house certification for new low-rise residential construction. Adoption of the Massachusetts stretch energy code has continued to grow, it is now adopted in 301 towns and cities. Massachusetts has implemented a variety of activities to ensure robust energy code training and compliance.

The state's Next Generation Roadmap for Climate Policy legislation signed in March 2021 also calls for development of an opt-in net-zero stretch code that defines a net-zero building and net-zero building performance standards. 

Last reviewed: July 2021

Residential Codes List All
Massachusetts has a statewide stretch energy code that has now been adopted by 301 of the 351 cities and towns, making it the primary energy code in the state. The residential Stretch Code allows 2 primary pathways, both of which require 3rd party testing and certification:  Meeting HERS 45, or Passivehouse certification. In addition, balanced ventilation with energy or heat recovery is required, as is EV ready wiring and Solar ready roofs.  
For the Base energy code, in place in 50 cities and towns, the Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) has recently adopted  the IECC2021 with MA amendments as part of the 10th edition of the MA state building code. This will be phased in this summer and fully effective Jan 1, 2025. The MA amendments include EV ready and Solar ready requirements.  The effective date of adoption is January 2025. Until that time, there remains the option to permit under the 2020 MA energy code, which adopted the IECC 2018 with MA amendments as part of the 9th edition of the MA state building code. 
Finally, the state's 2021 Climate Policy legislation created an opt-in Specialized net-zero stretch code (Specialized Code) that defines a net-zero building and net-zero building performance standards to align with the state’s GHG limits. The Specialized code adds requirements for  solar and pre-wiring for electrification of any homes using fossil fuels. To date the Specialized Code has been adopted by 44 cities and towns. 
Last reviewed: November 2024
Commercial Code List All
The Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) recently adopted the IECC 2021 with MA amendments as part of the 10th edition of the MA state building code. This becomes available this summer and will be required for new permits beginning in January 2025. Notable strengthening amendments include: adoption of the IECC solar-ready appendix CA, building envelope backstop provisions, requirements for an EV ready parking space at most new commercial buildings, and requiring 15 points in section C406. Massachusetts has a statewide stretch energy code that has now been adopted by 301 of the 351 cities and towns.   
The commercial Stretch Code goes significantly beyond the IECC and ASHRAE model codes in envelope performance. It requires full thermal bridge derating for all code pathways, and requires meeting thermal energy demand intensity (TEDI) limits or Passivehouse certification for multi-family buildings, schools, and office buildings. The ASHRAE 90.1-2019 code is permitted for high ventilation buildings such as labs and hospitals. In addition, the Stretch Code adds requirements on heat recovery ventilation, an updated envelope backstop and solar ready and EV ready wiring requirements.
Finally, the state's 2021 Climate Policy legislation created an opt-in Specialized net-zero stretch code (Specialized Code) that defines a net-zero building and net-zero building performance standards to align with the state’s GHG limits. To date the Specialized Code has been adopted by 43 cities and towns. The Specialized Code commercial requirements are additive to the updated stretch code and similar to the residential specialized code, they include solar and electric pre-wiring requirements for new buildings using fossil fuels, as well as  adoption of passivehouse standards for multi-family new construction. 
Last reviewed: November 2024
Compliance List All
  • Baseline & Updated Compliance Studies: The most recent energy code baseline study for residential covering 2019 new construction was published in April 2020. The report can be found here. The most recent commercial code compliance study was completed in 2016. The MA compliance study for residential used the MA-REC methodology, an alternative, more energy performance-based method for assessing energy code compliance than the PNNL checklist based protocol. The MA compliance study for commercial used both the DOE PNNL protocol (based on a checklist approach) and an alternative methodology, but it is more closely tied to the PNNL protocol. In statewide studies, results are reported for both the PNNL methodology (for comparison with other states) and the MA-REC methodology – which is used for tracking energy and greenhouse gas savings. 
  • The statewide Residential combined base code and stretch code compliance rate estimated in the 2020 study is 96%. The following is an excerpt from the study executive summary:

    Including program homes, the average overall code compliance for base code towns has increased from 86% to 94% since 2015. Despite the increase in stretch code stringency, the average for stretch code towns stayed relatively constant at 96% in 2015 and 98%in 2019.This reflects the limited changes in base code since 2015 and the larger changes in stretch code. The increase in code compliance is largely due to the increase in program penetration. Program homes have higher compliance rates than do non-program homes across all measures. Overall compliance also increased due to increased stretch code adoption since 2015.Stretch code towns have slightly higher average compliance rates than do base code towns. Non-program has remained constant since 2015 at 88% despite an increase in code stringency.

    The residential study methodology essentially uses the performance path using HERS ratings to assess compliance. 

  • Utility Involvement: The recently approved three-year energy efficiency plans for investor-owned utilities in Massachusetts have formalized utility sponsored programs that support both building energy code compliance and development through the Code Compliance Support Initiative and the Energy Code Technical Support Initiative.
  • Stakeholder Advisory Group: Utility program administrators, Code Compliance program vendors, DOER,  and consultants to the MA Energy Efficiency Advisory Council meet as needed. 
  • Training/Outreach: The Mass Save Energy Code Technical Support Initiative provides Massachusetts code officials, design professionals, builders, subcontractors, material and equipment suppliers and others, with valuable building energy code compliance training, technical support, and documentation tools. Local building cCode officials are required by the state to maintain continuing education hours including some specifically in the energy codes. In addition, DOER is working with ICC to publish an integrated code book containing the MA amended IECC2018, ASHRAE90.1-2016 and the stretch energy code amendments, which will be freely distributed to MA code officials and available from ICC for purchase by the design and construction community.

Last reviewed: November 2024

CHP Summary List All

The state has a variety of policies to encourage CHP deployment, including an incentive program, inclusion of CHP as an eligible resource within the state's EERS, and an interconnection standard that applies to CHP. Five new CHP installations came online in 2018.

Interconnection StandardsList All

Policy: Massachusetts Distributed Generation Interconnection Rules

Description: Massachusetts’ investor-owned utilities use an established interconnection process for all distributed generation, including CHP. There are three tiers of interconnection, corresponding with increased system scrutiny and fees. There is no set limit on system size, but a more extensive system impact study may be required on systems larger than 1MW, and is definitely required for systems larger than 5MW.

Last Reviewed: July 2019

Encouraging CHP as a ResourceList All

CHP in energy efficiency standards: Massachusetts passed an Energy Efficiency First Fuel Requirement bill that requires electric and gas utilities to prioritize cost-effective energy efficiency and demand reduction resources over supply resources. Demand side resources include "energy efficiency, load management, demand response and generation that is located behind a customer's meter including a CHP system with an annual efficiency of 60% or greater with the goal of 80% annual efficiency for CHP systems by 2020."

Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources has also established an Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS). The APS sets targets for sales of “alternative” energy to retail customers by electricity suppliers. For the purposes of the APS, CHP is specifically included as an “alternative generation unit.”

Last Revised: July 2019

Deployment IncentivesList All

Incentives, grants, or financing: Through the Mass Save CHP Program, CHP system owners have access to three tiers of incentives – basic, moderate, and advanced – and each tier provides a greater reward to systems that are sized and designed to achieve ideal performance and cost-effectiveness. Incentives range from $750/kW to $1,200/kW and cannot exceed 50% of total project costs.

Net metering: In Massachusetts net metering was originally authorized for renewable-energy systems and combined-heat-and-power (CHP) facilities with a generating capacity up to 30 kilowatts (kW) by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) in 1982. In 1997, the maximum individual system capacity was raised to 60 kW and customers were permitted to carry any net excess generation to the next bill. In July 2008, net metering was significantly expanded by S.B. 2768 and the DPU adopted rules implementing the law in June 2009Net metering was significantly expanded as part of the Green Communities Act of 2008 and was further modified in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016. Current net metering caps are set at 7% of historical peak load for private facilities and 8% of historical peak load for public facilities.

The DPU adopted amended net-metering rules in July 2009. In August 2009, the DPU issued its model net metering tariff so that customers in Massachusetts are subject to the same net metering tariffs regardless of utility. The state's investor-owned utilities must offer net metering. Municipal utilities are not obligated to offer net metering, but they may do so voluntarily. The aggregate capacity of net metering is limited to 1% of each utility’s peak load.

CHP systems under 60 kW are eligible as "Class I" systems for net metering in Massachusetts. CHP systems using anaerobic digester gas as fuel or that are classified as an agricultural net metering facility can be up to 2 MW. if serving a non-public customer(s) or 10 MW if serving a public customer(s).

Last Revised: July 2019

Additional Supportive PoliciesList All

Some additional supportive policies exist to encourage CHP in Massachusetts. Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA), which defines the state’s environmental review process for large building projects requires a detailed analysis and evaluation of the feasibility of CHP.

CHP is also being supported through the state's $40 million Resiliency Initiative. For example, grants have covered the cost of adding black start and island mode capability to major CHP systems located at critical public facilities.

Last Revised: July 2019

Score: 20.5 out of 29
Utilities Summary List All

Massachusetts is a leading state with a long, successful record of implementing energy efficiency programs for all customer sectors. The state created an aggressive funding mechanism and required electric utilities to provide energy efficiency programs during its restructuring of the industry in 1997. The natural gas utilities in the state have offered energy efficiency programs to customers since the late 1980s.

In 2008, the governor signed Chapter 169 of the Acts of 2008, An Act Relative to Green Communities. The new law altered the approval process and timeline for electric and natural gas utility energy efficiency plans and required the utilities to file the plans every three years. The law required the state’s regulatory authority, the Department of Public Utilities, to ensure that energy efficiency programs “are delivered in a cost-effective manner capturing all available efficiency opportunities, minimizing administrative costs to the fullest extent practicable, and utilizing competitive procurement processes to the fullest extent practicable.” In addition, the law directed the DPU to appoint and convene an Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC), whose members play a key role in designing, approving, and monitoring the energy efficiency programs of Massachusetts' investor-owned utilities. The EEAC’s primary mandate is achieving the goals outlined in the Green Communities Act and developing a long-term vision, including recommendations concerning studies and research to achieve the goals of acquiring all cost-effective efficiency that is less than the cost of generation, and maximizing economic and environmental benefits that can be realized through increased energy efficiency.

Ten years after the Green Communities Act was signed, the governor signed Chapter 227 of the Acts of 2018, An Act to Advance Clean Energy.  This law positioned Massachusetts's energy efficiency programs to address current challenges related to climate and technology changes by decreasing dependence on fossil fuels and actively managing energy loads in real-time.

Legislation enacted in 2021 went further to strengthen the state’s climate goals. S.9, An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy, adopted a new 2050 net-zero emissions target, with incremental five-year targets and subsector performance goals. The law also realigns efficiency with decarbonization targets, establishing specific GHG savings goals for Mass Save efficiency programs, which has resulted in a stronger emphasis on electrification measures and building retrofits.

Massachusetts has decoupling in place for all of its gas and electric utilities. Shareholder incentives are in place for electric and gas utilities. The shareholder incentive provides performance incentives for IOUs to earn a return (depending on PA performance against planned metrics) on the 3-year plan spending for meeting program goals.

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found in the State Spending and Savings Tables.

Last reviewed: April 2022

Customer Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Massachusetts has a restructured utility industry with competitive generation and retail markets. The distribution companies remain regulated and are required to offer energy efficiency and other demand-side management programs (including active demand management and electrification for greenhouse gas reductions). The law governing these programs is Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 25 §19. The distribution utilities administer their own energy efficiency programs with collaborative input and oversight from the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, a stakeholder body chaired by the state Department of Energy Resources (DOER). The Department of Public Utilities has regulatory responsibility.

All investor-owned gas and electric utilities and energy efficiency program administrators have partnered together to sponsor the Mass Save® program. Administrators work with the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources to provide a wide range of services, incentives, trainings, and information promoting energy efficiency. A variety of electric and gas efficiency programs are also offered directly through IOUs and municipal utilities. Some municipal utilities also offer energy efficiency programs. Energy efficiency program funds must be allocated to customer classes, including the low-income residential subclass, in proportion to these customers’ contributions to those funds. At least 10% of the funding for electric energy efficiency programs and at least 20% of the funding for gas energy efficiency programs must be spent on low-income residential demand-side management and education programs.

The most recent budgets for energy efficiency programs and electricity and natural gas savings can be found at Detailed information is available at the state Savings and Spending tables at

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency as a Resource List All

The Green Communities Act required that electric and gas utilities make acquiring all cost-effective energy efficiency and demand reduction resources a higher priority than using other resources. The Act created an Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC) that works with utility (and municipal aggregator) program administrators to establish statewide plans for gas and electric utilities for 3 years into the future. Utilities must “provide for the acquisition of all available energy efficiency and demand reduction resources that are cost effective or less expensive than supply” in coordination with the EEAC.

In 2021, section 28 of the Climate Roadmap Act required energy efficiency to be used as a resource toward achieving state wide greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.  Utilities and program administrators prepare plans for the Department of Public Utilities based on annual 3-year budgets and goals recommended by the EEAC. Annual updates are preliminary. This process is open to the public.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Energy Efficiency Resource Standards List All

Summary: Enacted in 2021, An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy, adopted a new statewide 2050 net-zero emissions target, and established specific GHG savings goals for Mass Save efficiency programs. A July 2021 letter issued by the state’s Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary formalized these goals requiring the reduction of 504,000 metric tons of CO2e emissions for electric utilities and 341,000 metric tons of CO2e from natural gas programs for 2022-24.

The 2008 Green Communities Act requires that electric and gas utilities procure all cost-effective energy efficiency before more expensive supply resources, requiring a three-year planning cycle.

In January 2019, the DPU approved the fourth 3-year (2019-2021) electric and gas energy efficiency plans under the Green Communities Act, setting among the most ambitious electricity savings targets in the country, averaging 2.7% of annual sales. The state's natural gas plan targeted savings of  95.9 MMTherms over the 2019 to 2021 plan period (equivalent to 1.2% of sales).

The 2022–24 Mass Save plan was approved in early 2022 and includes a strengthened emphasis on electrification, equity, and workforce development in response to ambitious new goals established in 2021 climate legislation signed by Governor Baker to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The law also realigns efficiency with decarbonization targets, establishing specific GHG savings goals for Mass Save efficiency programs. A July 2021 letter issued by the state’s Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary formalized these goals requiring the reduction of 504,000 metric tons of CO2e emissions for electric utilities and 341,000 metric tons of CO2e from natural gas programs for 2022-24. The goals include a focus on measures that will continue to yield cumulative savings over the next decade.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Utility Business Model List All

Massachusetts has implemented decoupling for all of its gas and electric utilities pursuant to DPU Docket 07-50-A (July 2008). Target revenues are determined on a utility-wide basis, and can be adjusted for inflation or capital spending requirements if necessary. The Massachusetts DPU has approved decoupling plans for all utilities. Each distribution company is required to update a decoupling mechanism with its next filed rate case.

Shareholder incentives are in place for electric and gas utilities. The shareholder incentive provides performance incentives for IOUs to earn a return (depending on PA performance against planned metrics) on the 3-year plan spending for meeting program goals. The incentive is based on a combination of elements including energy savings, benefit-cost analysis, and market transformation results. The shareholder incentive structure was amended by DPU Order 20-150-A to reflect that performance incentives should be in line with energy goals as they evolve with state law. The current performance incentive parameters may be found in the 2022-2024 term sheet.

The enabling statute calls for all cost-effective energy efficiency and demand reduction resources (ch. 25 section 21). DPU 21-120 to 21-129 adds an electrification component to the 2022-2024 EE performance incentive.  It provides an additional incentive for utilities to electrify fossil fuel end uses in weatherized homes.  In addition, the approved plans for 2022-2024 set performance incentives based on lifetime MMBTU savings which combines all end uses and, therefore, provides a stronger incentive to electrify than PI based on lifetime electric and gas savings individually.  Because the statute requires demand reduction resources in the portfolio, they are implicitly incented in the standard PI for their benefits as calculated for the cost-effectiveness test.

Last reviewed: November 2024

Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification List All
  • Primary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: total resource cost  

  • Secondary cost-effectiveness test(s) used: none 

The evaluation of ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs in Massachusetts relies on both legislative mandates (Green Communities Act of 2008) and regulatory orders (DPU 8-50-A). The order follows the legislation. Updates to rules were made in DPU 11-120, a supplement to 08-50. Evaluations are mainly administered by the Energy Efficiency Program Administrators through an Evaluation Management Committee, which includes a representative from each PA. However, the Massachusetts’s Energy Efficiency Advisory Council oversees the evaluations. Statewide evaluations are conducted except for PA-specific pilots. The state maintains an electronic Technical Reference Manual (eTRM) for information on methods, formulas, and default assumptions for estimating energy, peak demand, and other resource impacts from energy efficiency measures. 

According to the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), Massachusetts relies on the Total Resource Cost (TRC) test as its primary test for decision making. Resource and non-resource benefits are determined through the EM&V process to be included in the TRC and approved by the DPU. The rules for benefit-cost tests are stated in the Green Communities Act of 2008 and DPU 8-50-A and were amended by the Act to Advance Clean Energy of 2018. Benefit-cost tests are required at the overall sector levels screening. Massachusetts’ test accounts for avoided costs of compliance with emissions regulations and participant health benefits resulting from installed measures. Massachusetts’ TRC accounts for non-energy costs and benefits associated with asset value, productivity, economic well-being (reduced arrearages, terminations and reconnections), comfort, other fuels (natural gas, oil, propane, wood), and water savings. 

Further information on cost-effectiveness screening practices for Massachusetts is available in the Database of State Efficiency Screening Practices (DSESP), a resource of the National Efficiency Screening Project (NESP). Further information on health and environmental benefits is available in ACEEE’s Overview of State Approaches to Account for Health and Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency.

Last reviewed: July 2019

Guidelines for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs List All

Requirements for State and Utility Support of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

In the late 1990s, the Massachusetts restructuring law established a low-income conservation fund through a 0.25 mills per kWh charge on every electric customer, while a conservation charge on natural gas customers’ bills has funded natural gas low-income energy efficiency programs.

In 2010, the program received additional funding through the 2008 Green Communities Act, which required that 10% of electric utility program funds and 20% of gas program funds be spent on comprehensive low-income energy efficiency and education programs. The legislation further directed that these programs be implemented through the low-income weatherization and fuel assistance program network with the objective of standardizing implementation among all utilities.

In 2020, the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC) created the Equity Working Group (EWG) to identify and recommend priority actions, plans, and partnerships to increase participation among moderate-income customers, renters, and landlords, customers with limited English proficiency, and small businesses as identified in two non-participant studies completed in early 2020. The EWG strives to develop just and equitable solutions that are centered in the communities that have been historically underserved by the existing Mass Save programs.  Throughout 2020, the EWG has engaged with stakeholders representing underserved customer groups to solicit feedback on strategies that the council would recommend for inclusion in the 2022-2024 Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan. In January 2021, the EWG presented its recommendations to the full council.  Recommendations from the EEAC EWG support developing metrics for tracking progress towards equity goals, including tracking program participation, investment, and benefits. The resulting equity targets framework for 2022-2024 is available here.

The 2022-2024 Energy Efficiency Plan includes numerical targets and metrics for measuring success towards goals for improving participation, benefits, and investments among renters, low and moderate-income customers, language-isolated populations, small businesses, and residents/businesses in EJ communities. Reporting with respect to these sectors varies (quarterly, bi-annually, annually.) More details are available at In addition, the Plan requires quarterly savings reporting on measures installed in low-income households. All program reporting for the DPU is posted to

Cost-Effectiveness Rules for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

Massachusetts relies on the TRC test as its primary test for DSM programs, but it specifically calculates additional benefits from low-income programs in its benefit-cost ratio.

D.P.U. 08-50-B specifies that an Energy Efficiency Plan must include calculations of non-energy benefits, including non-resource benefits related to: “(A) reduced costs for operation and maintenance associated with efficient equipment or practices; (B) the value of longer equipment replacement cycles and/or productivity improvements associated with efficient equipment; (C) reduced environmental and safety costs, such as those for changes in a waste stream or disposal of lamp ballasts or ozone-depleting chemicals; and (D) all benefits associated with providing energy efficiency services to Low-Income Customers.”

In addition to the factors used to calculate market-rate benefits,  cost-effectiveness evaluation for the current low-income programs in Massachusetts includes consideration of non-energy benefits such as asthma reductions, thermal stress reductions, productivity improvements due to fewer missed workdays and improved sleep, reduced risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, reduced risk of fire, and reduced reliance on high interest, predatory loans.

Coordination of Ratepayer-Funded Low-Income Programs with WAP Services

Coordination occurs through the Massachusetts Low-Income Energy Affordability Network (LEAN), which was established by the lead agencies of the low-income weatherization and fuel assistance program network. LEAN works to standardize eligibility requirements, procedures, and standards to enable delivery of various programs through CAP agencies throughout the state. The ratepayer funded low-income programs (i.e., the Income Eligible Coordinated Delivery initiative within Mass Save) is administered in coordination with LEAN and implemented by local Community Action Program (“CAP”) Agencies. Revenue streams are leveraged with the Department of Housing and Community Development (“DHCD”) Weatherization Assistance Program (“WAP”) and the Heating Emergency Assistance Retrofit Task Weatherization Assistance program (“HEARTWAP”). This approach provides a seamless, integrated experience leveraging all applicable revenue streams for income eligible participants with no co-payments required from customers.

In 2019, Bay State Gas Company d/b/a Columbia Gas of Massachusetts (“CMA”) provided an enhanced weatherization offering to support the homes and businesses impacted by the September 2018 natural gas explosion incidents in the Greater Lawrence portion of its service territory.  In conjunction with this enhanced offering, the Massachusetts Attorney General provided an additional $500,000 for low income homes.  Specifically, these funds were used to mitigate barriers (e.g. knob and tube wiring) that would otherwise prevent the installation of cost effective weatherization in low income homes.   

Last updated: November 2024

Self Direct and Opt-Out Programs List All

Massachusetts does not have self-direct or opt-out provisions for large customers.

Last reviewed: August 2020

Data AccessList All

Guidelines for Third Party Access

There has been an ongoing process to develop a statewide energy efficiency database that would potentially include customer energy use data, but there is no regulation in place to date.

Requirements for Provision of Energy Data

To date, there is no regulation in place for provision of meter data. The interactive program data tool at, which is administered by the PAs, includes customer energy use data by sector (residential, low income, and C&I) and separately by municipality. only presents estimated annual aggregate sales numbers. Chapter 465 of the Acts of 1980 allows residential energy audit report information to be given to tenants or subsequent purchasers. DOER is in the process of updating the regulation to systematize that process. Although provision of energy use data to customers is not required, 86% of the state's electric customers and 71% of the state's gas customers have access to Green Button data through voluntary utility participation.

In the City of Boston and the City of Cambridge, there are building disclosure ordinances, and those cities have requested that the electric and gas utilities provide multi-tenant building data in aggregated form. There are no statewide requirements.

Energy Use Data Availability

The state does not have a standardized system through which access to individual or aggregated energy use data may be requested except in the cities of Cambridge and Boston.

Last Updated: July 2018

Score: 22.5 out of 26
Transportation Summary List All

The state's comprehensive set of policies includes tailpipe emissions standards, targets to reduce vehicle miles traveled, significant levels of transit funding, a dedicated transit revenue stream, and equitable access to transportation. 

Tailpipe Emission Standards List All

The state adopted California’s Advanced Clean Cars LEV and ZEV regulations in 2012, which require increasing production of plug-in hybrid, battery electric, and fuel-cell vehicles from 2018 to 2025, and most recently adopted California’s Advanced Clean Cars II LEV and ZEV regulations in December 2022, including the revised ZEV program which requires 100% of light duty vehicle sales to be plug-in hybrid or battery electric vehicles in 2035. In December 2021, Massachusetts adopted California’s Advanced Clean Trucks, Phase 2 GHG and Heavy-duty Omnibus vehicle and engine standards, beginning with model year 2025, including requirements for 2035 minimum ZEV sales of trucks in Class 2b-3 of 55%, in Class 4-8 of 75% and in Class 7-8 Tractors of 40%.  

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Transportation System Efficiency List All

Transportation and Land Use Integration: The issuance of Executive Order 385 (“Planning for Smart Growth”) in 1996 led to the creation of a number of smart growth initiatives that targeted concentrated growth and the revitalization of urban centers. However, it wasn’t until 2000, when the state passed the Community Preservation Act, that smart growth planning was solidified in the law and a program was established to support communities’ preservation of open space. Massachusetts subsequently adopted Chapter 40R, the Smart Growth Zoning Law, which provides financial incentives for municipalities to increase density and build affordable housing in areas with good access to transit. The Commonwealth Capital program, initiated in 2005, applies several smart growth criteria to municipalities’ applications for state funding. 

Massachusetts is currently implementing Section 3A of Chapter 40A, “Multi-family zoning as-of-right in MBTA Communities” (more commonly known as the MBTA Communities Act), which was also approved under Chapter 358 of the Acts of 2020. This law requires cities and towns that are MBTA communities or adjacent communities to establish one zone where multifamily housing is permitted by right close to all MBTA bus, commuter rail and subway stops (Source)

VMT Targets: Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2025 and 2030 established transportation sector emissions sub-limits of an 18% reduction in 2025 from the 1990 level and a 34% reduction in 2030 from the 1990 level. The CECP also set targets for Massachusetts to stabilize light duty VMT to 57.9 billion miles in 2025 and 59.1 billion miles in 2030. Given continued population and economic growth achieving this goal will require continued decline in per capita VMT.  

FAST Freight Plans and Goals: The state’s 2023 state freight plan has the following relevant goals, objectives, and strategies:
Support policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, Electrify truck stops, Encourage e-bicycle/cargo bicycle delivery, Improve and preserve freight connections to/from Boston’s waterfront freight facilities MassDOT also measures Fuel-use and GHG-emissions avoided.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Transit Funding List All

Massachusetts has passed legislation to create a dedicated funding stream for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). The MBTA State and Local Contribution Fund is financed by a 1% sales tax implemented in the state (Source)

No. 626: Creating the Governor's Transportation Funding Task Force |    

In January 2024, Governor Healey signed an executive order to create a Transportation Funding Task Force charged with “developing recommendations for a long-term, sustainable transportation finance plan that can support safely and reliably support road, rail and transit systems throughout our state.”  

Last updated: November 2024 

Incentives for High-Efficiency Vehicles List All

The Massachusetts Offers Rebates for EVs (MOR-EV) program offers rebates of up to $3,500 to customers purchasing plug-in EVs. Additional rebates are available for income-qualified drivers and for trading in qualified vehicles. Class 2b pickup trucks and vehicles are eligible for a rebate of $7,500. Vehicle classes 3-8 are eligible for higher incentive amounts under MOR-EV’s truck program. 

Last updated: November 2024 

Equitable Access to TransportationList All

Public transit access

The state considers the proximity of transit facilities when distributing federal and state Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) for the preservation and production of affordable housing. The U.S. Department of Treasury requires that all state LIHTC allocating agencies, including the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC), prepare and publish a Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), which sets the funding priorities, guidelines, and requirements for accessing LIHTC. The current QAP has competitive scoring criteria that includes a development’s proximity to transit.  

Massachusetts also provides financial support to housing projects located near transit facilities through a number of state programs: Commercial Area Transit Node Housing Program, MassWorks TOD Infrastructure and Housing Support Program, and the Housing and Smart Growth Incentives (Chapter 40R). In addition, state-funded technical assistance is available for MBTA Communities that must comply with Section 3A of the Zoning Act.  


Qualified Allocation Plan |  

Equity in transportation electrification

The state provides a $1,500 electric vehicle purchase rebate adder for income qualified purchasers and the MOR-EV used vehicle rebate is also an income qualified only program. See more details about MOR-EV in section 4b.  

MassEVIP’s competitive Direct Current Fast Charging Solicitation included project selection criteria upon which applications were evaluated, including whether the project is located in an area that contains an Environmental Justice area as defined by the state, and whether the applicant, site host or vendor is listed as a certified business with the Commonwealth’s Supplier Diversity Office (  

The MassEVIP Multi-Unit Dwelling and Educational Campus (MUDC) offering has devoted $2.5 million to applicants in dwellings with 5 or more residential units or at least 15 students on-site, including $1.5 million in VW Settlement funds and $1 million from the Massachusetts Climate Mitigation Trust.    

Last updated: November 2024 

Appliance Standards
Score: 3 out of 6
Appliance Standards Summary List All

Policy: M.G.L. Chapter 25B, § 1, et seq., Appliance Efficiency Standards Act

Description: Having originally adopted standards in 1986, Massachusetts was one of the first states to adopt appliance standards after California paved the way in 1974. In 2005, Massachusetts expanded its appliance standards legislation to cover seven products. The federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, however, introduced standards that preempted state standards for five of those products. New products that are considered for state standards are adopted through the Division of Energy Resources (DOER). 

In 2009, Massachusetts developed an application for a waiver of federal standards for gas furnace (and fans) minimum efficiency in order to implement its own, more stringent, standard; it is the only state to have done so. Their waiver application helped spur manufacturer interest in a negotiated federal standard. Federal standards preempted Massachusetts’ standard for furnaces in 2013 and furnace fans will be preempted in 2017. 

The 2018 appliance efficiency bill (H.4737) passed the House unanimously but was cut in Conference Committee on July 30, 2018. 

In 2021, the state adopted appliance standards for 17 products via S.9.

Last Reviewed: November 2024

Score: 6 out of 6
Statewide Strategic Energy Management (I-SEM) Program or Technical Support for Energy Management and/or Audits Within Industrial Facilities List All

The Massachusetts Program Administrators (PAs), under the brand name “Mass Save,” hold formal and informal trainings for the commercial and industrial sector. Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Partnership (MAEEP, is a training program sponsored by Eversource and National Grid through energy efficiency funding and administered by the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at UMass Amherst. About 10-12 sessions are offered each year on various energy efficiency topics.  MAEEP trainings offer CEU credits for participants interested in maintaining their professional certifications (PE, CEM, etc.). 

The PAs encourages workforce development training for industrial customers and vendors by subsidizing Building Operator Certification (BOC), the certification and training program for building maintenance staff and engineers. The PAs also offer many customized trainings for industrial customers focusing on specific measures. These trainings are typically associated with measures that are complex or new in nature and are often performed with the support of product manufacturers with onsite facility managers.  

Last updated: November 2024

An Industrial Decarbonization Target or Clean Heat Standard List All

Massachusetts has an industrial decarbonization target through their climate action plan. The state also has an ongoing initative to establish a Clean Heat Standard program. 

Last updated: November 2024

State-Supported Job Training for Industrial Energy Efficiency List All

MA Program Administrators (PAs) serve on Massachusetts Clean Energy Center’s (MassCEC) Clean Energy and Workforce Development Equity Working Group. This group meets on a quarterly basis. The Working Group informs MassCEC’s workforce development programs, and offers informal workforce development recommendations to MassCEC, including ways to make MassCEC programming align with the Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan’s (“CECP”) 2030/2050 goals and equity objectives in the Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap. The Working Group includes clean energy workforce community and industry stakeholders who offer a broad range of relevant experiences and expertise from the public, private, and non-profit sectors across Massachusetts. 

Last updated: November 2024

Utility or State Energy Programs that Support Electrification of the Industrial Sector List All
The Program Administrators (PAs) offer technical assistance, site surveys, and incentives to support energy efficiency and electrification, helping industrial customers to leverage expertise from specialized industrial vendors. Participating customers are eligible for both custom and prescriptive incentives to electrify the equipment in their facilities. These programs cover all technologies that meet cost-effectiveness criteria. The programs support a broad range of high-efficiency electrification measures (including heat pumps and energy recovery equipment). Measures that rely on electric resistance, such as electric boilers, typically do not meet cost effectiveness criteria, though projects that incorporate a series of measures that meet cost-effectiveness thresholds in aggregate may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Last updated: November 2024