State and Local Policy Database

Salt Lake City

City Scorecard Rank


Salt Lake City, UT

36.50Scored out of 100Updated 10/2020
Community-Wide Initiatives
Score: 4 out of 15 points
Community-Wide Climate Mitigation and Energy GoalsList All

Climate Mitigation Goal

With a joint resolution by the city council and mayor in 2016, Salt Lake City formally adopted a greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal of 80% below 2009 levels by 2040, with an interim reduction goal of 50% below 2009 levels by 2030. Based on ACEEE’s analysis of past years emissions data, ACEEE projects the city will not achieve its near-term community-wide GHG emissions reduction goal.

The resolution also committed the city to conducting greenhouse gas emissions inventories every three year. The city’s releases emissions data to the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Energy Efficiency Goal

We did not find information regarding a community-wide energy reduction goal for the city.

Renewable Energy Goal

The same 2016 joint resolution established a community-wide goal to achieve generating 100% of electricity from renewable sources by 2032 (later modified to 2030).

Last updated: August 2023

Equity-Driven Approaches to Clean Energy Planning, Implementation, and EvaluationList All

Equity-Driven Community Engagement

We were unable to determine whether relevant decision-makers have taken a unique and expanded approach in conducting engagement for multiple clean energy initiatives with marginalized groups compared to engagement with other city constituencies.

Equity-Driven Decision-Making

We were unable to determine if the city has created a formal role for marginalized community residents or local organizations representing those communities to participate in decision-making that affects the creation or implementation of a local energy, sustainability, or climate action plan.

Equity Accountability Measures

We were unable to determine whether the city has adopted specific goals, metrics, or protocols to track how multiple energy, sustainability, or climate action initiatives are affecting local marginalized groups. 

Last updated: August 2023

Clean Distributed Energy ResourcesList All

We could not verify if the city has adopted a formal policy, rule, or agreement that supports the creation of clean distributed energy systems.

Last updated: September 2021

Adaptive Mitigation List All

Heat Island Mitigation Policies and Programs

The city does allow for cottage development zoning within its form based zoning code that encourage the permanent protection of land alongside dense residential development patterns. Salt Lake City has also adopted a private tree protection ordinance.

Resilience Hubs

We were unable to determine if the city has supported the creation of resilience hubs that incorporate clean energy resources and are sited in disadvantaged communities.

Last updated: August 2023

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Workforce DevelopmentList All

Workforce development for disadvantaged workers

We could not determine if city has partnered with a local education institution, labor union, or community-based organization to create, support, and/or incentivize the development of clean energy workforce development initiatives that target training and support services for potential or existing workers from disadvantaged communities to obtain and keep in-demand jobs.

Workforce development for the broader community

We could not determine if city has partnered with a local education institution, labor union, or community-based organization to create, support, and/or incentivize the development of clean energy workforce development initiatives that target training and support services for potential or existing workers from the broader community to obtain and keep in-demand jobs.

Outcomes tracking

We could not determine if the city has instituted a mechanism to measure the performance and/or success of equitable workforce development initiatives focused on the clean energy sector.

Last updated: August 2023

Buildings Policies
Score: 7.5 out of 30 points
Building Energy CodesList All


Utah’s Uniform Building Code (UUBC) for residential and commercial building energy codes is mandatory statewide. The UUBC is based on the 2018 IECC with weakening amendments. While localities may adopt stretch codes, it is a difficult process to do so. Salt Lake City participated in the ICC voting process for the 2018 IECC. To learn more about Utah’s building energy codes, please visit the State Policy Database


Commercial construction in Salt Lake City complies with the Utah Codes. Salt Lake City actively lobbies the state to increase the stringency of building energy codes. The city’s zEPI score for their commercial energy code of 51.75. 


Residential construction in Salt Lake City complies with the Utah Codes. The city’s zEPI score for their residential energy code is 68.2. Salt Lake City actively lobbies the state to increase the stringency of building energy codes. 

Solar-readiness policies

The city has not adopted solar readiness policies or requirements. 

EV-charging readiness policies 

Chapter 21A.44 of the city code includes a provision requiring developers to install an electric vehicle charging station on one out of twenty-five parking spaces. 

Low-energy use requirements

A January 2006 executive order requires municipal buildings be built or renovated to LEED-Gold standards. In accordance with a January 2013 executive order, all new and majorly renovated municipal government buildings over 10,000 square feet are to be evaluated for the potential to meet net-zero energy emissions standards. If feasible and cost-effective, the building will be designed and built to that level of energy efficiency. 

Electrification policies

We could not find information on whether the city has adopted any electrification policies.

Last Update: September 2023

Building Energy Code Compliance and EnforcementList All

We were unable to determine the amount of staff effort dedicated to energy code enforcement. The city requires plan reviews and site inspections as a means of compliance verification. The city does not offer upfront support for energy code compliance.

Last Update: September 2023

Policies Targeting Existing BuildingsList All

Commercial and multifamily benchmarking

Salt Lake City passed the Energy Benchmarking & Transparency ordinance. The ordinance requires commercial buildings 25,000 square feet to comply. 

Energy audit requirements

Salt Lake City requires buildings owners perform one energy-saving action. Per the Energy Benchmarking & Transparency Ordinance, commercial buildings that score 49 or below in ENERGY STAR must undergo energy audits.


Through the Economic Development Loan Fund, the city offers loans to commercial property owners for energy efficiency upgrades and retrofits.

The city provides expedited plan reviews for commercial and residential properties meeting green building standards.

Salt Lake City offers commercial property owners access to property assessed clean energy (C-PACE) financing for energy efficiency and solar installation projects.

Program outcomes

We could not verify if the city collects data on incentive and financing programs to ensure equitable outcomes.

Last Update: September 2023

Score: 11.5 out of 30 points
Sustainable Transportation Planning List All

Sustainable Transportation Plan

The city's Climate Positive Plan was released in 2017 and includes sustainable transportation strategies.

VMT/GHG Targets and Stringency

Salt Lake City does not have a codified VMT or transportation GHG reduction target.

Progress Achieved Toward VMT/GHG Targets

Salt Lake City does not have a codified VMT or transportation GHG reduction target, and therefore cannot make progress toward the target.

Last Updated: September 2023

Location Efficiency List All

Location Efficient Zoning Codes

We were unable to find information indicating that the Salt Lake City has made changes to its zoning code in the past 10 years to facilitate more residential density, mixed-use development, or transit-oriented development.

Parking Requirement

We were unable to find information indicating that the Salt Lake City has at least one zone, neighborhood, or district with a parking maximum of 1 or fewer spaces per housing unit or no minimum parking requirement for residential uses.

Location Efficiency Incentives and Disclosure

Salt Lake City offers expedited review for certain types of developments, including mixed-use developments near transit.

Affordable Housing around Transit

Salt Lake City does not require, preserve, or incentivize the development of affordable housing near transit. 

Last Updated: January 2024

Mode Shift List All

Mode Shift Targets

Salt Lake City does not have a codified mode share target.

Progress Achieved Toward Mode Shift Targets

Salt Lake City does not have a codified mode share target, and therefore cannot make progress toward the target.

Subsidized Access to Efficient Transportation Options

Salt Lake City offers discounted transit passes through the Hive Pass. All residents of Salt Lake City are eligible to receive the pass, and it comes at half the cost of a normal monthly transit pass while providing the same benefits of unlimited transit rides. The pass also includes a one-year membership for GREENbike, a state bikeshare program.

Last Updated: September 2023

Public Transit List All

Transit Funding

The transit entities that serve the City of Salt Lake City have received $306,367,026.00 on average annually between 2017 and 2021 from local sources. That equates to roughly $138.10 per capita between 2017 and 2021 within the service area. 

Access to Transit Services

The AllTransit Performance Score measures a given community's transit access and performance. The score considers connections to other routes, access to jobs, service frequency, and the percent of commuters who ride transit to work. Salt Lake City's AllTransit Performance Score is 8.4, scoring 3 points in the City Scorecard.

Last Updated: September 2023

Efficient VehiclesList All

Efficient Vehicle Purchase Incentives

Neither Salt Lake City nor the local utility provide incentives for purchasing efficient vehicles.

Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Incentives

Rocky Mountain Power, a utility serving Salt Lake City, offers rebates of up to $200 on the cost and installation of level 2 EV chargers for single-family homes. The utility also offers rebates of $1,000 per charger on single-port level 2 chargers, and $1,500 per charger on multi-port level 2 chargers for commercial and multifamily properties.

Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Requirements

Salt Lake City requires all new multifamily buildings to include at least 1 EV charger per 25 parking spaces.

EV Charging Ports

Salt Lake City has 169.6 vehicle charging ports per 100,000 people available for public use.

Electric School Bus Goal

Salt Lake City School District (SLCSD) set a goal of transitioning 100% of its bus fleet to electric by 2040. SLCSD plans to prioritize routes serving neighborhoods with poorer air quality as it transitions to electric buses.

Electric Transit Bus Goal

Utah Transit Authority (UTA), the primary transit agency serving Salt Lake City, set a goal of transitioning 40% of its bus fleet to electric by 2040.

Last Updated: September 2023

Freight System EfficiencyList All

Sustainable Freight Plans

Salt Lake City does not have a sustainable freight plan or freight mobility plan in place, nor is it pursuing any freight efficiency strategies.

Open Data Portals

Salt Lake City does not have an open data portal with real-time freight data.

Last Updated: September 2023

Community Energy Infrastructure
Score: 9.5 out of 15 points
Community Energy Infrastructure Summary List All

Rocky Mountain Power, an investor-owned utility (IOU) and a subsidiary of PacifiCorp, is the primary electric utility serving Salt Lake City. Dominion Energy Utah, an IOU, is Salt Lake City’s primary natural gas supplier. The State of Utah requires utilities to biennially file integrated resource plans to include demand-side resources and associated programs.  To learn more about the state requirements for electric and gas efficiency, please visit the Utah page of the State Database.

The Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities is the municipal utility that provides drinking water, wastewater treatment, and stormwater management services to Salt Lake City.

Last Updated: September 2023

Electricity and Natural Gas Efficiency SavingsList All

In 2021, Rocky Mountain Power reported 347,024 MWh in net electric incremental savings. In 2021, Rocky Mountain Power spent $62,067,389 on energy efficiency programs. 

In 2021, Dominion Energy Utah either did not spend or did not report spending or savings on natural gas efficiency programs. These savings and spending figures cover the entire jurisdiction of both utilities, not just Salt Lake City. 

Rocky Mountain Power offers electric efficiency incentives and technical assistance to residential and commercial/industrial customers. Dominion Energy similarly offers natural gas efficiency tips and resources to residential and incentives to business customers. 

Rocky Mountain Power has a strong and successful relationship with Salt Lake City. Much focus has recently been placed on benchmarking within the city to educate customers and seek energy efficiency as a direct educational result. Rocky Mountain Power launched a free service for all customers called Resource Advisor that will automatically transfer all energy usage in Energy Star Portfolio Manager for customers. The City of Salt Lake was a key stakeholder in this effort and subsequently gave the utility an award for their efforts. In addition Rocky Mountain Power is a key partner in the Mayor's Project Skyline Challenge and Elevate Buildings initiatives. The utility is also assisting the city in drafting energy efficiency policy initiatives. In 2018, Rocky Mountain Power formally consolidated, focused, and expanded its energy efficiency engagements with Salt Lake City, Park City, Summit County, and Moab City by launching the Wattsmart Communities Offering.  

The 2019 Salt Lake City Corporation and Dominion Energy Utah Joint Cooperation Statement outlines specific guidelines for energy efficiency, energy benchmarking and data access, and innovative energy technologies that the City and Dominion Energy agree to collaborate toward. 

Last Updated: September 2023 

Low-Income & Multifamily EE Programs List All

Low-Income Programs 

Rocky Mountain Power offers weatherization services to income-qualified homeowners and renters living in single-family homes, mobile homes, or apartments. The utility works with local agencies to provide a variety of no-cost energy-efficient measures including insulation, air sealing, installation of showerheads, water efficiency measures, health and safety measures, and lighting fixtures. The program targets the elderly and disabled, and households with children. It is administered through the Utah Housing and Community Development Division, in partnership with the Utah Department of Workforce Services, Housing and Community Development Division and also partners with local agencies that receive federal Weatherization Assistance Program funding. 

Rocky Mountain Power also offers a custom multi-family program that aims for 50% of its participants to be low-income units. This program targets low-income markets by enticing multi-family property owners to implement comprehensive energy efficiency retrofits and access incentives and rebates. Rocky Mountain Power provides incentives for this program for appliances, building shell, HVAC systems, lighting, weatherization, and water heating.  

In 2021, according to Rocky Mountain Power, it achieved 4,814 MWh in energy savings while spending $1,713,822 on its low-income programs and served 256 low-income customers. 

Dominion Energy provides funds for a Low-Income Energy Efficiency Program, which is administered by the Housing and Community Development (HCD) Division of the Utah Department of Workforce Services. Currently, HCD contracts with seven low-income efficiency program agencies to perform low-income efficiency activities. The Low-Income Efficiency Program provides funds to address natural gas related issues, and high-efficiency natural gas furnaces when needed and correcting problems such as gas leaks, high carbon monoxide levels, inappropriate venting of natural gas appliances and adjustment of natural gas appliances. Nonprofit or governmental organizations may apply for rebates under ThermWise Appliance and Weatherization programs for qualifying measures. 

Dominion Energy’s energy savings, spending values and number of customers served by their program by their 2019 low-income programs were not available. 

The Salt Lake City Department of Sustainability offers the Empower SLC program, which is a community-based energy efficiency outreach initiative aimed at driving energy efficiency resources to areas of Salt Lake City’s 84104 and 84116 zip codes, identified as currently under-served by city and local utility energy efficiency resources. Empower SLC addresses challenges such as up-front cost, limited incentive promotion or linguistic barriers that make it hard for some households to implement energy efficiency upgrades. The program is funded with a $200,000 investment from Salt Lake City’s Sustainability Department and implemented by the non-profit Utah Clean Energy. Efforts include leveraging existing local utility programs, establishment of permanent LED “light swap” locations in which residents may bring in up to 15 inefficient light bulbs to exchange for efficient LED replacements, as well as energy efficiency outreach efforts spearheaded by the program’s Energy Ambassadors, who incorporate utility energy efficiency tools and education into their existing community programs. Accomplishments in the first year of Empower SLC include a Spanish language energy efficiency workshop for small businesses presented by local utilities Dominion Energy and Rocky Mountain Power. 

Multifamily Programs 

Rocky Mountain Power offers a multifamily program, which targets multi-family property owners to implement comprehensive energy efficiency retrofits and access incentives and rebates. The program targets 50% of participation on low-income units. Incentives are offered for appliances, building shell, HVAC systems, lighting, weatherization, and water heating. 

In 2019, Rock Mountain Power achieved 4517.266 MWh in energy savings, while spending $4,021,803 on its multifamily programs. The number of customers served by their program in 2021 was not available. 

Dominion Energy offers the Thermwise Weatherization Program for Multifamily Properties. Builders can receive a rebate check for building multifamily residences which meet program requirements. To receive a rebate, builders must submit a completed application form, and all required supporting documentation within six months of the initiation of gas service. The ThermWise Builder Rebates Table provides applicable measures, qualifications and rebate amounts. We were unable to confirm energy savings and customers served in 2021. 

Last Updated: September 2023 

Provision of Energy Data by UtilitiesList All

Both Rocky Mountain Power and Dominion Energy provide free automated energy benchmarking services for their commercial customers. Rocky Mountain Power’s Resource Advisor and Dominion Energy’s Business Benchmarking automatically uploads monthly energy data into participating customer’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager accounts. Salt Lake City provides community wide energy usage information for planning and evaluation purposes through the Carbon Disclosure Project. The utility provides Salt Lake City with community-wide energy usage information at the aggregate level on an annual basis.  

Rocky Mountain Power and Dominion Energy signed on with Salt Lake City to partner on the Department of Energy's Better Buildings Initiative Energy Data Accelerator agreement. 

Last Updated: September 2023  

Decarbonization and Climate Change Mitigation Efforts of Cities and Energy UtilitiesList All

Utility Climate Mitigation Goal  

In 2019, PacifiCorp, the parent company of Rocky Mountain Power, set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 60% by 2030 and 90% by 2050 from 2005 levels. To achieve this goal, PacifiCorp will need to reduce emissions by 5.7% annually from 2021 levels. 

City-Led Efforts to Decarbonize the Electric Grid 

Salt Lake City was an official signatory on the Net Metering settlement with the Public Service Commission. Salt Lake City is formally collaborating with electric utility through the existing Statement of Cooperation and joint plans to deliver 100% renewable electricity to all customers within city limits by 2032. The city collaborated with other Utah communities and the utility to develop the Community Renewable Energy Act (HB411), which authorizes Rocky Mountain Power to provide 100% renewable electricity to Salt Lake City and participating communities by 2030. The Act was passed in the Utah legislature in 2019. 

Clean Distributed Energy Resources 

We could not verify if the city has adopted a formal policy, rule, or agreement that supports the creation of clean distributed energy systems. 

Municipal Renewable Energy Procurement 

Salt Lake City has installed 3MW of solar generation capacity on city facilities.  

City Renewable Energy Incentive and Financing Programs 

The city provides expedited plan reviews for commercial and residential properties meeting green building standards. 

Salt Lake City offers commercial property owners access to property assessed clean energy (C-PACE) financing for energy efficiency and solar installation projects. 

Last Updated: September 2023 

Efficiency Efforts in Water ServicesList All

Citywide Water Efficiency and Goals 

The energy and water utilities do not currently offer joint energy and water efficiency programs. 

The Department of Public Utilities’ 2014 Water Conservation Plan set a goal to reduce per capita water use 25% from 2000 levels by the year 2025 as measured by gallons per capital daily consumption (GPCD). In order to meet this goal, the water utility outlines a comprehensive list of Conservation Practice Strategies in the 2014 Plan. 

Water Plant Efficiency and Self-Generation 

We could not confirm if the Department of Public Utilities has established a target for energy efficiency through municipal water services operations. Public Utilities, as with every other Department in Salt Lake City Corporation, is accountable to the City’s Climate Positive 2040 Goals, which include the near-term goal of a 50% reduction in GHG emissions by year 2030. Additionally, like all Departments in Salt Lake City Corporation, Public Utilities participates in the comprehensive energy management planning which convenes annually to present updated energy efficiency projects and progress within the respective departments. 

Salt Lake City’s wastewater treatment plant uses biogas captured from the treatment process to generate electricity onsite. 

Last Updated: September 2023  

Local Government Score:
4 out of 10 points
Local Government Climate and Energy Goals List All

Climate Change Mitigation Goal

Salt Lake City set a goal to reduce local government GHG emissions 50% by 2030, using a 2009 baseline. 

Energy Reduction Goal

Salt Lake City set a goal to reduce local government building energy use 20% by 2025, using a 2012 baseline. 

Renewable Energy Goal

Salt Lake City set a goal to use 100% renewable energy to power city operations by 2032. 

Last updated: November 2023

Procurement and Construction Policies List All

Fleet Policies and Composition 

Salt Lake City’s Fleet Procurement Policy states that the city will procure electric and hybrid vehicles when practical. The city also has fuel efficiency requirements and tail pipe emissions reduction plans. Salt Lake City’s fleet is currently composed of 7.4% efficient vehicles, including hybrid and battery electric vehicles.   

Public Lighting

Salt Lake City’s Streetlighting Master Plan incorporates Dark Sky strategies consistent with the International Dark-Sky Association’s Model Lighting Ordinance. Salt Lake City has begun a project to convert all streetlights to LEDs to make them energy efficient and dark sky compliant. As of 2018, the city had converted 60% of streetlights; we were unable to confirm the current percentage converted.  

Inclusive procurement 

We were unable to verify if Salt Lake City has inclusive procurement and contracting processes. 

Last updated: October 2023

Asset Management List All

Building Benchmarking

Salt Lake City currently benchmarks 100% of all of its Tier 1-3 facilities, which the City defines as greater than 3,000 square feet.

Comprehensive Retrofit Strategy

This City’s Energy Management Executive Order requires the establishment of an energy audit program to prioritize energy-saving projects as well as a strategic plan for retrocommissioning at least every ten years in addition to continuous re-tuning.

Municipal Employee Transportation Benefits

We were unable to determine whether Salt Lake City provides reduced-emission transportation benefits to municipal staff.

Last update: February 2024