State and Local Policy Database

Community-Wide Summary

Community-wide initiatives are cross-cutting programs that engage community members and private sector businesses in achieving the city’s energy efficiency priorities. Energy efficiency can help to address a variety of community priorities, including economic development, energy security, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Many cities have initiatives that act as umbrellas for a wide array of programs that address energy use in buildings, neighborhoods, transportation systems, and other infrastructure throughout the city.

Akron adopted the Greenprint in 2013.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Albuquerque has not adopted a sustainability or climate action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not verify if Allentown has adopted a climate, clean energy, or sustainability plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy leads the county’s implementation of its community-wide energy efficiency initiatives. The county has adopted and mainstreamed community-wide energy-related and greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. Additionally, Arlington County has ordinances that addess stormwater management and tree protection. 

Last Updated: May 2017

The City of Atlanta adopted its Climate Action Plan in 2015.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not verify if Augusta has adopted a climate, clean energy, or sustainability plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Aurora passed its Sustainability Plan in 2009. 

Last updated: September 2021

The City Council formally adopted the 2015 Austin Community Climate Plan (ACCP) to guide the city towards carbon neutrality. Austin is also in the process of creating the Climate Equity Plan

Last updated: September 2021

We could not find information on whether the city has adopted a sustainability or climate action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Baltimore recently adopted the 2019 Baltimore Sustainability Plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The Baton Rouge 2018 Comprehensive Plan includes a general intention to improve energy efficiency and increase renewable energy generation but does not include specific goals.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not find information on whether the city has adopted a sustainability or climate action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Boise released the Boise’s Energy Future plan in 2019 and the Climate Action Roadmap in 2021. 

Last updated: November 2021

The City of Boston established several energy efficiency and renewable energy strategies as part of its Greenovate Boston plan. The city most recently updated the plan in 2014. The city also recently updated its climate mitigation goals as part of its Imagine Boston 2030 citywide plan.

Last updated: September 2021

Boulder is currently developing a Climate Commitment report that details goals for reducing greenhoues gas emissions from various sectors. 

Last updated: October 2015

The City of Bridgeport adopted its Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan in 2010 to guide its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Buffalo’s Energy Master Plan outlines four key action areas that will transition the city into a more efficient energy future.

Last updated: September 2021

Burlington’s Sustainability Program leads the city’s implementation of its community-wide energy efficiency initiatives.  The city has incorporated energy-related goals into their comprehensive plan and has some urban heat island programs.

Last updated: October 2015

We could not verify if Cape Coral has adopted a climate, clean energy, or sustainability plan.

Last updated: September 2021

Carrboro has few community-wide initiatives related to energy efficiency, but the city has taken steps to mitigate urban heat islands.  

Last updated: April 2014

The City of Charleston adopted the Climate Action Plan in 2021.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Charlotte passed the Strategic Energy Master Plan in 2018.

Last updated: September 2021

Charlottesville’s Environmental Sustainability Division within the Department of Public Works leads the city’s implementation of its community-wide energy efficiency initiatives.  The city has enacted some performance management strategies and adopted significant urban heat island strategies.  

Last updated: October 2015 

The City of Chicago adopted its Climate Action Plan in 2008.

Last updated: September 2021

Chula Vista’s 2017 Climate Action Plan identifies pathways for the city to achieve a low-carbon future.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Cincinnati recently adopted the 2018 Green Cincinnati Plan.  

Last updated: September 2021

Cleveland has adopted a Climate Action Plan. The city updated its plan in 2018.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Colorado Springs adopted the PlanCOS plan, which includes general intentions to achieve clean energy objectives. The city’s municipal utility, Colorado Springs Utilities, has developed the Energy Vision plan to advance clean energy efforts.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Columbia adopted the Climate Protection Action Plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Columbus formally adopted The Columbus Green Community Plan and most recently updated the plan with the Green Memo III.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Dallas adopted the Comprehensive Environmental & Climate Action Plan which establishes community-wide carbon neutrality goal by 2050.

Last updated: September 2021

Dayton adopted the Strategy for a Sustainable Dayton plan in 2020. 

Last updated: September 2021

Denver’s 80x50 Climate Action Plan sets sustainability goals for the city.

The Office of Sustainability hosts an annual Sustainable Denver Summit where it asks the community to take ownership of the 2020 Sustainability Goals by making Commitments to Action or creating and joining an Action Team. Thus far, the community and city have made 175 commitments (51 in energy) and created 54 action teams (16 in energy). Sixty-seven percent of the 2015 commitments are completed or are on track.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Des Moines’s Strategic Plan includes general climate and clean energy objectives.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Detroit released the Sustainable Action Agenda in 2019. 

Last updated: September 2021

Dubuque’s community engagement related to energy efficiency occurs primarily through the Sustainable Dubuque Initiative.  The city has adopted an energy-related goal and has significant combined heat and power capacity.

Last updated: October 2013

The city adopted a resilience strategy, Resilient El Paso, and included several elements of the strategy into its 2025 strategic plan. El Paso has also signed on to the 100 Resilient Cities initiative.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Fort Worth has not formally adopted a sustainability or climate action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Fresno adopted the Fresno Green Plan in 2016.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Grand Rapids adopted a Sustainability Plan for fiscal years 2017 to 2021.  

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Greensboro developed the 2011 Sustainability Action Plan but the plan was never formally adopted by the city.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Hartford adopted the Climate Action Plan in 2018.

In 2012, the Hartford City Council, in partnership with neighborhood associations and the Advisory Council on the Environment, organized a regional energy summit for local and surrounding communities, the Hartford Environmental Summit. During the summit, the city discussed steps communities can take to transform into sustainable communities. Otherwise, Hartford has few community-wide initiatives related to energy efficiency, but does pursue strategies that reduce the urban heat island effect.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not find information on whether the City of Henderson has adopted a sustainability or climate action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The city adopted the 2020-2025 Climate Action Plan in 2021.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Houston recently released its first Climate Action Plan, which provides a roadmap for the city to achieve carbon neutrality.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Indianapolis released Thrive Indianapolis, the city’s first sustainability and resilience action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not find information on whether the City of Jacksonville has adopted a sustainability or climate action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

Kansas City formally adopted its Climate Protection Plan in 2008.

Kansas City’s Office of Environmental Quality leads the city’s implementation of its community-wide energy efficiency initiatives.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Knoxville developed the Energy and Sustainability Work Plan to guide its community-wide sustainability initiatives.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not verify if Lakeland has adopted a climate, clean energy, or sustainability plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Las Vegas adopted its 2050 Master Plan in 2021.

Last updated: September 2021

Lawrence has few community-wide initiatives related to energy efficiency.  The city has identified energy-related goals in a climate action plan and implemented some performance management strategies.  

Last updated: October 2013

The City of Little Rock is currently developing the 2025 Sustainability Roadmap.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Long Beach is currently in the process of developing its first Climate Action and Adaption Plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Los Angeles formally adopted LA's Green New Deal Sustainable City pLAn in 2019.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Louisville developed the Sustain Louisville plan to guide the city’s sustainability initiatives.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Madison released the Madison Sustainability Plan in 2011 and the 100% Renewable Madison report in 2018.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not find information on whether the City of McAllen has adopted a sustainability or climate action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

Memphis and Shelby County released the Climate Action Plan in 2019. The joint Memphis-Shelby County Office of Sustainability releases annual reports on progress towards broadly defined energy and climate goals in the Sustainable Shelby Plan. The City Council adopted the plan in 2021.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not find information on whether the City of Mesa has adopted a sustainability or climate action plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Miami formally adopted MiPlan, the city’s climate action plan, by resolution in September 2008.

Last updated: September  2021

The City of Milwaukee released the ReFresh Milwaukee Sustainability Plan in 2013.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Minneapolis adopted its Climate Action Plan in 2013 to serve as a roadmap for lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Last updated: September 2021

Montgomery County released its Climate Protection Plan in 2009. The county is currently in the process of updating the plan.

Last updated: December 2019

The City of Nashville released the Livable Nashville Recommendations to guide sustainability initiatives.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of New Haven developed the Climate and Sustainability Framework and later adopted its Climate Emergency Resolution to guide the city’s actions against climate change.

Last updated: June 2024

The City of New Orleans released the Climate Action Strategy in 2017.

Last updated: September 2021

New York City adopted OneNYC plan in 2019. New York City previously formally adopted the One City: Built to Last and 80x50 plans.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Newark released its first Sustainability Action Plan in 2013.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Oakland adopted its Energy and Climate Action Plan in 2012, and most recently updated the plan in 2018.

Last updated: September 2021

Oklahoma City’s Office of Sustainability is currently developing the city’s first sustainability plan. The city has engaged stakeholder groups to discuss topics such as energy, water, natural assets, transportation, and resilience. 

Last updated: September 2021

Though the City of Omaha has not adopted a sustainability or climate action plan for the community, Omaha’s 2010 Master Plan states the intention to create a Comprehensive Energy Management Plan for Municipal Operations and Community-wide.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Orlando’s Community Sustainability Action Plan outlines the city’s sustainability agenda.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Oxnard adopted the Energy Action Plan in 2013.

Last updated: September 2021

Park City has few community-wide initiatives related to energy efficiency.  The city has adopted an energy-related goal and implemented some performance management strategies.

Last updated: October 2015

Powering Our Future: A Clean Energy Vision contains the City of Philadelphia’s climate mitigation goals.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Phoenix has formally adopted the 2050 Sustainability Goals.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Pittsburgh formally adopted the Climate Action Plan 3.0 in 2018.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Portland’s 2015 Climate Action Plan includes the city’s sustainability goals.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Providence adopted the Climate Justice Plan in 2019, following up on the Sustainable Providence plan, initially released in 2014 and updated in 2016. The Climate Justice Plan sets sector-specific targets to meet its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and aims to center those most impacted by the climate crisis in the decision-making process.

Last updated: September 2021

Provo released its latest Provo City Sustainability Report in 2019. 

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Raleigh adopted the Community Climate Action Plan in 2021.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Reno released the 2019 Sustainability and Climate Action Plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Richmond adopted the 2012 RVAgreen plan and is currently in the process of developing the RVAgreen 2050 initiative.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Riverside adopted the Riverside Restorative GrowthPrint – Economic Prosperity Action Plan and Climate Action Plan in 2016.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Rochester adopted the Climate Action Plan. The city’s Office of Energy and Sustainability designed the plan and the City Council approved the plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Sacramento is currently developing the 2040 General Plan and Climate Action update. The city also formally adopted the 2035 General Plan in 2015. The Plan establishes sustainability goals and strategies.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Saint Paul adopted the Climate Action & Resilience Plan in 2019. 

Last updated: September 2021

Salt Lake City’s Climate Positive 2040 plan outlines climate action strategies.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of San Antonio adopted the SA Tomorrow Sustainability Plan in 2016. The city published a progress report in 2018.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of San Diego adopted the Climate Action Plan in 2015 and has release annual reports on progress made towards goal established by the plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of San Francisco has adopted the Climate Action Strategy.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of San José formally adopted the Climate Smart San José plan in 2018.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Seattle formally adopted the Seattle Climate Action Plan in 2013.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Springfield adopted the Climate Action and Resilience Plan in 2017.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of St. Louis has formally adopted the Sustainability Plan. The Sustainability Action Agenda updates the plan’s goals.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of St. Petersburg adopted the Integrated Sustainability Action Plan (ISAP) in April 2019.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Stockton adopted the Climate Action Plan in 2014.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Syracuse released the Sustainability Plan in 2012.

Last updated: September 2021 

The City of Tampa does not have a sustainability or climate action plan; however, the city adopted a Green Resolution, releases Annual Sustainability Reports, and published an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Toledo and Lucas County created the joint Toledo-Lucas County Sustainability Commission. The Commission released the Regional Sustainability Plan in 2014.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Tucson adopted the General & Sustainability Plan in 2013.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Tulsa released its Sustainability Plan in 2011.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Virginia Beach released A Community Plan for a Sustainable Future in 2013. The city’s It’s Our Future: A Choice City Comprehensive Plan also contains sustainability goals.

Last updated: September 2021

Washington, D.C. established several climate- and energy-related goals in the Sustainable DC 2.0 plan. 

Last updated: September 2021

We could not verify if Wichita has adopted a climate, clean energy, or sustainability plan.

Last updated: September 2021

We could not verify if Winston-Salem has adopted a climate, clean energy, or sustainability plan.

Last updated: September 2021

The City of Worcester adopted the Green Worcester Plan in 2021. 

Last updated: September 2021