El Paso
City Scorecard Rank
El Paso, TX
Climate Mitigation Goal
The city does not have a community-wide climate mitigation or greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal.
Energy Reduction Goal
We did not find information regarding a community-wide energy reduction goal for the city.
Renewable Energy Goal
We did not find information regarding a community-wide renewable energy goal for the city.
Last updated: September 2021
Equity-Driven Community Engagement
We were unable to determine whether relevant decision-makers have taken a unique and expanded approach in conducting engagement for multiple clean energy initiatives with marginalized groups compared to engagement with other city constituencies.
Equity-Driven Decision-Making
We were unable to determine if the city has created a formal role for marginalized community residents or local organizations representing those communities to participate in decision-making that affects the creation or implementation of a local energy, sustainability, or climate action plan.
Equity Accountability Measures
We were unable to determine whether the city has adopted specific goals, metrics, or protocols to track how multiple energy, sustainability, or climate action initiatives are affecting local marginalized groups.
Last updated: September 2021
The city has not adopted a formal policy, rule, or agreement that supports the creation of clean distributed energy systems.
Last updated: September 2021
UHI Mitigation Goal
We could not verify if the city has adopted a quantifiable urban heat island mitigation goal.
UHI Policies and Programs
The city grants development bonuses for permanent protection of area wetlands as part of its transfer of development rights policy.
Last updated: September 2021
The city previously ran the Resilient Ambassadors volunteer program to increase energy and water efficiency. Volunteers received hands-on training and experience retrofitting buildings. We could not determine if the program is still ongoing.
Last updated: July 2021
The State of Texas allows its local jurisdictions to adopt building energy codes more stringent than the Texas Building Energy Code. The minimum state standard for single-family residential construction must comply with the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC). All other residential and commercial building construction must comply with the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). State-funded building construction must comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2016. To learn more about the building energy code requirements for the State of Texas, please visit the State Policy Database.
Commercial properties must comply with the 2015 IECC. The city’s zEPI score for their commercial energy code is 53.7.
Residential properties must comply with the 2015 IECC with local amendments. The city’s zEPI score for their residential energy code is 58.4.
Solar-readiness policies
El Paso has adopted voluntary solar-ready provisions for residential construction and allows solar energy use in all zones.
EV-charging readiness and infrastructure policies
The city has not adopted a policy mandating new construction be EV-ready.
Low-energy use requirements
Through Ordinance No. 016911, the city adopted the Sustainable Development Design Standards for all new municipal buildings over 5,000 square feet to be built to a minimum LEED Silver Certification.
Last updated: July 2021
El Paso does not staff any full-time employees solely dedicated to energy code enforcement. El Paso does not require plan review, site inspection, or performance testing to verify code compliance. The city does not offer upfront support for building energy code compliance.
Last updated: July 2021
El Paso County offers commercial and multifamily property owners access to property assessed clean energy (PACE) financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation projects.
Last updated: July 2021
Sustainable Transportation Plan
We could not confirm if El Paso has a sustainable transportation policy in place in order to reduce VMTs or greenhouse gas emissions.
VMT/GHG Target and Stringency
At this time, the City does not have a codified vehicle miles traveled (VMT) or greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target.
Progress Achieved Toward VMT/GHG Targets
The City of El Paso is not yet tracking community GHG or VMT levels.
Last Updated: November 2021
Location Efficient Zoning Codes
Plan El Paso implements a smart code for the city with a focus on walkable development around the city’s transit stations.
Residential Parking Policies
The City's parking code requires 2 parking spaces per dwelling across the city, with 100% reduction allowed in historic districts and downtown area.
Location Efficiency Incentives and Disclosure
We could not confirm if there are incentives available through the City to promote location efficiency.
Last Updated: November 2021
Mode Shift Targets
At this time, the City does not have a codified mode share target for trips within the city.
Progress Achieved Toward Mode Shift Targets
No progress has been achieved, as there are no targets in place.
Complete Streets
El Paso has not yet written or codified a Complete Streets Policy.
Last Updated: November 2021
Transportation Funding
The transportation entities that serve El Paso have received $66,792,715.20 on average annually between 2015 and 2019. That equates to roughly $89.36 per capita between 2015 and 2019 within the Authority's service area.
Access to Transit Services
The Transit Connectivity Index measures transit service levels. It is based on the number of bus routes and train stations within walking distance for households scaled by frequency of service. El Paso's Transit Connectivity Index value is 4.9, scoring 0 points in the City Scorecard.
Last Updated: November 2021
Vehicle Purchase Incentives
At this time, El Paso does not offer incentives for citizens to purchase hybrid, plug-in, or EV vehicles.
Vehicle Infrastructure Incentives
There are no incentives available for the construction of EV charging infrastructure.
EV Charging Locations
The City has 43 charging ports available for public use, equivalent to 6.3 ports per 100,000 people.
Electric School Bus Goal
El Paso does not have an electric school bus goal.
EV Transit Bus Goal
El Paso does not have an EV transit bus goal.
Last Updated: November 2021
El Paso does not have a sustainable freight transportation plan in place, nor does it have any policies that address freight efficiency.
Last Updated: November 2021
Affordable New TOD Housing Policy
El Paso does not have any requirements or incentives in place to develop or preserve affordable housing in transit-served areas.
Connecting Existing Affordable Housing Stock to Efficient Transportation Options
El Paso does not currently provide rebates or incentives to low-income residents for efficient transportation options.
Last Updated: November 2021
El Paso Electric (EPE), an investor-owned utility (IOU), is the electric utility that serves the City of El Paso. Texas Gas, an IOU, is El Paso’s primary natural gas utility. The State of Texas requires electric utilities to offset load-growth through end-use energy efficiency, mandated through an EERS. The utilities must also submit their energy savings goals to the Public Utility Commission of Texas. To learn more about the state requirements for electric and gas efficiency, please visit the Texas page of the State Database. On the state level, El Paso strongly advocates for additional spending requirements for electric efficiency projects its electric utilities.
The El Paso Water Utility is the municipal utility that provides drinking water services, wastewater treatment, and stormwater management for the city of El Paso.
Last Updated: July 2021
In 2019, EPE reported 22,964 MWh in net incremental savings, representing 0.29% of electric retail sales. In 2019, EPE spent $4,386,235 on energy efficiency programs, which represents 0.51% of its electric retail revenue.
In 2019, Texas Gas Service reported 0.30 MMTherms of net natural gas savings at the meter, which represents 0.09% of its retail sales across the utility’s service territory. In 2019, TGS spent $3,225,878 on energy efficiency, which equates to $5.12 per residential gas customer. These savings figures represented in this section cover the entire Texas service territory, not just El Paso.
El Paso Electric offers electric efficiency incentives and technical assistance to residential and commercial/industrial customers.
The City of El Paso partners with EPE through the Green Business Challenge, which provides energy efficiency workshops and resources to the community. This challenge will be updated in 2020 and will focus on demand reduction incentives for the private sector. EPE also participates in numerous community events where they present information to the public on energy efficiency.
Last Updated: July 2021
Low-Income Programs
EPE offers the Low Income Residential Solutions Program to qualified low-income residential customers. This program provides incentives through local contractors to assist customers with attic insulation, air infiltration, duct sealing, windows and sliding glass doors, solar screens, HVAC Tune-Ups, refrigerated air, evaporative coolers, pool pumps, cool roofs, water heater pipe, and tank insulation, and water measures including kitchen and bathroom aerators and low-flow showerheads. Customers are automatically eligible for the program if they receive benefits from federal low-income programs including Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Supplemental Security Income, Public Housing, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Children’s Health Insurance Program, or Qualified Medicare Beneficiary. The utility works with local governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations such as the Housing Authority of the City of El Paso (HACEP) and United Way to inform customers of the availability of these programs.
In 2019, according to EPE, it achieved 1,113 MWh in energy savings, while spending $571,016 on its low-income programs and 1,420 low-income customers.
At this time, Texas Gas Service does not offer low-income energy efficiency programs to customers residing in El Paso.
Multifamily Programs
At this time, EPE and Texas Gas Service do not offer energy efficiency programs targeted at multifamily properties.
Last Updated: July 2021
Neither El Paso Electric nor Texas Gas Service provide building managers with automated benchmarking data through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager for multitenant commercial or multifamily buildings. The City of El Paso does not provide community-wide energy usage information at the aggregate level for community planning and evaluation purposes.
The City of El Paso does not advocate for better access to utility data for ratepayers or the establishment of data-sharing agreements between the city and its utilities.
Last Updated: August 2021
Utility Climate Mitigation Goal
In 2020, EPE set a goal to reduce carbon emissions by 25% by 2025 below 2015 levels and 40% by 2035. To achieve this goal, EPE will need to reduce emissions by 5.4% annually from 2019 levels.
City-Led Efforts to Decarbonize the Electric Grid
As part of the Franchise Agreement signed in 2020, a Regional Renewable Energy Study is being developed and will be finalized in July 2021. This study will analyze several generation portfolios up to 2030, including low carbon, cost-effective scenarios while providing options to expand solar generation access to low-income communities.
The city of El Paso facilitates a Regional Renewable Energy Advisory Council, which advocates for the use and development of renewable energy in El Paso with members from all city districts. To our knowledge, the city of El Paso does not participate in other activities or strategies to help spur or encourage more utility-scale or distributed renewable energy generation from its local electric utility. The city is currently developing an Energy Plan which will address renewable generation. The city also participates in the Regional Renewable Energy Advisory.
Last Updated: July 2021
Citywide Water Efficiency and Goals
The City of El Paso does not have joint water and energy efficiency programs. The city uses reclaimed water and gives away water-efficient shower heads. El Paso Electric includes water efficiency measures in the low-income energy efficiency program and the educational LivingWise program kits installed in homes with electric water heaters.
According to its 2014 Water Conservation Plan, the City aims to lower the per capita use to 118 GPCD by the year 2060, which equates to a decrease in per capita use of 3 gallons per person per day per decade. Since 1977, EPWater has reduced its per capita water use by 42% to 128 gallons per capita per day in 2018. In the new 2019 Water Conservation Plan, EPWater sets goals to reduce consumption to 126.5 GPCD within five years and to 125 GPCD by 2030, which is in line with the 2016 Far West Texas Plan and shows a continuing commitment to achieving the long-term goal of 118 GPCD by 2060.
Water Plant Efficiency and Self-Generation
El Paso Water Utility’s updated Strategic Plan for 2015-2016 outlines strategies to increase efficiency, such as by reducing water main breaks by 10% and reducing operation budget and electricity costs by 2% over the next 3 years. The Plan also aims to reduce energy consumption by 1% and increase water capacity by 3 MGD through resource recovery by 2015.
El Paso Water Utilities has installed three biogas recovery systems at wastewater treatment plants. This accounts for 25% energy savings. The utility is implementing energy management initiatives that reduce energy costs and is investing in equipment that protects critical operations from interruptions in the energy supply. The Roberto Bustamante WWTP has a cogeneration system in place.
Last Updated: July 2021
The City of El Paso has not adopted a municipal climate or sustainability action plan.
Climate Mitigation Goal
The city does not have a climate mitigation or greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal for municipal operations.
Energy Reduction Goal
El Paso participates in the Better Buildings Challenge to achieve a municipal energy use reduction of 20% below 2009 levels by 2022.
Renewable Energy Goal
We were unable to find information regarding a municipal renewable energy goal.
Last updated: June 2021
Fleet Policies and Composition
The General Services Department (GSD) adopted a policy to purchase hybrid or alternative-fuel vehicles whenever those options are available for a given class of vehicles. As a vehicle is phased out or repaired, GSD reassesses the vehicle to make sure that it is the right size for the purpose. The city has also drafted an anti-idling policy for fleet vehicles and is educating new employees about anti-idling, right-sizing, carpooling, and driving efficiently. We were unable to find data regarding fleet composition.
Public Lighting
El Paso is a partner in the DOE High Performance Outdoor Lighting Accelerator whose aim is to demonstrate practical and effective best practices to accelerate the adoption of high-efficiency outdoor lighting and impose system-wide replacement processes at the municipal level. El Paso adopted a policy requiring efficient outdoor lighting in February 2005. El Paso has converted 60% of streetlights to LED. Outdoor lighting is scheduled so it operates only when needed.
Onsite and offsite renewable systems
El Paso has installed multiple onsite renewable energy systems in El Paso. The current total installed capacity is 200kW.
Inclusive procurement
We were unable to verify if the city has inclusive procurement and contracting processes.
Last updated: June 2021
Building Benchmarking
El Paso benchmarks energy use for approximately 52% of municipal buildings in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
Comprehensive Retrofit Strategy
We were unable to find information regarding a comprehensive retrofit strategy for the city.
Last updated: June 2021